How to prevent Joomla site creating unwanted folder - joomla3.0

I have a menu link with the alias "inside" on a joomla 3.1.5 site here:
Every morning I check the site and a folder named "inside" has been created in the root dir which prevents the site from loading as it should, instead displaying a directory contents listing at
Anyone have any ideas how to prevent this please?

This is just a theory, but check the xml files of your installed modules and plugins (most likely a plugin) for this line...
and if it exists try deleting that line of code - or better still uninstall the extension - that should fix it. It's possible that a plugin requires that folder and has php code to create the folder if it doesn't exist - and so creates the folder each time it is run - i.e. when the site is loaded. The above line of xml code I have asked you to look for will go someway to helping determine if this is the case.


Publish files to bin folder when source files are in a sub-folder with ClickOnce with WPF app

I have found numerous articles on StackOverflow and elsewhere stating that if you wanted to output your files to the bin folder using ClickOnce, you should set the
BuildAction: Content
CopyToOuputDirectory : Copy if newer
but some of my binaries are located in a Dependencies subfolder located in the root of my project and when I publish the content, they are being outputted to
<wpf app folder>\dependencies instead of being in the <wpf app folder> causing my app to not function properly.
Any suggestions on how I can change this to force ClickOnce to output specific files to <wpf app folder>\ irrespective of where the Source files are located.
I eventually found a work-around which I don't like but I need to move on. To circumvent this problem I added the required libraries to the root of my project as links and still set the BuildAction to Content and CopyToOutputDirectory to Copy if newer.
I thought I'd explain it with an example as it may make a bit more sense.
Project Path: C:\Work\MyApp and it contains the following sub-folders:
The libraries are third-party tools and are actually contained in their own folder:
By having the libraries in D:\Work\MyApp\Dependencies did not work as ClickOnce would install the app in:
and it installed the files located in the Dependencies sub-folder in:
Which caused my app not to work.
To get around it, I ended up adding LibA.dll and LibB.dll to the root of my project as "Linked files" and set their BuildAction and CopyToOutputDirectory but not by pointing the linked files to
but instead pointing them:
And this seems to have done the trick. My only beef about it is that now I've got 10 odd files listed in the root of my project in visual studio which I don't like:
MyApp Solution
- MyApp Project
- MyApp.csproj
- MyApp.xaml
- ...
- LibA.dll
- LibB.dll
- ...
But it will have to do for now.
Hope it helps others!

The component 'LiveCharts.Wpf.DefaultLegend' does not have a resource identified by the URL '/LiveCharts.Wpf;component/defaultlegend.xaml'

I have been programming on a winforms project for about a month days. Recently one of the form designers always show an error page.
When the project is just loaded on VS, there's no error. After I do some modification then rebuild it will show the error page of:
The component 'LiveCharts.Wpf.DefaultLegend' does not have a resource identified by the URL '/LiveCharts.Wpf;component/defaultlegend.xaml'.
and the call stack shows:
at System.Windows.Application.LoadComponent(Object component, Uri resourceLocator)
at LiveCharts.Wpf.DefaultLegend.InitializeComponent() in c:\Users\btord\Documents\Projects\LiveCharts\WpfView\DefaultLegend.xaml:line 1
at LiveCharts.Wpf.Charts.Base.Chart..ctor() in c:\Users\btord\Documents\Projects\LiveCharts\WpfView\Charts\Base\Chart.cs:line 82
at LiveCharts.Wpf.CartesianChart..ctor() in c:\Users\btord\Documents\Projects\LiveCharts\WpfView\CartesianChart.cs:line 40
at LiveCharts.WinForms.CartesianChart..ctor() in c:\Users\btord\Documents\Projects\LiveCharts\WinFormsView\CartesianChart.cs:line 46
at Controls.Chart.MyChart.InitializeComponent()
at Controls.Chart.MyChart..ctor()
I checked the path but found no 'c:\Users\btord' directory and a few days ago I moved my Documents directory to D driver.
Sometimes after I build on release it will show another error page of:
Could not load file or assembly 'LiveCharts.WinForms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=0bc1f845d1ebb8df' or one of its dependencies.
And there's no error in source code of the designer at all, neither when building. The execute file can run healthily.
It seems to commonly happen when multiple copies of live charts dll's are present in a solution build.
For me it was used both in the main executable and a plugin class library building in a sub folder. The effect is two copies of the Live Charts dll's in different folders which it doesn't like.
If using a packages.config file to handle references you can set the LiveCharts references to "CopyLocal"=false for the extra projects. This stops multiple copies of the dll's being included the build. It will happily use the copy loaded in the main project.
Package References
Sadly there isn't an option to not copy the files when using the newer style package references.
Removing extra copies post build seems the easiest workaround I've found.
In Project Properties, Build events page, post build event command line box add
del $(TargetDir)LiveCharts.*
$(TargetDir) is your projects output path.

Change the default location of Pycharm Project

I am using PyCharm 3.4.1 on Ubuntu 14.04. For new project it suggests ~/PyCharmProjects for storing project folders. Is it possible to change the location and name of this proposed folder?
(I couldn't find any reference to changing it in the interface, on the JetBrains site, or in the settings files. Either it isn't possible or (I hope) I missed something.)
Note, it is not a duplicate of Can I change the location/name of PyCharmProjects? - I am aware that it is possible to change proposed path for every created project - but I want defaults that I like.
I know this is an old question, but is is certainly possible as of now
Settings | Appearance & Behaviour | System Settings | Default directory
See JetBrains support page
In fact, this is possible. In the IDE settings folder (, under config/options/recentProjectDirectories.xml, you can add an option lastProjectLocation. It wil honor this setting when creating new projects. My recentProjectDirectories.xml looks like this:
<component name="RecentDirectoryProjectsManager">
<option name="lastProjectLocation" value="$USER_HOME$/my_projects" />
In fact, for most options that you want to customize, you could do a diff of the config/options folder before and after you make the change: this way you can find out a lot about how PyCharm (or any IntelliJ tool) configures its editor.
I haven't found an explicit option for doing this in PyCharm, but the following steps have worked as an alternative:
Move your PycharmProjects folder to the desired location.
When you create a new project, press the "..." button to the right of the path (This is on the pop up window that asks for location and interpreter).
Navigate to the new location of PycharmProjects and select that directory.
Add the name of the new project to the directory location (ie. /home/alex/Documents/PycharmProjects/new_project_name)
Now, whenever you create a new project, the location will default to the last chosen path.
This wouldn't be a good solution for someone who is creating projects in many different directories, rather than just PycharmProjects. All my projects are within PycharmProjects and this works just fine.
PyCharm (since at least version 2017) remembers the parent directory of the last place where you created a project. So create a junk project in the directory that you want to be your default projects directory, then close that project, and delete it from disk. The next time you create a project, pycharm will automatically put you in that directory.
It's not a provided option. See this old thread (2003) on where this is being discussed.
Subsequent requests to specify a default directory for projects has gone unanswered:;jsessionid=5A2C7A1F90969DEAD3908924FFF1AF3A?tstart=1;jsessionid=5255DB0AAB942F0DCDF1B86AFFE54976
Just an update to #Psionman's answer. At least in the professional version (2019.3.5), t appears to have shifted just a bit. The field is now available at
File | Settings | Appearance & Behavior | System Settings > Project Opening > Default Directory
The latest version 2021.3 has the following option:
File | Settings | Appearance & Behavior | System Settings > Project (Dialogue) > Default project directory
Just like virtualenvwrapper, PyCharm apparently obeys $PROJECT_HOME
PROJECT_HOME=$HOME/Devel pycharm
I would have to agree, because I could not find an option in the program. However, based on the answers, found a folder labeled (in my case)
In this folder there are XMLs, one named option with a tag "file.chooser.recent.files". I worked with this, which I found to work for me.
Maybe this also serves:
File -> Settings -> Project (name) -> Project Structure -> Add Content Root
Add folders and then create files and/or navigate between them easily.

Typing the command "cake" in console shows no output

Typing the command "cake" in console shows no output, no errors or anything like that. It just prints about 4 blank lines.
Has anyone else experience this problem before and how did you fix it?
I have had similar problem a moment ago and I found the solution. the problem was not the path for me. I have turn on the debug from 0 to 2. and it shows some error instead of empty output and I try to fix the error (which was in the core.php) and it works now.
So try to debug it like me and fix the error.
Hope it helps.
cake is not directly available in app - while you are in the right folder you still need to call the cake command relative from there:
Note that this syntax is unique to Windows
For UNIX use
In case you are using an old app version or didnt bake your application with the Console folder (which you should, though), you can also call the cake core version of it relatively from the APP dir:
Either way the cake file needs to have sufficient execution rights (UNIX mainly) and PHP must be in the system env path. Then it will all work out of the box.
Run this command in Cake/Console folder. I think you are not running it in the right folder.
In this directory:
type this command:
php Console/cake.php
which will output:
Current Paths:
-app: app
-working: C:\xampp\htdocs\project\app
-root: C:\xampp\htdocs\project
-core: C:\xampp\htdocs\project\lib
Changing Paths:
Your working path should be the same as your application path. To change your path use the '-app' param.
Example: -app relative/path/to/myapp or -app /absolute/path/to/myapp
Similar issue encountered where Console wasn't outputting anything after installing Cake via Composer instead of git clone - no error, just returning a blank line. To solve it I made a backup of app/ (mv app/ app.bak/) and then used vendor/bin/cake -app app bake to bake a brand new app/ folder. Once that process was complete running Console from app/Console/cake started working again. Then just moved my app.bak/ code back in place. I'm assuming over time the paths present or code in app/Console had become unworkable.
Bringing back in the old code I was able to narrow down the issue to using Apc as a cache engine. Reverting to $engine = 'File'; in core.php and bootstrap.php solved the problem and Console worked as expected.
I guess you are using a composer powered cakephp which has console command in Vendor folder. If so, try this ;
or you may try with full path to fw;

CakePHP searching for DebugKit at wrong path

I am trying to import DebugKit and CakePHP is producing the following error: DebugKit.ToolbarComponent could not be found.
Right below it, it says:
Create the class ToolbarComponent below in file:
If you notice though, there are two slashes between DebugKit and Controller for some reason, and that's obviously not a real directory. The server running PHP 5.4.17. I have followed the exact installation instructions listed here. Any suggestions?
I had the same problem and solved it by changing the permissions to 755 to folders within DebugKit.
When I encountered this problem, I realized I had a Plugin/DebugKit folder structure in my project's root, and under the app directory. The one under app was empty, save for a blank file called empty. Strange. I have no idea how this happened. (Perhaps from accidentally running composer as non-root?) I deleted app/Plugin/DebugKit, and moved the one from the project root into app. No more error.
DebugKit does not currently seem to be compatible with cakephp 3.0 even though it is the example in the documentation.
The latest version still seems to use the 2.x methods.
I will also submit a ticket regarding this to update their documentation to prevent confusion.
If there is something I missed regarding this issue and it is actually possible to install this, let me know.
