AngularJs delete record on nested grouped rows - angularjs

I'm trying to build a simple page to group record and then add a button to eliminate some records.
The problem is that the record eliminated that has the same name is deleted from the wrong grouped list. And also if a list have no grouped records should disappear, and instead is always there.
// create a deferred object to be resolved later
var teamsDeferred = $q.defer();
// return a promise. The promise says, "I promise that I'll give you your
// data as soon as I have it (which is when I am resolved)".
$scope.teams = teamsDeferred.promise;
// create a list of unique teams
var uniqueTeams = unique($scope.players, 'team');
// resolve the deferred object with the unique teams
// this will trigger an update on the view
// function that takes an array of objects
// and returns an array of unique valued in the object
// array for a given key.
// this really belongs in a service, not the global window scope
function unique(data, key) {
var result = [];
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
var value = data[i][key];
if (result.indexOf(value) == -1) {
console.log(Math.ceil(result.length / 10))
$scope.noOfPages = Math.ceil(result.length / 10);
return result;
$scope.currentPage = 1;
$scope.pageSize = 5;
$scope.maxSize = 2;
$scope.deleteItem = function(item){
//code to delete here
var index=$scope.players.indexOf(item)

Here is a sample of something expanding on the tip from SpykeBytes
<div ng-repeat="location in journey.locations">
<div id="location_div_{{ $index }}">
<label class="journey-label">Location name</label>
<input class="journey-input" id="location_{{ $index }}" type="text" ng-model="location.location_name" />
<button ng-show="editable" tabindex="-1" class="journey-button remove" ng-click="removeItem(journey.locations, $index)">
Remove location
Then in my controller I set up an action that takes deletes the individual item
$scope.removeItem = function(itemArray, index) {
return itemArray.splice(index, 1);

To hide the group when nothing is listed, you need to get the filtered list and then use ng-show to drive the display. This is a bit tricky:
<div ng-show="currentList.length>0" ng-repeat="team in teams| startFrom:(currentPage - 1)*pageSize | limitTo:pageSize | filter:searchInput"> <b>{{team}}</b>
<li ng-repeat="player in (currentList = (players | filter: {team: team}))">{{}}
<button class="btn btn-small" type="button" ng-click="deleteItem(player)">Delete</button>
However I am not seeing the problem you said about removing from wrong group. Can you let me know how to reproduce it?

Index won't help you here because the {{$index}} that ng-repeat provides is within the groupings. That is, each grouping restarts the $index variable. You are going to need a unique identifier for each record though. Without that there is no way to be sure that the record you want to remove is the right one.
As far as the groupings, you can recreate the model whenever you delete something. This wouldn't work with the sample data in the Fiddle, but it works when you're dealing with a real datasource.

You can instead pass the index of the object if it is within ng-repeat.


How to get the key of a firebaseArray object

I am trying to get the key for a returned firebaseArray record but am having no luck.
I have aservice that runs the following to return a store
getStore: function(uid, id){
var ref = firebase.database().ref('u/'+uid+'/stores/'+id+'/i/');
// to take an action after the data loads, use the $loaded() promise
return $firebaseArray(ref);
I use the following to get eeach record by calling the service
for(var i = 0; i < $scope.storesList.length; i++){
var storeInfo = Stores.getStore($rootScope.user['uid'], $scope.storesList[i]['$id']);
In my html I can access various properties within the array
<li ng-repeat="store in stores">
<span class="store-address">{{store.$getRecord('name').$value}}</span>
<span class="store-address">{{store.$getRecord('address1').$value}}</span>
But I cannot seem to get the id for each store record from within the ng-repeat
To get the id simply call the $id on the item.
<li ng-repeat="store in stores">
<span class="store-address">{{store.$getRecord('name').$value}}</span>
<span class="store-address">{{store.$getRecord('address1').$value}}</span>
<span class="store-address">{{store.$id}}</span>
Instead of getting yourself complicated, try this simple code!
var ref = new Firebase(url);
ref.once("value", function(list) {
var subData = list.val();
var subDataKey = list.key();
This must help you!
I solved this by switch from firebaseArray to firebaseObject which contains an $id parameter

How to search on the displayed data and not the backing data using Angular

I am using ng-repeat to create a table of data:
<div class="divTable" ng-repeat="expense in exp.expenses | filter:exp.query">
<div>{{expense.amount | ldCurrency : true}}</div>
A couple of the cells that I am creating are being modified through an Angular filter. In the example above, I am changing the integer to a currency. So the original 4 is changed to $4.00. When I filter the entire list with my exp.query, it does not modify the exp.query search term through the ldCurrency.
The means that if I search on $4, it will not find it, because the backing data is 4, even though $4 is on the page.
I know this is confusing, with the two types of filters that I am talking about here.
How can I search on the data that is being shown on the page and not on the backing data?
You have to create you own filter. What you want to do to is a bad idea, because you are melding the view layer and the model layer.
A example of a filter.
The html:
<input ng-model="query" ng-trim="true">
<span>Finding: </span><span>{{ query }}</span>
<div ng-repeat="product in products | productsFilter: query">
<strong>{{ $index }}</strong>
<span>{{ }}</span>
<span>{{ product.price | currency: '$'}}</span>
The custom filter:
.filter('productsFilter', [function () {
// Private function: It removes the dollar sign.
var clearQuery = function (dirtyQuery) {
var index = dirtyQuery.indexOf('$');
if (index === -1)
return dirtyQuery;
return dirtyQuery.substr(index+1, dirtyQuery.length-index)
// The Custom filter
return function (products, query) {
if (query === '') return products;
var newProducts = [];
angular.forEach(products, function (product) {
var cleanQuery = clearQuery(query);
var strProductPrice = '' + product.price;
var index = strProductPrice.indexOf(cleanQuery);
if (index !== -1) {
return newProducts;
The key is in the angular.forEach. There I decide if the product will belong to the new filtered collection. Here you can do the match you want.
You can find the complete example in full plucker example and see a lot of filters in the a8m's angular-filter

Angular nested ng-repeat filter items matching parent value

I am passing in 2 arrays to my view. I would like my nested loop to only display where it's parent_id value matches the Eg.
arr1 = {"0":{"id":326,"parent_id":0,"title":"Mellow Mushroom voucher","full_name":"Patrick","message":"The voucher says $10 Voucher; some wording on the printout says, \"This voucher is valid for $20 Pizza\" but my purchase price or amount paid also says $20. Shouldn't that be $10","type":"Deals"}};
arr2 = {"0":{"id":327,"parent_id":326,"title":"Re: Mellow Mushroom voucher","full_name":"Patrick Williams","message":"Some message here","type":null};
<div data-ng-repeat = "parent in arr1">
<div data-ng-repeat="child in arr2 | only-show-where-child.parent_id ==">
Is this possible/best practice in angular of should I be filtering the object in node before passing it into angular? Thank you!
There are a couple of ways you could do it... You could create a function to return just the children:
$scope.getChildren = function(parent) {
var children = [];
for (var i = 0; i < arr2.length; i++) {
if (arr2[i].parent_id == {
return children;
<div ng-repeat="child in getChildren(parent)">
You could define a filter to do the same thing:
myApp.filter('children', function() {
return function(input, parent) {
var children = [];
for (var i = 0; i < input.length; i++) {
if (input[i].parent_id == {
return children;
<div ng-repeat="child in arr2|children:parent">
Both of those methods will execute every digest cycle though. If you have a large list of elements you would definitely want to improve performance. I think the best way would be to pre-process those results when you get them, adding a children array to each object in arr1 with only its children (here using array.filter instead of for loop and array.forEach):
arr1.forEach(function(parent) {
parent.children = arr2.filter(function(value) {
return value.parent_id ===;
Then in the html you are already working with the parent so you can repeat over its children property:
<div ng-repeat="child in parent.children">
Instead of using filters, data-ng-if can achieve the same result.
<div data-ng-repeat="parent in arr1">
<div data-ng-repeat="child in arr2" data-ng-if="child.parent_id ==">
The solution depends on how often arrays are changed and how big arrays are.
The fist solution is to use filter. But in this case it would be called at least twice (to make sure that result is "stabilized" - selected same elements).
Other solution is to $watch by yourself original array and prepare "view" version of it injecting children there. Personally I would prefer the second as more explicit.
However if you can reuse "find-the0child" filter in other parts of your application you can go with first one - AngularJS will re-run filter only after original array modified.
If needed I can provide here an example of implementation of one of these options - add the comment to answer.

Issue with Angularjs Dropdown and a custom filter

I'm having an issue using a dropdown that is populated with ng-repeat option values or even when using ng-options.
Basically I'm pulling a list of subsidiaries from the database. I then have a dropdown to choose a company, which in turn should populate the subsidiary dropdown with subsidiaries of the chosen company. Since many of the subsidiaries are of the same company, if I try and pull the the company name in ng-repeat, I get the same company several times. So I have created a custom filter that filters out the companyName and companyID of each company listed only once.
Everything works in the theory that when I change the value of the company dropdown, the correct subsidiaries are listed. However the value shown in the company box is stuck on the first option listed and will not change. If I remove the custom filter and allow it to list all the repeat names, the box displays correctly.
My first thought is to make a separate HTTP call that would just get companies from my companies table, but I would think I want to limit HTTP calls to as few as possible. Plus it would seem that I should be able to accomplish this.
What concept am I not grasping that prevents this from displaying correctly when I use my filter and what should I do to fix this?
<div class="col-sm-5">
<select ng-model ="parentCompany" name="company">
<option ng-repeat="company in companies | uniqueCompanies:'companyName'" value="{{}}" >{{}}</option>
<div class="col-sm-5">
<select name="subsidiary">
<option ng-repeat="subsidary in companies" value="{{subsidary.subID}}" ng-hide="$parent.parentCompany !== subsidary.companyID">{{subsidary.subName}}</option>
function getCompanies(){
$http.get("get.php?table=getcompanies").success(function(data) {
$scope.companies = data;
.filter("uniqueCompanies", function() {
return function(data, propertyName) {
if (angular.isArray(data) && angular.isString(propertyName)) {
var results = [];
var keys = {};
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
var val = data[i][propertyName];
var val2 = data[i]['companyID'];
if (angular.isUndefined(keys[val])) {
keys[val] = true;
results.push({'name':val, 'id':val2});
return results;
} else {
return data;
Sample Data :
{"subID":"1008","subName":"Data Services","companyID":"3","companyName":"Medcare"},
{"subID":"1013","subName":"Health Plan","companyID":"3","companyName":"Medcare"},
You are creating new objects in your filter with different properties so they will be different every time. You can you track by as mentioned by others. Since filters are executed every digest cycle you may want to set up a $watch and only create a new list of unique companies when your companies change. I actually get the 10 $digest() iterations reached error without doing this.
$scope.$watchCollection('companies', function(newValue) {
$scope.filteredCompanies = $filter('uniqueCompanies')($scope.companies,
You could also set a watch on parentCompany and create the list of subsidiaries only when it changes, as well as clear out the value you have for subsidiaryCompany:
$scope.$watch('parentCompany', function(newValue) {
$scope.subsidiaries = [];
for (var i = 0; i < $scope.companies.length; i++) {
var c = $scope.companies[i];
if (c.companyID === newValue) {
$scope.subsidiaryCompany = undefined;
I may not be fully understanding you're issue here, but it looks like you could filter the data when you get it. Such as ...
function getCompanies(){
$http.get("get.php?table=getcompanies").success(function(data) {
$scope.companies = data.reduce(function (prev, cur) {
// some code for skipping duplicates goes here
}, []);
Array.reduce may not be the best way to get a new array without duplicates, but that's the general idea, anyway.

In an ng-repeat, is the iterator offset of $index dynamic to the results of a filter

In an ng-repeat, is the iterator offset of $index dynamic to what is visible? I am getting seemingly incorrect $index values when a filter is applied.
Working with no filter applied:
Not appearing to work with filter applied (Note the console log):
When a filter is removed:
And finally my ng-click call:
<a ng-click="showHideOrderDropDown($index)" href="">
Show More<br/><i class="icon-arrow-down"></i>
Click handler:
$scope.showHideOrderDropDown = function(index) {
$[index].orderDropDown = !$[index].orderDropDown;
Now I can easily work around this, but I was just hoping for some clarification.
After doing some research it appears that applying a Filter actually adds and removes (not hides) elements from the ng-repeat therefore the $index would apply to the new order of the array and no longer reflect the $scope array object.
Since asking the question I went ahead and passed the database id to the controller instead.
$scope.showHideOrderDropDown = function(id) {
for (var i = 0; i < $; i++) {
if ($[i].id === id) {
$[i].orderDropDown = !$[i].orderDropDown;
