Awesomium.NET Flash Player - wpf

I'm tring to use Flash Player into WPF application using Awesomium.. I've downloaded and installed the 1.7.2 SDK..
In my WPF app i can now use the Awesomium.NET WebBrowser control, but Flash Player is not working. I've did a quick check on YouTube and videos are loaded using HTML5
I've searched multiple times on google and also on the official website, but there is not much documentation available, and for some users Flash Player is working.
Is there any option to set up? Or i need to specify a Plugin Path?
I don't know if Awesomium is getting the Flash from IE/Chrome/Firefox already installed Browser.. But i do have them all, with Flash plugin Installed.
Currently i do not have much code, only the XAML Awesomium Control, added from VS2012 ToolBox
PS: In my application i only need to open a static SWF with parameters, and a HTML5+JS page so if there is something better for that, i apreciate also alternatives, except the WPF WebControl since it use IE Engine and the HTML5 page i'm loading into it only support IE 10 +

Are you sure that you use correct control? WebControl it is Awesomium control, WebBrowser it's WPF control. If it's correct try create folder 'plugins' in bin folder and put there npswf32_11_8_800_94.dll


Integration of Vimeo's video in WPF

We have an account on Vimeo where we display some videos for specific viewers. They are privates and we customize the ui's player to disable the share's options. The only thing that the viewer can do it's play the video.
Moreover, we defined a only one specific domain where the videos can be integrated. So we have some webpages on this domain where we integrate the videos.
In a webbrowser like Firefox, Chrome or Edge, if we go on a webpage hosted on this domain, there are no issue to display and play it. But if we use the WPF webbrowser, the webpage can be display with the video, but the Vimeo's player show a message that we can read the video because of privacy settings that we defined.
Why in a browser like Firefox or other, I don't have any issue or message to play the video from a webpage on my domain (what we want) and in the WPF webbrowser, the Vimeo's player don't allow me to play the video on the same webpage in my domain ?
Thank's for help.
The WPF WebBrowser control uses the Internet Explorer ActiveX control embedded within its window. So, it has the same limitations as the installed version of Internet Explorer. By default, it will be using IE 7 compatibility so more modern JavaScript may not work quite right.
You can force the control to use a more modern rendering engine either by using a fixed DOCTYPE in the HTML (but obviously, you don't control Vimeo's HTML) or for any launch of your executable on the machine by setting a registry key as described in this Microsoft article: Browser Emulation
You will need to add an entry for your .exe name. For example, if your application is myviewer.exe, it would be something like this to get IE 11 rendering.
Internet Explorer
myviewer.exe = (DWORD) 00011000

reCAPTCHA v2 with wpf webbrowser / frame control

reCAPTCHA has limitation on browser supports however it works on IE without adding any value in compatibility mode. I have been trying multiple things with WPF application which is displaying a webpage hosted inside a Frame (or Web Browser) control. That webpage has Google reCAPTCHA V2 (I'm not a robot). It works fine in all the browsers but inside WPF app it fails to display properly.
Based on following link we need to have specific browser support
I also made sure javascripts are enabled and working fine. Any suggestion?
I ran into this issue as well and the only thing I know how to make it work is go into the recaptcha admin console and slide the security preference to the easiest so the webBrowser control can do the image verification at the very least
Found out basically because the web browser control is IE 7 by default
Use latest version of Internet Explorer in the webbrowser control

Silverlight Object Loads Then Disappears

I am using Windows 7 Ult., IE9, Chrome. I have just installed Silverlight 5 and am trying to develop an app using DevExpress DXMap control and Silverlight. However, I am having issues with Silverlight it seems. When I go to this site ('s-new-in-silverlight-5/introduction-to-silverlight-5-3d) to watch a video on the Silverlight 3d feature, the video player which I believe is a Silverlight control loads, but then disappears. When I run the app with the DXMap control, the page loads a blank area with only the zoom control, navigation pad, and scale visible.
I have tried finding a solution to this problem, but have not been successful. Any suggestions?
Okay, I found out what was the issue. I thought that not checking the "Host the silverlight application in a new web site" option (since I never had a website as yet) would let the application load on its own, but I had to enable the "Host the silverlight application in a new web site" option to get it associated with a test page.

How to play youtube vidoes in silverlight(in browser)?

I want to develop an silverlight application which plays youtube videos. I dont want to let users install my silverlight application on thri PCs, so I would need to play the videos in browser. Is there anyway we can achieve this?
Silverlight 4 comes with a new WebBrowser control which lets you display HTML content (e.g. an iframe with youtube in it). Unfortunately, that control will work in Out-Of-Browser mode only. So if you don't want users to install your app on their PCs, that won't be an option for you.
So the only ways I see to work around that problem are
A) Open a popup (new browser window) which shows youtube content.
B) Use JavaScript to open a new div/iframe on top of your Silverlight app which shows youtube. You will have to enable the so-called windowless mode for your Silverlight app then (otherwise, you won't be able to display any kind of HTML on top of your app).
Cheers, Alex

Is there a "Browser Control" to host a website inside Flash/Silverlight?

I'm looking for something similar to the VB6 / .Net Winforms "Browser Control", that let's you show a browser inside your application.
I don't want to just render a page, I want it to be a fully-functional browser, in which people can click links, will run Javascript, etc.
In essence, what I want is an IFrame, only that it runs inside a Flash app, or a Silverlight app.
The ultimate reason for this is that I want to defeat IFrame busters. I'm making a web app that lets you see other sites inside of it, and I'm running into a bunch of sites that have this code:
var t=top.location,w=window.location;if(t!=w) t.replace(w);
(that's from eBay BTW)
which essentially pops the user out of my site and into theirs.
My hope is that by using a "browser control" of some sort, inside a plugin sandbox, "top", will be top for that browser control, and not for my site.
Of course, if you have any other ideas to achieve the same, they'll be more than welcome.
Edit: I've tried the Component One control suggested by Bill, but it didn't work for these purposes, because it's creating an IFrame outside of the SilverLight control, so it executes in the same context as the page hosting Silverlight, which is what I'm trying to avoid.
Northcode SWF Studio allows you to add browser window on the stage in Flash. I personally use SWF Studio as a third party SWF2EXE tool to extend the power of Flash projectors. It's quite stable and powerful. As far as browser control is concerned here is the example you can download and test if it serves your purpose. Check the Browser APT here.
We've not built a component to enable folks to do this but we're open to suggestions here. That being said, easiest solution is an iFrame, but word of caution in that when you overlay an iFrame over the the top of Silverlight we've seen customers experience perf issues as a result (mostly due to alpha transparency of the iframe etc).
This isn't isolated to Silverlight, Flash suffers the same issue as it has to do with browsers and rendering within the given operating system.
Scott Barnes / Rich Platforms Product Manager / Microsoft.
I use the HTML control created by Component One. It has the limitation that the Silverlight object in the page should be set to windowless, but otherwise it works very well.
It's an old post but I'll add my tupence answer. I used the DivElements free control for Silverlight link text and it works quite nicely. It just positions the div accurately so that it looks like it's on top.
As for the other such controls, you've got to set the windowless property of the Silverlight container to true.
It works really well for me and I'm able to seemlessly have Google maps and the Acrobat plugin displayed side by side with my Silverlight application.
PS: because the component just adds a <div> to the page, you can't do stuff like having it load dynamically Javascript file like in the <header> tag.
PPS: when setting the HTML code "by hand", be sure to hook up on the DocumentReady or Loaded event before playing with the HTML DOM.
Hope that helps someone.
