How do I enable Webstorm intellisense for AngularJS when writing CoffeeScript - angularjs

I have setup Webstorm to recognise and compile my coffeescript files.
I have installed the AngularJS plugin and can successfully write my controllers etc in plain old javascript.
When I try to write my angular related code in CoffeeScript however I do not get any IDE support: code-completion, intellisense etc.
As a sign that all is not well, the angular variable itself is not recognised, as shown in the image below.
Question: How do I enable support for AngularJS in CoffeeScript files?

To fix the specific problem Unresolved variable or type angular you need to make sure the angular javascript libraries have been Enabled (see image below).
You do this via the WebStorm settings:
File -> Settings -> Javascript -> Libraries
Here is the relevant help section: Configuring JavaScript Libraries

With webstorm 10 you are going to go to the preferences window and from there select Languages & Frameworks > JavaScript > Libraries. Then click the download button, select TypeScript community stubs from the dropdown at the top of the list, find angular and click download and install.
If you are using jshint be sure to go to the jshint settings find the Predefined option and add angular:true to suppress warnings.

In WebStorm v.11
go to "Settings" -> "Plugins" -> "Browse repositories".
Search and install "Angular Templates".
Settings screenshot


['type aliases' can only be used in a .ts file]

I use command react-native init "name project" then open vscode appear to have error message code. (image)
This is what you need to do with VS Code, observe the gif carefully
Steps to resolve error
1. Go to extension
2. Click on more (...) and select Show Built-in extension
3. Search "TypeScript and JavaScript Language Features" - yellow & blue icon
4. Click on Setting icon of extension and select Disable (workspace)
5. Click on Reload / Restart Required
If you are getting this in React Native its probably a known bug in VSCode, that when Google Flow (which competes with MS Typescript) is coded, shows errors erroneously mentioning Typescript.
Your current .js code is supposed to be preprocessed by Flow into another .js file with "proper" js.
So make sure Flow is installed and then disable the Typescript parsing support. Here's the official answer on the Flow installation webpage:
Set javascript.validate.enable option to false or completely disable
the built-in TypeScript extension for your project (see gif below)...
Otherwise, you may want to stay as is and just change your code as suggested by C2P1 on March 19, 2018 on the github issue 631
To disable the [js] parser (connected to Typescript),
In VSCode menu: File -> Preferences -> User settings, (or ctrl+,) and add the following line
"javascript.validate.enable": false,
This answer was completed after seeing Idan Dagan's answer (Not the accepted answer) here: js 'types' can only be used in a .ts file - Visual Studio Code using #ts-check
And here's an excellent albeit old page about setting up the react-native environment, from Hackernoon. (You also have the VSCode React-native-full plugin)
Just disable built-in extension for TypeScript in VSCode. On the VSCode Extensions choose "Show Built-in Extensions" and then search for "TypeScript and JavaScript Language Features", Click disable then reload the VSCode. It works for me
In VScode
Use this command
Open User Settings
copy and paste the next line in the search bar in settings
ready uncheck JavaScript validation
Helped me to resolve
To disable the [js] parser (connected to Typescript),
In VSCode menu: File -> Preferences -> User settings, (or ctrl+,) and add the following line
"javascript.validate.enable": false,
This is what you are looking for. Unfortunately I haven't Googled a proper solution but we have to disable some JS checking.
I've solved this with a plugin for VSCode "Flow Language Support". It will control the errors of the code instead of the plug-in TS-JS (built-in plugin of VS Code). In Details of plugin, guides you how to disable the original plugin TS-JS VSCode.
instead of disabling Typescript and Javascript language features extension, you can go to the extension settings, find the option Javascript > Validate: Enable, and uncheck it to remove any warnings.

How to stop WebStorm from warning about "unused methods" that are only invoked in the template file?

Is there a way for WebStorm to "see" the methods in my HTML and link them with their respective component class?
I usually write my component controller in one file and the component template (html) in another file.
When I do this, methods that are only used in the template are marked as "unused" by WebStorm, and they throw a warning.
For example, in the component ctrl I have a handleViewChange() method.
In the template file I have vm.handleViewChange();
WebStorm warns me that handleViewChange is an unused method even though I have used it in the template.
Please note: I am aware that I can suppress the warn for this particular statement. I would rather WebStorm recognized the method is actually used.
Particularly relevant with refactor-happy colleagues (or refactor-happy future me).
Edit #1
I have already enabled the AngularJS library in Webstorm settings, but it does not fix this particular issues.
Downloading angular TypeScript community stubs per suggestion at this post doesn't enable AngularJS support for your project.
You need to have angular.js file (debug version, uncompressed!) in your project (either in your project directory or configured as JavaScript library) - normally it's enough to get Angular directives/methods recognized. See, 'Include angular.js in Your Project' section.

Intellisense with ES5

I have been using VSCode for quite a long time and while it's very good, I'm missing intellisense and features that seem to be ES6-only:
I cannot ctrl+click to go to definition
I cannot have a preview of the definition
Here is what I am using:
Angular JS
All my files are wrapped into a closure, like:
(function() {
angular.module('foo').factory('bar', ['dep1', function(dep1) {
With that in mind, is it possible to have "goto definition" and other nice VSCode stuff working ? If so, how ?
What can I do to be able to simply click ctrl+click on dep1 and have VSCode open the file where dep1 is defined ?
What I can recommend is that you try to install John Papa's extension for Visual Studio Code for Angular 1.x. It is installed directly through VSCode. You can check some examples of how it works here. It will offer you code completion and it will automate a lot of tasks you frequently do in Angular, such as creating services, controllers, directives...
Btw John Papa is the author of the Angular Style guide and his way of coding could be called "best-practice" in the world of Angular development.
The best way to get intellisense for javascript/typescript is to install typings.
I find that this extension is good with installing typings:
Once you have that installed, you can then launch it (F1 > Typings Installer: Typings > angular) and install the dt~angular typings. from there you should start getting intellisense, go to definition and possibly error checking.
Code should then pick this up (if not just reload the editor). You should then start getting intellisense. If you want to tweak it more, I would suggest looking into jsconfig.json files:
You can get general purpose typing information pulled by enabling Synthetic Default Imports in Visual Studio Code.
It lets you get Intellisense either from TypeScript type definitions or by inferenced type information from the JSDoc of many popular repositories.
Here is a tutorial for how to get things set up.

WebStorm 11 code completion for Angular

I have been using WebStorm for Angular project, I do not get any IDE support
let say defining controller as following
I have checked that both Angular and AngularTemplates plugins are enabled at Settings | Plugins menu.
In Settings -> Languages and Frameworks -> JavaScript -> Libraries
click on the download button and try adding the Angular library. Then back to your code right click anywhere inside and the on the use JavaScript Library option select Angular or any other library

Angular autocomplete (i.e. intelli-sense) not working in PhpStorm

I have done the following:
Installed both the AngularJS and NodeJS Plugins in Phpstorm
Downloaded the latest stable release of Angular (1.4.8)
Added angular.js to the project
Added angular.js to the list of libraries in Phpstorm
Directives in my HTML will autocomplete fine (e.g. ng-modal), but trying to do something like Module.fact does not autocomplete to factory. Here is my code:
var appModule = angular.module("appModule", ['ngRoute']);

appModule.fac //This is me typing factory, but auto complete doesn't help
I am running PhpStorm 10.0.2. I have tried using different versions of PhpStorm and I have also tried using Angular 1.5 (the beta version) with the same result. Also, I am new to angular, but my code is working. Thank you!
*I have already reviewed these links and SO posts:
Why do AngularJS directives (attributes, etc.) show up as "invalid" in WebStorm 8?
Getting angularJS autcomplete in Webstorm/PHPStorm
The angular variable is a global one and when you have to many declarations of the same global variable PhpStorm/WebStorm can not handle auto-completion.
It's important to verify that only 1 declaration for angular is being discovered by PhpStorm. This doesn't have anything to do with your actually JavaScript project, but where PhpStorm looks for declarations.
If you hold down ctrl and mouse over the world angular. It should show it highlighted to be clickable, and a tooltip showing where it is declared.
If the tooltip says there are multiple definitions of the identifier, then it can not do autocomplete correctly. This is true for most JS variables in Php/WebStorm not just this angular variable.
You have a couple of ways to fix this:
1) Force type declaration with JsDoc to TypeScript
* #var {angular.IAngularStatic} myAngular
var myAngular = angular;
This will declare the variable myAngular using the TypeScript definition. There is less likely to be conflict with any already scanned JS source files that also declare angular. It's an easy fix, but adds unnecessary source code to your project.
2) Disable JavaScript source files by excluding them
If you are using node_modules or bower_components then you need to include some of the JS files from those folders, but not unnecessary duplicates. You won't need any Angular JS files since you've already installed the TypeScript definitions (which work better for auto-completion). In the Project Files panel in PhpStorm find the Angular packages, right click on those folders and "Exclude" those folders. You can also do this via project settings in "Files / Settings / Directories"
3) Ignore bundled output files for JavaScript
This is the most common issue I find with PhpStorm/WebStorm. PhpStorm will also scan minified JavaScript files you've packaged into your webroot/js folder. For example; If you use grunt to uglify your JavaScript code into app.min.js and inside that file is Angular and your project code. PhpStorm will scan this and create duplicate declarations of everything it finds.
Find all those duplicate *.js files in your project, right mouse click on the files and select "Mark as Plain Text" from the menu. This will tell the editor to completely ignore the file from all intellisense scanning.
So to summarize. If you control click on a declaration to go to source, and PhpStorm does not go immediately, but instead prompts you select from multiple declarations, then you have duplicates in your project and you need to narrow the scope. Once that is done everything else should work as expected.
f you prefer to use a CDN, place the cursor over the highlight library name, hit Alt+Enter, and Download Library. This will set up a local library in WebStorm’s cache (not in your project) so WebStorm can access AngularJS methods, directives, etc for autocompletion and documentation lookup.
