Proving a language with a single string is regular. - dfa

Any help would be appreciated, need to figure out how to do it for an essay im typing. I have a few ideas, but I am not really sure how to put my thoughts into words.

Check Venn-Diagram: Any finite set is Regular set, Thing is an infinite set may or may not be regular To proof whether an infinite set is not regular we use pumping lemma property of infinite regular set. But we don't need to proof a finite language/set for e.g. a language with a single string is regular as it will be regular for sure we can construct DFA and Regular expression for this language easily:
L = {a}
RE: a
FA: (q0) ---a---> ((qf))
L = {abb}
RE: abb
FA: (q0)---a--->(q1)---b--->(q2)--b-->((qf))


Is it possible to override bracket operators in ruby like endpoint notations in math?

Trying to implement something like this:
arr = (1..10)
arr[2,5] = [2,3,4,5]
arr(2,5] = [3,4,5]
arr[2,5) = [2,3,4]
arr(2,5) = [3,4]
Well, we need to override four bracket opreators: [], [), (], ()
Any ideas?
It's called "Including or excluding" in mathematics.
In short, this is not possible with the current Ruby parser.
The slightly longer answer: You'd have to start by modifying parse.y to support the syntax you propose and recompile Ruby. This is of course not a terrible practical approach, since you'd have to do that again for every new Ruby version. The saner approach would be to start a discussion on ruby-core to see if there is sufficient interest for this to be made part of the language (probably not tbh).
Your wanted syntax is not valid for the Ruby parser, but it could be implemented in Ruby with the help of self-modifying code.
The source files need to be pre-processed. A simple regular expression can substitute your interval expressions with ordinary method syntax, i.e.
arr[2,5] -> interval_closed(arr,2,5)
arr(2,5] -> interval_left_open(arr,2,5)
arr[2,5) -> interval_right_open(arr,2,5)
arr(2,5) -> interval_open(arr,2,5)
The string holding the modified source can be evaluated and becomes part of the application just like a source file on the hard disk. (See instance_eval)
The usage of self-modifying code should be well justified.
Is the added value worth the effort and the complications?
Does the code have to be readable for other programmers?
Is the preprocessing practical? E.g. will this syntax occur in one or a few isolated files, or be spread everywhere?

Implementing Intelligent design sort

This might be frivolous question, so please have understanding for my poor soul.
After reading this article about Intelligent Design sort ( which is in no way made to be serious in any way, I started wondering whether this could be possible.
An excerpt from article says:
The probability of the original input list being in the exact order it's in is 1/(n!). There is such a small likelihood of this that it's clearly absurd to say that this happened by chance, so it must have been consciously put in that order by an intelligent Sorter.
Let's for a second forget about intelligent Sorter, and think about possibility that random occurrences of members in array are in some way sorted. Our algorithm should determine the pattern without changing array's structure.
Is there any way to do this? Speed is not a requirement.
The implementation is very easy actually. The entire point of the article is that you don't actually sort anything. In other words, a correct implementation is a simple NOP. As my preferred language is Java, I'll show a simple in-place implementation in Java as a lambda function:
Funny article, I had a good laugh.
If the only thing you're interested in is that whether your List is sorted, then you could simply keep an internal sorted flag (defaulted to true for an empty list) and override your add() method to check if the element you're adding fits the ordering of the List - that is, compare it to the adjacent elements and setting the sorted flag appropriately.

flex bison for parsing block

NAME cell_rowdec
SIZE UNI_rowdecSize
ITERATE itr_rows
DIRECTION lgDir_rowdec
I want to parse this using flex and bison such that it matches block name of BEGIN and ENDS. And it finds both are equal then only parse. So how can it is possible with flex and bison please help me out.
From long times I am stuck with this problem. Please help me.
Thank you so much.
If I understand correctly, it's all about the begin/end pairs with a name.
If you have a context free grammar, you'll have begin/end pairs that match, like in
text := block
| text block
block := BEGIN BLOCK blockname blockcontents ENDS blockname
blockcontents := item
| blockcontents item
item := block
| VIA vialist
| WRAP wrapname
Now if you look at the production of block, you'll note that the name occurs twice. In your action you can check equality. If both names are equal, fine, if not, you have a syntax error. Ignoring everything since the opening "BEGIN BLOCK" is one strategy to cope with the syntax error.
(If I'm not mistaken, the condition that the names must match makes the grammar not context free, but since the condition is very simple, I'd categorize it as "almost context free" ;)
If your text allows several blocks to be mixed, you have a grammar that is not context free and is much more difficult to parse (though not impossible).
You still can use lex/yacc resp. flex/bison, but it'll require a lot more bookkeeping from your side.
Still, the first thing you need is a grammar. My (partial) example above could be a start.
You can use bison/yacc syntax to specify your grammar. That would reduce a bit of effort.

How to do a parameterization in C?

I'm trying to find an algorithm for the game master mind with 4 numbers, where each number can be between 0 to 5, giving 1296 possibilities. With the first guess being 1,1,0,0
there are less options left.
I would like to know how to remove the options which are not suitable according to the first guess.
How to use an array(solutions) and array(current solutions)? Should I use parameterization for that?
Is there an algorithm in C to do that?
Thanks a lot for the help!
The simplest to implement is to simply loop trough all your elements and make the once that no longer work false. This might be the best idea here as looping trough 1300 elements is still quite fast however be aware that there is a faster solution in just finding which type of solutions are no longer available.
For mastermind there are multiple algorithms, see wikipedia, however for your first implementation I think they are too difficult.
You could start by using either
Thijser's idea (slightly better than brute-forcing all possibilities),
or try to emulate a human player: using that a white key-peg means correct color in wrong position and a black key-peg meaning correct color in correct position. You can write an easy recursion to take that info into account:
white-peg -> move the colors around ;
black-peg remove colors to find out which of the colors was the one that was correct-in-correct-pos.

NFA to DFA conversion

When we converting from nfa to dfa there may be result like the image below... My question is, is it necessary to write that from state {4} it's going to Zero state? I mean that without showing the input symbol 1 of {4} is the same with picture below right? or no?
It’s a matter of convention. Personally, I prefer not to clutter my DFA with unnecessary states, especially since DFAs obtained via transformation from NFAs tend to become quite complex anyway, and since it’s deterministic we know that any non-displayed transition must be invalid.
However, I’ve experienced that many people in academia teach / use the other convention, and require all transitions to be explicitly shown. When working as a TA (tutor) I’ve actually had a discussion with a professor about this – he wanted us tutors to deduct points on the final tests for missing transitions in DFAs but I convinced him that deducting points for this was unfair.
it is not necessary to write {4}-> 0 transition because the automat is already accepting the word. this transition means only that this is "nothing" meaningful for our solution. but for details, it is useful to give it, to show the whole automaton.
It matters only if you are trying to draw the MinimalFA (MFA).
Actually you can generate infinite number of DFA s from a single NFA, each of which differ in number of states.
If you remove 'Dead States' in the figure,you will get the MFA.
The figure is OK if you just want a DFA
