Qooxdoo - "VirtualTree" and missing "cellrenderer" - qooxdoo

I am trying to create editable tree widget. There are many samples how to make editable columns for Table, for example by using cellrenderer and propertyCellRendererFactoryFunc - which is quite awesome. Unfortunately I can't find any useful example for VirtualTree/Tree. Is it even possible to create one without deep Tree source code editing?

Here is one approach for VirtualTree:
VirtualTree uses normal widgets for the tree items, so the idea is to taylor the way these items are created, in order to modify their appearance.
This is achieved through a delegate. Use tree.setDelegate() to set a custom delegate on a tree.
The delegate itself can be a native JS object (map). It has to conform to the IVirtualTreeDelegate interface, meaning the delegate object exposes some methods from a predefined set (like 'bindItem', 'createItem', ...). See the code of this demo for a general example.
In your case, you want to provide a createItem method in your delegate, along with any other supporting methods (e.g. bindItem). There is a somewhat more complicated example that does that, which uses an instance of itself as the delegate.


WPF and MVVM question regarding usage of UI element function

I am trying to move an already existing application towards the MVVM pattern but it's not easy. How do people solve issues where they have to call methods on UI methods when for instance calculating complex properties.
For instance if I have a Canvas and want to access PointFromScreen method, or handing a Viewport element? Do you have to create a derived class?
The first thing I would think about when rewriting those methods is, if they are UI specific or manipulating data.
If your PointFromScreen method is UI specific, you wouldn't have to move it into MVVM at all and instead keep it as is.
If it is however changing the underlying Model you would have to make a new Command (deriving ICommand) and pass the attributes through the CommandPropertiesin XAML.
Hope this helps a little?

Qooxdoo Desktop Design Best Practice

I would like to know how you are Design your Qooxdoo Code.
I don't get the right Architecture which I am satisfied with.
It is hard to encapsulate the View with logic like services.
I hope someone can give me a hint to a Pattern or something to find a good solution.
One of Qooxdoo's greatest features is a strong OO class system, so really the pattern that you use is up to you - MVC, MVVC, etc are all possible because Qooxdoo's OO system provides you the tools to implement your preferred pattern(s).
One pattern that I find very useful, especially in creating larger apps, is to define custom widgets for editing models; for example, if you have models (aka "Business Objects" etc) for Customer, Invoice, InvoiceLine, and Address having a widget for CustomerEditor, InvoiceEditor, InvoiceLineEditor, etc is really useful firstly because it encapsulates the code, but also because it supports binding.
Binding is a very powerful feature of Qooxdoo - to see why, let's assume for a moment that each one of your Editor widgets has a property called value which is the thing being edited.
In simple binding, your editor can bind properties of the model to the widgets which display and edit those properties, eg CustomerEditor bind value.firstName and value.lastName to a couple of qx.ui.form.TextField and automatically changes to the customer's firstName or lastName will be updated in the two TextField's. Binding can work the other way around too, so that changes to the TextField are copied back into the model.
There is a controller class called qx.data.controller.Form that can simplify making this happen, and optionally incorporate validation of user values and user feedback too.
If you have separate Editor widgets, you can also bind to them - for example, Customer could bind value.address to an instance of AddressEditor, and InvoiceEditor could bind the currently selected InvoiceLine to InvoiceLineEditor etc

How to reuse array of items collection in Ext Js widgets?

I'm using Ext Js 4.1.1.
In many of the Ext JS widgets I am using, I am required to reuse data. For example, the items collection for buttongroup in top toolbar may be repeated in menu bar on the left side. For manageability, I should be able to have the array for items collection defined in a separate file (which could potentially follow the class naming convention for auto loading).
The approach I tried is that I am creating a class that has statics. Each static function returns an array that can be assigned to items collection of the widget. This works but I believe that using a class is an overkill if I can just use an array. Any suggestions?
Not sure if it will be useful to create separate objects for storing configuration for toolbars, buttons groups and etc. In the context of the extjs in almost all cases you need not only manage configuration but also behavior of a component.
The best way for me here - creation of generic/basic predefined classes, where you can state not only configuration but work around the behavior, add you'r custom events and process any unexpected results. After it you can easily reuse and extend it easily.
For instance you have a menu or a toolbar with 3 items A, B, C. For sure you need to know wherever you use it what was clicked (for instance) A, B or C. Creating a class and manages required events you can fire you own events which will tell you what was clicked and it is much easier to use in any context where this component will be used. Add post and pre processing, template methods and etc...
Creating a big file just with configuration is not readable and not extendable, will be a case whre you will need to add functionality and behavior to all such generic components and it will be not easier to do with just arrays or simple configs. Separating even just simple general components having just simple configuration (in the beginning) will bring more expressive in the code structure and readability and in the later time gives you the power to manage it.
Pure configurations can just keep the code accurateness and re-usability but what about behavior for in almost cases you need to control..
The design, maintainability and extensibility are very important points in every big web-applications and in context of extjs 4.

Choosing an Appropriate ViewModel While Avoiding Large Conditional

I'm writing a WPF application while mostly adhering to the MVVM design pattern. The application has various educational modules broken up into different categories to be accomplished by the user. The modules are organized into a hierarchical menu. My ViewModel has a class called MenuPageViewModel which exposes the information needed to render a MenuNode. Naturally, the terminal elements in the menu tree have content that I'd like to display to the user. This content can be one of many different types of modules. Currently, when the user selects a module in the menu, I can't see any way around using a large conditional block to determine what type of ViewModel I'd like to return to be displayed based on the type of the MenuItem's Content Property. For example...
if (CurrentlySelectedMenuItem.Content is Lesson)
return new LessonViewModel(CurrentlySelectedMenuItem.Content as Lesson);
if (CurrentlySelectedMenuItem.Content is SkillsCheck)
return new SkillsCheckViewModel(CurrentlySelectedMenuItem.Content as SkillsCheck);
Can someone give me a hint to a more elegant and maintainable approach? Right now, if I add a new module type, I have to remember to update this conditional block, and that just sort of annoys me.
If you are using Unity/Prism then using the container to resolve the object would be my first preference.
_container.Resolve(Type.GetType(strObjectType)) as BaseViewModel;
where strObjectType is a string with the type of class you want to create (eg "LessionViewModel" )
if you are not using Unity, then reflection works
Activator.CreateInstance(strObjectType) as BaseViewModel;
with both solutions you need to have the string with the class type on your menuItem.
A third option is to have a factory, but it would probably end up having a conditional situation within it or will contain the code i just listed.

Any way to use interfaces with wpf HierarchicalDataTemplate

Hi I am using an interface IFooNode, which is part of a tree.
I wanted to display this tree in a TreeView using a HierarchicalDataTemplate.
This however does not work due to the interface.
I see two ways around that neither are what I would call "nice"
Find out what type really implements IFooNode (let's call it FooNode...), then find the assembly defining FooNode, add a Reference to that assembly and create a HierarchicalDataTemplate for FooNode (hoping the Implementating class never changes...)
Write a class MyCoolIFooNodeWrapperForWpf that wraps IFooNode, do not bind to the tree, but fill a list of MyCoolIFooNodeWrapperForWpf from the tree root and create a HierarchicalDataTemplate for MyCoolIFooNodeWrapperForWpf.
Can I somehow always apply a HierarchicalDataTemplate, no matter what type the data is (This I think would be the lesser evil...)
Any other Ideas?
You can use ItemTemplateSelector. In the selector's code you can check which interface your data object implements, and select the appropriate DataTemplate/HeirarchicalDataTemplate for this item.
The selector can both be applied to the container itself (ItemsControl.ItemTemplateSelector) and to your hierarchical data template (HeirarchicalDataTemplate.ItemTemplateSelector).
I think this is the lesser evil.
If you're not selecting from among multiple templates, you don't need to specify a data type on the template. If all of the objects in your tree implement your interface, just stick in a template using properties of that interface and you're good to go. You don't need to do anything in the template to make it specific to that interface.
If, for some reason, you need to do template selection based on what interface an object supports, you need to implement a template selector, and deal with the many-to-one problem that prevents WPF's built-in template selection mechanism from using interfaces in the first place. (That is, if you have a template for IFoo and one for IBar, what template do you use for an object that supports IFoo and IBar?)
