Animate rows through a directive inside a ng-repeat - angularjs

I'm building this application in Angular where a div table is formed by using ng-repeat through the following html:
<div ng-repeat="(key, value) in">
<div class="cellbody">{{value.descr}}</div>
<div class="cellbody">{{value.protocol}}</div>
<div class="cellbody">{{value.internip}}</div>
<div class="cellbody">{{value.internrange}}</div>
<div class="cellbody">{{value.externrange}}</div>
<div class="deletecell">
<span class="toggledelete" ng-click="deleteport($event, key, 4)">
<i class="icon-minus negativehover"></i>
<span class="toggledelete" style="display:none">
<span>PORT DELETED</span>
<span class="deletedportundo" ng-click="restoreport($event, $index, 4)">
The last div of each row, has a visible clickable button which sends a delete order to the server via the deleteport() function, and then, if everything goes all right, starts an animation where the whole cell is hidden and the previously hidden span with class 'deletedportundo' shows up.
Anyway the thing is my controller looks like this:
Angular Javascript Controller
$scope.deleteport = function(e,f) {
postData.index = f;
$'serverside/router.php', postData)
.success(function(data, status, headers, config){
if (data.status == 'ok') {
var elem = angular.element(;
width: "100%"
}, 300 );
Which visually works as expected, except that I am aware that I should not be manipulating the DOM in the controller; I have been unsuccessfully trying to integrate this into a directive, but because every row is independent of the others I have not been able to achieve the desired effect.

There is nothing wrong with manipulating DOM in the controller. However, I can suggest an easier way to do it than to navigate with those nasty parent().parent().parent().parent().parent() ... calls :) .
Just add an ng-show to the toggledelete div, than just do $scope.portDeleted = false in your controller. This also works for the .cellbody tags.
As for the .deletecell class you can use ng-class, and just do $scope.deletecell = some_value.
<div ng-class="{deletecell:deletecell}">
<span class="toggledelete" ng-click="deleteport($event, key, 4)">
<i class="icon-minus negativehover"></i>
<span class="toggledelete" style="display:none">
<span>PORT DELETED</span>
<span class="deletedportundo" ng-click="restoreport($event, $index, 4)">
For animate, you can use ngAnimate (


Angular Material swipe gesture works hardly

I am trying to add swipe functionality to a ng-repeated list of elements. However, the swiping works badly. Sometimes a swipe gestures (all on desktop) is recognized, but most of the times I'm click and swiping like a madman to achieve the expected result.
I am using Material Angular.
<div ng-repeat="link in Links | filter: { category: 'quick' }">
<div ng-show="!" md-swipe-left=" = true">
<div class="lv-item ">
<span href="{{link.url}}" class="no-select" target="_blank" >
<div class="lv-title" class="no-select">{{link.title}}</div>
<small class="lv-small" class="no-select">{{link.description}}</small>
<div ng-show="" md-swipe-right=" = false">
<div class="lv-item delete" >
<button ng-click="deleteLink(">Verwijder</button>
On the Angular Material swipe docpage ( it seems easy and it works like a charm. However my implementation of the directive doesn't seem to work as it should. It rather lets me select the text inside the element than swiping.
Also, I'd rather want the span to be a a href, but this only lets me drag the whole element out of space.
I believe that to assure a proper work of all material function you should use their containers and directives instead. So you should put all of that inside a md-content, and also use ng-ifs instead of ng-show on the swiped div. Which would result in something like that :
<div ng-repeat="link in Links | filter: { category: 'quick' }">
<div ng-if="!" md-swipe-left=" = true">
<div class="lv-item ">
<span href="{{link.url}}" class="no-select" target="_blank" >
<div class="lv-title" class="no-select">{{link.title}}</div>
<small class="lv-small" class="no-select">{{link.description}}</small>
<div ng-if="" md-swipe-right=" = false">
<div class="lv-item delete" >
<button ng-click="deleteLink(">Verwijder</button>
I used this kind of code snippet on some md-sidenav and it works. By the way, if you're using chrome and use mobile view, the md-swipe-left is always triggered, doesn't matter if you swipe left, right, top or bottom.
Hope this helps

AngularJS- How to handle each button created by ng-repeat

I am new to AngularJS.
I have created <li> to which I used ng-repeat.
<li> contains images and buttons like like, comment and share which is inside <li> and created by ng-repeat.
I have made function which will replace empty like button to filled like button (By changing background image of button).
But problem is this trigger applies to only first like button and other buttons does not change.
How can I fix this?
<li ng-repeat="media in images"><div class="imgsub">
<label class="usrlabel">Username</label>
<div class="imagedb">
<input type="hidden" value="{{}}">
<img ng-src="{{ media.imgurl }}" alt="Your photos"/>
<!-- <br><hr width="50%"> -->
<div class="desc">
<input type="button" class="likebutton" id="likeb" ng-click="like(" ng-dblclick="dislike(media .id)"/>
<input type="button" class="commentbutton"/>
<input type="button" class="sharebutton"/>
</div> <br>
$ = function(imgid)
style.backgroundImage = "url(src/assets/like-filled.png)";
$scope.dislike = function(imgid)
style.backgroundImage = "url(src/assets/like-empty.png)";
Thanks for help & suggestions :)
The id for each button should be unique but in your case, it's the same for all buttons ('likeb').
You can set the value of the attribute 'id' for each button dynamically by using '$index' and passing '$index' to the functions as follows:
<input type="button" class="likebutton" id="{{$index}}" ng-click="like($index)" ng-dblclick="dislike($index)"/>
Then in your controller, you can use the functions with the passed value.
For example,
$ = function(index)
style.backgroundImage = "url(src/assets/like-filled.png)";
Another good alternative in your case would be to use the directive ngClass.
use 2 css class for styling liked and disliked state, and then put the class conditionally with ng-class instead of DOM handling. and if you really want to perform a DOM operation (I will not recommend) then you can pass $event and style $event.currentTarget in order to perform some operation on that DOM object.

Angular.js how to apply cursor: no-drop in a css class

what I am trying to do is: make the cursor:no-drop; using css for this, fine works, but the problem is I am still getting the click when I click in the Icon.
If you see my Icon turn to red and I inserted cursor:no-drop; by css. for the user not be able to click, but the click still on how can I solve this? and block the click when the Icon turns to red?
thank you.
html + angular
<div ng-app>
<div ng-class="{'selected-gamepad':tog==1}">
<i class="fa fa-lg fa-gamepad" ng-class="{'gamepad-blue': iTog1}"
ng-click="iTog1 = !iTog1"></i>
<span id='1' ng-click='tog=1; iTog1 = false;'>span 1</span>
<div ng-class="{'selected-gamepad':tog==2}">
<i class="fa fa-lg fa-gamepad" ng-class="{'gamepad-blue': iTog2}" ng-click="iTog2 = !iTog2"></i>
<span id='2' ng-click='tog=2; iTog2 = false;'>span 2</span>
.selected-gamepad > span {
border: dotted pink 3px;
.selected-gamepad > i {
color: red;
.selected-gamepad .gamepad-blue{
color: blue;
Changing the cursor property in CSS doesn't magically disable clicking - it just changes the cursor so it looks like you can't click. If you want to disable clicking, you need some additional logic in your code.
I've edited the code a bit to clean it up and moved some logic to controller. The code of course could be much better, but I leave it up to you - try to read some tutorials about it and get familiar with cleaner Angular syntax to write better code :-).
Coming back to the problem - what you really needed to do was to block player from clicking, when the pad is selected. I did it by adding a simple checking with if statement inside toggle function:
<div ng-app="app">
<div ng-controller="GameController as vm">
<div ng-class="{'selected-gamepad':vm.tog==1}">
<i class="fa fa-lg fa-gamepad" ng-class="{'gamepad-blue': vm.iTogs[1]}" ng-click="vm.toggle(1)"></i>
<span id='1' ng-click='vm.selectPad(1)'>span 1</span>
<div ng-class="{'selected-gamepad':vm.tog==2}">
<i class="fa fa-lg fa-gamepad" ng-class="{'gamepad-blue': vm.iTogs[2]}" ng-click="vm.toggle(2)"></i>
<span id='2' ng-click='vm.selectPad(2)'>span 2</span>
// Register module
angular.module('app', []);
// Create controller
.controller('GameController', function() {
var self = this;
self.tog = null;
self.iTogs = [false, false];
self.toggle = function(index) {
if (self.tog != index) {
self.iTogs[index] = !self.iTogs[index];
self.selectPad = function(index) {
self.tog = index;
self.iTogs[index] = false;
Here's working plunker:
A little explanation
What I did was move some of the logic to controller. Controllers let you separate different parts in the application and have more control over them. Also, the code is much cleaner when you use functions instead of direct expressions inside directives (like you did with ng-click earlier).
I've also created an array instead of naming variables with numbers. Further improvements would be to use ng-repeat to avoid code repetition - divs inside your pads list are pretty much the same and could be substituted with one div and ng-repeat. Also, names of the properties could be better - now they don't really say what they mean if you look at them.
I hope these small tips will help you to get better with Angular and with programming at all. :-)

toggle extra detail for a record inside an ngRepeat

I'm working on a project where the client has supplied a pile of html where I need to plugin the data from our database and have hit a problem that I'm finding difficult to solve....
So first problem is with routing
<div ng-repeat="class in vm.classes">
<div class="class-overview">
<a href="#">
<span class="class-title">{{class.description}}</span>
... more stuff here
<div class="class-information collapse">
<div class="full-width">
he has supplied some javascript to handle the click on class-overview
$('.class-overview a').on('click',function(e) {
$('.class-overview').on('click',function() {
and i have a line like this in my state provider
// default route
So the problem is that the ui-router handles the click and sends me back to the home page.
The ideal solution is to leave as much of his markup intact, so can anyone tell me how I stop ui-router handling the click?
or failing that, how I might use ng-click and ng-show to get the same effect, i.e. hiding and showing the class-information div...
If I understand well your question, you want to display the .class-information div when you click on the .class-overview element.
That can be done by using a variable in a ng-show like this:
<div ng-repeat="class in vm.classes">
<div class="class-overview">
<a href="#" ng-click="display = !display">
<span class="class-title">{{class.description}}</span>
... more stuff here
<div class="class-information" ng-show="display">
<div class="full-width">
The display variable will be falsy when you land on the page, therefore the ng-click will be executed, this variable will be set to true.
I see that you are using a collapse class to hide the content if it is collapsed. Then you could use angular ng-class to put the collapse class when the display variable is false. Your div.class-information would look like this:
<div class="class-information" ng-class="{collapse: !display}">
<div class="full-width">

Live search in AngularJS: updating the results

I want a live search: the results are queried from web api and updated as the user types.
The problem is that the list flickers and the "No results" text appears for a fraction of second, even if the list of results stays the same. I guess I need to remove and add items with special code to avoid this, calculating differences between arrays, etc.
Is there a simpler way to avoid this flicker at least, and probably to have possibility to animate the changes?
It looks like this now:
The html part is:
<div class="list-group">
<a ng-repeat="test in tests track by | orderBy: '-id'" ng-href="#/test/{{}}" class="list-group-item">
<h4 class="list-group-item-heading">{{}}</h4>
<div ng-show="!tests.length" class="panel panel-danger">
<div class="panel-body">
No tests found.
<div class="panel-footer">Try a different search or clear the text to view new tests.</div>
And the controller:
testerControllers.controller('TestSearchListCtrl', ['$scope', 'TestSearch',
function($scope, TestSearch) {
$scope.tests = TestSearch.query();
$scope.$watch('search', function() {
$scope.tests = TestSearch.query({'q':$});
You should use ng-animate module to get the classes you need for smooth animation. For each ng-repeat item that's moved, added, or removed - angular will add specific classes. Then you can style those classes via CSS or JS so they don’t flicker.
An alternative way of doing what you require is to use the angular-ui bootstrap Typeahead component (check at the bottom of the post). It has a type-ahead-wait property in milliseconds and also a template url for customising it.
<div ng-app>
<div ng-controller="MyController">
<input type="search" ng-model="search" placeholder="Search...">
<button ng-click="fun()">search</button>
<li ng-repeat="name in names">{{ name }}</li>
<p>Tips: Try searching for <code>ann</code> or <code>lol</code>
function MyController($scope, $filter) {
$scope.names = [
'Lolita Dipietro',
'Annice Guernsey',
'Gerri Rall',
'Ginette Pinales',
'Lon Rondon',
'Jennine Marcos',
'Roxann Hooser',
'Brendon Loth',
'Ilda Bogdan',
'Jani Fan',
'Grace Soller',
'Everette Costantino',
'Andy Hume',
'Omar Davie',
'Jerrica Hillery',
'Charline Cogar',
'Melda Diorio',
'Rita Abbott',
'Setsuko Minger',
'Aretha Paige'];
$ = function () {
$scope.names = $filter('filter')($scope.names, $;
