Format file size in Unix in readable format - file

When I do ls -l I get
-rw-r--r-- 1 jboss admin **26644936** Sep 1 21:23 MyBig.war
How do I print it as below
-rw-r--r-- 1 jboss admin **26,644,936** Sep 1 21:23 MyBig.war

The proper way to format ls output is to specify BLOCK_SIZE.
BLOCK_SIZE="'1" ls -l
would achieve your desired result.
Quoting from the above link:
Some GNU programs (at least df, du, and ls) display sizes in “blocks”.
You can adjust the block size and method of display to make sizes
easier to read.
A block size specification preceded by ‘'’ causes output sizes to be
displayed with thousands separators.

Using sed:
$ ls_output='-rw-r--r-- 1 jboss admin 26644936 Sep 1 21:23 MyBig.war'
$ echo $ls_output | sed -e :a -e 's/\(.*[0-9]\)\([0-9]\{3\}\)/\1,\2/;ta'
-rw-r--r-- 1 jboss admin 26,644,936 Sep 1 21:23 MyBig.war
Above sed command repeatedly replace the last 4 digits #### with #,###.
-e :a: Make a label named a for t command.
ta: Jump to a if substitution was successful.


Save one line of `top`, `htop` or `intel_gpu_top` outputs into a Bash array

I want to save 1 line from the output of top into a Bash array to later access its components:
$ timeout 1 top -d 2 | awk 'NR==8'
2436 USER 20 0 1040580 155268 91100 S 6.2 1.0 56:38.94 Xorg
I tried:
$ gpu=($(timeout 1s top -d 2 | awk 'NR==8'))
$ mapfile -t gpu < <($(timeout 1s top -d 2 | awk 'NR==8'))
and, departing from the array requisite, even:
$ read -r gpu < <(timeout 1s top -d 2 | awk 'NR==8')
all returned a blank for either ${gpu[#]} (first two) or $gpu (last).
As pointed out by #Cyrus and others gpu=($(top -n 1 -d 2 | awk 'NR==8')) is the obvious solution. However I want to build the cmd dynamically so top -d 2 may be replaced by other cmds such as htop -d 20 or intel_gpu_top -s 1. Only top can limit its maximum number of iterations, so that is not an option in general, and for that reason I resort to timeout 1s to kill the process in all shown attempts...
End edit
Using a shell other than Bash is not an option. Why did the above attempts fail and how can I achieve that ?
Why did the above attempts fail
Because redirection to pipe does not have terminal capabilities, top process receives SIGTTOU signal when it tries to write the terminal and take the terminal "back" from the shell. The signal causes top to terminate.
how can I achieve that ?
Use top -n 1. Generally, use the tool specific options to disable using terminal utilities by that tool.
However I want to build the cmd dynamically so top -d 2 may be replaced by other cmds such as htop -d 20 or intel_gpu_top -s 1
Write your own terminal emulation and extract the first line from the buffer of the first stuff the command displays. See GNU screen and tmux source code for inspiration.
I dont think you need the timeout there if its intended to quit top. You can instead use the -n and -b flags but feel free to add it if you need it
arr[0]=$(top -n 1 -b -d 2 | awk 'NR==8')
arr[2]=$(top -n 1 -b -d 2 |awk 'NR==8')
echo ${arr[0]}
echo ${arr[1]}
echo ${arr[2]}
1 root 20 0 99868 10412 7980 S 0.0 0.5 0:00.99 systemd
1 root 20 0 99868 10412 7980 S 0.0 0.5 0:00.99 systemd
from top man page:
-b :Batch-mode operation
Starts top in Batch mode, which could be useful for sending output from top to other programs or to a
file. In this mode, top will not accept input and runs until the iterations limit you've set with the
`-n' command-line option or until killed.
-n :Number-of-iterations limit as: -n number
Specifies the maximum number of iterations, or frames, top should produce before ending.
-d :Delay-time interval as: -d ss.t (secs.tenths)
Specifies the delay between screen updates, and overrides the corresponding value in one's personal
configuration file or the startup default. Later this can be changed with the `d' or `s' interactive

Setting up SUID in C language is not enough

For pedagogical purposes, I want to set up a basic command injection in C. I have the following code :
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
char cat[] = "cat ";
char *command;
size_t commandLength;
commandLength = strlen(cat) + strlen(argv[1]) + 1;
command = (char *) malloc(commandLength);
strncpy(command, cat, commandLength);
strncat(command, argv[1], (commandLength - strlen(cat)) );
return (0);
I compile it, set the binary as owned by root and set the SUID to 1, as follows :
gcc injectionos.c -o injectionos
sudo chown root:root injectionos
sudo chmod +s injectionos
I obtain the following result :
ls -la
total 40
drwxr-xr-x 2 olive olive 4096 Jan 6 13:17 .
drwxr-xr-x 3 olive olive 4096 Jan 6 12:15 ..
-rwsr-sr-x 1 root root 16824 Jan 6 13:17 injectionos
-rw-r--r-- 1 olive olive 415 Jan 6 13:17 injectionos.c
-rwx------ 1 root root 9 Jan 6 12:43 titi.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 olive olive 9 Jan 6 12:16 toto.txt`
So, basically, with the SUID set to 1, i should be able to open both toto.txt and titi.txt files by performing the following injection :
./injectionos "toto.txt;cat titi.txt"
But executing this command, I got a permission denied when accessing titi.txt. Finally, when I add a setuid(geteuid()); in my code, the injection is working and I can access to titi.txt file.
Given that injectionos is ran as root and titi.txt belong to root, I supposed that it was enough, but apparently no. What am I missing here?
The privileges are being dropped by /bin/sh executed as part of the system() call. See the man page for bash and the -p option
If the shell is started with the effective user (group) id not equal
to the real user (group) id, and the -p option is not supplied, no
startup files are read, shell functions are not inherited from the
variables, if they appear in the environment, are ignored, and the
effective user id is set to the real user id. If the -p option is
supplied at invocation, the startup behavior is the same, but the
effective user id is not reset.
Well, technically debian uses dash by default, but it does the same thing.
So the default behavior of the shell has been adjusted to mitigate this injection at least somewhat.

Using "-" to start files and not conflict with flags

I am trying to replicate the "ls" command in C. It should take anywhere between 0 and 2 arguments, those being a file path and a set of flags. When 1 argument is passed, I am trying to distinguish between passing a file and passing a set of flags - I would have thought the obvious way to go about it was to assume no file names begin with a "-" character and so therefore, if the first character of the argument is a "-" then treat it as a set of flags, otherwise treat it as a file path.
How should I actually distinguish between the two?
well, the rule with ls is that — considering -a is a file:
ls -a : -a is considered as an option argument ;
ls -- -a : -a is considered as a file argument
the -- argument is considered as a separator, after which all arguments are files, not options.
Typically, programs don't, and leave it to the user to deal with the resulting problems.
For example, create a file called -l, and at least one other file, and then run ls *:
me#localhost:~$ mkdir temp
me#localhost:~$ cd temp
me#localhost:~/temp$ touch ./-l
me#localhost:~/temp$ touch testfile
me#localhost:~/temp$ ls *
-rw-rw-r-- 1 acampbell acampbell 0 Apr 4 11:00 testfile
ls * expanded to ls -l testfile.
Most Unix utilities can take the argument --, and every argument after -- will be treated as a filename:
me#localhost:~/temp$ ls -l -- testfile
-rw-rw-r-- 1 acampbell acampbell 0 Apr 4 11:00 testfile
me#localhost:~/temp$ ls -- -l testfile
-l testfile
They can also specify a path that doesn't start with -, such as by using a redundant ./:
me#localhost:~/temp$ ls ./*
./-l ./testfile

copy content of a file

When you do this:
cp file1 file2
(file2 already exists)
What actually happens behind the scene?
1) Does the content of file1 actually get copied to file2?
2) Or is a new file created with the name file2 (overriding the old one) which has same content of file1?
1) Since you're using "cp", I assume the OS is Linux.
2) On Linux, a "file" is referenced by "inodes". Here are two example files:
$ ls -li 1 2
245728 -rw-r--r-- 1 paulsm users 8 Aug 14 14:52 1
245729 -rw-r--r-- 1 paulsm users 8 Aug 14 14:52 2
$ cat 1
Hello 1
$ cat 2
Hello 2
3) Here is the result after "cp"
$ cp 1 2
$ ls -li 1 2
245728 -rw-r--r-- 1 paulsm users 8 Aug 14 14:52 1
245729 -rw-r--r-- 1 paulsm users 8 Aug 14 14:55 2
$ cat 2
Hello 1
You see:
a) the contents of "1" completely replace "2"
b) there is no "new file" - the inode for "2" remains unchanged from before the copy
c) the file date is changed along with the file contents
'Hope that helps .. PSM
Usually the first. Both an index-entry as well as the file's data are written.
Yet it would help to know on what (file-)system you are (guessing linux flavour).
You would probably be aware if you were creating a junction point or symbolic/hard LINK.
Think of it like this:
Hardlink is a pointer/name, that points to a data; i.e. it's just an alternative filename; it has same inode number as the file it was created from.
Copy obviously, copy of the data; point to a different direction that file it was copyed from; has different inode number.
Also difference is in system calls, but that`s somewhat deep-diving into issue

File and directory with same name in same parent directory - Solaris 8, ufs

Ok, I have been working with Solaris for a 10+ years, and have never seen this...
I have a directory listing which includes both a file and subdirectory with the same name:
-rw-r--r-- 1 root other 15922214 Nov 29 2006 msheehan
drwxrwxrwx 12 msheehan sysadmin 2048 Mar 25 15:39 msheehan
I use file to discover contents of the file, and I get:
bash-2.03# file msheehan
msheehan: directory
bash-2.03# file msh*
msheehan: ascii text
msheehan: directory
I am not worried about the file, but I want to keep the directory, so I try rm:
bash-2.03# rm msheehan
rm: msheehan is a directory
So here is my two part question:
What's up with this?
How do I carefully delete the file?
Thanks for the answers guys, both (so far) were helpful, but piping the listing to an editor did the trick, ala:
bash-2.03# ls -l > jb.txt
bash-2.03# vi jb.txt
Which contained:
-rw-r--r-- 1 root other 15922214 Nov 29 2006 msheehab^?n
drwxrwxrwx 12 msheehan sysadmin 2048 Mar 25 15:39 msheehan
Always be careful with the backspace key!
I would guess that these are in fact two different filenames that "look" the same, as the command file was able to distinguish them when the shell passed the expanded versions of the name in. Try piping ls into od or another hex/octal dump utility to see if they really have the same name, or if there are non-printing characters involved.
I'm wondering what could cause this. Aside from filesystem bugs, it could be caused by a non-ascii chararacter that got through somehow. In that case, use another language with easier string semantics to do the operation.
It would be interesting to see what would be the output of this ruby snippet:
ruby -e 'puts Dir["msheehan*"].inspect'
You can delete using the iNode
If you use the "-i" option in "ls"
$ ls -li
total 1
20801 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 2010-11-08 01:55 a?
20802 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 2010-11-08 01:55 a\?
$ find . -inum 20802 -exec rm {} \;
$ ls -li
total 1
20801 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 2010-11-08 01:55 a?
I've an example (in Spanish) how you can delete a file using then iNode on Solaris
And a quick answer to part 2 of my own question...
I would imagine I could rename the directory, delete the file, and rename the directory back to it's original again.
... I would still be interested to see what other people come up with.
I suspect that one of them has a strange character in the name. You could try using the shell wildcard expansion to see that: type
cat msh*
and press the wildcard expansion key (in my shell it's Ctrl-X *). You should get two names listed, perhaps one of which has an escape character in it.
To see if there are special characters in your file, Try the -b or -q options to ls,
assuming solaris 8 has those options.
As another solution to deleting the file you can bring up the graphical file browser
(gasp!) and drag and drop the unwanted file to the trash.
Another solution might be to move the one file to a different name (the one without the unknown special character), then delete the special character directory name with wildcards.
mv msheehan temp
rm mshee*
mv temp msheehan
Of course, you want to be sure that only the file you want to delete matches the wildcard.
And, for your particular case, since one was a directory and the other a file, this command might have solved it all:
rmdir msheeha*
One quick-and-easy way to see non-printing characters and whitespace is to pipe the output through cat -vet, e.g.:
# ls -l | cat -vet
Nice and easy to remember!
For part 2, since one name contains two extra characters, you can use:
mv sheehan abc
mv sheeha??n xyz
Once you've done that, you've got sane file names again, that you can fix up as you need.
