Check constraint UDF with multiple input parameters not working - sql-server

I'm trying to implement a check constraint on a table such that records can't be inserted where there exists a record for which two of the columns ("Int_1" and "Int_2") already have the value we're trying to insert E.g.:
ID Name Int_1 Int_2
1 Dave 1 2
Inserting (2, Steve, 2, 2) into the table above would be okay, as would (3, Mike, 1, 3), but inserting values where Int_1 AND Int_2 already exist is not allowed, i.e. (4, Stuart, 1, 2) is illegal.
I thought defining my table thus would work:
[ID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[Name] [varchar](255) NOT NULL,
[Int_1] [int] NOT NULL,
[Int_2] [int] NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT [chk_Stuff] CHECK (dbo.chk_Ints(Int_1, Int_2)=1))
where: dbo.chk_Ints is defined:
CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[chk_Ints](#Int_1 int,#Int_2 int)
DECLARE #Result int
IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM [Table] WHERE Int_1 = #Int_1 AND Int_2 = #Int_2)
SET #Result = 1
SET #Result = 0
RETURN #Result
When using the combo above, if I try to insert any record whatsoever, SQL tells me I've broken my check constraint. I can remove all rows from the table and try to insert a first record, and SQL tells me I've broken my constraint, which I can't possibly have done!
I've scoured the internet for quite a while now looking for examples of check constraints where the UDF depends on multiple table columns, but to no avail. Any ideas as to why this might not work?
Thanks in advance :)

Yes, this may seem baffling until you realise what's going on, at which point it becomes quite obvious.
The function is called for the values that are in the row you are trying to insert. But think of how the function is being called. It is a check constraint that calls it.
Next, think of the parameters being passed. Where do they come from? According to the definition, the check constraint takes them from columns Int_1 and Int_2.
So, it passes them as column values. But column values must belong to a row. Which row is it in this case? The one you are trying to insert!
That means your row is inserted at this point, only the transaction is still pending. And yet the fact that the row is in the table is crucial, because that's what the function finds and reports on with the 1 result.
Thus, what's happening is this:
you are trying to insert a row,
the function sees that row and says that a row with the given parameters already exists,
the check constraint "reacts" accordingly by prohibiting the insert,
the insert is rolled back.
Of course, now that you realise all that, it is easy to come up with a different logic of checking for duplicates. Basically, your function should "keep in mind" that the new row is already in the table, and so it should try and determine whether its presence in the table violates any rules that you want to establish. You could, for instance, count the rows matching the given parameters and see if the result is not greater than 1:
IF (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM [Table] WHERE Int_1 = #Int_1 AND Int_2 = #Int_2) < 2
SET #Result = 1
SET #Result = 0
However, the entire idea of using a function in a check constraint for this job is very much inferior to just adding a unique constraint on the two columns, as suggested by #a_horse_with_no_name. Do this:
ADD CONSTRAINT UQ_Table_Int1_Int2 UNIQUE (Int_1, Int_2);
and you can forget about duplicates.


Using TSQLT FakeTable to test a table created by a Stored Procedure

I am learning to write unit tests for work. I was advised to use TSQLT FakeTable to test some aspects of a table created by a stored procedure.
In other unit tests, we create a temp table for the stored procedure and then test the temp table. I'm not sure how to work the FakeTable into the test.
EXEC tSQLt.NewTestClass 'TestThing';
CREATE OR ALTER PROCEDURE TestThing.[test API_StoredProc to make sure parameters work]
CREATE TABLE #Actual ----Do I need to create the temp table and the Fake table? I thought I might need to because I'm testing a table created by a stored procedure.
ISO_3166_Alpha2 NVARCHAR(5),
ISO_3166_Alpha3 NVARCHAR(5),
CountryName NVARCHAR(100),
OfficialStateName NVARCHAR(300),
sovereigny NVARCHAR(75),
icon NVARCHAR(100)
INSERT #Actual
EXEC Marketing.API_StoredProc #Username = 'AnyValue', -- varchar(100)
#FundId = 0, -- int
#IncludeSalesForceInvestorCountry = NULL, -- bit
#IncludeRegisteredSalesJurisdictions = NULL, -- bit
#IncludeALLCountryForSSRS = NULL, -- bit
#WHATIF = NULL, -- bit
EXEC tsqlt.FakeTable #TableName = N'#Actual', -- nvarchar(max) -- How do I differentiate between the faketable and the temp table now?
#SchemaName = N'', -- nvarchar(max)
#Identity = NULL, -- bit
#ComputedColumns = NULL, -- bit
#Defaults = NULL -- bit
('AF', 'AFG', 'Afghanistan', 'The Islamic Republic of Afghanistan', 'UN MEMBER STATE', 'test')
SELECT * FROM #actual
EXEC tSQLt.Run 'TestThing';
What I'm trying to do with the code above is basically just to get FakeTable working. I get an error: "FakeTable couold not resolve the object name #Actual"
What I ultimately want to test is the paramaters in the stored procedure. Only certain entries should be returned if, say, IncludeSalesForceInvestorCountry is set to 1. What should be returned may change over time, so that's why I was advised to use FakeTable.
In your scenario, you don’t need to fake any temp tables, just fake the table that is referenced by Marketing.API_StoredProc and populate it with values that you expect to be returned, and some you don’t. Add what you expect to see in an #expected table, call Marketing.API_StoredProc dumping the results into an #actual table and compare the results with tSQLt.AssertEqualsTable.
A good starting point might be to review how tSQLT.FakeTable works and a real world use case.
As you know, each unit test runs within its own transaction started and rolled back by the tSQLT framework. When you call tSQLt.FakeTable within a unit test, it temporarily renames the specified table then creates an exactly named facsimile of that table. The temporary copy allows NULL in every column, has no primary or foreign keys, identity column, check, default or unique constraints (although some of those can be included in the facsimile table depending on parameters passed to tSQLt.FakeTable). For the duration of the test transaction, any object that references the name table will use the fake rather than the real table. At the end of the test, tSQLt rolls back the transaction, the fake table is dropped and the original table returned to its former state (this all happens automatically). You might ask, what is the point of that?
Imagine you have an [OrderDetail] table which has columns including OrderId and ProductId as the primary key, an OrderStatusId column plus a bunch of other NOT NULL columns. The DDL for this table might look something like this.
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[OrderDetail]
OrderDetailId int IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL
, OrderId int NOT NULL
, ProductId int NOT NULL
, OrderStatusId int NOT NULL
, Quantity int NOT NULL
, CostPrice decimal(18,4) NOT NULL
, Discount decimal(6,4) NOT NULL
, DeliveryPreferenceId int NOT NULL
, PromisedDeliveryDate datetime NOT NULL
, DespatchDate datetime NULL
, ActualDeliveryDate datetime NULL
, DeliveryDelayReason varchar(500) NOT NULL
/* ... other NULL and NOT NULL columns */
, CONSTRAINT AK_OrderDetail_AutoIncrementingId UNIQUE NONCLUSTERED (OrderDetailId)
, CONSTRAINT FK_OrderDetail_Order FOREIGN KEY (OrderId) REFERENCES [dbo].[Orders] (OrderId)
, CONSTRAINT FK_OrderDetail_Product FOREIGN KEY (ProductId) REFERENCES [dbo].[Product] (ProductId)
, CONSTRAINT FK_OrderDetail_OrderStatus FOREIGN KEY (OrderStatusId) REFERENCES [dbo].[OrderStatus] (OrderStatusId)
, CONSTRAINT FK_OrderDetail_DeliveryPreference FOREIGN KEY (DeliveryPreferenceId) REFERENCES [dbo].[DeliveryPreference] (DeliveryPreferenceId)
As you can see, this table has foreign key dependencies on the Orders, Product, DeliveryPreference and OrderStatus table. Product may in turn have foreign keys that reference ProductType, BrandCategory, Supplier among others. The Orders table has foreign key references to Customer, Address and SalesPerson among others. All of the tables in this chain have numerous columns defined as NOT NULL and/or are constrained by CHECK and other constraints. Some of these tables themselves have more foreign keys.
Now imagine you want to write a stored procedure (OrderDetailStatusUpdate) whose job it is to update the order status for a single row on the OrderDetail table. It has three input parameters #OrderId, #ProductId and #OrderStatusId. Think about what you would need to do to set up a test for this procedure. You would need to add at least two rows to the OrderDetail table including all the NOT NULL columns. You would also need to add parent records to all the FK-referenced tables, and also to any tables above that in the hierarchy, ensuring that all your inserts comply with all the nullability and other constraints on those tables too. By my count that is at least 11 tables that need to be populated, all for one simple test. And even if you bite the bullet and do all that set-up, at some point in the future someone may (probably will) come along and add a new NOT NULL column to one of those tables or change a constraint that will cause your test to fail - and that failure actually has nothing to do with your test or the stored procedure you are testing. One of the basic tenets of test-driven development is that a test should have only on reason to fail, I count dozens.
tSQLT.FakeTable to the rescue.
What is the minimum you actually need to do to in order to set up a test for that procedure? You need two rows to the OrderDetail table (one that gets updated, one that doesn’t) and the only columns you actually “need” to consider are OrderId and ProductId (the identifying key) plus OrderStatusId - the column being updated. The rest of the columns whilst important in the overall design, have no relevance to the object under test. In your test for OrderDetailStatusUpdate, you would follow these steps:
Call tSQLt.FakeTable ‘dbo.OrderDetail’
Create an #expected table (with OrderId, ProductId and OrderStatusId
columns) and populate it with the two rows you expect to end up with
(one will have the expected OrderStatusId the other can be NULL)
Add two rows to the now mocked OrderDetail table (OrderId and
ProductId only)
Call the procedure under test OrderDetailStatusUpdate passing the
OrderID and ProductID for one of the rows inserted plus the
OrderStatusId you are changing to.
Use tSQLt.AssertEqualsTable to compare the #expected table with the
OrderDetail table. This assertion will only compare the columns on
the #expected table, the other columns on OrderDetail will be ignored
Creating this test is really quick and the only reason it is ever likely to fail is because something pertinent to the code under test has changed in the underlying schema. Changes to any other columns on the OrderDetail table or any of the parent/grand-parent tables will not cause this test to break.
So the reason for using tSQLt.FakeTable (or any other kind of mock object) is to provide really robust test isolation and simply test data preparation.

All cases when check constraints are executed for each row

When creating a check constraint it will be performed on all rows of a table. Does this happen in another case too?
My check constraint calls a function with SQL inside. This is very slow on large tables.
IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM mytable WHERE unique_field = #test)
ADD CONSTRAINT CCheckUnique CHECK([dbo].CheckUnique(unique_field) = 0)
Don't use a function to check if a value is unique, use a UNIQUE INDEX:
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX uq_unique_field ON dbo.mytable(unique_field);
Or, alternatively (it's the end of the day and i totally forget to incldue them) use a UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, and #Marc_s reminded me in the above comment:
ADD CONSTRAINT UC_unique_field UNIQUE (unique_field);
Scalar functions, especially those that reference tables, are known to perform very poorly. An inline table-value function should be used when you can; but you cannot implement those for a CHECK CONSTRAINT. Neither are needed here though.

SQL Server check constraints - only one particular value per group [duplicate]

How could I set a constraint on a table so that only one of the records has its isDefault bit field set to 1?
The constraint is not table scope, but one default per set of rows, specified by a FormID.
Use a unique filtered index
On SQL Server 2008 or higher you can simply use a unique filtered index
ON TableName(FormID)
WHERE isDefault = 1
Where the table is
isDefault BIT NOT NULL
For example if you try to insert many rows with the same FormID and isDefault set to 1 you will have this error:
Cannot insert duplicate key row in object 'dbo.TableName' with unique
index 'IX_TableName_FormID_isDefault'. The duplicate key value is (1).
Here's a modification of Damien_The_Unbeliever's solution that allows one default per FormID.
CREATE VIEW form_defaults
FROM whatever
WHERE isDefault = 1
CREATE UNIQUE CLUSTERED INDEX ix_form_defaults on form_defaults (FormID)
But the serious relational folks will tell you this information should just be in another table.
DefaultWhateverID int FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES Whatever(ID)
From a normalization perspective, this would be an inefficient way of storing a single fact.
I would opt to hold this information at a higher level, by storing (in a different table) a foreign key to the identifier of the row which is considered to be the default.
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Foo](
[Id] [int] NOT NULL,
[Id] ASC
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[DefaultSettings](
[DefaultFoo] [int] NULL
ALTER TABLE [dbo].[DefaultSettings] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_DefaultSettings_Foo] FOREIGN KEY([DefaultFoo])
REFERENCES [dbo].[Foo] ([Id])
ALTER TABLE [dbo].[DefaultSettings] CHECK CONSTRAINT [FK_DefaultSettings_Foo]
You could use an insert/update trigger.
Within the trigger after an insert or update, if the count of rows with isDefault = 1 is more than 1, then rollback the transaction.
CREATE VIEW vOnlyOneDefault
SELECT 1 as Lock
FROM <underlying table>
WHERE Default = 1
CREATE UNIQUE CLUSTERED INDEX IX_vOnlyOneDefault on vOnlyOneDefault (Lock)
You'll need to have the right ANSI settings turned on for this.
I don't know about SQLServer.But if it supports Function-Based Indexes like in Oracle, I hope this can be translated, if not, sorry.
You can do an index like this on suposed that default value is 1234, the column is DEFAULT_COLUMN and ID_COLUMN is the primary key:
INDEX only_one_default
ON my_table
This DDL creates an unique index indexing -1 if the value of DEFAULT_COLUMN is 1234 and ID_COLUMN in any other case. Then, if two columns have DEFAULT_COLUMN value, it raises an exception.
The question implies to me that you have a primary table that has some child records and one of those child records will be the default record. Using address and a separate default table here is an example of how to make that happen using third normal form. Of course I don't know if it's valuable to answer something that is so old but it struck my fancy.
--drop table dev.defaultAddress;
--drop table dev.addresses;
--drop table dev.people;
CREATE TABLE [dev].[people](
[Id] [int] identity primary key,
name char(20)
CREATE TABLE [dev].[Addresses](
id int identity primary key,
peopleId int foreign key references dev.people(id),
address varchar(100)
CREATE TABLE [dev].[defaultAddress](
id int identity primary key,
peopleId int foreign key references dev.people(id),
addressesId int foreign key references dev.addresses(id))
create unique index defaultAddress on dev.defaultAddress (peopleId)
create unique index idx_addr_id_person on dev.addresses(peopleid,id);
ALTER TABLE dev.defaultAddress
ADD CONSTRAINT FK_Def_People_Address
FOREIGN KEY(peopleID, addressesID)
REFERENCES dev.Addresses(peopleId, id)
insert into dev.people (name)
select 'Bill' union
select 'John' union
select 'Harry'
insert into dev.Addresses (peopleid, address)
select 1, '123 someplace' union
select 1,'work place' union
select 2,'home address' union
select 3,'some address'
insert into dev.defaultaddress (peopleId, addressesid)
select 1,1 union
select 2,3
-- so two home addresses are default now
-- try adding another default address to Bill and you get an error
select * from dev.people
join dev.addresses on = addresses.peopleid
left join dev.defaultAddress on defaultAddress.peopleid = and defaultaddress.addressesid =
insert into dev.defaultaddress (peopleId, addressesId)
select 1,2
You could do it through an instead of trigger, or if you want it as a constraint create a constraint that references a function that checks for a row that has the default set to 1
EDIT oops, needs to be <=
Create table mytable(id1 int, defaultX bit not null default(0))
create Function dbo.fx_DefaultExists()
returns int as
Declare #Ret int
Set #ret = 0
Select #ret = count(1) from mytable
Where defaultX = 1
Return #ret
Alter table mytable add
Insert into mytable (id1, defaultX) values (1,1)
Insert into mytable (id1, defaultX) values (2,1)
This is a fairly complex process that cannot be handled through a simple constraint.
We do this through a trigger. However before you write the trigger you need to be able to answer several things:
do we want to fail the insert if a default exists, change it to 0 instead of 1 or change the existing default to 0 and leave this one as 1?
what do we want to do if the default record is deleted and other non default records are still there? Do we make one the default, if so how do we determine which one?
You will also need to be very, very careful to make the trigger handle multiple row processing. For instance a client might decide that all of the records of a particular type should be the default. You wouldn't change a million records one at a time, so this trigger needs to be able to handle that. It also needs to handle that without looping or the use of a cursor (you really don't want the type of transaction discussed above to take hours locking up the table the whole time).
You also need a very extensive tesing scenario for this trigger before it goes live. You need to test:
adding a record with no default and it is the first record for that customer
adding a record with a default and it is the first record for that customer
adding a record with no default and it is the not the first record for that customer
adding a record with a default and it is the not the first record for that customer
Updating a record to have the default when no other record has it (assuming you don't require one record to always be set as the deafault)
Updating a record to remove the default
Deleting the record with the deafult
Deleting a record without the default
Performing a mass insert with multiple situations in the data including two records which both have isdefault set to 1 and all of the situations tested when running individual record inserts
Performing a mass update with multiple situations in the data including two records which both have isdefault set to 1 and all of the situations tested when running individual record updates
Performing a mass delete with multiple situations in the data including two records which both have isdefault set to 1 and all of the situations tested when running individual record deletes
#Andy Jones gave an answer above closest to mine, but bearing in mind the Rule of Three, I placed the logic directly in the stored proc that updates this table. This was my simple solution. If I need to update the table from elsewhere, I will move the logic to a trigger. The one default rule applies to each set of records specified by a FormID and a ConfigID:
ALTER proc [dbo].[cpForm_UpdateLinkedReport]
#reportLinkId int,
#defaultYN bit,
#linkName nvarchar(150)
if #defaultYN = 1
declare #formId int, #configId int
select #formId = FormID, #configId = ConfigID from csReportLink where ReportLinkID = #reportLinkId
update csReportLink set DefaultYN = 0 where isnull(ConfigID, #configId) = #configId and FormID = #formId
DefaultYN = #defaultYN,
LinkName = #linkName
ReportLinkID = #reportLinkId

unique index is not enforced if IsActive column is false [duplicate]

I have a situation where i need to enforce a unique constraint on a set of columns, but only for one value of a column.
So for example I have a table like Table(ID, Name, RecordStatus).
RecordStatus can only have a value 1 or 2 (active or deleted), and I want to create a unique constraint on (ID, RecordStatus) only when RecordStatus = 1, since I don't care if there are multiple deleted records with the same ID.
Apart from writing triggers, can I do that?
I am using SQL Server 2005.
Behold, the filtered index. From the documentation (emphasis mine):
A filtered index is an optimized nonclustered index especially suited to cover queries that select from a well-defined subset of data. It uses a filter predicate to index a portion of rows in the table. A well-designed filtered index can improve query performance as well as reduce index maintenance and storage costs compared with full-table indexes.
And here's an example combining a unique index with a filter predicate:
create unique index MyIndex
on MyTable(ID)
where RecordStatus = 1;
This essentially enforces uniqueness of ID when RecordStatus is 1.
Following the creation of that index, a uniqueness violation will raise an arror:
Msg 2601, Level 14, State 1, Line 13
Cannot insert duplicate key row in object 'dbo.MyTable' with unique index 'MyIndex'. The duplicate key value is (9999).
Note: the filtered index was introduced in SQL Server 2008. For earlier versions of SQL Server, please see this answer.
Add a check constraint like this. The difference is, you'll return false if Status = 1 and Count > 0.
CREATE TABLE CheckConstraint
Name VARCHAR(50),
RecordStatus TINYINT
SELECT #ret = COUNT(*) FROM CheckConstraint WHERE Id = #Id AND RecordStatus = 1;
RETURN #ret;
ALTER TABLE CheckConstraint
ADD CONSTRAINT CheckActiveCountConstraint CHECK (NOT (dbo.CheckActiveCount(Id) > 1 AND RecordStatus = 1));
INSERT INTO CheckConstraint VALUES (1, 'No Problems', 2);
INSERT INTO CheckConstraint VALUES (1, 'No Problems', 2);
INSERT INTO CheckConstraint VALUES (1, 'No Problems', 2);
INSERT INTO CheckConstraint VALUES (1, 'No Problems', 1);
INSERT INTO CheckConstraint VALUES (2, 'Oh no!', 1);
INSERT INTO CheckConstraint VALUES (2, 'Oh no!', 2);
-- Msg 547, Level 16, State 0, Line 14
-- The INSERT statement conflicted with the CHECK constraint "CheckActiveCountConstraint". The conflict occurred in database "TestSchema", table "dbo.CheckConstraint".
INSERT INTO CheckConstraint VALUES (2, 'Oh no!', 1);
SELECT * FROM CheckConstraint;
-- Id Name RecordStatus
-- ---- ------------ ------------
-- 1 No Problems 2
-- 1 No Problems 2
-- 1 No Problems 2
-- 1 No Problems 1
-- 2 Oh no! 1
-- 2 Oh no! 2
ALTER TABLE CheckConstraint
DROP CONSTRAINT CheckActiveCountConstraint;
DROP FUNCTION CheckActiveCount;
DROP TABLE CheckConstraint;
You could move the deleted records to a table that lacks the constraint, and perhaps use a view with UNION of the two tables to preserve the appearance of a single table.
You can do this in a really hacky way...
Create an schemabound view on your table.
WHERE RecordStatus = 1
Now create a unique constraint on the view with the fields you want.
One note about schemabound views though, if you change the underlying tables you will have to recreate the view. Plenty of gotchas because of that.
For those still searching for a solution, I came accross a nice answer, to a similar question and I think this can be still useful for many. While moving deleted records to another table may be a better solution, for those who don't want to move the record can use the idea in the linked answer which is as follows.
Set deleted=0 when the record is available/active.
Set deleted=<row_id or some other unique value> when marking the row
as deleted.
If you can't use NULL as a RecordStatus as Bill's suggested, you could combine his idea with a function-based index. Create a function that returns NULL if the RecordStatus is not one of the values you want to consider in your constraint (and the RecordStatus otherwise) and create an index over that.
That'll have the advantage that you don't have to explicitly examine other rows in the table in your constraint, which could cause you performance issues.
I should say I don't know SQL server at all, but I have successfully used this approach in Oracle.
Because, you are going to allow duplicates, a unique constraint will not work. You can create a check constraint for RecordStatus column and a stored procedure for INSERT that checks the existing active records before inserting duplicate IDs.

Computed Column that doesn't auto update

I have a computed column that is automatically creating a confirmation number by adding the current max ID to some Prefix. It works, but not exactly how I need it to work.
This is the function
return (select 'SomePrefix' + RIGHT('00000' + CAST(MAX(IdNum) AS VARCHAR(255)), 5)
FROM dbo.someTable
/*WHERE IdNum = #IdNum*/)
If I add WHERE IdNum = #IdNum to the select in the function, that gives the illusion of working, but in reality it is picking the max IdNUM from the one row where IDNum = #IdNum rather than actually picking the current max IDNUM from all IDNums. If I remove the where statement, the computed function simply sets every field to the max Id every time it changes.
This is the table
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[someTable](
[IdNum] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[First_Name] [varchar](50) NOT NULL,
[Last_Name] [varchar](50) NOT NULL,
[EPNum] AS ([dbo].[SetEPNum]([IdNum]))
This is the computed column
ALTER TABLE dbo.someTable
ADD EPNum AS dbo.SetEPnum(IdNum)
Is there any way to accomplish this? If not, is there an alternative solution?
If my understanding is correct, you try to get the max id of some table to appear next to each record at the time it was updated?
Right now you get the same max id next to all records.
That is because the max id is one and only one. You have provided no context.
It seems to me this is the job of a trigger or even your update statement. Why employ computed columns? The computed column gets recomputed every time you display the data.
If you absolutely need to go this way, you should employ some other field (e.g. modification date) and get the max id from those records that were updated before the current. It all depends though on the business logic of your application and what you try to achieve.
