Icons in WPF when to use image and when to use Xaml? - wpf

I am Working on a WPF based project where the design team have created the design in blend with some images like Edit, delete, checkbox etc. where i am prefring to use xaml insteed of images
Although i am sure that if the images are prety complex they should be used as images. but the simple im icon images can be used as xaml path designs. So i am looking for the recomandations. When to use Images in WPF design and When to use xaml for design.

If your application is going to be used in different screen resolutions then using Vector Graphics is recommended as they will scale nicely and all your images will look sharp regardless of the resolution of the screen. (There is a downside as well because your application needs to do the extra rendering of the xaml images to display them)
If you are using the images just to display the toolbar images (which are pretty much small and fixed size then you can get away by using png files as they will take less resources and easy to manage)


WPF high dpi issues

I created a simple web browser WPF test application with pictures and text within a canvas, with windows set at 96dpi.
Then I switched to 120 dpi and :-((( Display is messy, image size changed and part of the canvas is out of view...
When I used Winforms, I set the AutoScaleMode property to None and the windows keeps its size, the controls as well, the controls which have inherited font are properly displayed, not blurry and not too big...
What can I do to mimic this (good) behavior in W¨F?
I'm not clear on what you mean by "web browser WPF ... application". WPF doesn't run in a Web browser, unless you're talking about an XBAP. Or are you doing Silverlight? Or is it just a WPF navigation application and not browser-based at all? You'll need to clarify.
WPF automatically scales your content when you run in high-DPI modes. This is intended behavior: if the user explicitly says they want everything to be bigger on the screen, then WPF will respect the user's wishes. The old WinForms hacks of "pretend high-DPI doesn't exist, just show everything at the normal small size and hope it doesn't piss the user off too much" aren't available in WPF; you could probably emulate them if you worked at it, but you're steered very strongly toward doing the Right Thing.
WPF scales everything, so your statement that "part of the canvas is out of view" doesn't make sense. It should be scaling the canvas, its parent window, and its child elements all by the same amount, so if everything fits at 96dpi, it should also fit at 120dpi and 144dpi. If not, then you're doing something strange and you'll have to provide a code sample that reproduces the problem.
You seem to be claiming that fonts are blurry when you run in a high-DPI mode, which sounds very strange. Fonts are rendered as vectors, so they should scale cleanly, and render crisply even in high-DPI modes. I've never seen the blurry fonts you describe, so again, you'll have to provide a repro case.
The only thing that I would expect to be blurry are images. If you're using raster (bitmap) images (BMP / GIF / JPG / PNG) in your UI -- for example, for the icons on a toolbar -- then yes, those will look pretty bad when they're scaled. It pretty much always looks bad when you take a small bitmap and make it larger. You might try working around this by using larger images and sizing them down for display -- for example, if you want your toolbar images to be 16x16 (when in standard 96-dpi mode), then you could try putting a 32x32 bitmap in your project, setting the Image element's Width="16" and Height="16" in your XAML, and seeing if that looks any better. It would actually be 20x20 physical pixels in 120dpi mode, and 24x24 in 144dpi mode, both of which would still be scaled down from the 32x32 resource and would therefore have a better shot of looking good than a 16x16 source image that's had to be scaled up. (I haven't tried this technique in a WPF toolbar, though, so I don't know how well it would really work in practice with typical toolbar images.)
The very best way to get around the problems with scaling images would be to use vector images instead of raster. Unfortunately, it's hard to find libraries of vector images. They're few, far between, typically less comprehensive than what you can find for bitmap images, and often expensive.
Presumably you use fixed length units (px). Try re-layouting your project keeping the WPF layout rules in mind. This page has some best practices for that.
I just found a bug using MaxHeight under WPF in .NET 4, set in a Style that gets inherited by another Style and that is used as a StaticResource, which didn't get influenced by the DPI set by the user. I set it from MaxHeight to Height, then it got influenced by the DPI. I suspect a bug in the .NET 4 (and possibly other frameworks) here.

Pixel fonts in Silverlight 4

Is there a way to render pixel fonts correctly in Silverlight 4? Without breaking text into paths or some sort of manual rendering because the text is dependent on data binding. Tweaks with UseLayoutRounding and .5px positioning shifting don't work.
Just have created a custom TextBlock control which renders text with a pixel font and anti-aliasing turned off.
Pixel Fonts for Silverlight
MS render the font anti-aliased to make them look better... generally... but of course that does not work for pixel fonts that are already optimised for a specific display size.
Manual rendering from a set of pngs would be your best bet (until MS add a new rendering option).
You would of course have to write your own font manager and create/subclass a user control to replace the TextBlock (so that your binding methods still work). I have not found an existing pixel font manager (yet).
Good luck with your project.

What are good places to find free XAML images?

As I started using WPF at higher DPI resolutions, I got into troubles with scaling of toolbar images. XAML images solve that problem.
However I find it very hard to find free toolbar/ribbon XAML images that you can use in your own projects. What I found is usually not free and one probably needs more than few collections to get all needed images.
Where do you find your toolbar/ribbon .xaml images?
Check out the following link
Hidden features of WPF and XAML?
There is a list of converters that can take many formats of images and convert them to xaml for you.
Personally, I wind up using InkScape to create my XAML a lot. Even with my meager drawing skills, it's fairly easy to use and very effective.
As a note, though, I tend to work with the image in the native format and then save as XAML. Working with a file in XAML format seems to be somewhat unstable.

Fast WPF Image Control

I'm looking for an Image control for WPF which can rapidly change images. The built in WPF one is quite slow for the image sizes im using (scaled). I only need about ~3 FPS. I have considered dropping to WinForms and even D3D but I'm not sure thats the best way.
Can anyone suggest something?
WPF's Image control uses the native "Windows Imaging" and Direct3D subsystems of Windows to do all its dirty work, so if used with the right paremeters it will be pretty much as fast as anything you will find.
I suspect the problem is that your settings are causing Windows Imaging load the image at full resolution, then having Direct3D scale it. The solution to this is to do the scaling as you load the image by setting DecodePixelHeight and DecodePixelWidth on the BitmapImage you are using as an ImageSource.
Another technique that many graphics apps use to speed things up is to preload the images in the background. For example, the Windows picture viewer automatically starts loading the next image as soon as the current image is shown.
If you are preloading images, consider doing it in a separate thread. Also make sure you use BitmapCacheOption.OnLoad when you create the BitmapImage or the preloading won't actually occur (the default is OnDemand).

Sprite / Character animation in Silverlight (v2)

We have a Silverlight 2 project (game) that will require a lot of character animation. Can anyone suggest a good way to do this. Currently we plan to build the art in Illustrator, imported to Silverlight via Mike Snow's plug-in as this matches the skills our artists have.
Is key framing the animations our only option here? And if it is, what's the best way to do it? Hundreds of individual png's or is there some way in Silverlight to draw just a portion of a larger image?
You can use the Clip property on the image itself or on a container for the image to display a specific piece of a larger image, like a sprite sheet. This may or may not be more performant than swapping pngs. Also you could use the ImageBrush on a Rectangle to show just what you want, this would probably be a bit more efficient than the Clip property.
I just posted some code using Bill's suggestion regarding the Rectange and ImageBrush.
Silverlight at this time does not support bitmap effects nor has any libraries to manipulate the images. Your option now is to use keyframe animations from one png to another.
Now you can get at the raw bytes of an image. If you have your own image processing libraries you can compile them with the Silverlight dlls and then use the library in your Silverlight app.
