Is there a way to remove the time from the lower right corner of cards? In the case of pinned cards, it does not always make sense to show how long the card has been there.
This is not yet possible through the API, please file a feature request on our issues tracker.
The title really says it all. I've seen some questions about how to keep a component from un-mounting, but I'm not sure that's exactly what I need (or at least not all that I need).
I want it to continue counting when I go to a different screen in the app.
Can anyone tell me how to approach this?
Before all the un-helpful comments come out of the woodwork (i.e. "if you want to protect it, don't upload it") - I get it. The only way to protect it is to not put it out there. Not an option, not helpful. Home security isn't about never allowing someone to break into your home. If they want in, they can cut a hole in the wall if your windows and door are too secure. The idea is to make it harder so the average burglar will move on. That's what I'm looking for here. Make it a pain so the average would-be thief will move on. With that out there here is my situation:
I'm putting the finishing touches on a portfolio site for a photographer. The site is a headless React WP site. I've seen so many "suggestions" for how to protect their copyrighted materials that my head is spinning. "Disable right click." "DON'T disable right click." "Upload only smaller, compressed images." Trust me, I know that a Google search will give tons of answers. Problem is, too many of them are conflicting or generic. I figured I would go to a group of people who are generally more technically savvy, and have probably had to face similar situations.
Here is what I have done so far:
employed plugins that automatically compress and limit size on uploaded images. This allows the client to upload what they want, and keeps them safe.
employed plugin that automatically puts copyright info and a QR code onto the image that directs the scanner back to the main page of the site. As the point of the site is to show off the beautiful images, we decided to put them only in the corner, even though covering more of the image would be more effective.
decided NOT to bother with blocking right click as it's a nuisance at best and is easy to circumvent by users with limited technical knowledge (is this the right call?)
Any other ideas I should entertain?
I've been asked to create a stand-alone site/app that's not connected to the web (all on a local server).
One part of it is to have a map of a natural reserve with a bunch of links that will show footpaths, different animals habitat areas, visitor centres and such.
So there's a map (static picture) and when you click on it some overlay goes on top of it.
At least that's the way I see it now.
I've looked here: but it just looks mucho ugly.
Getting Maps Premium is not an option as it's not that cheap. And the reason they don't want to use Maps/Earth free API is because internet connection is still very slow there (sattelite internet only and when optic cable will be hooked up nobody knows).
Looking for some recommendations as to how to proceed there. Drawing paths/areas on the picture of the maps seems extremely insufficient and time consuming.
I'd need some way to use coordinates to automatically draw areas and lines over the map (and then somehow export that as a graphis file (or SVG) that'll be layered on top of original map simply using ajax.
Will ARCGIS pro edition be the way to go or should I start learning SVG. Do you know some good SVG books/tutorials (as related to mapping)? Maybe there's some other way around altogether...
They do have detailed maps of the area in ARCGIS (whatever format they are in I don't know yet).
Just looking for some ideas, any help will be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Do you know GeoServer? More or less all-in-one, compatible with different types of datasets, widely customisable.
Starting from "raw" SVG and write the whole thing yourself will probably be prohibitively time consuming.
If you have very little data (say less than 50 geometries) that is fixed, you could also use OpenLayers without any backend server.
For the data you could use a OpenLayers.Layer.Image if your (overlay-) map consists of a small raster image. For vector data, you can use OpenLayers.Layer.Text or a OpenLayers.Layer.Vecor together with protocols OpenLayers.Layer.KML or .JSON.
You can click through the current release examples.
I admit that this is not an easy task for a beginner, but it's fun hacking the maps together.
I am working on an application on Google App Engine. Roughly this is what I do:
The user screen is split into 2 parts (actually 3, but lets leave that out for now). The left part (this takes upto 75% of the screen) has a document with some words highlighted. When one of these highlighted words are clicked the right part displays various meanings of it, example usage etc. The way this works is clicking the word send an XML HTTP Request to the server, where the sample usage(s)/meaning(s) are retrieved from the datastore. This data is returned and displayed.
My problem:
After I click on a few words consecutively, the application seems to "hang" - say, I click on 5 words in quick succession, clicking on the 6th word (or any word after that) doesn't replace the info regarding the 5th word on my right panel.
Since some data store columns (at least single valued properties) are indexed by default I'm guessing retrieval is not the bottleneck here. It is probably the requests.
Is such an issue known with the GAE? Any workarounds possible?
Kind of in a soup with this - the application was supposed to go live today. Urgent help required!
Thanks! :)
You're probably being limited to two simultaneous requests by your browser - not by appengine. If you click on a third link before the first two have had a chance to return, make sure your app can deal with requests returning for links that should no longer be displayed.
If you were hitting a limit on appengine, you'd see exceptions in your server logs. If you're not seeing those exceptions, it's probably a client-side issue.
Sorry for the late ack (for some reason I received a notification for the responses a day late, by which we had managed to fix a few things). It does look like the problem was at the data end - our code was doing some inserts, and it turns out you can't do too many of them quickly - the logs reported a transaction time-out error. The reason we couldn't spot it earlier in the logs was we were writing simply too much info out and this was buried in somewhere.
The clicks on the user-side were pulling data from this table.
Unfortunately, the GAE simulator doesn't simulate any timeout error - so even though we had tested with comparable volumes of data before deployment this error never happened during development.
Thanks again for your responses!
And yet again, I apologize for responding late.
We are getting ready for a trade show early next month where we will not have Internet access on the show floor. We've put together machines with local installations of apache, mysql, etc. and are using host files to mimic the various domains we access.
But, one feature of our software is using Google maps to get directions from one address in the system to another. In order to show this, I need to be able to spoof a map or two.
I don't need to zoom in or do anything with the map image for the show. Just need to show the rendered map page with the directions list, etc.
I'm not having any luck with browser extensions to capture the entire page to an image. They either crash, or don't get the part of the map below the scroll.
Does anybody have any thoughts on how to get this rigged up for the show - either programatically or using tools that you've tried and found to work?
just do a screen capture of the whole page
edit: saw the part about not having luck with browser extensions. On a PC, you can try SnagIt, which has a scroll-and-capture functionality. Or, just do it manually and stitch together in photoshop. It can't be that long of a page....