Vbscript passing a variable from access database to email - database

Why do I have to URLEncode a string with spaces from a database to pass to email (MAILTO subject) when if you create the mailto string manually you don't have to.
Eg: example
works fine but if I get the subject from a database it only passes the first word "Hello" and trims the rest unless I use Server.URLEncode(stringfromdatabase). this inserts a + inplace of the spaces.
Is there a method that allows me to pass a string with spaces from a database to an email client that doesn't need to modify the string (adding + or %20)?

Utilize a replace function to swap the spaces with %20. In your example the variable would be
replace(stringfromdatabase," ", "%20")
This worked for me using VBScript in the ASP page I was struggling with.

all sorted thank you used the following
Function CleanString(strData)
'Replace invalid strings.
strData = Replace(strData, "'", "")
strData = Replace(strData, "#", "")
strData = Replace(strData, "&", "and")
CleanString = Trim(strData)
End Function
Function strClean (strtoclean)
Dim objRegExp, outputStr
Set objRegExp = New Regexp
objRegExp.IgnoreCase = True
objRegExp.Global = True
objRegExp.Pattern = "((?![a-zA-Z0-9\s*,]).)+"
outputStr = objRegExp.Replace(strtoclean, "-")
objRegExp.Pattern = "\-+"
outputStr = objRegExp.Replace(outputStr, "")
strClean = outputStr
End Function


Add Single quotes where string contains comma in AngularJS

I have a string which contains values like
var string = A,B,C
Here I want to add single quote for each comma value, expected result should be as below
output = 'A','B','C'
My angular code is
var data = {
output : this.string.split("\',"),
which is giving result as
Could anyone please help on this how can I get desired output.
I am understanding your code as
var string = "A,B,C"; // because string should be in this format.
and you just need to replace "\'," from your split function to "," which will give you an array like this
var out = string.split(",");
[ 'A', 'B', 'C' ] // this is the output.
as split function searches for the given expression and split the string into array.
but if you just want to modify the string without making it in array then you can use the below trick
var out = "'" + string.replace(/,/g, "','") + "'";
'A','B','C' // result as u mentioned and this is of string type.

How to read data from csv file when file name changes at runtime after downloading

I am trying to automate download csv file and read data from there.
I tried with:
CSVReader reader = new CSVReader(new FileReader("D:\\File\\1453.csv"));
String [] csvCell;
//while loop will be executed till the last line In CSV.
while ((csvCell = reader.readNext()) != null) {
String FName = csvCell[0];
String LName = csvCell[1];
String Email = csvCell[2];
String Mob = csvCell[3];
String company = csvCell[4];
but the problem is here I need to give the file name while mentioning the path, here I can't write the name as it is getting changed at runtime after downloading. Please suggest
If the filename is same as the download link (even if it is partial), you can get the link from the download button or whatever element it is using getAttribute("href") and then you can use it to form the filename to read from.
String fileName = driver.findElement("<download_locator>").getAttribute("href")
CSVReader reader = new CSVReader(new FileReader("D:\\File\\" + fileName));
String [] csvCell;
//while loop will be executed till the last line In CSV.
while ((csvCell = reader.readNext()) != null) {
String FName = csvCell[0];
String LName = csvCell[1];
String Email = csvCell[2];
String Mob = csvCell[3];
String company = csvCell[4];
Have you tried this? And passing in the parameter from a method?
CSVReader reader = new CSVReader(new FileReader("D:\\File\\" + provideFileName));

reference dictionary within array output to listbox

Title kind of states my problem.
I'm using an Api (For Vertical Response, an email list manager) which works fine. But for a particular method returns an Array where the information I need to reference is within a Dictionary inside that Array.
Array[list_id, list_name, list_type, member_data] <- member_data being the dictionary housing all my goodies.
Best I've managed to get is the listbox outputting "com.verticalresponse.api.NVPair[]" for each member.
Protected Sub GetBounces()
Dim listID As Integer = 284662333
Dim isMember As Boolean = False
Dim newSession As New loginArgs()
newSession.username = username
' Your VerticalResponse username
newSession.password = password
newSession.session_duration_minutes = "120"
Dim VRUser As New VRAPI()
sessionID = VRUser.login(newSession)
Dim GetMembers As New getListMembersArgs()
GetMembers.session_id = sessionID
GetMembers.list_id = listID
GetMembers.max_records = 8
Dim listmembers As Array = VRUser.getListMembers(GetMembers)
lstBounces.DataSource = listmembers
lstBounces.DataValueField = ("member_data").ToString()
Catch ex As Exception
lstBounces.Text = "One: " + ex.ToString()
End Try
Catch listex As Exception
lstBounces.Text = "Two: " + listex.ToString()
End Try
Catch ex As System.Exception
lstBounces.Text = "Three: " + ex.ToString()
End Try
End Sub
I have taken the suggestion of Keith Mifsud and added a breakpoint just before the Databind. It shows me that "listmembers" has eight indices (currently only testing by searching for 8 (total list will be close to 8000, of which about 1900 are needed.))
Each of those 8 indices contains the 4 columns I am looking at, so when I use listmembers(3) as the datasource I'm really only searching the fourth result, not the member_data column...
Is there a correct way to reference the column of results?
Something like:
lstbounces.DataSource = listmembers( ,3)
But instead of that, a correct one?
I think you should set the datasource as the dictionary not the array holding it
Dim listmembers As Array = VRUser.getListMembers(GetMembers)
lstBounces.DataSource = listmembers(3)
'As the datasource is a dictionary, I don't think you have to set up the display and value fields
'lstBounces.DataValueField = ("member_data").ToString()
Catch ex As Exception
lstBounces.Text = "One: " + ex.ToString()
End Try
Based on what the collection type (dictionary within every element of an array) I would recommend you use the .net DataView with allows for expandable rows. There are some very good tutorials which can guide you to create your view

Join an array of strings in Apex

Using Apex, I want to split a string and then rejoin it with the 'AND' operator as the separator.
I split the string successfully but having an issue in rejoining it.
String [] ideaSearchText = searchText.Split(' ');
// How to rejoin the array of strings with 'AND'?
How can I do this?
You can do this as of v26 (Winter 13) by passing your String[] to String.join().
String input = 'valueOne valueTwo valueThree';
String[] values = input.split(' ');
String result = String.join( values, ' AND ' );
Anonymous Apex output calling System.debug(result):
21:02:32.039 (39470000)|EXECUTION_STARTED
21:02:32.039 (39485000)|CODE_UNIT_STARTED|[EXTERNAL]|execute_anonymous_apex
21:02:32.040 (40123000)|SYSTEM_CONSTRUCTOR_ENTRY|[3]|<init>()
21:02:32.040 (40157000)|SYSTEM_CONSTRUCTOR_EXIT|[3]|<init>()
21:02:32.040 (40580000)|USER_DEBUG|[5]|DEBUG|valueOne AND valueTwo AND valueThree
Note if the string object is too large you will get the exception Regex too complicated. In this case you can do something like the following:
Blob blobValue = (Blob)record.get(blobField);
// Truncate string then split on newline, limiting to 11 entries
List<String> preview = blobValue.toString().substring(0,1000).split('\n', 11);
// Remove the last entry, because The list’s last entry contains all
// input beyond the last matched delimiter.
// In my use-case, I needed to return a string, and String.join() works
// as the reverse of split()
return String.join(preview, '\n');

VBA. Array for search or replace

Need to found any symbol of array.
For example:
result = "1234567"
How do it ?
If your goal is to remove all non-numeric characters, the following will work:
' Added reference for Microsoft VBScript Regular Expressions 5.5
Const s As String = "a1b2c3d4e567"
Dim regex2 As New RegExp
Dim a As String
regex2.Global = True
regex2.Pattern = "[^0-9]"
Dim a As String = regex2.Replace(s, "")
MsgBox (a) ' Outputs 1234567
If you are looking for specific characters, change the pattern.
AFAIK you are going to have to do this by consecutive calls to replace
result = "a1b2c3d4e567"
result = replace(result,"a","")
result = replace(result,"b","")
result = replace(result,"c","")
