I am using MinGW under a 64-Bit Windows 7. To compile my simple application I use the call:
gcc -o main.exe main.c
Then I get an Error that my libmpc-3.dll is missing. I already set my PATH variable to the bin dir of MinGW (there are only a libmpc-2.dll and a libmpc-10.dll.)
Can anyone help?
Seems that the correct way to solve this and make MinGW install the right version of the library is using the mingw-get tool by calling it like mingw-get install mpc.
If anyone else is missing libmpc-3.dll for non MinGW related situations, seems that Cygwin has a package with libmpc-3 (http://www-uxsup.csx.cam.ac.uk/pub/windows/cygwin/x86_64/release/cygwin32-libmpc/).
I have been using gcc version 5.3.0. It says that it comes with openmp support. But every time when I compile a program using either gcc [by terminal] or via xCode 7, I get same error, "file omp.h not found". I have searched too much on this issue and tried almost everything I found.
First I tried to locate omp.h on my mac. I found some files; then in header file, I used that specific location of omp.h but no help [it gave me linker error].
I installed gcc version 6.0 (pre-release) but no help. I tried changing C_INCLUDE_PATH [which is now, and previously set to none] but that didn't helped me as well.
I reinstalled clang-omp but no help.
I am using llvm compiler version 7.0. Although i have installed clang-omp, there is no omp.h in my /usr/include/*
I changed the compiler and now I am able to run it. [It was issue of clang, which I couldn't solve].
I am a student and Intel is giving Intel Parallel Studio 1 year licence for free to students.
So I downloaded, and installed it.
In xCode, under build settings, I set my compiler to 'Intel C/C++ compiler' and in parallalization, I turned it to 'yes'. That was it. Then it compiled successfully. But, note that you won't be using header file 'omp.h' anymore.
By the way, I am still looking for answers, just to know what I was doing wrong.
You can install 'clang-omp' or 'gcc' (corresponds to GCC 5.3 right now) packages via Homebrew, both of which support OpenMP.
The built in GCC is based upon GCC 4.2.1 abs uses LLVM back end via Dragonegg, which is why it doesn't support OpenMP.
As noted already, Intel compilers support OpenMP on Mac.
I don't use Xcode editor so I don't know how to use any of these from there, but all will work from terminal just as they do on Linux.
the compiler on the mac is clang (based on llvm 3.5) which does not support openmp.
you can try install llvm/clang/openmp from source or using prebuild binaries, but I must admit it does not work as advertised for me…
edit unless you use the -fopenmp=libomp flag.
I just installed the latest version of Cygwin ans for some reason when I try to compile code, it always flashes me this error:
-bash: gcc: command not
I also don't seem to have the gcc.exe that people are referring to and when I try installing stuff like mingw as suggested by other forum answers, it always gives me this error that ti couldn't install the repository.txt.... Looking for help on this matter!
You can install gcc by running setup-x86.exe or setup-x86_64.exe again. The gcc package is in the Devel category:
Then you must go to System properties, System variables, and append the path to "C:\cygwin64\bin" in PATH
If you have already added the gcc package you want you may also need to setup a symbolic link to a different gcc.exe binary. For example:
$cd /usr/bin/
$ln -s i686-pc-cygwin-gcc.exe gcc
$which gcc
You can add the gcc package through the 'Add Package' batch file.
Related issue.
I received below error:
'g++' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
Did the below to resolve:
Downloaded & installed setup-x86_64.exe from https://cygwin.com/install.html
selected below:
gcc-g++: GNU Compiler Collection (C++)
make: The GNU version of the 'make' utility
gdb: The GNU Debugger
Appended ';C:\cygwin64\bin' to PATH environment variable
All errors are gone.
when selecting packages at installation or update search for 'gcc' in searchbox and select the boxes showing 'gcc' mostly found in devel package.
Try installing cygwin from a mirror you did not use earlier(preferably the first one). Some of the servers hold older versions of cygwin which have many problems. Also, search for gcc and install the devel package.
I had the same problem when I installed cygwin from the iitm mirror(closest to my home), and it got resolved when I reinstalled the whole thing from the cygwin mirror.
I am trying to compile a program in Cygwin and it requires shadow.h in one of the source files, which is missing in the /usr/include path. How do I add shadow support in Cygwin ? any packages to install ?
In CentOS, just installing gcc and glibc provided the shadow.h header file. what are the equivalent packages that I need to install in Cygwin ?
shadow.h is to define the type struct spwd, and it is a part of Gnulib.Your compilation is not getting support of this lib.
There should be a libshadow.a in /usr/lib and you need to include it during build as follows
gcc program.c -o program -lshadow
for better understanding you can look here also.
Edited Later:
I just got to know there is some issues in porting of shadow.h and this problem covers cygwin too.Please refer here.
There is none currently, so this isn't going to work until someone contributes those APIs to Cygwin.
Ive been trying to setup mpich2 to compile some programs using MPI on windows 7. The problem that I encounter is that it wont create the binary files when I build a project.
I use the stadard mpi program to test (hello world) and I get this message after building it:
13:33:29 ** Rebuild of configuration Debug for project mpitest **
Info: Internal Builder is used for build mpiCC "-IC:\MPICH2\include"
-O0 -g3 -Wall -c -fmessage-length=0 -o "src\mpitest.o" "..\src\mpitest.c"
The Open MPI wrapper compiler was unable to find the specified
compiler cl.exe in your PATH.
Note that this compiler was either specified at configure time or in one of several
possible environment variables.
13:33:29 Build Finished (took 78ms)
I tried to search for cl.exe but it doesn't exist. I have to say that I also installed openMPI but I didn't use it cause the cluster that I am gonna target run the program is using MPICH2. I have already installed 32bit minGW, 32bit MPICH2 and 32bit openMPI.
Is it normal to not create binaries since i run the .c file in the cluster? If its normal how am i going to check if the program is ok even for 1 process?
Thanks in advance! Cheers!
I found the answer by luck... In the project preferences, select C/C++ build-> Tool Chain editor-> choose cygwin and its done. For some reason i had mingw in that option and wouldnt create binaries, i suppose it needs some other tools that can be found only in the cygwin and not mingw... Still trying to set it and run on the cluster... so many options :/
I am trying to run someone else's (4 year old) code from sourceforge. I downloaded cygwin and checked out the project with CVS.
Here is the compile line which is failing:
gcc ../block_display/block_display.c -o block_display -lopengl32 -lglut32 -lm
Here is the relevant include statement in block_display.c:
#include <GL/glut.h>
When I try to run the above compile line, I get this compile error:
$ gcc ../block_display/block_display.c -o block_display -lopengl32 -lglut32 -lm
/usr/lib/gcc/i686-pc-cygwin/3.4.4/../../../../i686-pc-cygwin/bin/ld: cannot find -lglut32
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
I admit I am new/rusty with cygwin. I tried a few things to get to this point, but since I don't entirely know where to put files, I am stuck on this error. Here is what I have tried:
Downloading all results for 'glut' in cygwin setup: libglut-devel, freeglut, libglut3
Downloading glut 3.7.6, copying glut32.dll to C:\Windows\SysWOW64, and copying glut.h to C:\cygwin\usr\include. I still have glut.def and glut32.lib sitting around, but I do not know exactly where to place them. I tried following this install guide, but since I am not running VC++, I do not know what the cygwin equivalent of VC++ path is.
Any idea what I could do to get this code to compile successfully? I am running Windows 7 64-bit.
You should use freeglut instead. The original glut is far outdated. Freeglut on the other hand is binary and source compatible with the original glut, and it's also open source.
Since glut32.dll is a windows DLL and cygwin is for emulating a unix environment on windows, you can't easily use the original glut with cygwin without recompiling from source.