how can i create dynamic panel for news in sharepoint 2010 - database

sharepoint is Hectic.
in web developer program (like asp with c#) we can create a panel with dynamic element in it.
but in sharepoint I'm Confused.
problem :
i need create a panel for newest news in my sharepoint site that automatically update when a news added.
in (or similar) I would add one grid view and connected it to a database table.
but here i don`t know What should I do.
1: from What controls should I use
2: how connect this controls to Database Table

You can create a WebPart (and use ASP.NET web form controls in it) and link these to a list.
The list itself can be linked to an external datasource (like your table) if needed.


Use Categories/Tags from one 2sxc app across the site for all apps using the DNN Taxonomy terms list?

Looking to use the DNN Taxonomy either by using 2sxc's Folksonomy on its own or if there was a way to join the two tag tables and sync tags across site. For example the 2sxc Blog app has Categories and Tags, the 2sxc News app has Categories but no tags (out of the box), is it possible to use the same Categories list for both apps where the list is actually the tag terms set in the Vocabulary terms db table?
Is this use case something that can be achieved using the visual query designer?
I'm looking to use the 2sxc Blog, 2sxc News apps and create a similar Document management app where all apps use same Categories list (list set by us and will not change) and Tags which admins can add remove similar to Blog app which would be a hierarchical tree list in the Vocabulary terms table.
Trying to achieve something similar to what WatchersNET has in their TagCloud module ( where you can select a DNN Vocabulary or use a custom tag which is a great feature to incorporate DNN's built in Vocabulary, see below
Yes, this can be done, and isn't implemented ATM.
I'm not sure if the DNN Taxonomy would be the ideal place to start - but if you're already using it it could easily work.
Yes, visual query would be a simple place to start - with a Dnn-Sql Data source.
Another alternative is to create a custom WebApi. ATM there is no dropdown-from-webapi yet, but if you need it, I'm sure we could add this in no time :).

Migrate views in drupal 7 easily - D7

I want to migrate all views from my local site to another site.
I know there is a module "Migrate" which allows you to do data migration but I don't know how to use it.
Can you give me some tips?
Thanks in advancej
Not sure what you mean with migrating views to another site. In Drupal, the migration concept is usually associated with actually migrating data - a view is actually just a way to query and display this data.
Typically moving a view to a different site, assuming data structures are the same in both can be accomplished by either exporting the view (one of the options while browsing the views on admin/structure/views) or, if it's not just a one of, by featurizing it which is a process that takes a few more steps.
It's only applicable for drupal site to drupal site
First download features module and enabled in both sites.
Go to admin-structure > features > create feature.
In that you can see General information(left side) and Components(right side). The General information provide some name in the name fields and you can see views in Components. You just select what are all views are needed for that site.Click the Download feature button.
It will downloaded!!!
After that copy the downloaded file to new drupal site which has drupalroot > sites > modules.
Go to your "new drupal site" as (Admin-Structure > feature). You can see the folder name as list in that. Enable the folder name list and click "Save settings". After the save setting finished as good then deselect the folder list, click "save settings" and delete the downloaded folder in module folder.
The folder name list should not state as conflict. If it presents, then click the recreate button.

Angular Single Page application and SSRS reports

We are creating a SPA with AngularJs and want to integrate our existing SSRS reports in this application. We have SSRS reports already consumed by our WPF application using .Net Report Viewer but, we are not sure how we will be able to that in this web application.
One thought we have is that we can create a ASP.Net application which will have a app folder that contains all the templates of our application and for reports we can have normal aspx page and add a report view control on that page.
But, we dont want to use just for this purpose.
Does anyone has any idea if we can render SSRS reports in simple HTML page and have basic functionality like save, print which are there in report viewer
Thanks for the help
I know that this is an old question, but just in case somebody else will still came upon it, here can be a possible solution for the problem. The solution described here will allow you to display the report as PDF, having the possibility to print or save it.
Integrating SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) with Web-API and AngularJS by Chris Briggs

What is the best way to make a full page Silverlight web part in SharePoint 2010

I want to make a silverlight web part hosted in SharePoint 2010 that will take up the entire screen. I know how to get rid of all the SharePoint navigation through CSS or a custom master page, but I'm struggling with how to get a web part zone to grow to the full height available. I've messed around with using CSS or jquery to set the heights of the various tables and divs that wrap a web part and haven't found a good solution. Has anyone done this?
How about not using a webpart, and just embedding the Silverlight application into an empty page with an empty masterpage?
You can grab the html or aspx page that Visual Studio generates when you create an new Silverlight project.
I would suggest you to get a new master page for this purpose. You can get the minimal master page here:

Access information from one webpart and use it in another webpart in sharepoint 2010

My problem is this one, I am using Sharepoint 2010, I have a form created in sharepoint designer 2010, above that form I have a silverlight webpart. Now I need to be able to access information from the silverlight webpart when I click on it and insert that information in the form below it.
Does anyone have any insight on how to do that?
Thank you in advance.
You can interoperate between javascript, the DOM, and Silverlight. As a result you can do any of the following.
1) In the Silverlight code, programmatically fill in the form using HtmlPage and other items in the System.Windows.Browser namespace.
2) Have your Silverlight app pass the data to javscript function that then fills in the form
3) If your Silverlight app is not initiating the action, you can have a javascript function that calls a function in your Sillverlight app. This article explains that
4) If you are wanting to rely on the Sharepoint WebPart communication channels instead of trying to access the webparts through the DOM, you can also have Silverlight fill a hidden field and then call the javascript postback function. Your code behind on your webpart can then pick up the hidden field data and send the information though the webpart communication channls.
