why is the bitwise complement of 10 is -11 - c

Why the result of ~10 is -11? Shouldn't it be 5 as the ~ operations flips every bit.
10 = 1010
~10= 0101 //5 in decimal
int main()
unsigned int b =10;
b= ~b;
printf("bitwise %d\n ",b);
return 0;

Many things wrong with this.
You're bit-negating an unsigned int and then printing it as a signed int (%d is for signed integers). Print the result as an unsigned int and you will realize...
on a 32bit-int machine, 10(decimal) is not 1010(binary) but 000000000000000000000000000001010.
Finally, convert everything back to signed integers and learn about two's complement notation to find out how negative numbers are stored in your computer.

Don't forget that you are flipping every bit, including the most significant bit (sign bit for signed variables). Defining a variable as unsigned doesn't change the binary representation, only how the program uses it.
So when you print the number out as signed (%d) you will get -11.
10 = 0x0000000A (10)
~10 = 0xFFFFFFF5 (-11 signed / 4294967285 unsigned)
To print out as unsigned use:
printf("bitwise %u\n ",b);


can't understand bit fields in C

For about 3-4 hours and start reading about bit fields in C and I can't understand how they work. For example, I can't understand why the program has the output: -1, 2, -3
#include <stdio.h>
struct REGISTER {
int bit1 : 1;
int : 2;
int bit3 : 4;
int bit4 : 4;
int main(void) {
struct REGISTER bit = { 1, 2, 13 };
printf("%d, %d, %d\n", bit.bit1, bit.bit3, bit.bit4);
return 0;
Can someone give me an explanation? I tend to think that if I use unsigned in the struct then the output would be positive. But I don't know where that -3 comes from.
Your compiler considers the type int of a bit field as the type signed int.
Consider the binary representation of initializers (it is enough to consider one byte)
1 -> 0b00000001
2 -> 0b00000010
13 -> 0b00001101
So the first bit-field having the width equal to 1 gets 1. For an integer with one bit this bit is the sign bit. So such a bit field can represent two values 0 and -1 (in the 2's complement representation).
The second initialized bit-field has the width equal to 4. So it stores the bit representation 0010 that is equal to 2.
The third initialized bit-field also has the width equal to 4. So its stored bit combination is equal to 1101. The most significant bit is the sign bit and it is set. So the bit-field contains a negative number. This number is equal to -3.
1101 ( = -3 )
0011 ( = 3 )
0000 ( = 0 )
It is implementation-defined whether an int bitfield is signed or unsigned, hence it is actually an error in any program where you care about the value - if you care for the value you will qualify it either as signed or unsigned.
Now, your compiler considers bitfields without specified signedness as signed. I.e. int bit4: 4 tells that that bit-field is 4 bits wide and signed.
13 cannot be represented in a signed 4-bit bitfield as the maximum value is 7, no matter the representation of negative numbers - 2's complement, 1's complement, sign-and-magnitude. An implementation-specified conversion will now occur: in your case the bit representation 1101 is stored as-is in the 2's complement signed bitfield, and it is considered as the 2's complement negative value -3.
Same happens for 1-bit signed bitfield: the one bit is the sign bit, hence there are only 2 possible values: 0 and -1 on two's complement systems. On one's complement system, or sign-and-magnitude, one-bit bitfield does not make any sense at all because it can only store 0 or a trap value.
If you want it to be able to store value 13, you will have to use at least 5 bits or use unsigned int: 4.
Please Dont use signed int in this operation. here that lead to minus results. if we use unsigned int,The output comes out to be negative
What happened behind is that the value 13 was stored in 4 bit signed integer which is equal to 1101. The MSB is a 1, so it’s a negative number and you need to calculate the 2’s complement of the binary number to get its actual value which is what is done internally. By calculating 2’s complement you will arrive at the value 0011 which is equivalent to decimal number 3 and since it was a negative number you get a -3.
#include <stdio.h>
struct REGISTER {
unsigned int bit1: 1;
unsigned int :2;
unsigned int bit3: 4;
unsigned int bit4: 4;
int main(void) {
struct REGISTER bit={1,2,13};
printf("%d, %d, %d\n", bit.bit1, bit.bit3, bit.bit4);
return 0;
Here the output will be exactly 1,2,13
It's pretty easy, you're initializing the bitfields as follows:
1 as bit length 1. That means the MSB is 1, which since the type is int is the sign bit. So the resulting value is -0-1 = -1.
2 as bit length 4. MSB (sign bit) is 0, so the result is positive, ie 2.
13 as bit length 4. In binary that is 1101, so the MSB is 1 (negative), so the resulting value is -2-1 = -3.
You can read more about two's complement (the format in which numbers are stored on Intel architectures) here. The short version is that negative numbers have MSB=1, and to calculate their value you take the negative of their not representation (without the sign bit) minus one.

Variable conversion mixup in C

I have the following C code and I have to understand why the result is a fairly big positive number:
int k;
unsigned int l;
float f;
f=4; l = 1; k = -2;
printf("\n %f", (unsigned int)l+k+f);
The result is a very large number (around 4 billion, max for 32 bit integers), so I suspect it has something to do with the representation of signed negative integers (two's complement) that looks fairly big if we look at it as unsigned.
However I don't quite understand why it behaves this way and what the float has to do with the behavior (if I remove it it stops doing it). Could someone explain how does it do that ? What is the process that happens when adding the numbers that leads to this result ?
The problem is that when you add a signed int to an unsigned, C converts the result to an unsigned int, even negative ones. Since k is negative, it gets re-interpreted as a large positive number before the addition. After that the f is added, but it is small in comparison to negative 2 re-interpreted as a positive number.
Here is a short illustration of the problem:
int k = -2;
unsigned int l = 1;
printf("\n %u", l+k);
This prints 4294967295 on a 32-bit system, because -2 in two's complement representation is 0xFFFFFFFE (demo).
The answer is that when the compiler does the l+k it typecasts the k to unsigned int which turns it into that big number. If you change the order of the vars to this: l+f+k this behavior will not occur.
What happens is that a negative integer is converted to an unsigned integer by adding the maximum unsigned value, plus one, repeatedly to the signed value until it's representable. This is why you see such a large value.
With two's complement, it's the same as truncating or sign extending the value and interpreting it as unsigned which is simple for a computer to do.

Difference between unsigned int and int

I read about twos complement on wikipedia and on stack overflow, this is what I understood but I'm not sure if it's correct
signed int
the left most bit is interpreted as -231 and this how we can have negative numbers
unsigned int
the left most bit is interpreted as +231 and this is how we achieve large positive numbers
What will the compiler see when we store 3 vs -3?
I thought 3 is always 00000000000000000000000000000011
and -3 is always 11111111111111111111111111111101
example for 3 vs -3 in C:
unsigned int x = -3;
int y = 3;
printf("%d %d\n", x, y); // -3 3
printf("%u %u\n", x, y); // 4294967293 3
printf("%x %x\n", x, y); // fffffffd 3
Two's complement is a way to represent negative integers in binary.
First of all, here's a standard 32-bit integer ranges:
Signed = -(2 ^ 31) to ((2 ^ 31) - 1)
Unsigned = 0 to ((2 ^ 32) - 1)
In two's complement, a negative is represented by inverting the bits of its positive equivalent and adding 1:
10 which is 00001010 becomes -10 which is 11110110 (if the numbers were 8-bit integers).
Also, the binary representation is only important if you plan on using bitwise operators.
If your doing basic arithmetic, then this is unimportant.
The only time this may give unexpected results outside of the aforementioned times is getting the absolute value of the signed version of -(2 << 31) which will always give a negative.
Your problem does not have to do with the representation, but the type.
A negative number in an unsigned integer is represented the same, the difference is that it becomes a super high number since it must be positive and the sign bit works as normal.
You should also realize that ((2^32) - 5) is the exact same thing as -5 if the value is unsigned, etc.
Therefore, the following holds true:
unsigned int x = (2 << 31) - 5;
unsigned int y = -5;
if (x == y) {
printf("Negative values wrap around in unsigned integers on underflow.");
else {
printf( "Unsigned integer underflow is undefined!" );
The numbers don't change, just the interpretation of the numbers. For most two's complement processors, add and subtract do the same math, but set a carry / borrow status assuming the numbers are unsigned, and an overflow status assuming the number are signed. For multiply and divide, the result may be different between signed and unsigned numbers (if one or both numbers are negative), so there are separate signed and unsigned versions of multiply and divide.
For 32-bit integers, for both signed and unsigned numbers, n-th bit is always interpreted as +2n.
For signed numbers with the 31th bit set, the result is adjusted by -232.
1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 11112 as unsigned int is interpreted as 231+230+...+21+20. The interpretation of this as a signed int would be the same MINUS 232, i.e. 231+230+...+21+20-232 = -1.
(Well, it can be said that for signed numbers with the 31th bit set, this bit is interpreted as -231 instead of +231, like you said in the question. I find this way a little less clear.)
Your representation of 3 and -3 is correct: 3 = 0x00000003, -3 + 232 = 0xFFFFFFFD.
Yes, you are correct, allow me to explain a bit further for clarification purposes.
The difference between int and unsigned int is how the bits are interpreted. The machine processes unsigned and signed bits the same way, but there are extra bits added for signing. Two's complement notation is very readable when dealing with related subjects.
The number 5's, 0101, inverse is 1011.
In C++, it's depends when you should use each data type. You should use unsigned values when functions or operators return those values. ALUs handle signed and unsigned variables very similarly.
The exact rules for writing in Two's complement is as follows:
If the number is positive, count up to 2^(32-1) -1
If it is 0, use all zeroes
For negatives, flip and switch all the 1's and 0's.
Example 2(The beauty of Two's complement):
-2 + 2 = 0 is displayed as 0010 + 1110; and that is 10000. With overflow at the end, we have our result as 0000;

How does C store negative numbers in signed vs unsigned integers?

Here is the example:
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
int x=35;
int y=-35;
unsigned int z=35;
unsigned int p=-35;
signed int q=-35;
return 0;
Does it really matter if I declare the value as signed or unsigned int? Because, C actually only cares about how I read the value from memory. Please help me understand this and I hope you prove me wrong.
Representation of signed integers is up to the underlying platform, not the C language itself. The language definition is mostly agnostic with regard to signed integer representations. Two's complement is probably the most common, but there are other representations such as one's complement and signed magnitude.
In a two's complement system, you negate a value by inverting the bits and adding 1. To get from 5 to -5, you'd do:
5 == 0101 => 1010 + 1 == 1011 == -5
To go from -5 back to 5, you follow the same procedure:
-5 == 1011 => 0100 + 1 == 0101 == 5
Does it really matter if I declare the value as signed or unsigned int?
Yes, for the following reasons:
It affects the values you can represent: unsigned integers can represent values from 0 to 2N-1, whereas signed integers can represent values between -2N-1 and 2N-1-1 (two's complement).
Overflow is well-defined for unsigned integers; UINT_MAX + 1 will "wrap" back to 0. Overflow is not well-defined for signed integers, and INT_MAX + 1 may "wrap" to INT_MIN, or it may not.
Because of 1 and 2, it affects arithmetic results, especially if you mix signed and unsigned variables in the same expression (in which case the result may not be well defined if there's an overflow).
An unsigned int and a signed int take up the same number of bytes in memory. They can store the same byte values. However the data will be treated differently depending on if it's signed or unsigned.
See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Two%27s_complement for an explanation of the most common way to represent integer values.
Since you can typecast in C you can effectively force the compiler to treat an unsigned int as signed int and vice versa, but beware that it doesn't mean it will do what you think or that the representation will be correct. (Overflowing a signed integer invokes undefined behaviour in C).
(As pointed out in comments, there are other ways to represent integers than two's complement, however two's complement is the most common way on desktop machines.)
Does it really matter if I declare the value as signed or unsigned int?
For example, have a look at
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
int a = -4;
int b = -3;
unsigned int c = -4;
unsigned int d = -3;
printf("%f\n%f\n%f\n%f\n", 1.0 * a/b, 1.0 * c/d, 1.0*a/d, 1.*c/b);
and its output
which clearly shows that it makes a huge difference if I have the same byte representation interpreted as signed or unsigned.
#include <stdio.h>
int main(){
int x = 35, y = -35;
unsigned int z = 35, p = -35;
signed int q = -35;
the result is:
x=35 x=35 y=-35 y=4294967261 z=35 z=35 p=-35 p=4294967261 q=-35 q=4294967261
the int number store is not different, it stored with Complement style in memory,
I can use 0X... the 35 in 0X00000023, and the -35 in 0Xffffffdd, it is not different you use sigend or unsigend. it only output with different sytle. The %d and %u is not different about positive, but the negative the first position is sign, if you output with %u is 0Xffffffdd equal 4294967261, but the %d the 0Xffffffdd can be - 0X00000023 equal -35.
The most fundamental thing that variable's type defines is the way it is stored (that is - read from and written to) in memory and how are the bits interpreted, so your statement can be considered "valid".
You can also look at the problem using conversions. When you store signed and negative value in unsigned variable it gets converted to unsigned. It so happens that this conversion is reversible, so signed -35 converts to unsigned 4294967261, which - when you request it - can be converted to signed -35. That's how 2's complement encoding (see link in other answer) works.

C programming bitfield in structure

Why is answer of it
-1, 2, -3 ? (especially -3 ??? how come)
struct b1 {
int a:1;
int b:3;
int c:4;
} ;
int main()
struct b1 c = {1,2,13};
printf("%d, %d, %d",c.a,c.b,c.c);
return 0;
Compiled on VC++ 32 bit editor. Many Thanks.
signed integers are represented in twos complement. The range of a 1-bit twos complement number is -1 to 0. Because the first bit of a twos complement number indicates it is negative, which is what you have done there.
See here:
sign extend 1-bit 2's complement number?
That is the same for the third number, you have overflowed the range of -8 to 7 which is the range of a 4 bit signed integer.
What you meant to do there is make all of those int -> unsigned int
See here for twos complement explanation:
Because a and c are signed integers with their sign bit set, hence they are negative:
a: 1d = 1b (1 bit)
b: 2d = 010b (3 bits)
c: 13d = 1101b (4 bits)
Signed integer values are stored in two's complement, with the highest bit representing the sign (1 means "negative"). Hence, when you read the bitfield values as signed int's, you get back negative values for a and c (sign extended and converted back from their two's complement representation), but a positive 2 for b.
To get the absolute value of a negative two's complement number, you subtract one and invert the result:
1100b inverted becomes 0011b which is equal to 3d. Since the sign bit is negative (which you had to examine before doing the previous calculation anyway), the result is -3d.
