Access Database Automatically sorting records! How to stop? - database

i am building a program that uses a database.
When i enter my data into the database it doesnt stay as entered. It is automatically sorted into ascending order by a field that contains the ID number. The problem is when i create a new record programatically, it creates a record in another table with the same row number.
I need to stop access automatically sorting the records. any ideas?

A relational database does not have the concept of an order of records per se; instead retrieved records are ordered by the query used to retrieve them - either in your code, or behind the scenes in the Access gui. So if you want them to appear in a specific order, then write a query including an ORDER BY clause to suit.

Like in all relational databases, the rows in MS Access don't have a fixed order.
If you select data from a table without specifying a ORDER BY clause in your query, the database will return the rows in random order.
Often the order will look sensible (like in your case, ordered ascending by the ID column), and if you run the same query several times, the order might really be the same.
But there's no guarantee - you can't rely on this order, you have to specify one yourself by ordering by the ID column or any other column.
I think that your problem (besides apparently not knowing how ordering works in a relational database) is this:
The problem is when i create a new record programatically, it creates a record in another table with the same row number.
If I'm understanding you correctly:
When you need the record in the other table to have the same value, just take the value from the ID column after inserting into the first table (given that ID is the primary key) and use that value to save the data into the second table.

Removing any indexing from the table is the easy way. But then you have no index.
I would just create a new field in your table called "PretendRowNumber" and insert the would be row number into it. Then you can at least tie your two tables back to each other.


Why can't columnar databases like Snowflake and Redshift change the column order?

I have been working with Redshift and now testing Snowflake. Both are columnar databases. Everything I have read about this type of databases says that they store the information by column rather than by row, which helps with the massive parallel processing (MPP).
But I have also seen that they are not able to change the order of a column or add a column in between existing columns (don't know about other columnar databases). The only way to add a new column is to append it at the end. If you want to change the order, you need to recreate the table with the new order, drop the old one, and change the name of the new one (this is called a deep copy). But this sometimes can't be possible because of dependencies or even memory utilization.
I'm more surprised about the fact that this could be done in row databases and not in columnar ones. Of course, there must be a reason why it's not a feature yet, but I clearly don't have enough information about it. I thought it was going to be just a matter of changing the ordinal of the tables in the information_schema but clearly is not that simple.
Does anyone know the reason of this?
Generally, column ordering within the table is not considered to be a first class attribute. Columns can be retrieved in whatever order you require by listing the names in that order.
Emphasis on column order within a table suggests frequent use of SELECT *. I'd strongly recommend not using SELECT * in columnar databases without an explicit LIMIT clause to minimize the impact.
If column order must be changed you do that in Redshift by creating a new empty version of the table with the columns in the desired order and then using ALTER TABLE APPEND to move the data into the new table very quickly.
The order in which the columns are stored internally cannot be changed without dropping and recreating them.
Your SQL can retrieve the columns in any order you want.
General requirement to have columns listed in some particular order is for the viewing purpose.
You could define a view to be in the desired column order and use the view in the required operation.
INSERT INTO CO_TEST VALUES (1,2),(3,4),(5,6);
Creating a view to list the columns in the required order will not disturb the actual table underneath the view and the resources associated with recreation of the table is not wasted.
In some databases (Oracle especially) ordering columns on table will make difference in performance by storing NULLable columns at the end of the list. Has to do with how storage is beiing utilized within the data block.

How to use order by with table to sort the table in hierarchical way

I am given with table shown in Image 1
How to use order by statement so that i can get resultant table. I don't know how to solve it. I just try to use order by C, D column but all numm comes upwards irrespective of B Column.
Result given in image 2
Sorry, I just forgot to mention this table also contain id and this table is already sorted on the basis of id. So i am not even able to sort it by column A. Due to this SQL think whole table is already sorted but I still want to sort on the basis of column

Do Postgres and Oracle databases maintain insertion order?

I am trying to store a collection (which preserves the order of its elements). I will iterate over the collection and will insert the elements one by one into the DB. Suppose I want to retrieve the elements one by one. Will I be able to retrieve the elements in the order I inserted them?
No, database tables are heap oriented. So theoretically in a single writer mode, when all the rows were of equal size, then this "could" work. But when you leave some free space in some page and then later you insert shorter row it will be put into that page.
So please do not trust insertion order in any database. Including MySQL.
Unfortunately it is not.
If you want to retrieve rows in an order, you should use a sequence ( like Id column, primary key ) and an order by clause regarding to this id column.
Oracle built in rowid pseudo column contains row number information ; but you should not rely on this. Table may enabled row movement property.

How can the date a row was added be in a different order to the identity field on the table?

I have a 'change history' table in my SQL Server DB called tblReportDataQueue that records changes to rows in other source tables.
There are triggers on the source tables in the DB which fire after INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE. The triggers all call a stored procedure that just inserts data into the change history table that has an identity column:
INSERT INTO tblReportDataQueue
When a row in a source table is updated multiple times in quick succession the triggers fire in the correct order and put the changed data in the change history table in the order that it was changed. The problem is that I had assumed that the DateAdded field would always be in the same order as the identity field but somehow it is not.
So my table is in the order that things actually happened when sorted by the identity field but not when sorted by the 'DateAdded' field.
How can this happen?
screenshot of example problem
In example image 'DateAdded' of last row shown is earlier than first row shown.
You are using a surrogate key. One very important characteristic of a surrogate key is that it cannot be used to determine anything about the tuple it represents, not even the order of creation. All systems which have auto generated values like this, including Oracles sequences, make no guarantee as to order, only that the next value generated will be unique from previous generated values. That is all that is required, really.
We all do it, of course. We look at a row with ID of 2 and assume it was inserted after the row with ID of 1 and before the row with ID of 3. That is a bad habit we should all work to break because the assumption could well be wrong.
You have the DateAdded field to provide the information you want. Order by that field and you will get the rows in order of insertion (if that field is not updateable, that is). The auto generated values will tend to follow that ordering, but absolutely do not rely on that!
try use Sequence...
"Using the identity attribute for a column, you can easily generate auto-
incrementing numbers (which as often used as a primary key). With Sequence, it
will be a different object which you can attach to a table column while
inserting. Unlike identity, the next number for the column value will be
retrieved from memory rather than from the disk – this makes Sequence
significantly faster than Identity.
Unlike identity column values, which are generated when rows are inserted, an
application can obtain the next sequence number before inserting the row by
calling the NEXT VALUE FOR function. The sequence number is allocated when NEXT
VALUE FOR is called even if the number is never inserted into a table. The NEXT
VALUE FOR function can be used as the default value for a column in a table
definition. Use sp_sequence_get_range to get a range of multiple sequence
numbers at once."

Which is better distinct or unique constraint for table in SQL Server Database?

Which is better distinct or unique constraint for table in SQL Server Database ?
Should I use
for getting records from the large table or put
unique constraint
to the field so no duplicate entry happened ?
My ultimate goal is only that , get unique data, and i know both will give me this, But if i use unique constraint to field , then It will give me sql error at a time i insert duplicate data. Is it ok ? Is it affect to server or Databases ? I am using SQL Server for this process.
They're totally different use cases.
A unique constraint is what you use if the column itself (or set of columns) must be unique according to the schema details (the data). In other words, if the data is required to be unique on that column (or column set), use a unique constraint.
For example, if you're maintaining a membership table, the member ID should be unique.
The database must protect itself from dodgy data, this is not something that should be left to well-behaved applications, since the first non-well-behaved application that comes along is going to destroy your universe.
If the data is not required to be unique (such as the town each member lives in), then you can decide to "uniquify" it in a select statement, depending on your needs:
-- Get all towns.
select distinct town from members
So, here's your solution matrix, in decreasing priority:
Does the actual data need to be unique on that column? If so, a unique constraint must be used. Otherwise, a unique constraint should not be used.
If the data does not need to be uniques, do you need to only get one row for each possible value for that data? If so, use select distinct. If not, use select on its own.
With distinct you pay at query time, but it's simpler for the user.
With unique constraint, you pay at insert time, and the app now has to handle exceptions on duplicates, but the query is faster.
Without more info, I would go with distinct, because life is simpler and you don't lock in behaviour (next week you may need the duplicates).
UNIQUE: always take part in data INSERTION (in brief)
DISTINCT: always concern on data retrieval (in brief)
Maybe this will help you.
