Inserting node between values in static list C - c

I have the following Structures created:
typedef struct {
char name[15];
int ID;
} Employee;
typedef Employee Item;
typedef struct {
Item items[5];
int size;
} List;
I take in values from a file which populate these fields using this function:
void Insert (Item I, int position, List *L){
int i, LastPos;
LastPos = Length(L)-1;
if((LastPos) >= position){
for(i = 0; i < (LastPos - position); i++){
L->items[i-(LastPos+1)] = L->items[LastPos-i];
L->items[position] = I;
L->size = L->size+1;
When the position variable is different (IE, one that hasn't been placed yet), then there are no issues, I am able to print out the values saved EG:
Insert Name Stacy ID 1928502 at position 0
Insert Name Jimmy ID 1290589 at position 1
When I call the print function for their name and ID number, they are printed out fine.
However, if I Inserted Jimmy at position 0, his information would be printed fine however, Stacy's would appear as a random memory location every time EG:the IDs become 32767. Why does this happen when I override the position that has already been taken even though I have a loop which should reassign where the overridden information goes (one space back in the list).

Lets examine this expression:
If Length() returns 2 (the number of items currently in the array), then LastPos + 1 should be 2. Now when the loop starts, i is 0, which means that i - (LastPost + 1) is equal to 0 - 2 which is -2. Not an index you would normally use in an array.
I suggest you go the other way around, by looping from the last item to the first:
for (int i = Length(L) - 1; i >= position; --i)
L->items[i + 1] = L->items[i];


How can I correctly allocate memory for this MergeSort implementation in C (with the DS I am using)?

My goal here is to perform MergeSort on a dynamic array-like data structure I called a dictionary used to store strings and their relative weights. Sorry if the implementation is dumb, I'm a student and still learning.
Anyway, based on the segfaults I'm getting, I'm incorrectly allocating memory for my structs of type item to be copied over into the temporary lists I'm making. Not sure how to fix this. Code for mergesort and data structure setup is below, any help is appreciated.
/////// DICTIONARY METHODS ////////
typedef struct {
char *item;
int weight;
} item;
typedef struct {
item **wordlist;
//track size of dictionary
int size;
} dict;
//dict constructor
dict* Dict(int count){
//allocate space for dictionary
dict* D = malloc(sizeof(dict));
//allocate space for words
D->wordlist = malloc(sizeof(item*) * count);
//initial size
D->size = 0;
return D;
//word constructor
item* Item(char str[]){
//allocate memory for struct
item* W = malloc(sizeof(item));
//allocate memory for string
W->item = malloc(sizeof(char) * strlen(str));
W->weight = 0;
return W;
void merge(dict* D, int start, int middle, int stop){
//create ints to track lengths of left and right of array
int leftlen = middle - start + 1;
int rightlen = stop - middle;
//create new temporary dicts to store the two sides of the array
dict* L = Dict(leftlen);
dict* R = Dict(rightlen);
int i, j, k;
//copy elements start through middle into left dict- this gives a segfault
for (int i = 0; i < leftlen; i++){
L->wordlist[i] = malloc(sizeof(item*));
L->wordlist[i] = D->wordlist[start + i];
//copy elements middle through end into right dict- this gives a segfault
for (int j = 0; j < rightlen; j++){
R->wordlist[j] = malloc(sizeof(item*));
R->wordlist[j]= D->wordlist[middle + 1 + k];
i = 0;
j = 0;
k = leftlen;
while ((i < leftlen) && (j < rightlen)){
if (strcmp(L->wordlist[i]->item, R->wordlist[j]->item) <= 0) {
D->wordlist[k] = L->wordlist[i];
D->wordlist[k] = R->wordlist[j];
while (i < leftlen){
D->wordlist[k] = L->wordlist[i];
while (j < rightlen){
D->wordlist[k] = L->wordlist[j];
void mergeSort(dict* D, int start, int stop){
if (start < stop) {
int middle = start + (stop - start) / 2;
mergeSort(D, start, middle);
mergeSort(D, middle + 1, stop);
merge(D, start, middle, stop);
I put print statements everywhere and narrowed it down to the mallocs in the section where I copy the dictionary to be sorted into 2 separate dictionaries. Also tried writing that malloc as malloc(sizeof(D->wordlist[start + i])). Is there something else I need to do to be able to copy the item struct into the wordlist of the new struct?
Again, I'm new to this, so cut me some slack :)
There are numerous errors in the code:
In merge() when copying elements to the R list, the wrong (and uninitialized) index variable k is being used instead of j. R->wordlist[j]= D->wordlist[middle + 1 + k]; should be R->wordlist[j]= D->wordlist[middle + 1 + j];.
In merge() before merging the L and R lists back to D, the index variable k for the D list is being initialized to the wrong value. k = leftLen; should be k = start;.
In merge() in the loop that should copy the remaining elements of the "right" list to D, the elements are being copied from the "left" list instead of the "right" list. D->wordlist[k] = L->wordlist[j]; should be D->wordlist[k] = R->wordlist[j];.
In Item(), the malloc() call is not reserving space for the null terminator at the end of the string. W->item = malloc(sizeof(char) * strlen(str)); should be W->item = malloc(sizeof(char) * (strlen(str) + 1)); (and since sizeof(char) is 1 by definition it can be simplified to W->item = malloc(strlen(str) + 1);).
Item() is not copying the string to the allocated memory. Add strcpy(W->item, str);.
There are memory leaks in merge():
L->wordlist[i] = malloc(sizeof(item*)); is not required and can be removed since L->wordlist[i] is changed on the very next line: L->wordlist[i] = D->wordlist[start + i];.
Similarly, R->wordlist[j] = malloc(sizeof(item*)); is not required and can be removed since R->wordlist[j] is changed on the very next line.
L and R memory is created but never destroyed. Add these lines to the end of merge() to free them:
None of the malloc() calls are checked for success.
Allocate it all at once, before the merge sort even starts.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
// Weighted Word --------------------------------------------------------------
typedef struct {
char *word;
int weight;
} weighted_word;
// Create a weighted word
weighted_word* CreateWeightedWord(const char *str, int weight){
weighted_word* W = malloc(sizeof(weighted_word));
if (W){
W->word = malloc(strlen(str) + 1); // string length + nul terminator
if (W->word)
strcpy( W->word, str);
W->weight = weight;
return W;
// Free a weighted word
weighted_word *FreeWeightedWord(weighted_word *W){
if (W){
if (W->word)
return NULL;
// Dictionary (of Weighted Words) ---------------------------------------------
typedef struct {
weighted_word **wordlist; // this is a pointer to an array of (weighted_word *)s
int size; // current number of elements in use
int capacity; // maximum number of elements available to use
} dict;
// Create a dictionary with a fixed capacity
dict* CreateDict(int capacity){
dict* D = malloc(sizeof(dict));
if (D){
D->wordlist = malloc(sizeof(weighted_word*) * capacity);
D->size = 0;
D->capacity = capacity;
return D;
// Free a dictionary (and all weighted words)
dict *FreeDict(dict *D){
if (D){
for (int n = 0; n < D->size; n++)
return NULL;
// Add a new weighted word to the end of our dictionary
void DictAddWord(dict *D, const char *str, int weight){
if (!D) return;
if (D->size == D->capacity) return;
D->wordlist[D->size] = CreateWeightedWord(str, weight);
if (D->wordlist[D->size])
D->size += 1;
// Merge Sort the Dictionary --------------------------------------------------
// Merge two partitions of sorted words
// words • the partitioned weighted word list
// start • beginning of left partition
// middle • end of left partition, beginning of right partition
// stop • end of right partition
// buffer • temporary work buffer, at least as big as (middle-start)
void MergeWeightedWords(weighted_word **words, int start, int middle, int stop, weighted_word **buffer){
int Lstart = start; int Rstart = middle; // Left partition
int Lstop = middle; int Rstop = stop; // Right partition
int Bindex = 0; // temporary work buffer output index
// while (left partition has elements) AND (right partition has elements)
while ((Lstart < Lstop) && (Rstart < Rstop)){
if (strcmp( words[Rstart]->word, words[Lstart]->word ) < 0)
buffer[Bindex++] = words[Rstart++];
buffer[Bindex++] = words[Lstart++];
// if (left partition has any remaining elements)
while (Lstart < Lstop)
buffer[Bindex++] = words[Lstart++];
// We don't actually need this. Think about it. Why not?
// // if (right partition has any remaining elements)
// while (Rstart < Rstop)
// buffer[Bindex++] = words[Rstart++];
// Copy merged data from temporary buffer back into source word list
for (int n = 0; n < Bindex; n++)
words[start++] = buffer[n];
// Merge Sort an array of weighted words
// words • the array of (weighted_word*)s to sort
// start • index of first element to sort
// stop • index ONE PAST the last element to sort
// buffer • the temporary merge buffer, at least as big as (stop-start+1)/2
void MergeSortWeightedWords(weighted_word **words, int start, int stop, weighted_word **buffer){
if (start < stop-1){ // -1 because a singleton array is by definition sorted
int middle = start + (stop - start) / 2;
MergeSortWeightedWords(words, start, middle, buffer);
MergeSortWeightedWords(words, middle, stop, buffer);
MergeWeightedWords(words, start, middle, stop, buffer);
// Merge Sort a Dictionary
void MergeSortDict(dict *D){
if (D){
// We only need to allocate a single temporary work buffer, just once, right here.
dict * Temp = CreateDict(D->size);
if (Temp){
MergeSortWeightedWords(D->wordlist, 0, D->size, Temp->wordlist);
// Main program ---------------------------------------------------------------
#include <stdio.h>
int main(int argc, char **argv){
// Command-line arguments --> dictionary
dict *a_dict = CreateDict(argc-1);
for (int n = 1; n < argc; n++)
DictAddWord(a_dict, argv[n], 0);
// Sort the dictionary
// Print the weighted words
for (int n = 0; n < a_dict->size; n++)
printf( "%d %s\n", a_dict->wordlist[n]->weight, a_dict->wordlist[n]->word );
// Clean up
Notes for you:
Be consistent. You were inconsistent with capitalization and * placement and, oddly, vertical spacing. (You are waaay better than most beginners, though.) I personally hate the Egyptian brace style, but to each his own.
I personally think there are far too many levels of malloc()s in this code too, but I will leave it at this one comment. It works as is.
Strings must be nul-terminated — that is, each string takes strlen() characters plus one for a '\0' character. There is a convenient library function that can copy a string for you too, called strdup(), which AFAIK exists on every system.
Always check that malloc() and friends succeed.
Don’t forget to free everything you allocate. Functions help.
“Item” was a terribly non-descript name, and it overlapped with the meaning of two different things in your code. I renamed them to separate things.
Your dictionary object should be expected to keep track of how many elements it can support. The above code simply refuses to add words after the capacity is filled, but you could easily make it realloc() a larger capacity if the need arises. The point is to prevent invalid array accesses by adding too many elements to a fixed-size array.
Printing the array could probably go in a function.
Notice how I set start as inclusive and stop as exclusive. This is a very C (and C++) way of looking at things, and it is a good one. It will help you with all kinds of algorithms.
Notice also how I split the Merge Sort up into two functions: one that takes a dictionary as argument, and a lower-level one that takes an array of the weighted words as argument that does all the work.
The higher-level merge sort a dictionary allocates all the temporary buffer the merge algorithm needs, just once.
The lower-level merge sort an array of (weighted_word*)s expects that temporary buffer to exist and doesn’t care (or know anything) about the dictionary object.
The merge algorithm likewise doesn't know much. It is simply given all the information it needs.
Right now the merge condition simply compares the weighted-word’s string value. But it doesn’t have to be so simple. For example, you could sort equal elements by weight. Create a function:
int CompareWeightedWords(const weighted_word *a, const weighted_word *b){
int rel = strcmp( a->word, b->word );
if (rel < 0) return -1;
if (rel > 0) return 1;
return a->weight < b->weight ? -1 : a->weight > b->weight;
And put it to use in the merge function:
if (CompareWeightedWords( words[Rstart], words[Lstart] ) < 0)
buffer[Bindex++] = words[Rstart++];
buffer[Bindex++] = words[Lstart++];
I don’t think I forgot anything.

Fastest way to remove huge number of elements from an array in C

I have dynamic array that contains thousands of elements or even more, in order not to consume a large size of memory, I can remove unwanted elements from it (i.e elements have been used and no need for them any more) so from the beginning I can allocate a smaller memory size by estimating the maximum required size after removing the elements each time.
I use this way but it takes a very very long time to finish, sometime takes 30 minutes!
int x, y ;
for (x = 0 ; x<number_of_elements_to_remove ; x++){
for (y = 0 ; y<size_of_array; y++ ){
array[y] = array[y+1];
Is there a faster way than this?
Instead of removing elements one at a time, with two loops making for an O(n2) solution, you can make a single loop, with a single read and a single write index. Go through the array, copying items as you go:
int rd = 0, wr = 0;
while (rd != size_of_array) {
if (keep_element(array[rd])) {
array[wr++] = array[rd];
At the end of the loop wr is the number of elements kept in the array.
as I noticed you want to only delete elements from the start of the array, try this:
int x;
for(x = 0 ; x< size_of_array - number_of_elements_to_remove; x++)
array[x] = array[number_of_elements_to_remove + x];
this way you're using one for loop which reduces the complexity alot
It seems you essentially do
int y;
for (y = 0; y<size_of_array; y++){
array[y] = array[y+numbre_of_elements_to_remove];
The above should be faster, but there are still some caveats / problems with your code (e.g., access beyond the end od the array).
Here is the code to defragment the array.
int sparse_to_compact(int*arr, int total, int*is_valid) {
int i = 0;
int last = total - 1;
// trim the last invalid elements
for(; last >= 0 && !is_valid[last]; last--); // trim invalid elements from last
// now we keep swapping the invalid with last valid element
for(i=0; i < last; i++) {
arr[i] = arr[last]; // swap invalid with the last valid
for(; last >= 0 && !is_valid[last]; last--); // trim invalid elements
return last+1; // return the compact length of the array
I copied the code from this answer.
I think more efficient way is to use a link-list of buckets. And the buckets are managed by bit-string memory manager. It is like the following,
struct elem {
uint32_t index; /* helper to locate it's position in the array */
int x; /* The content/object kept in the array */
Suppose, our array content is int and it is encapsulated in a structure named struct elem.
enum {
struct bucket {
struct bucket*next; /* link to the next bucket */
uint64_t usage[MAX_BITMASK_SIZE]; /* track memory usage */
struct elem[MAX_BUCKET_SIZE]; /* the array */
A bucket is defined as an array of struct elem and usage mask.
struct bucket_list {
struct bucket*head; /* dynamically allocated bucket */
And a bucket list is a linked list containing all the buckets.
So we need to write memory manager code.
At first we need new bucket to be allocated when needed.
struct bucket*bk = get_empty_bucket(&container);
if(!bk) { /* no empty bucket */
/* allocate a bucket */
struct bucket*bk = (struct bucket*)malloc(sizeof(struct bucket));
/* cleanup the usage flag */
memset(bk->usage, 0, sizeof(bk->usage));
/* link the bucket */
bk->next = container.head;
container.head = bk;
Now as we have the bucket we need to set the value in the array when needed.
for(i = 0; i < MAX_BITMASK_SIZE; i++) {
uint64_t bits = ~bk.usage[i];
if(!bits) continue; /* no space */
/* get the next empty position */
int bit_index = _builtin_ctzl(bits);
int index = (i<<6)+bit_index;
/* set the array value */
bk->elem[index].index = index;
bk->elem[index].x = 34/* my value */;
bk.usage[i] |= 1<<bit_index; /* mark/flag the array element as used */
Deleting the array elements is easy as to mark them unused. Now when all the elements in a bucket is unused we can delete the bucket from the link-list.
We can sometimes defragment buckets or optimize them to fit in smaller space. Otherwise when we assign new elements we can select more crowded buckets over less crowded one. When we delete we can swap the element of less crowded one into more crowded one.
It is possible to delete elements of array in efficient way,
int remove_element(int*from, int total, int index) {
if(index != (total-1))
from[index] = from[total-1];
return total; // **DO NOT DECREASE** the total here
It is done by swapping the element with the last value.

Problems with passing arrays as parameters

I am a novice programmer in C and am running into an issue that is almost painfully simple. I am writing a basic program that creates two arrays, one of student names and one of student ID numbers, then sorts them and prints them in various ways, and finally allows the user to search the arrays by ID number. Here is the code:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#define ARRAY_SIZE 3
#define MAX_NAME_LENGTH 32
int main()
// Student info arrays
// Array for student IDs, shifted twice to the right
int shiftedID[ARRAY_SIZE];
// Boolean value to keep while loop running and
// the ID search prompt repeating
int loop = 1;
// Counter variable for the for loop
int counter;
// Gets input values for the student info arrays
for (counter = 0; counter < ARRAY_SIZE; counter++)
printf("Input student name: ");
scanf("%s", NAME[counter]);
printf("Input student ID: ");
scanf("%d", &ID[counter]);
// Sorts the arrays
sort(NAME, ID);
// Prints the arrays
print_array(&NAME, ID);
// Shifts the ID value two bits to the right
shiftright(ID, shiftedID);
print_array(NAME, shiftedID);
// Repeatedely prompts the user for an ID to
// search for
while(loop == 1)
search_id(NAME, ID);
And here are the function definitions:
#define ARRAY_SIZE 3
#define MAX_NAME_LENGTH 32
// Sorts the two arrays by student ID. (Bubble sort)
void sort(char **nameArray, int idArray[])
// Counter variables for the for loop
int firstCounter = 0;
int secondCounter = 0;
for(firstCounter = 0; firstCounter < ARRAY_SIZE; firstCounter++)
for(secondCounter = 0; secondCounter < ARRAY_SIZE - 1;
if(idArray[secondCounter] > idArray[secondCounter + 1])
// Temporary variables for the sort algorithm
int tempInt = 0;
char tempName[32];
tempInt = idArray[secondCounter + 1];
idArray[secondCounter + 1] = idArray[secondCounter];
idArray[secondCounter] = tempInt;
strcpy(tempName, nameArray[secondCounter + 1]);
strcpy(nameArray[secondCounter + 1],
strcpy(nameArray[secondCounter], tempName);
// Searches the ID array for a user input student
// ID and prints the corresponding student's info.
void search_id(char **nameArray, int idArray[])
// A boolean value representing whether or not
// the input ID value was found
int isFound = 0;
// The input ID the user is searching for
int searchID = 0;
printf("Input student ID to search for: ");
scanf("%d", &searchID);
// Counter variable for the for loop
int counter = 0;
while (counter < ARRAY_SIZE && isFound == 0)
if (idArray[counter] == searchID)
// Prints the name associated with the input ID
isFound = 1;
printf("%s", nameArray[counter]);
// If the input ID is not found, prints a failure message.
if (isFound == 0)
printf("ID not found.\n");
// Prints the name and ID of each student.
void print_array(char **nameArray, int idArray[])
// Counter variable for the for loop
int counter = 0;
printf("Student Name & Student ID: \n");
for (counter = 0; counter < ARRAY_SIZE; counter++)
printf("%s --- %d\n", nameArray[counter], idArray[counter]);
// Shifts the ID value to the right by two bits
void shiftright(int idArray[], int shiftedID[])
// Counter variable for the for loop
int counter = 0;
for (counter = 0; counter < ARRAY_SIZE; counter++)
shiftedID[counter] = idArray[counter] >> 2;
I am aware that this program is fairly basic in nature, and more than anything it is an exercise to get me more well versed in a language such as C. I've been working on it for some time, and have worked through several problems, but seem to be stuck on three issues:
If the input ID numbers are not input already in order, a segmentation fault results. If the ID numbers are input already in order, the sort function never passes through the if statement, and no problems arise.
When passing the arrays of names/IDs to the print_array function, the IDs are printed just fine, but the names will be printed either entirely blank or as a series of strange characters.
When searching by ID at the end of the program, the ID number that was entered first (so, the number in ID[0]) displays an ID not found message, where all numbers at index 1 or greater will work fine - aside from the corresponding names that should be printed being printed as blank, as mentioned in the second issue.
Any advice that I can get would be greatly appreciated! I find the power behind the fine details needed in C to be both really interesting but also very confusing, intimidatingly so, and that means any help I can get makes a big difference.
The problem is that you are assuming that char [ARRAY_SIZE][MAX_NAME_LENGTH] and char ** are interchangeable
void sort(char **nameArray, int idArray[])
should be
void sort(char nameArray[][MAX_NAME_LENGTH], int idArray[])
void sort(char (*nameArray)[MAX_NAME_LENGTH], int idArray[])
in order to use a pointer to an array of MAX_NAME_LENGTH chars, same for your search_id function.
Take a look to question 6.13 of C-FAQ
I would advise you to restructure your program. Rather than storing two independent arrays for names and IDs, you can store one array of structs which contain all the necessary data:
typedef struct student
int id;
char name[MAX_NAME_LENGTH];
} student_t;
student_t students[ARRAY_SIZE];
Now you have a single array which can never become "mismatched" by sorting the IDs without the names, etc.
You can sort an array in C using the standard library function qsort():
qsort(students, ARRAY_SIZE, sizeof(student_t), comparator);
This requires you define a comparator, which is fairly simple. One example would be:
int comparator(const void *lhs, const void *rhs)
const student_t *s1 = lhs, *s2 = rhs;
return s1->id - s2->id;
You can use the same comparator with another standard library function bsearch() to search the array of students after it is sorted:
student_t key = { 42 }; // name doesn't matter, search by ID
student_t* result = bsearch(&key, students, ARRAY_SIZE, sizeof(student_t), comparator);
These standard functions are more efficient than what you had, and require you to write much less code, with fewer chances for mistakes.

C: insert element in empty heap

i'm supposed to write a code, that inserts numbers from stdin into an at first empty max-heap. my code just doesn't get the order of elements right, i found out, that it doesnt even enter the while loop before the third number. Anybody willing to help? Thanks in advance!
int heap_insert(heap* h, int key) {
if (h->size==MAX_HEAP_SIZE){
int i=h->size-1;
int parent=(i-1)/2;
while (i>1 && h->array[parent]< key) {
h->array[i]= h->array[parent];
i = parent;
it doesnt even enter the while loop before the third number
That part can be answered. Your loop won't go until i is 2 or greater...
while (i > 1 && h->array[parent]< key) {
Here's the code that sets i.
h->size = h->size+1;
int i = h->size-1;
That code is easier to understand like so:
int i = h->size;
First time through, i will be 0 (assuming h->size is initialized to 0, you didn't show your heap init code). Second time it will be 1. Third time it will be 2 and then finally the loop can run.
I'm guessing you want i >= 1 in the while loop so it will go on the second call.
As for why it's not working, the primary problem is you're forgetting to change parent in the loop.
/* i and parent initialized */
int i=h->size-1;
int parent=(i-1)/2;
while (i>1 && h->array[parent]< key) {
h->array[i]= h->array[parent];
/* i is changed, but where's parent? */
i = parent;
Here's what it should look like. I've changed i, which should only be used in loop indexes, to the more descriptive new.
/* new and parent initialized */
int new = h->size;
int parent = (new-1)/2;
while( new != 0 && h->array[parent] < key ) {
h->array[new] = h->array[parent];
h->array[parent] = key;
/* new AND parent changed */
new = parent;
parent = (new-1)/2;
Here's the complete code, plus I made the heap size dynamic because fixed size structures are a crutch best avoided.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
typedef struct {
int size;
int max_size;
int *array;
} heap;
#define INIT_HEAP_SIZE 4
static heap *heap_init() {
heap *h = calloc(1, sizeof(heap));
h->max_size = INIT_HEAP_SIZE;
h->array = calloc(h->max_size, sizeof(int));
return h;
static void heap_destroy(heap *h) {
static void heap_grow(heap *h) {
h->max_size *= 2;
h->array = realloc( h->array, h->max_size * sizeof(int) );
static void heap_insert(heap* h, int key) {
if (h->size >= h->max_size) {
int new = h->size;
h->array[new] = key;
int parent = (new-1)/2;
while( new != 0 && h->array[parent] < key ) {
h->array[new] = h->array[parent];
h->array[parent] = key;
new = parent;
parent = (new-1)/2;
int main(void) {
heap *h = heap_init();
heap_insert(h, 23);
heap_insert(h, 11);
heap_insert(h, 42);
heap_insert(h, 5);
heap_insert(h, 99);
for( int i = 0; i < h->size; i++ ) {
printf("%d: %d\n", i, h->array[i]);
It doesn't enter the while loop before the 3rd number because your i is not greater than 1 until the 3rd number is entered. At 1st number i = 0, then 1 then 2.
For the loop, here's my advice on figuring out the problem: Suppose you enter the values 3, 5, 7. As soon as 5 is entered, you need a swap. 5 should become the new root, and 3 should be a child. (So maxheap property is kept) Then, when 7 is entered, another swap is in order. This time with 5. 7 becomes root, 3 and 5 are children. What does this tell you about the indexes? What happens if we insert 10, 16, 1 as well? More swaps? If you answer these properly the while loop should be easy to solve. (Hint: You need to keep swapping by starting from the child, and move to next parent until everything is in order)

Getting the values of linked list with loops

I have to create a function who can get the value of a matrix wich take the form of a double linked list. Here is the structures of the matrix
typedef struct row {
unsigned int indiceRow;
struct row * next;
struct col * data;
} row;
typedef struct col{
double value;
unsigned int indiceColumn;
struct col * next;
} col;
typedef struct matrix{
int nRows;
int nCols;
struct row * rowFirst;
the structure matrix represent the top of the linked list and contain the total number of rows and columns and a variable row wich point to the first node of the list of row nodes. the row nodes contain the number of the row of the matrice, a variable row called next wich represent the next line of the matrix and a variable data point to another list of col nodes. Those col nodes contains the number of the column, the value at those coordonates(row,column) and the a col next. only the values different of zero have to be in the col linked list.
To get the value of a precise point of the matrix I created the function sp_get. It take a structure matrix, the line and column I'm looking for and a double variable as argument. It returns 0 when it works and update the variable double *val with the value I'm looking for.
int sp_get( struct matrix *mat, unsigned int rows, unsigned int col, double *val){
row * temps = (row*)malloc(sizeof(row));
temps = mat->rowFirst;
while(temps->indiceRow!= rows){
temps = temps->next;
while(temps->data!= NULL && temps->data->indiceColumn!= col && temps->data->next!=NULL){
temps->data = temps->data->next;
if(temps->data->indiceColumn == col){
*(val) = temps->data->value;
*(val) = 0.0;
return 0;
First I create a row variable to run through the matrix, then I look for the good row and then for the good column. If I can't find the good column it means that the value is 0.
When I use the function to look for one value, it works well, and always return the good value.(tempMatrix is a matrix variable and contain the linked list)
double * vall =(double*)malloc(sizeof(double));
sp_get(tempMatrix, 2, 3, vall);
but when I'm using the function with a double loop for I don't have the same results and I can't not explain why...
double * vall =(double*)malloc(sizeof(double));
int i;
int j;
for(j=1; j<=tempMatrix->nCols;j++){
printf(" %f ", *(vall));
Here are the result I get with the loops
and here are the results I should get
It might be a proble of memory leak, I don't know where it comes from.
Thanks in advance for your help!
Just in sp_get alone the following problems abound:
Memory the first two lines.
Anytime you see something like this in successive lines in C:
ptr = malloc(...)
ptr = <something else>
it is always a memory leak.
Updating the column header rather than simply enumerating it
Once you find the row you seek, you then do this:
while(temps->data!= NULL &&
temps->data->indiceColumn!= col &&
temps->data = temps->data->next;
Ask yourself, what is temps->data = ... actually updating? It is changing the temps->data pointer to point to its own next, which means what temps->data pointed to prior is gone. That's fine if temps->data is a temporary pointer, but it isn't. It is the data member in the row struct you worked so hard to find in the prior loop.
Potential NULL pointer dereference
You may think having this:
while(temps->data!= NULL &&
temps->data->indiceColumn!= col &&
for the while-condition in your loop will harbor safety from temp-data being NULL for the code that follows:
if(temps->data->indiceColumn == col)
*(val) = temps->data->value;
but if it did, then why bother with the first clause (which is correct, btw). It appears the addition of the last clause (temps->data->next!=NULL) was an effort to stave off crashes. That isn't the way to do it.
Minor: Hiding type col with parameter col
Needs little explanation. See your var names.
Minor: There is no need to dynamically allocate the out-parameter as you're using it.
Your code do to this:
double * vall =(double*)malloc(sizeof(double));
int i, j;
for(j=1; j<=tempMatrix->nCols;j++)
printf(" %f ", *(vall));
Can just as easily do this:
double val = 0.0;
int i, j;
for(j=1; j<=tempMatrix->nCols;j++)
sp_get(tempMatrix,i,j,&val); // note address-of operator
printf(" %f ", val);
Updated sp_get
I'm pretty sure this is what you're trying to do. The following will return 0 if the indexed values found and retrieved, otherwise it returns -1 and the out-parameter is set to 0.0.
int sp_get( struct matrix const *mat, unsigned int rows, unsigned int cols, double *val)
// prime to 0.0
*val = 0.0;
if (!mats)
return -1;
// walk the row table
struct row const *row_ptr = mat->rowFirst;
while (row_ptr && row_ptr->indiceRow != rows)
row_ptr = row_ptr->next;
// leave now if we didn't find the row.
if (!row_ptr)
return -1;
struct col const *col_ptr = row_ptr->data;
while (col_ptr && col_ptr->indiceColumn != cols)
col_ptr = col_ptr->next;
if (!col_ptr)
return -1;
*val = col_ptr->value;
return 0;
Note we modify nothing in the actual matrix, so the entire thing, including all pointers we use to index within it, can be const (and should be).
Best of luck.
