IOS 7 / IOS 6 custom toolbar barbuttonitem - ios6

I am trying to provide support for both iOS7 and iOS6 using storyboards. I have designed a custom barbuttonitem for iOS7 which looks like this:
It looks just fine. The problem is how to specify another image for the barbuttonitem for iOS6. Obviously the iOS6 and the iOS 7 images need to be different sizes. The iOS 6 button looks like this:
How do you do this in the storyboard? Is there some sort of suffix or naming convention to allow an iOS7 image to be distinguished from an iOS6 image?
Thanks Jim

For something like that, you'll probably need to programatically change the appearance based on the running version.
I've used something like this:
#define IS_IOS_6 ([[UIDevice currentDevice].systemVersion hasPrefix:#"6"])
// or
// #define IS_IOS_6 (floor(NSFoundationVersionNumber) <= NSFoundationVersionNumber_iOS_6_1)
if (IS_IOS_6) {
[self.barButtonItem setBackgroundImage:ios6Image forState:UIControlStateNormal barMetrics:UIBarMetricsDefault];
} else {
[self.barButtonItem setBackgroundImage:ios7Image forState:UIControlStateNormal barMetrics:UIBarMetricsDefault];

You can use this to load a different image based on iOS version.
if (floor(NSFoundationVersionNumber) <= NSFoundationVersionNumber_iOS_6_1) {
// Load resources for iOS 6.1 or earlier
else {
// Load resources for iOS 7 or later


Windows Phone 8.1 live tile background task

I have a Windows Phone 8 app that I recently upgraded to 8.1 Silverlight. I'd like to use the new tile templates. Right now I have a ScheduledTaskAgent that uses ShellTile.
In order to use the new live tiles I changed the notification service to WNS in my WMAppManifest.xml. I removed the code to register the old background task and added this code instead:
var backgroundAccessStatus = await BackgroundExecutionManager.RequestAccessAsync();
if (backgroundAccessStatus == BackgroundAccessStatus.AllowedMayUseActiveRealTimeConnectivity ||
backgroundAccessStatus == BackgroundAccessStatus.AllowedWithAlwaysOnRealTimeConnectivity)
foreach (var task in BackgroundTaskRegistration.AllTasks)
if (task.Value.Name == "LiveTileBackgroundTask")
BackgroundTaskBuilder taskBuilder = new BackgroundTaskBuilder();
taskBuilder.Name = "LiveTileBackgroundTask";
taskBuilder.TaskEntryPoint = "BackgroundTasks.LiveTileBackgroundTask";
taskBuilder.SetTrigger(new TimeTrigger(15, false));
var registration = taskBuilder.Register();
I created a Windows Phone 8.1 Windows Runtime Component called BackgroundTasks that contains a BackgroundTask called LiveTileBackgroundTask:
public sealed class LiveTileBackgroundTask : IBackgroundTask
public void Run(IBackgroundTaskInstance taskInstance)
BackgroundTaskDeferral deferral = taskInstance.GetDeferral();
const string xml = "<tile>"
+ "<visual>"
+ "<binding template='TileWideText01'>"
+ "<text id='1'>Text Field 1 (larger text)</text>"
+ "<text id='2'>Text Field 2</text>"
+ "<text id='3'>Text Field 3</text>"
+ "<text id='4'>Text Field 4</text>"
+ "<text id='5'>Text Field 5</text>"
+ "</binding> "
+ "</visual>"
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
TileNotification tileNotification = new TileNotification(doc);
I added a reference to this assembly in my Windows Phone project.
I also added a Background task declaration in my Package.appxmanifest that has BackgroundTasks.LiveTileBackgroundTask as an Entry point. I selected Timer and System event as supported task types.
When I run the app though, nothing happens. No live tile appears. I ran through the background task and everything goes well without any exceptions.
You say "No live tile appears". The code you've posted does not create a live tile - it just updates one. You have to manually pin it - the primary tile cannot be pinned through code.
If that's not the problem, maybe you're not looking at the wide tile? This template is for a wide tile, so the square tile won't be updated by this. I'd suggest using the NotificationsExtensions library. It was originally for Windows Store apps, but I think it would work for WP as well. (I've used it, but just for a test, not for real, so there may be issues.) It allows you to easily specify the template and params for both wide and square tiles.
And finally, to have a wide tile, you have to manually edit the Package.appxmanifest file. You must add the Wide310x150Logo attribute to the DefaultTile element.
That's all I can think of. Hope it helps.
Continuous background execution is not supported for Silverlight 8.1
Windows Phone 8 apps can continue to run in the background after the
user navigates away from the app under certain conditions. This
feature is not available for Silverlight 8.1 apps. If you need this
feature, you should continue to use a Windows Phone 8 app. For more
information, see Running location-tracking apps in the background for
Windows Phone 8.
Platform compatibility and breaking changes for Windows Phone Silverlight 8.1 apps
Windows Phone 8.1 Windows Runtime Component can only be used with Windows Phone 8.1 Runtime(Store) app

Does Everyplay support Landscape in iOS6?

I'm integrating Everyplay with my Cocos2d Game.My game only support Landscape orientation.
Everything goes well on iPad.
But When i test on iPhone(iOS6),it throws exception as following when I call "[[Everyplay sharedInstance] showEveryplay]":
reason: 'Supported orientations has no common orientation with the application, and shouldAutorotate is returning YES'
I know orientation mechanism changed in iOS6.So i add this method:
return YES;
return UIInterfaceOrientationMaskLandscape;
-(NSUInteger)application:(UIApplication *)application supportedInterfaceOrientationsForWindow:(UIWindow *)window{
return UIInterfaceOrientationMaskAllButUpsideDown;
Then "[[Everyplay sharedInstance] showEveryplay]" works without exception, but my game also support Portrait orientation that I do not want to.
How can I do if I only want to support Landscape in My Game, but let "[[Everyplay sharedInstance] showEveryplay]" works without exception?
You have two options how to fix the problem.
Option 1:
Add UISupportedInterfaceOrientations array into your game's info.plist with items UIInterfaceOrientationPortrait, UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeLeft, UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeRight and UIInterfaceOrientationPortraitUpsideDown. You can easily do this from xCode by checking all Supported Interface Orientations from your project summary page or by editing the info.plist file manually.
Option 2:
Add the following method to your application's AppDelegate.m file:
// IOS 6
-(NSUInteger)application:(UIApplication *)application supportedInterfaceOrientationsForWindow:(UIWindow *)window {
return UIInterfaceOrientationMaskAll;
In both cases you must also make sure that you have added the landscape only orientation handling code to your game's main UIViewController.
// IOS 5
- (BOOL)shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation:(UIInterfaceOrientation)toInterfaceOrientation {
return UIInterfaceOrientationIsLandscape(toInterfaceOrientation);
// IOS 6
- (BOOL)shouldAutorotate {
return YES;
- (NSUInteger)supportedInterfaceOrientations {
return UIInterfaceOrientationMaskLandscapeLeft | UIInterfaceOrientationMaskLandscapeRight;
On iPhone Everyplay webview is always on portrait mode, but on iPad the webview supports both. Recording supports both modes as does the video player. We will likely in near future update the landscape mode for iPhone resolution too, but it will require some redesign before this task is complete.

IOS 6 - Auto Rotate MPMovieplayer

So, i'm fix interface Iphone is portrait and i wanna show landscapte when i playing video(using MPMoviePlayerController), i have read in ios6 sdk,ShouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation is deprecated. How to rotate only this player view? I can only rotate whole app, but don't want to do this.
i tryed with
return [[self.viewControllers lastObject] shouldAutorotate];
return [[self.viewControllers lastObject] supportedInterfaceOrientations];
- (UIInterfaceOrientation)preferredInterfaceOrientationForPresentation
return [[self.viewControllers lastObject] preferredInterfaceOrientationForPresentation];
in this link or link but video still doesn't change.. Can you help me
First of all, in your app settings, do you allow any other orientation besides portrait?
Second, is your view controller embedded in an UINavigationController/UITabBarController/UISplitViewController?
The code you posted is supposed to work as a category or by subclassing an UINavigationController. If your container is not a UINavigationController, it won't work.(at least not for UITabBarController).
Can you also post the code where you enable to rotation for your view controller?
Also, it could be helpful to also show the whole code for your category/subclass.

Detect or react to Guided Access?

In an app we're creating, we need to add some extra screens to configure the app.
It would be nice if we could add extra buttons on the opening screen of the app, that is only visible if the iPad is not in guided access.
Is it possible to detect that the device is currently running with guided access, and react to it being enabled or disabled?
You want something like this:
NSLog(#"Accessabilitiy enabled: %#", UIAccessibilityIsGuidedAccessEnabled() ? #"YES" : #"NO");
if (!UIAccessibilityIsGuidedAccessEnabled()) {
// show something since I'm not in guided access
If you want to know when it changes...
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:#selector(guidedAccessChanged) name:UIAccessibilityGuidedAccessStatusDidChangeNotification object:nil];
then check to see if it is on or off as per the first test.
Guided Access in depth at WWDC 2013 (begins at 39:26)
Check if Guided Access is Enabled ( iOS 6+ ):
Respond to Guided Access status changes ( iOS 6+ ):
Add custom restrictions while in Guided Access mode ( iOS 7+ ):
Getting the restriction state for specified restriction ( iOS 7+ ):
func UIGuidedAccessRestrictionStateForIdentifier(_ restrictionIdentifier: String) -> UIGuidedAccessRestrictionState
UIGuidedAccessRestrictionState UIGuidedAccessRestrictionStateForIdentifier(NSString *restrictionIdentifier);
Swift 4.2:
if !UIAccessibility.isGuidedAccessEnabled {
// show something since I'm not in guided access

WPF WebBrowser - How to Zoom Content?

Trying to test basic browser concepts in a WPF (C#/XAML, .NET 4.0) WebBrowser application. So far, the only problem is programatically zooming. Has anyone had any experience with this?
MSDN lists nothing:
Additionally, I have tried various things such as RenderTransform options to no avail. Either this is not possible or not documented. I'm hoping for the latter. Note that a WinForm solution isn't acceptable.
Thanks in advance for any help,
Maybe you can execute a javascript like this. = 1.5;
In WPF we can manipulate the document. I Created a Extension Method for you, so you can set the Zoom:
public static partial class MyExtensions
public static void SetZoom(this System.Windows.Controls.WebBrowser WebBrowser1, double Zoom)
// For this code to work: add the Microsoft.mshtml .NET reference
mshtml.IHTMLDocument2 doc = WebBrowser1.Document as mshtml.IHTMLDocument2;
doc.parentWindow.execScript("" + Zoom.ToString().Replace(",", ".") + ";");
I used bits and pieces from this answer to assist with the zoom issue. The key here is the ExecWB method. The zoom on the Windows Desktop is not 1-1 to the zoom on the WebBrowser Control. You will have to play with it. The pseudo-code for the equation looks like this:
zoomLevel = (winDesktopZoom - 100) + _winDesktopZoom + 10
Note that you will need a reference to SHDocVw.dll which can be found in the C:\Windows\SysWOW64 for x64 machines and in C:\Windows\System32 for x86 machines.
This is not pretty, but it is the only thing that I have found, short of upgrading to that actually matches IE default zoom settings (which default to the Windows Desktop zoom) to WebBrowser Control. Also note that the Windows Desktop Zoom only exists for Vista, Win 7 and probably 2k8 as well in the Control Panel --> Display, but I didn't check Vista or 2k8. It is not there for XP (any service pack).
To get the Windows Desktop Zoom (this does work on XP for some reason) I did:
var presentSource = PresentationSource.FromVisual(this);
if (presentSource != null && presentSource.CompositionTarget != null
&& presentSource.CompositionTarget.TransformToDevice != null)
_zoomPercentage = Convert.ToInt32(100 * presentSource.CompositionTarget.TransformToDevice.M11);
This logic is placed in the OnSourceInitialized override for that XAML Window.
You can see this:
