Getting more info from snmp traps - net-snmp

I have some Windows PCs sending snmpt traps to a linux server. On the server a snmptt trap handler, that works fine except for one issue.
Windows sends out traps with a description (say "Adobe Flash player update service stopped"). My problem is I don't know how to receive this description. Using snmptt (link to doc page), I only get the trapoid,community, category, uptime, hostname, etc, but no description.
Problem is that the Windows trapOID only states that "a service has been stopped". You understand that this is not a very useful info.
With tcpdump I can see the trap coming:
> { SNMPv1 C=dst0pc10 { Trap(298)
> E:311. enterpriseSpecific s=1073748860 1213932 E:311.
> E:311."Unknown" E:311."PCMAGA"
> E:311."4" E:311."0"
> E:311."HP Port Resolver"
> E:311."stopped" } }
I have big difficulties in understanding how to receive and log those descriptions. Any clue?

Ok, posting a question here usually boost my luck. I've found this simple answer:
In snmptt.conf file, the FORMAT directive could be set as
to put all the description in the "formatline" field of the database generated by snmptt.
Another problem arise, hope I can work it out soon: some descrption are in HEX format. Got to find a way to convert them.


action.devices.commands.OpenClose trait in Google Smart Home actions does not work properly

When I give command "Open the device 30 percent", the data received by intent fulfillment is
"command": "action.devices.commands.OpenClose",
"params": {
"followUpToken": "00f38e7b45edbc12fafce49c23568896b7feea58a8a4ba873f31abad7db96de28a25389a2987c7f8deff41afcb25fdffb2b81fe2",
"openPercent": 100
As shown above, the "openPercent" is not correctly interpreted. But if I give command "Close the device 70 percent", the data received by intent fulfillment is
"command": "action.devices.commands.OpenClose",
"params": {
"followUpToken": "00f38e7b4588ad650859efe30a46d7dcb565e3a7eea257919678d5cda32fd769f290298ec8c9d40d0eb3a1b52b0063921823a39d",
"openPercent": 30
So we can see that the "openPercent" is correctly interpreted for this command.
Just wondering what caused the action.devices.commands.OpenClose trait only works partially.
There are two main possibilities of what might be going wrong with the device trait on this one: Your execution might not be interpreted correctly by the Google systems, or your device definition might be in a way such that Google sends you a discrete fully open intent.
To check if the issue is with the interpretation, you can try typing out the command as well as speaking it via voice, to see if Google sends you different values with the execution intent. Please also try our different grammar, such as “Open the device 30 percent”, “Open the device”, “Set the device to 50 open”, “Partially open the device 60 percent” to see if any of these would help. It might be possible that your intent to open might be always recognized as “100%”.
The second possibility is that your device definition might lead Google to send you discrete states of fully open & fully close (or one of these, as in your case). To troubleshoot, please check your Sync response for any potential issues on how you define the trait attributes.

How to transalte messages that comes from server in react native app

I'm building a react-native app with spanish as default language, the problem is that I'm using a open source backend service to serve data and this data comes is in english by default. What I want is to transalate this data/messages that comes from server in my react-native app to show to the user the messages in spanish not in english.
This is the first time I am doing this process and it is not clear to me what are the steps or the flow that is generally followed for this kind of proces(translate messages that comes from server in my app).
You have many approaches to such a thing one comes to mind is
Catch the error/api response message which mostly server error messages comes in codes and messages.
set a condition statement if code equal 2 that means the server is down for example
You made a request to the server and there was an error with the server let say wrong username and password, now the server returns a message and a error code you have to get the code or the message and show your own message
.....made the request the server returned
{ code: 192, message: Wrong username/Password }
now in your code you will do the following
if(code == 192){ your message
P.S this is just on top my head since you didn't share any codes or responses from your server.
If you want to translate all your strings/messages that comes from the server you would need to do another approche something like this
Create a file contain all the strings/codes from the server
compare messages/code comes from the server and the file will return the text you want
{ "102": "Hola", "103": "Bien", "104": "Nada", "105": "Si", }
now this file contain the error/message code all you have to do is when you receive the code grab the message from this file
let translation = {
"101": "Hola",
translation["102"]; // Result will be Si
Now this is the most accurate approach but you have to know all the messages/codes comes from the server, now if you want something to translate on the fly you might wanna use translation library and may not be accurate translation

"send_nav_velocity" function does not work in "guided_set_speed_yaw" example

I am new to Ardupilot.
Recently, I am trying to run the example "guided_set_speed_yaw" in dronekit-python api. here
Oddly, the "send_nav_velocity" in line 47 does not work (no "Got MAVLink msg" response and nothing happened during real flight tests), while "condition_yaw" in line 67 works.
I am running the script in Odroid U3 with an IRIS quadcopter. The firmware version is V3.3-dev. I basically followed this website to come to this far.
Maybe it's because of the firmware version? Thanks for any help!
The URL to the example is (note "examples" not "example"). This is much more "full" version of the example code.
The reason you're not getting a response is that I don't think one is sent - ArduPilot sends a response for COMMAND_LONG messages (as used to send CONDITION_YAW), but not necessarily other message types (as used to send the velocity).

How to remove default disclaimer in javamail

When sending emails via javamail, the following is always appended to the bottom of each message:
This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and
intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they
are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify
the system manager. This message contains confidential information and
is intended only for the individual named. If you are not the named
addressee you should not disseminate, distribute or copy this e-mail.
Please notify the sender immediately by e-mail if you have received
this e-mail by mistake and delete this e-mail from your system. If you
are not the intended recipient you are notified that disclosing,
copying, distributing or taking any action in reliance on the contents
of this information is strictly prohibited.
How does one prevent this?
(NOTE: This problem is extremely frustrating to research on the web due to the fact that a disclaimer of this form is attached to so many indexed documents! :-(
JavaMail is not doing that, it is your outgoing SMTP server appending it to each message, probably set up by IT.
To confirm, you can use gmail's servers (with a personal account) and you will see it does not get added to the messages.
This should work. Pay attention to the form in which email body get parsed. In my case the emailBody string is on one line, so you have to put the "#Your disclaimer Here#" on one line. Answer for who will come in future.
public String deleteDisclaimer(String emailBody) {
String disclaimer = "#Your disclaimer here#";
if (emailBody.contains(disclaimer)) {
System.out.println("Deleting Disclaimer..");
return emailBody.substring(0,emailBody.indexOf(disclaimer));
System.out.println("DISCLAIMER NOT FOUND!");
return emailBody;

Why are these deferred tasks not being executed in the order in which they were added?

I'm using Twilio to send sms's with appengine. Twilio doesn't accept sms's longer than 160 characters so I have to split them. I am splitting the sms's and sending them as follows:
def send_sms_via_twilio(mobile_number, message_text):
client = TwilioRestClient(twilio_account_sid , twilio_auth_token)
message = client.sms.messages.create(to=mobile_number, from_=my_twilio_number, body=message_text)
split_list = split_sms(long_message)
for each_message in split_list:
However I found that the order of sending varied. For example sometimes I'd recieve message 2/5 then 1/5 then 4/5 etc and other times the order would be correct. The order of the split_list is definately correct. To overcome the incorrect order of the sms's I tried
for each_message in split_list:
deferred.defer(send_sms_via_twilio, each_message, _countdown=1)
However I encountered the same problem. I then tried
for each_message in split_list:
deferred.defer(send_sms_via_twilio, each_message, _countdown=1, _queue="send-text-message")
and defined my queue as
- name: send-text-message
rate: 1/s
bucket_size: 10
max_concurrent_requests: 1
task_retry_limit: 5
Thinking that the issue was concurrency (running in python27) and that if I limited max_concurrent_requests this issue would be solved. However the issue is still present i.e. the texts still get sent in the wrong order. I checked the logs but couldnt see any notification of task failure - they just seem to be executing in the wrong order.
Is there something I am missing? How can I fix this issue.
Note that the SMS messaging (specifically the underlying protocols like SMPP) are asynchronous by definition. It means there is no way you can specify the order of distinct SMS messages.
There is a way to specify the order of SMS packets by using the UDH (user defined headers) in the binary body of those messages. But this works only for long SMS messages -- those that are too long to be sent in one message. For example, if your msg exceeds 160 GSM-7 characters or 80 UTF-16 characters it will be send as more than one message with UDH.
In that case the mobile phone won't show message parts as they arrive. It will collect them in memory until the last one comes and then assembles them in the right order. For the end user this is just a message longer than usual and you don't have to write "1/3", "2/3", ... in the message.
Disclaimer: I work for a company that enables you to send and receive both multiple binary messages with user-specified headers (UDH) and/or standard long messages.
If you are not tied to Twilio try using SMSified. They automatically split the message for you, insure it is in the correct order, and add "1/2, 2/2..." to the end of the message. In other words you just send the complete message to their REST API, no matter the length, and they handle the rest. Since they also use a REST API you can continue to use Python.
