Command line arguments without the hyphen - c

How can I parse arguments without the hyphen in C?
I.e. virsh install vm
git pull origin master
When I tried it out, if there is no - prefix, everything just gets ignored and argc returns 1 (argv[0] is the program call).
I'm using Linux, but it would be nice if there was a cross platform method to achieve this.
UPDATE: the problem was me using a # in front of the first argument, I was trying to pass in #XX eg number_program #12. Needless to say this doesn't work.

Are you using some library to parse the arguments for you? There is no special 'hyphen' arguments when passing in parameters to a C program specifically. Parse argv however you like.
For example:
#include <stdio.h>
int main(int argc, char **argv)
int i;
for(i=0; i<argc; i++) {
//dont do this without proper input validation
printf("%s\n", argv[i]);
return 0;
Example run:
$ ./a.out test test test -hyphen

argv contains the program name and the arguments to the program, in the order they were given in the command line.* Hyphens aren't special; they just make it easy for both people and computers to separate options from other args.
If you want to interpret args a certain way, that's your prerogative. That's what git does, basically interpreting argv[1] (if it exists, of course) as the name of a subcommand. And you don't need any libraries in order to do that. You just need to decide how you want the args interpreted.
* Modulo some cross-platform differences in how args are parsed; *nix typically does some pre-parsing for you and expands wildcard patterns, for example. You won't have 100% cross-platform compatibility unless you understand those differences and are ready for them.


Get pre-shebang executable path in MacOS (equivalent to getauxval(AT_EXECFN) )

For the problem described at bash - Detect if a script is being run via shebang or was specified as a command line argument - Unix & Linux Stack Exchange, we need to distinguish between cases when a script is run via shebang and as an argument to the interpreter.
An answer to that question suggests getting the pre-shebang executable name using getauxval(AT_EXECFN) -- which works, but only in Linux.
Since the Pyenv project also officially supports MacOS, we need an equivalent for that if we are to consider that solution.
I've checked Finding current executable's path without /proc/self/exe -- but both _dyld_get_image_name(0) and _NSGetExecutablePath give the post-shebang name. Here's a sample program that I used to do the checking (see the question link above on how it's used; its compilation result needs to be put in place of the python3 Bash script given in that question):
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
/*#include <sys/auxv.h>*/
#include <mach-o/dyld.h>
#include <sys/param.h>
#include <alloca.h>
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
//char *at_execfn = (char*)getauxval(AT_EXECFN);
//const char *at_execfn = _dyld_get_image_name(0);
char *at_execfn = (char*)alloca(MAXPATHLEN);
uint32_t at_execfn_len = MAXPATHLEN;
printf("original executable: '%s'\n",at_execfn);
for(int i=0; i<argc; i++) {
This answer is based on the following assumptions; I'm sure others will vet whether they are true, but to my understanding, they are:
Python scripts will only use the shebang if they are executed directly.
Otherwise, the first command line argument will always be python, python3, or some other variation (python3.x, etc.).
You can already get the path to the original file, which is good because you can read what the shebang says, but you don't yet know whether the shebang was used, right? Python 3.10 offers an appealing solution: sys.orig_argv, which includes all the command line arguments, not just those from the program name forward as you get with normal sys.argv.
However, I'm sure you won't be implementing a 3.10-exclusive feature into pyenv! If that is the case, you can see the older C-API Py_GetArgcArgv, whose docs simply state:
Get the original command line arguments, before Python modified them.
Either way, I think that having the file path so you can read the shebang is the first part of the puzzle. The second part is figuring out if the shebang was actually used, and I think that the answer is in the command line arguments for most cases.

How to pass run time arguments to a function in c through a shell script

I have a shell script which has to take arguments from the command line and pass it to a function in C. I tried to search but didn't find understandable solutions. Kindly help me out.
Should the arguments be passed via an option as a command in the shell script?
I have a main function like this:
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
if(!strcmp(argv[1], "ABC"))
else if(!strcmp(argv[1], "XYZ"))
How to pass the parameters ABC/XYZ from the command line through a shell script which in turn uses a makefile to compile the code?
You cannot meaningfully compare strings with == which is a pointer equality test. You could use strcmp as something like argc>1 && !strcmp(argv[1], "XYZ"). The arguments of main have certain properties, see here.
BTW, main's argc is at least 1. So your test argc==0 is never true. Generally argv[0] is the program name.
However, if you use GNU glibc (e.g. on Linux), it provides several ways for parsing program arguments.
There are conventions and habits regarding program arguments, and you'll better follow them. POSIX specifies getopt(3), but on GNU systems, getopt_long is even more handy.
Be also aware that globbing is done by the shell on Unix-like systems. See glob(7).
(On Windows, things are different, and the command line might be parsed by some startup routine à la crt0)
In practice, you'll better use some system functions for parsing program arguments. Some libraries provide a way for that, e.g. GTK has gtk_init_with_args. Otherwise, if you have it, use getopt_long ...
Look also, for inspiration, into the source code of some free software program. You'll find many of them on github or elsewhere.
How to pass the parameters ABC/XYZ from the command line through a shell script
If you compile your C++ program into an executable, e.g. /some/path/to/yourexecutable, you just have to run a command like
/some/path/to/yourexecutable ABC
and if the directory /some/path/to/ containing yourexecutable is in your PATH variable, you can simply run yourexecutable ABC. How to set that PATH variable (which you can query using echo $PATH in your Unix shell) is a different question (you could edit some shell startup file, perhaps your $HOME/.bashrc, with a source code editor such as GNU emacs, vim, gedit, etc...; you could run some export PATH=.... command with an appropriate, colon-separated, sequence of directories).
which in turn uses a makefile to compile the code?
Then you should look into that Makefile and you'll know what is the executable file.
You are using and coding on/for Linux, so you should read something about Linux programming (e.g. ALP or something newer; see also intro(2) & syscalls(2)...) and you need to understand more about operating systems (so read Operating Systems: Three Easy Pieces).
See following simple example:
$ cat foo.c
#include <stdio.h>
int main(int argc, char ** argv)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < argc; ++i) {
printf("[%d] %s\n", i, argv[i]);
return 0;
$ gcc foo.c
$ ./a.out foo bar
[0] ./a.out
[1] foo
[2] bar

Open a file in C

I am trying to write a tiny program in C that will open a file and then run the filename in terminal to stream the file to my Apple TV.
The reason I want to do this is so I can right click a media file, select 'Open With', choose 'Apple TV' from the list and then have it stream to my Apple TV via the airstream program.
My code so far is as follows
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
int main ()
char command[50];
strcpy( command, "airstream '/home/steve/media.mp4' -o" );
Very simple, but I'm not sure how to handle a file being passed to the application to allow it to get the filename and modify the command.
(First, let me make a comment on strcpy(): as-is, the call to strcpy() is superfluous (and imposes a security issue), because you are using a constant string. You could have written system("airstream '/home/steve/media.mp4' -o") instead.)
If you want to construct a command given a filename, you could in theory write
char command[LINE_MAX];
snprintf(command, sizeof command, "some_command %s", argv[1]);
But that again rises a security problem, because now your program can be hijacked to execute an arbitrary external program, by passing it a malformed command-line argument, similarly to an SQL injection attack.
You'd be better off finding the library/API the airstream executable uses, and incorporate that directly into your program. If no such thing exists, you have to make sure to at least validate the user input (i. e. escape special characters, etc.) before handing it over to the shell for execution.
You need to use the arguments passed to the main() function. Change the function's signature to:
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
Then loop over the string pointers in argv[], which will be the command-line arguments your program was given.

Distinguish between optional arguments, pathname or file? c language

I am very new with c and less experienced with any other language :/
For an assignment at uni, I am a little stuck on this small part. Essentially I am required to write a 'ls' function that has 4 optional arguments, for example:
list [-l] [-f] [pathname] [localfile]
Now, the first two are straight forward. To make things more difficult, the 'localfile' doesn't necessarily exist and the 'pathname'(if given) will be located on the server I'm connecting to through a socket (so checking if it is a file is out and checking the pathname is out). I was thinking, check last 4 chars in the string for a '.txt' or something similar. I'm actually completely stumped and will present this problem to my course conveyor tomorrow, if I can't find a solution.
This is a very small part of what I actually have to do but any push in the right direction would be appreciated.
You will need to process argc and argv to get your command line arguments. That is the first thing to work on, getting the arguments - ensuring they are correct, and determining what is being asked for.
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
Assuming your are on Linux/Unix, you will need to use the directory functions opendir()/readdir()/closedir() - dirent.h. The stat() function will be required to satisfy the -l requirement. access() will determine if a file exists and then stat() will tell you if the file is a regular file or a directory.
I'd make a struct to hold the four optional arguments and return it from a function called "process_arguments" that takes argc and argv as parameters.
struct args {
bool valid;
bool l_option;
bool f_option
char directory[200];
char filename[200];
With the requirement for a socket connection you will have to write a "server program" that will be constantly running on the server and a "client program" that it will fork to handle the requests from your local program. Try and locate examples of socket programs.
Another check for whether you have a path string or a filename is to look for the path separator character - '/' if the server is Unix/Linux. This scheme shouldn't have any path separators in filenames, so the presence of one tells you it is a path.

How to capture parameters after some string in commandline?

How to capture a parameter after some string in command line?
./executable.out -apps path_to_out
In the above code I want to store path_to_out in a string variable. What is the efficient way of doing that?
It kind of depends what kind of options you want. If you are willing to have only single-letter options, you can use the C library function getopt to parse the command line. If you would like long options (e.g., --apps), you can use getopt_long, but this is a GNU extension that will not port well. If you want really, really fancy option parsing, you can use something like GLib.
Of course, you can just roll your own, iterating over the arguments from 1 to argc and, when you encounter -apps, check that i+1 < argc and grab the next argument.
argv[argc-1] already has the value for you if your path is the last argument in the command line.
if your main is like :
int main(int argc,char **argv)
all the command line arguments are in char **argv.
in your case:
argv[2] is path_to_out.
if you want to copy it in a string,you can anyhow do this below thing:
string path(argv[2]);
It appears that by asking "after some string on the commandline" you are referring to the fact that the commandline argument -apps started with a dash, which makes it an "option".
The preferred way to doing this is to use a predefined library for processing options, such as getopt on GNU systems.
when you run parameter store in this way..
Example:---> ./executable.out -apps path_to_out
argv[0] will be "./executable.out"
argv[1] will be "-apps"
and argv[2] will be "path_to_out".
