MATLAB using 2D Array - arrays

i want to use a 2D array to store all the values of img1, img2 and the compared vlaue of img1 and img2,
I want to achive the algorithm likes:
% read in the images from a folder one by one:
somefolder = 'folder';
filelist = dir([somefolder '/*.jpg']);
C = cell(length(filelist), 1);
for k=1:s
C{k}=imread([somefolder filelist(k).name]);
%choose any of the two images to compare
for t=1:(s-1)
for r=(t+1):s
ssim_value[num][1]=img1; % first img
ssim_value[num][2]=img2; % second img
ssim_value[num][3]=mssim; % ssim value of these two images
So, there is error about using the 2D array (ssim_value) that I used, what is the correct way of initialization it, and how to achieve the purpose that save the values that I want to store.
Could someone help me. Thanks in advance.

I'm assuming that "num" is a number that you will supply, like 5 or something. You cannot mix types in arrays as you do in Python. Also, as #Schorsch pointed out, you use parenthesis to index arrays in Matlab.
The two-dimensional array you are trying to form needs to be a 2-D cell array. For example:
a = {{"a",3},{"two",[1,2,3]};
In this case, a{1,2} = 3, and a{2,1} = "two".
You may not know in advance how many files are in the directory, so pre-initializing the cell array may not be possible in advance. In any case, Matlab arrays only need to be pre-initialized for performance reasons, and you can easily find information on initializing arrays in Matlab.
In light of this, I'm pretty sure what you are trying to accomplish is:
%choose any of the two images to compare
ssim_value = {};
for t=1:(s-1)
for r=(t+1):s
ssim_value{num,1}=img1; % first img
ssim_value{num,2}=img2; % second img
ssim_value{num,3}=mssim; % ssim value of these two images


How do I create a string of array combinations given a list of "source code" strings?

Basically, I’m given a list of strings such as:
These strings are describing variables/arrays from multiple structs. The integers in the arrays describe the size each array. Given a string has a/multiple arrays (1d or 2d), I want to generate a list of strings which go through each index combination in the array for that string. I thought of using for loops but issue is I don’t know how many arrays are in a given string before running the script. So I couldn’t do something like
for i in range (0, idx1):
for j in range (0, idx2):
for k in range (0, idx3):
arr.append(“structA.myArr1[%i][%i].myArr[%i]” %(idx1,idx2,idx3))
but the issue is that I don’t know how I can create multiple/dynamic for loops based on how many indexes and how I could create a dynamic append statement that changes per each string from the original list since each string will have a different number of indexes and the arrays will be in different locations of the string.
I was able to write a regex to find all the index for each string in my list of strings:
indexArr = re.findall('\[(.*?)\]', myString)
//after looping, indexArr = [['6'],['4','2'],['3','4'],['4']]
however I'm really stuck on how to achieve the "dynamic for loops" or use recursion for this. I want to get my ending list of strings to look like:
[“structA.myVar”] //this will only contain 1 string since there were no arrays
I am really stuck on this, any help is appreciated. Thank you so much.
The key is to use itertools.product to generate all possible combinations of a set of ranges and substitute them as array indices of an appropriately constructed string template.
import itertools
import re
def expand(code):
p = re.compile('\[(.*?)\]')
ranges = [range(int(s)) for s in p.findall(code)]
template = p.sub("[{}]", code)
result = [template.format(*s) for s in itertools.product(*ranges)]
return result
The result of expand("structA.structB.myArr[6].myVar") is
and expand("structB.myArr1[4].myArr2[2].myVar") is
and the corner case expand("structA.myVar") naturally works to produce

Matlab: Export concatenation of cell arrays into a txt file

I have two different sets of arrays within an array, which I called:
y={...}; % cell array of 1x1, with a 26x1 cell array within it.
Only_Data={...} %cell array of 525x1, with 525 different 1x12 cell arrays
The data that's within the arrays is string. I want to concatenate these two arrays into one and print that final result into a .txt file. But I'm having problems doing the last part.
This is what I've done for that purpuse:
new_subject3=[y; Only_Data];
[nrows,ncols] = size(new_subject3);
for row = 1:nrows
fprintf(fid ,'%s\n', new_subject3{row}{1:end});
For some reason I'm not aware of, it only prints the 'y' array, but doesn't print anything from the 'Only_Data' array. Why would that be? I'm clueless. I'm sure it's not about the type of data, but further than that I don't know.
I'll be glad to learn how to do this, thanks in advance.

Apply a string value to several positions of a cell array

I am trying to create a string array which will be fed with string values read from a text file this way:
labels = textread(file_name, '%s');
Basically, for each string in each line of the text file file_name I want to put this string in 10 positions of a final string array, which will be later saved in another text file.
What I do in my code is, for each string in file_name I put this string in 10 positions of a temporary cell array and then concatenate this array with a final array this way:
for i=1:size(labels)
But when I run the code the following error appears:
The right hand side of this assignment has too few values to satisfy the left hand side.
Error in my_example_code (line 16)
I am too rookie in cell strings in matlab and I don't really know what is happening. Do you know what is happening or even have a better solution to my problem?
Use deal and put the left hand side in square brackets:
labels{1} = 'Hello World!'
temp_vector = cell(10,1)
[temp_vector{1:10}] = deal(labels{1});
This works because deal can distribute one value to multiple outputs [a,b,c,...]. temp_vector{1:10} alone creates a comma-separated list and putting them into [] creates the output array [temp_vector{1}, temp_vector{2}, ...] which can then be populated by deal.
It is happening because you want to distribute one value to 10 cells - but Matlab is expecting that you like to assign 10 values to 10 cells. So an alternative approach, maybe more logic, but slower, would be:
n = 10;
temp_vector(1:n) = repmat(labels(1),n,1);
I also found another solution
for i=1:size(labels)

Split array into smaller unequal-sized arrays dependend on array-column values

I'm quite new to MatLab and this problem really drives me insane:
I have a huge array of 2 column and about 31,000 rows. One of the two columns depicts a spatial coordinate on a grid the other one a dependent parameter. What I want to do is the following:
I. I need to split the array into smaller parts defined by the spatial column; let's say the spatial coordinate are ranging from 0 to 500 - I now want arrays that give me the two column values for spatial coordinate 0-10, then 10-20 and so on. This would result in 50 arrays of unequal size that cover a spatial range from 0 to 500.
II. Secondly, I would need to calculate the average values of the resulting columns of every single array so that I obtain per array one 2-dimensional point.
III. Thirdly, I could plot these points and I would be super happy.
Sadly, I'm super confused since I miserably fail at step I. - Maybe there is even an easier way than to split the giant array in so many small arrays - who knows..
I would be really really happy for any suggestion.
Thank you,
First of all, since you wish a data structure of array of different size you will need to place them in a cell array so you could try something like this:
res = arrayfun(#(x)arr(arr(:,1)==x,:), unique(arr(:,1)), 'UniformOutput', 0);
The previous code return a cell array with the array splitted according its first column with #(x)arr(arr(:,1)==x,:) you are doing a function on x and arrayfun(function, ..., 'UniformOutput', 0) applies function to each element in the following arguments (taken a single value of each argument to evaluate the function) but you must notice that arr must be numeric so if not you should map your values to numeric values or use another way to select this values.
In the same way you could do
uo = 'UniformOutput';
res = arrayfun(#(x){arr(arr(:,1)==x,:), mean(arr(arr(:,1)==x,2))), unique(arr(:,1)), uo, 0);
You will probably want to flat the returning value, check the function cat, you could do:
res = cat(1,res{:})
Plot your data depends on their format, so I can't help if i don't know how the data are, but you could try to plot inside a loop over your 'res' variable or something similar.
Step I indeed comes with some difficulties. Once these are solved, I guess steps II and III can easily be solved. Let me make some suggestions for step I:
You first define the maximum value (maxValue = 500;) and the step size (stepSize = 10;). Now it is possible to iterate through all steps and create your new vectors.
for k=1:maxValue/stepSize
As every resulting array will have different dimensions, I suggest you save the vectors in a cell array:
Y = cell(maxValue/stepSize,1);
Use the find function to find the rows of the entries for each matrix. At each step k, the range of values of interest will be (k-1)*stepSize to k*stepSize.
row = find( (k-1)*stepSize <= X(:,1) & X(:,1) < k*stepSize );
You can now create the matrix for a stepk by
Y{k,1} = X(row,:);
Putting everything together you should be able to create the cell array Y containing your matrices and continue with the other tasks. You could also save the average of each value range in a second column of the cell array Y:
Y{k,2} = mean( Y{k,1}(:,2) );
I hope this helps you with your task. Note that these are only suggestions and there may be different (maybe more appropriate) ways to handle this.

Store array while executing for loop

I have a function which is executed 200 times like this
for (l in 1:200) {
fun.ction(paramter1=g, paramter2=h)$element->u[z,,]
u is an array:
u<-array(NA, dim=c(2000,150,7))
of which I know it should have the right format. The element of func.tion is also an array which has the same dimensions. Hence, is there some way to fill the array u in each of the 200 runs with the array resulting from fun.ction()$element? I tried to use indexing via a list (u[[z]]). It saves the array but as a list so that I can't access the elements afterwards which I would need to. I appreciate any help.
I am not sure what it is that you want, but if you just want to store 200 arrays of dimensions (2000,150,7) you can just make another array with a fourth dimension of 200.
storage.array <- array(dim=c(2000,150,7, 200))
And then store your (2000, 150, 7) arrays in the fourth dimension:
for (i in 1:200){
storage.array[,,,i] <-
fun.ction(paramter1=g, paramter2=h)$element}
Then you can access each of the ith array by:
But I guess that will be too big an array for R to handle, at least it is in my computer.
An example that you can easily reproduce with smaller arrays:
storage.array <- array(dim=c(20,2,7, 200))
fun.ction <- function(parameter1, parameter2){
array(rnorm(140, parameter1, parameter2), dim=c(20,2,7))
for (i in 1:200){
storage.array[,,,i]<- fun.ction(10, 10)
But as Roland and Thomas have said, you should make your code reproducible and define correctly what you want, so it is easier to answer without trying to guess what your problem is.
Best regards
