conditional "next value for sequence" - sql-server

Sql Server 2012 Table named "Test" has two fields. "CounterNo" and "Value" both integers.
There are 4 sequence objects defined named sq1, sq2, sq3, sq4
I want to do these on inserts:
if CounterNo = 1 then Value = next value for sq1
if CounterNo = 2 then Value = next value for sq2
if CounterNo = 3 then Value = next value for sq3
I think, create a custom function assign it as default value of Value field. But when i tried custom functions not supports "next value for Sequence Objects"
Another way is using trigger. That table has trigger already.
Using a Stored Procedure for Inserts is the best way. But EntityFramework 5 Code-First is not supporting it.
Can you suggest me a way to achieve this.
(if you show me how can i do it with custom functions you can also post it here. It's another question of me.)
In reality there are 23 fields in that table and also primary keys setted and i'm generating this counter value on software side, using "counter table".It is not good to generate counter values on client side.
I'm using 4 sequence objects as counters because they represents different types of records.
If i use 4 counters on same record at same time, all of them generates next values. I want only related counter generates it's next value while others remains same.

I'm not shure if I fully understand your use case but maybe the following sample illustrates what you need.
Create Table Vouchers (
Id uniqueidentifier Not Null Default NewId()
, Discriminator varchar(100) Not Null
, VoucherNumber int Null
-- ...
, MoreData nvarchar(100) Null
Create Sequence InvoiceSequence AS int Start With 1 Increment By 1;
Create Sequence OrderSequence AS int Start With 1 Increment By 1;
Create Trigger TR_Voucher_Insert_VoucherNumer On Vouchers After Insert As
If Exists (Select 1 From inserted Where Discriminator = 'Invoice')
Update v
Set VoucherNumber = Next Value For InvoiceSequence
From Vouchers v Inner Join inserted i On (v.Id = i.Id)
Where i.Discriminator = 'Invoice';
If Exists (Select 1 From inserted Where Discriminator = 'Order')
Update v
Set VoucherNumber = Next Value For OrderSequence
From Vouchers v Inner Join inserted i On (v.Id = i.Id)
Where i.Discriminator = 'Order';
Insert Into Vouchers (Discriminator, MoreData)
Values ('Invoice', 'Much')
, ('Invoice', 'More')
, ('Order', 'Data')
, ('Invoice', 'And')
, ('Order', 'Again')
Select * From Vouchers;
Now Invoice- and Order-Numbers will be incremented independently. And as you can have multiple insert triggers on the same table, that shouldn't be an issue.

I think you're thinking about this in the wrong way. You have 3 values and these values are determined by another column. Switch it around, create 3 columns and remove the Counter column.
If you have a table with value1, value2 and value3 then the Counter value is implied by the column in which the value resides. Create a unique index on these three columns and add an identity column for a primary key and you're sorted; you can do it all in a stored procedure easily.

If you have four different types of records, use four different tables, with a separate identity column in each one.
If you need to see all the data together, then use a view to combine them:
create v_AllTypes as
select * from type1 union all
select * from type2 union all
select * from type3 union all
select * from type4;
Alternatively, do the calculation of the sequence number on output:
select t.*,
row_number() over (partition by CounterNo order by as TypeSeqNum
from AllTypes t;
Something seems amiss with your data model if it requires conditional updates to four identity columns.


Select a large volume of data with like SQL server

I have a table with ID column
ID column is like this : IDxxxxyyy
x will be 0 to 9
I have to select row with ID like ID0xxx% to ID3xxx%, there will be around 4000 ID with % wildcard from ID0000% to ID3999%.
It is like combining LIKE with IN
Select * from TABLE where ID in (ID0000%,ID0001%,...,ID3999%)
I cannot figure out how to select with this condition.
If you have any idea, please help.
Thank you so much!
You can use pattern matching with LIKE. e.g.
WHERE ID LIKE 'ID[0-3][0-9][0-9][0-9]%'
Will match an string that:
Starts with ID (ID)
Then has a third character that is a number between 0 and 3 [0-3]
Then has 3 further numbers ([0-9][0-9][0-9])
This is not likely to perform well at all. If it is not too late to alter your table design, I would separate out the components of your Identifier and store them separately, then use a computed column to store your full id e.g.
YYY CHAR(3) NOT NULL, -- Or whatever type makes up yyy in your ID
FullID AS CONCAT('ID', FORMAT(NumericID, '0000'), YYY),
Then your query is a simple as:
WHERE NumericID >= 0
AND NumericID < 4000;
This is significantly easier to read and write, and will be significantly faster too.
This should do that, it will get all the IDs that start with IDx, with x that goes form 0 to 4
Select * from TABLE where ID LIKE 'ID[0-4]%'
You can try :
Select * from TABLE where id like 'ID[0-3][0-9]%[a-zA-Z]';

SQL Server copy rows to second table

I have a table for bookings (table_b) that has around 1.3M rows. A second table (table_s) is used to note when these rows are needed to be accessed by a separate application.
Currently there are triggers to make a record in table_s but this doesn't help with all existing data.
I believe I need to have a query that selects the rows that exists in table_b but not table_s and then insert a row for each line.
Here is my current syntax but don't think it has been formed correctly
DECLARE #b_id [INT] = 0;
WHILE(1 = 1)
#b_id = MIN([b].[b_id])
[table_b] AS [b]
[table_s] AS [s] ON [b].[b_id] = [s].[b_id]
[s].[b_id] IS NULL;
IF #b_id IS NULL
INSERT INTO [table_s] ([b_id], [processed])
VALUES (#b_id, 0);
Syntactically everything is fine. But there are some misconceptions present in your query
select top 10 #b_id = MIN(b.b_id)
a variable can hold just one value, even though you select top 10 it will assign single value to variable. Your current approach will loop for each non existing record
I don't think for 1 million records insert we need to split the insert into batches. Try this way
SELECT b_id,
FROM table_b AS b
FROM table_s AS s
WHERE b.b_id = s.b_id)

postgresql: Insert two values in table b if both values are not in table a

I'm doing an assignment where I am to make an sql-database of a tournament result. Players can be added by their name, and when the database has at least two or more players who has not already been assigned to a match, two players should be matched against each other.
For instance, if the tables currently are empty I add Joe as a player. I then also add James and since the table then has two players, who also are not in the matches-table, a new row in the matches-table is created with their p_id set to left_player_P_id and right_player_P_id.
I thought it would be a good idea to create a function and a trigger so that every time a row is added to the player-table, the sql-code would run and create the row in the matches as needed. I am open to other ways of doing this.
I've tried multiple different approaches including SQL - Insert if the number of rows is greater than and Using IF ELSE statement based on Count to execute different Insert statements but I am now at a loss.
Problematic code:
This approach returns a syntax error.
IF ((select count(*) from players_not_in_any_matches) >= 2)
insert into matches values (
(select p_id from players_not_in_any_matches limit 1),
(select p_id from players_not_in_any_matches limit 1 offset 1)
Alternative approach (still problematic code):
This approach seems more promising (but less readable). However, it inserts even if there are no rows returned inside the where not exists.
insert into matches (left_player_p_id, right_player_p_id)
(select p_id from players_not_in_any_matches limit 1),
(select p_id from players_not_in_any_matches limit 1 offset 1)
where not exists (
select * from players_not_in_any_matches offset 2
CREATE TABLE players (
p_id serial PRIMARY KEY,
full_name text
left_player_P_id integer REFERENCES players,
right_player_P_id integer REFERENCES players,
winner integer REFERENCES players
-- view for getting all players not currently assigned to a match
create view players_not_in_any_matches as
select * from players
where p_id not in (
select left_player_p_id from matches
) and
p_id not in (
select right_player_p_id from matches
insert into matches (left_player_p_id, right_player_p_id)
select p1.p_id, p2.p_id
from players p1
join players p2
on p1.p_id <> p2.p_id
and not exists(
select 1 from matches m
where p1.p_id in (m.left_player_p_id, m.right_player_p_id)
and not exists(
select 1 from matches m
where p2.p_id in (m.left_player_p_id, m.right_player_p_id)
limit 1
Anti joins (not-exists operators) in the above query could be further simplified a bit using LEFT JOINs:
insert into matches (left_player_p_id, right_player_p_id)
select p1.p_id, p2.p_id
from players p1
join players p2
left join matches m1
on p1.p_id in (m1.left_player_p_id, m1.right_player_p_id)
left join matches m2
on p2.p_id in (m2.left_player_p_id, m2.right_player_p_id)
where m1.left_player is null
and m2.left_player is null
limit 1
but in my opinion the former query is more readable, while the latter one looks tricky.

JOIN ON subselect returns what I want, but surrounding select is missing records when subselect returns NULL

I have a table where I am storing records with a Created_On date and a Last_Updated_On date. Each new record will be written with a Created_On, and each subsequent update writes a new row with the same Created_On, but an updated Last_Updated_On.
I am trying to design a query to return the newest row of each. What I have looks something like this:
t1.[id] as id,
t1.[Store_Number] as storeNumber,
t1.[Date_Of_Inventory] as dateOfInventory,
t1.[Created_On] as createdOn,
t1.[Last_Updated_On] as lastUpdatedOn
FROM [UserData].[dbo].[StoreResponses] t1
MAX([Created_On]) co,
MAX([Last_Updated_On]) luo
FROM [UserData].[dbo].[StoreResponses]
GROUP BY [Store_Number],[Date_Of_Inventory]) t2
t1.[Store_Number] = t2.[Store_Number]
AND t1.[Created_On] =
AND t1.[Last_Updated_On] = t2.luo
AND t1.[Date_Of_Inventory] = t2.[Date_Of_Inventory]
WHERE t1.[Store_Number] = 123
ORDER BY t1.[Created_On] ASC
The subselect works fine...I see X number of rows, grouped by Store_Number and Date_Of_Inventory, some of which have luo (Last_Updated_On) values of NULL. However, those rows in the sub-select where luo is null do not appear in the overall results. In other words, where I get 6 results in the sub-select, I only get 2 in the overall results, and its only those rows where the Last_Updated_On is not NULL.
So, as a test, I wrote the following:
And got no results, but, when I run:
I get back a result of 1. Its as if SQL Server is not relating NULL to NULL.
How can I fix this? Why wouldn't two fields compare when both values are NULL?
You could use Coalesce (example assuming Store_Number is an integer)
Coalesce(t1.[Store_Number],0) = Coalesce(t2.[Store_Number],0)
The ANSI Null comparison is not enabled by default; NULL doesn't equal NULL.
You can enable this (if your business case and your Database design usage of NULL requires this) by the Hint:
SET ansi_nulls off
Another alternative basic turn around using:
ON ((t1.[Store_Number] = t2.[Store_Number]) OR
(t1.[Store_Number] IS NULL AND t2.[Store_Number] IS NULL))
Executing your POC:
SET ansi_nulls off
This also works:
AND EXISTS (SELECT t1.Store_Number INTERSECT SELECT t2.Store_Number)

SQL Case statements, making sub selections on a condition?

I've come across a scenario where I need to return a complex set of calculated values at a crossover point from "legacy" to current.
To cut a long story short I have something like this ...
with someofit as
select id, col1, col2, col3 from table1
select someofit.*,
case when id < #lastLegacyId then
(select ... from table2 where something = id) as 'bla'
,(select ... from table2 where something = id) as 'foo'
,(select ... from table2 where something = id) as 'bar'
(select ... from table3 where something = id) as 'bla'
,(select ... from table3 where something = id) as 'foo'
,(select ... from table3 where something = id) as 'bar'
from someofit
No here lies the problem ...
I don't want to be constantly doing that case check for each sub selection but at the same time when that condition applies I need all of the selections within the relevant case block.
Is there a smarter way to do this?
if I was in a proper OO language I would use something like this ...
var common = GetCommonSuff()
foreach (object item in common)
if( <= lastLegacyId)
I did initially try doing 2 complete selections with a union all but this doesn't work very well due to efficiency / number of rows to be evaluated.
The sub selections are looking for total row counts where some condition is met other than the id match on either table 2 or 3 but those tables may have millions of rows in them.
The cte is used for 2 reasons ...
firstly it pulls only the rows from table 1 i am interested in so straight away im only doing a fraction of the sub selections in each case.
secondly its returning the common stuff in a single lookup on table 1
Any ideas?
EDIT 1 :
Some context to the situation ...
I have a table called "imports" (table 1 above) this represents an import job where we take data from a file (csv or similar) and pull the records in to the db.
I then have a table called "steps" this represents the processing / cleaning rules we go through and each record contains a sproc name and a bunch of other stuff about the rule.
There is then a join table that represents the rule for a particular import "ImportSteps" (table 2 above - for current data), this contains a "rowsaffected" column and the import id
so for the current jobs my sql is quite simple ...
select 123 456
from imports
join importsteps
for the older legacy stuff however I have to look through table 3 ... table 3 is the holding table, it contains every record ever imported, each row has an import id and each row contains key values.
on the new data rowsaffected on table 2 for import id x where step id is y will return my value.
on the legacy data i have to count the rows in holding where col z = something
i need data on about 20 imports and this data is bound to a "datagrid" on my mvc web app (if that makes any difference)
the cte i use determines through some parameters the "current 20 im interested in" those params represent start and end record (ordered by import id).
My biggest issue is that holding table ... it's massive .. individual jobs have been known to contain 500k + records on their own and this table holds years of imported rows so i need my lookups on that table to be as fast as possible and as few as possible.
The actual solution (suedo code only) ...
-- declare and populate the subset to reduce reads on the big holding table
declare table #holding ( ... )
insert into #holding
select .. from holding
... common stuff from inner select in "from" below
... bunch of ...
case when id < #legacy then (select getNewValue(id, stepid))
else (select x from #holding where id = ID and ... ) end as 'bla'
select ROW_NUMBER() over (order by importid desc) as 'RowNum'
, ...
) as I
-- this bit handles the paging
where RowNum >= #StartIndex
and RowNum < #EndIndex
i'm still confident i can clean it up more but my original query that looked something like bills solution was about 45 seconds in execution time, this is about 7
I take it the subqueries must return a single scalar value, correct? This point is important because it is what ensures the LEFT JOINs will not multiply the result.
;with someofit as
select id, col1, col2, col3 from table1
select someofit.*,
bla = coalesce(t2.col1, t3.col1),
foo = coalesce(t2.col2, t3.col2),
bar = coalesce(,
from someofit
left join table2 t2 on and < #lastLegacyId
left join table3 t3 on and >= #lastLegacyId
Beware that I have used id >= #lastLegacyId as the complement of the condition, by assuming that id is not nullable. If it is, you need an IsNull there, i.e. >= isnull(#lastLegacyId,
Your edit to the question doesn't change the fact that this is an almost literal translation of the O-O syntax.
foreach (object item in common) --> "from someofit"
if( <= lastLegacyId) --> the precondition to the t2 join
AppendLegacyValuesTo(item); --> putting t2.x as first argument of coalesce
else --> sql would normally join to both tables
--> hence we need an explicit complement
--> condition as an "else" clause
AppendCurrentValuesTo(item); --> putting t3.x as 2nd argument
--> tbh, the order doesn't matter since t2/t3
--> are mutually exclusive
function AppendCurrentValuesTo --> the correlation between t2/t3 to
Now, if you have actually tried this and it doesn't solve your problem, I'd like to know where it broke.
Assuming you know that there are no conflicting ID's between the two tables, you can do something like this (DB2 syntax, because that's what I know, but it should be similar):
with combined_tables as (
select ... as id, ... as bla, bar, ... as foo from table 2
union all
select ... as id, ... as bla, bar, ... as foo from table 3
select someofit.*, combined_ids.bla,,
from someofit
join combined_tables on =
If you had cases like overlapping ids, you could handle that within the combined_tables() section
