How can I use my Google API email - google-app-engine

This is simple question for those who know.
I have Google API registered access and as part of it
I was given few email addresses (,
One per each type of access.
It seems that the main purpose of those email addresses, is to be a distinguishing ids.
My question is if its possible to use those email addresses as real mailboxes?

No, they are not destined to be used as email addresses, think of them more as user_id's for different purposes.
Here you can see an example os the
I guess I'm a bit late for this answer but I am currently facing some issues with this subject so I think it might be useful to someone.


reveal fake number / prevent fake registration / fake sms

I faced with a such question for which can not find an answer in google. For example, I have a company which provides some services for customers. And for new users I have a promo/discounts. As we know there are a lot of websites which provide fake number for receiving sms for registration. I need a useful solution to prevent registration with such numbers. I want to check if this number is real or not and allow registration only if real. What is your suggestion/solution ? What would you do or maybe already did something for escaping a such problems.
Note: Maybe Some tags are not relevant to this issue, so please inform me and I will remove this tag. Or vice verse, if you have any suggestions related tags please let me know I will add this tag.
Thank you in advance.
Usually what you do is you take the number/email and you send it to a service most likely through an API. There is rarely any inhouse software that does this functionality!
Here are a few services, I have used & worked with etumos before, not bad but it comes with a price!
For numverify, it is free to an extent. Try it out & see if it works with your solution.
It supports Carrier Detection
While phone numbers help businesses identify and legitimize customers, some numbers are very easy to retrieve from certain carriers. For exmaple, anyone can quickly register multiple phone numbers from a free online provider, making it easy to create fake profiles.
To address this risk, the numverify API will return a separate carrier object containing the name of the carrier the requested phone number is registered with. This way businesses can require additional identity authentication for carriers associated with higher fraud instances.
Send an SMS to the number, ask a question that a human can answer better than a bot and request a response.

Can schemas be used in a product where the sending address is configurable

Not a dev question but since this is where the docs point I'm asking it here, hopefully won't be closed. ;)
Given this line in :
Emails must come from a static email address, eg
I take it there's no way to make use of Schemas yet in a product where users configure their own mail server and from address?
If that is correct, are there any plans to allow schemas to work in this sort of environment in the future?
We'd love to bake it into our product's emails but seems like we can't with this constraint since each install sends emails from it's own configured 'from' address.
Only static email addresses are supported in this initial rollout, but we might reconsider this decision in the future. Please fill the form at to describe your use case anyway and tell us why you have this requirement.

Explanation of the IMAP protocol?

Im looking for information about how the IMAP protocol works. Google yields only high level information, but not enough to understand the details. I'd like to know enough to be able to create my own implementation. I found a c library which does it, but is poorly documented.
Some basic questions are: what are the IMAP uid's and what are their guaruntees? For example, will an id ever change? will it be reused if deleted?
This looks like a good starting point:
In general, the keyword you want when searching for details on an internet protocol is "RFC". Add that to your search along with the name of the protocol and you should get off to a good start.
Google yields only high level information, but not enough to understand the details.
Google is a general search engine, and its results will only be as good as the search terms you supplied. If you want to get detailed and definitive technical information about a protocol or standard or programming language, you should start by searching for the specification; i.e. use "specification" as one of your search terms.
I'd like to know enough to be able to create my own implementation. I found a c library which does it, but is poorly documented.
If you've already found an implementation, why would you want to create another? Or even know enough to (hypothetically) create another?
I'm sure there are other open source implementations of IMAP around in various languages.
It is a bit much to expect an implementation of IMAP to be sufficiently well documented as to serve as a specification.
Some basic questions are: what are the IMAP uid's and what are their guaruntees? For example, will an id ever change? will it be reused if deleted?
I expect that these questions can be answered by reading the IMAP specification; see RFC 3501

Store street address & prevent duplicates

I have a database that I am accessing through Django & Python. We want to store buildings based on their addresses (not names, since some buildings simply don't have names).
We need to prevent users from entering duplicate entries into our database for the same building. This is made difficult by the way people could type in the addresses (eg. "1000 Main Street" vs. "1000 Main St.")
In what way can we reliably prevent duplicates? I am using a MySQL database.
If you're working only with the U.S., you can use the USPS Address Standardization web service to resolve duplicates:
Address de-duplication is a complicated task. While the USPS web service is alright, it's seriously lacking in some important features. Plus, it's quite inefficient to perform batch de-duplication using a regular web service, performing requests, etc.
And, it appears the USPS has updated their site, so the link Dan posted, while useful, is now broken.
As an updated answer, I'd like to point out that I work for SmartyStreets and we remove duplicates from address lists. You could, for example, upload your list to CASS-Certified Scrubbing and the addresses will be standardized and flagged for duplicates. It's really easy this way. If you need point-of-entry validation, take a look at LiveAddress, which provides more important information than the USPS service alone does.

How are geolocation databases assembled?

I am not asking what geolocation service to use or how you use them.
I am asking, how the do these companies know so well where every IP address is? Is there some breach of privacy being violated?
I looked at the wikipedia page, and all they had to say was using the WHOIS service, which obviously doesn't work at all: my IP is owned by a company listed in another state.
It has a lot to do where the ISP's are logically located and that ARIN knows where networks are assigned.
They can also determine your location based on routers.
run this in a command/terminal window :
I'm sure you can see some location based info in your tracert.
Many such databases appear to be extracting it from the 'whois' databases held by the Regional Internet Registries (RIPE, ARIN, etc).
These are not the same at the domain name 'whois' lookups, these relate specifically to IP addresses.
Such data extraction is an illegal breach of their database copyrights and strictly against their T&Cs.
See How does geographic lookup by IP work? for more details.
Let me answer with an analogy each car has a unique number that identifies it from it's manufacturer, the company has a list of all the cars that where send to each mayor distributor on each part of the world, each one of those distributors has several dealers to which they assign a set of cars to sell, and each one of those dealers sells the cars to end customers. So in theory if the manufacturer wants to know where is the world is a car he doesn't has to ask because he know in which country it landed.
Translating that to IPs every company that sells public IP address has a record of who owns it, and they are normally give them away in bulks of 1000s to ISP (phone numbers used to be like this). For example I can tell you if an IP is from my country just by looking at the first 2 groups. On the other hand hosting providers and data centers work the same way and they almost always know where is the machine physically, and last but not least doing a trace will jump hops to the closest (theoretically, as you can force the traces to be what you want) IP to the box which means you can guess the location if you have the one of the hop before it.
Those companies pay for the data.
There are many ways to get this data (not all illegal), one simple one is, for example, providing free services that encourage you to provide some information about your actual location like for example DslReports. Once they know one IP and the ISP is easy to correlate other IPs from the same area.
As you can see here one company recommends the other so you can see the connection.
I was wondering the same thing. Check out Ken Norton, Project Manager at Google, 's response on how Google acquires geolocation data:
