Upgrading to Sql Server Express R2 Advanced Services in Middle of Development - sql-server

I am currently developing, from the ground up, my first asp.net website. After implementing many of the more basic features for my site I have run into a problem with Visual Basic 2010's SQL Server 2008 Express. I want to have search with my site so users can look for specific records in my database, and from what I have researched Full-Text Search is the best way to go (right?). It wasn't until I tried to test my code that I realized the default Express edition doesn't have Full-Text Search enabled. My question is a.) how can I upgrade to the SQL Server Advanced Services in the middle of development without losing my Database's, and b.) what download should I use, because right now I'm thinking http://www.microsoft.com/en-US/download/details.aspx?Id=25174.
I really want to be sure that I am not only installing the right software, but that I won't completely screw up my project in the process. Along those lines, should I backup my database's and then uninstall my original version of SQL Server before downloading the Advanced Services version? I would really appreciate some help here because I have had massive headaches in the past trying to upgrade Microsoft software and just want a smooth transition.

Well it took me the entirety of a day, but I solved this! First I had to uninstall EVERYTHING regarding SQL Server. Then I downloaded http://www.microsoft.com/en-US/download/details.aspx?Id=25174 (X86 since I am on Vista) and used .\SQLEXPRESS as my Instance Name. Once it was done installing I had to delete the SQLEXPRESS folder in 'C:\Users[Your computer's name!]\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server Data' to get my old connections to work! Then I could create databases in SQL Server Management Studio that had Full Text enabled.


Can't find Microsoft SQL Server even if it is installed?

Regarding the following images, I have obviously installed the Microsoft SQL Server, but I can't find the exe-file or anything named Microsoft SQL Server in the start menu.
Anyone who knows what to do to solve this, or do I need to install something more?
SQL Server runs as a service. You can start and stop it from windows services. SSMS is a gui tool for managing ddl (creating and altering tables and index's for example) and dml (writing queries to inquire, update or add data to databases).SSMS comes free with every edition of SQL server - perhaps you didn't tick a box when installing? You can also do this stuff the old fashioned way using sqlcmd from command line(DBAs love this for some reason) but for us mortals SSMS is much less of a struggle. As an aside there are other guis such as Toad (expensive) and Heidisql (free) amongst others which will do the job.
Looks like you have the engine. What you've got to do now is install SQL Server Management Studio: https://msdn.microsoft.com/hr-hr/library/mt238290.aspx
Looks like you have the various SQL Server components that are installed by Visual Studio (recent version) or SQL Server Data Tools (as used by VS).

Doing clean install of SQL Server Express

I installed VS 2008, VS 2012 and the community version 2013 along with the matching SQL Servers but never needed the SQL Servers and never checked if they were properly installed.
I recently picked up SQL Server Management Studio and tried to connect to a server.
Unfortunately, it does not detect any local server, even though I have about twenty different entries in programs & apps for SQL Server related stuff including SQL Server 2012 and 2014 Express Localdb, an installation of SQL Server 2008, data-tier app frameworks, native clients, transact SQL, a couple "compact" versions, tools and what's not.
One would think that something in this mess would be recognized as a server, but apparently not so. I had an entry for SQL Server in the start menu with a nice GUI with an install DB option... that requested a server media folder (lord knows which). I tried starting manually one of the many SQL Servers (sqlservr.exe) from the program files folders to no avail (I get a message about a corrupt installation)
My DB experience is pretty much exclusively with MySQL and I am lost with all these applications that look like they should do something but don't.
I would like to have a bare bones installation that works for the following use:
Coding Winform apps with local databases (compatible with Entity Framework)
Allows to distribute the apps with local databases for free (commercial use, small data volume)
Running SQL queries from SQL Server Management Studio
What is the minimum I need for this purpose?
Should I uninstall all the existing SQL Server related programs and make a clean install from a single install file (for instance, would installing the 1.1gb SQL Server 2014 Management Studio Express 64 Bit.exe give me all I need)?
Or if not, is there any way to install a recent version and ignore the underlying mess? (I don't really care for the disk space, I just want this thing to work).
I apologize if this question is a mess but I am pretty confused with this, and I could really use a hand figuring out what's what.

SQL Server management in VS2012

At university we have a server lab in which we do development using VS2012 for web modules such as ASP.NET. For such modules, we use Microsoft's SQL server.
My question is which extension in VS2012 would enable you to right click inside an 'open' table giving you options such as Check Constraints, Relationships etc.
I ask this because I have downloaded VS2012 to work on my own personal projects, but on opening a table and right clicking it, I receive an entirely different set of options, and I don't really want to write the SQL myself.
Any help would be very much appreciated. I have installed Sql Server 2012 with management tools etc on my machine here but not really sure what that's meant to achieve or how to integrate it into VS.

Missing Diagram folder in Database Explorer at Visual Studio 2012

I was in a middle of designing a website when suddenly Database Diagram folder just disappeared from the Database Explorer. I have no idea what happened and what to do right now, as I desperately need it to continue my work - adding tables to database manually are not an option for me.
I've been seeking for the solution for a whole day, and I even re-installed the Visual Studio and local IIS server, but it wasn't helpfull at all.
Is there any way to bring the feature back or at least is there any free tool that would work on Windows 8 x64 and has diagram-based database designer for MSSQL 2008?
It seems that Microsoft removed the diagramming for purpose. Which is pretty logical in a business logic - why would somebody buy Server Management Studio if they have basic tool (diagramming) built in Visual Studio?
1) Database Diagram is a feature of SQL Server, not Visual Studio. I am not sure what VS uses to display that folder but you might want to verify with your DBA or check the configuration of the database to see if someone has not just disabled the ability to use diagrams. Have you tried refreshing your connection to the database server as well?
2) How is adding tables to a database manually not an option? If you get yourself dependent on doing things one way and only that one way you are setting yourself up for disaster in future projects, as you are in your current one. There are other ways from within VS to create a table, it just may not be a graphical picture that diagrams offers.
3) Have you looked at the database through SSMS to see if the diagrams folder shows up there?
Hello this has been my solution that worked for me and enabled me to use database diagram ide in visual studio 2012!!
First i installed SQL Server Management Studio. I then noticed that i still did not have SQLEXPRESS Service or SQL Agent Browser in my computer services either.. This was why i assume i couldn't login to any of the SSMS which was annoying. I then downloaded SQL Server Express R2 which then ran me though another setup which was fine. I did also choose to put a sql server password for SQL Server Express.
Once installed I double checked to make sure the services where running by right clicking MY COMPUTER / MANAGE / SERVICES -- scroll down till you see "SQL Server (SQLEXPRESS)" and make sure that the service has started and also "SQL Server Agent (SQLEXPRESS)" (this one was turned off when i checked) .. i was then able to login to SSMS without a problem.
I then created a new database, right clicked diagram like we always do in VS and created a diagram with two tables, created their relationships blah blah..
i then created a new website in vs 2012, i clicked "Connect To Database" in the SERVER EXPLORER"
I choose my server name, used windows authenication and selected the database i just created in SSMS.
Then to my suprise i now have database diagram designing in Visual Studio 2012.. Finally!
Thankyou microsoft for removing such a cool feature which now gives us developers a few things to do.
Hope this helps.

Is SQL Server Installation 2008 Express reliable enough to replace MS Access?

I have tried to install SQL Server Express 2008 on several pcs of different brands. I have no luck or what: nearly each time I get something which prevents it from installing.
Just now I got "Performance counter registry hive consistency check" failed and solution is overwelmingly complex http://support.microsoft.com/kb/300956.
How can one choose SQL Server Express 2008 as a local pc database vs MS Access as a good choice for selling an application knowing that clients risk to encounter such unsolvable problem for most of them as they are not even expert users ?
Why do so many people push for SQL Server ? Is it really objective ?
As a User myself, I have downloaded many softwares which uses SQL Server Express 2008, since I can't install, I just gave up, I won't even complain because I fear most often they wouldn't even bother (and registering for support is always a hassle). That is companies are losing potential clients without even knowing it !
If you just want a local database that you can distribute with your application, do you really need the full-blown SQL Server Express, which needs to be installed?
I think an embedded database (SQL Server CE, SQLite...) is what you need.
They don't require any installation at all, you just have to distribute a few assemblies with your application.
Run the SQL Server 2008 installer again and complete these steps.
I exported the 009 tree with regedit to Perflib.reg
Opened the Perflib.reg in Notepad
Replaced "[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Perflib\009]" to "[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Perflib\013]"
Save the file
Finally double click the Perflib.reg file.
This should work, you can find more here.
