How to dynamically update a Marionette CollectionView when the underlying model changes - backbone.js

Seems like this should be obvious, but there seem to be so many different examples out there, most of which cause errors for me, making me think they are out of date. The basic situation is that I have a MessageModel linked to a MessageView which extends ItemView, MessageCollection linked to a MessageCollectionView (itemView: MessageView). I have a slightly unusual scenario in that the MessageCollection is populated asynchronously, so when the page first renders, it is empty and a "Loading" icon would be displayed. Maybe I have things structured incorrectly (see here for the history), but right now, I've encapsulated the code that makes the initial request to the server and receives the initial list of messages in the MessageCollection object such that it updates itself. However, I'm not clear, given this, how to trigger displaying the view. Obviously, the model shouldn't tell the view to render, but none of my attempts to instantiate a view and have it listen for modelChange events and call "render" have worked.
I have tried:
No loading element, just display the CollectionView with no elements on load, but then it doesn't refresh after the underlying Collection is refreshed.
Adding modelEvents { 'change': 'render' } to the view --> Uncaught TypeError: Object function () { return parent.apply(this, arguments); } has no method 'on'
I also tried this.bindTo(this.collection..) but "this" did not nave a bindTo method
Finally, I tried, in the view.initialize: _.bindAll(this); this.model.on('change': this.render); --> Uncaught TypeError: Object function () { [native code] } has no method 'on'
Here is the code
Entities.MessageCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({
defaults: {
questionId: null
model: Entities.Message,
initialize: function (models, options) {
options || (options = {});
if (options.title) {
this.title = options.title;
if ( {
this.questionId =;
subscribe: function () {
var self = this; //needed for proper scope
QaApp.Lightstreamer.Do('subscribeUpdate', {
adapterName: 'QaAdapter',
parameterValue: this.questionId,
otherStuff: 'otherstuff',
onUpdate: function (data, options) {
console.log("calling sync");
var obj = JSON.parse(data.jsonString);
self.set(obj.Messages, options);
self.trigger('sync', self, obj.Messages, options);
Views.MessageCollectionView = Backbone.Marionette.CollectionView.extend({
itemView: Views.MessageView,
tagName: 'ul',
// modelEvents: {
// 'change': 'render'
// },
onAfterItemAdded: function (itemView) {
var Api = {
subscribe: function (id) {
var question = new QaApp.Entities.Question(null, { id: id });
var questionView = new QaApp.Views.QuestionView(question);;
I am very grateful for all the help I've received already and thanks in advance for looking.

Try this:
var questionView = new QaApp.Views.QuestionView({
collection: question


Backbone error: Model is not a constructor

Afternoon all, I'm relatively new to backbone and have been stumped for 3 days with this error which I have not seen before.
I have a collection 'TestCollection' which defines it's model as a function. When the collection is loaded I get an error the first time it attempts to make a model with class 'TestModel'.
The error I get is:
Uncaught TypeError: TestModel is not a constructor
at new model (testCollection.js:14)
at child._prepareModel (backbone.js:913)
at child.set (backbone.js:700)
at child.add (backbone.js:632)
at child.reset (backbone.js:764)
at Object.options.success (backbone.js:860)
at fire (jquery.js:3143)
at Object.fireWith [as resolveWith] (jquery.js:3255)
at done (jquery.js:9309)
at XMLHttpRequest.callback (jquery.js:9713)
I believe I have given both the collection and the model all of the code they should need to work. It feels like something has gone wrong with the loading, but when I put a console.log at the top of the model file I could see that it is definitely being loaded before the collection attempts to use it.
Any help would be massively appreciated.
], function(Backbone, TestModel) {
var TestCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model: function(attrs) {
switch (attrs._type) {
case 'test':
console.log('making a test model')
return new TestModel();
initialize : function(models, options){
this.url = options.url;
this._type = options._type;
return TestCollection;
], function(TestParentModel) {
var TestModel = TestParentModel.extend({
urlRoot: 'root/url',
initialize: function() {
console.log('making test model')
return TestModel;
File where TestCollection is made:
define(function(require) {
var MyProjectCollection = require('collections/myProjectCollection');
var TestCollection = require('collections/testCollection');
Origin.on('router:dashboard', function(location, subLocation, action) {
Origin.on('dashboard:loaded', function (options) {
switch (options.type) {
case 'all':
var myProjectCollection = new MyProjectCollection;
success: function() {
myProjectCollection.each(function(project) {
this.project[] = {};
this.project[].testObjects = new TestCollection([], {
url: 'url/' +,
_type: 'test'
I've had a look around stack overflow, it does not appear to be the issue below (which seems to be the most common issue).
Model is not a constructor-Backbone
I also do not think I have any circular dependencies.
Any help would be massively appreciated as I am completely stumped. I've tried to include only the relevant code, please let me know if additional code would be useful.
I can't say for other parts of the code but an obvious problem you have is misunderstanding what data is passed to the model creator function.
var TestCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model: function(attrs) {
switch (attrs._type) { // attrs._type does exist here
console.log( attrs ); // Will print { foo: 'bar' }
case 'test': // This will always be false since attrs._type does not exist
console.log('making a test model')
return new TestModel();
return new Backbone.Model(); // Or return some other model instance,
// you MUST have this function return
// some kind of a Backbone.Model
initialize : function(models, options){
this.url = options.url;
this._type = options._type;
new TestCollection([ { foo: 'bar' }], {
url: 'url/' +,
_type: 'test' // This will NOT be passed to the model attrs, these are
// options used for creating the Collection instance.
To re-iterate. When you instantiate a Collection you pass an array of plain objects [{ foo: 'bar'}, { foo: 'baz'}] ( or you get them via fetch like you're doing ). That object will be passed as the attrs parameter in the model function, and the model function MUST return at least some kind of a Backbone.Model instance so you need a fallback for your switch statement.

Backbone/Underscore _.each(...) doesn't seem to work according to docs

In this code...
_.each(, function(element,index,list) {
var photoView = new PhotoView({photo:element});
element is the entire collection. Why is not just one photo element of the 10 in the collection?
EDIT: Here is my method that populates the photos collection....
loadPhotos: function(memberId) {
var self = this; = new PhotosCollection([]);'error', this.eventSyncError, this);{
url: + memberId,
success: function(collection,response,options) {
console.log('Fetch photos success!');
The collection loads with models just fine. In the Chrome console, I can see the collection of models. I'm not sure what's wrong. I cannot iterate the collection with any of the methods recommended by posters below.
You are using the _.each method incorrectly. The underscore methods needs to called directly on the collection:,index,list) {
var photoView = new PhotoView({photo:element});
Or you if want to use the _.each from you need to pass in the models property and not the collection object itself as the list:
_.each(, function(element,index,list) {
var photoView = new PhotoView({photo:element});
One should use, index, list){...}) instead of _.each(,...) because is not an underscorejs _.chain object.
Thank you for your suggestions! I would never have figured this out without all your advice above. So here was the problem...
In the parent view, this loads up photo records for a particular member...
loadPhotos: function(memberId) {
var self = this; = new PhotosCollection([]);'error',this.eventSyncError,this);{
url: + memberId,
success: function(collection,response,options) {
Still in the parent view, Backbone.Subviews uses this to call each child view when it renders. Note how I'm passing to the subvw-photos...
subviewCreators: {
"subvw-profile": function() {
var options = {member: this.member};
// do any logic required to create initialization options, etc.,
// then instantiate and return new subview object
return new ProfileView( options );
"subvw-photos": function() {
var options = {photos:};
return new PhotosView( options );
"subvw-comments": function() {
var options = {};
return new CommentsView( options );
This is in the subvw-photos child view. Note how the intialize is accepting the collection as a parameter. See this problem?...
initialize: function(photos) {
Backbone.Courier.add(this); = photos;
render: function() {
console.log('rendering photosview now...');
var self = this;,index,list) {
var photoView = new PhotoView({photo:element});
return this;
I was passing an object wrapping the photos collection in to initalize but then treating it like it was just a ref to the photos collection. I had to change the subvw-photos initialize to the following...
initialize: function(args) {
Backbone.Courier.add(this); =;
Then of course all the other code magically began working :-/
Thank you again for your tips! You definitely kept me on track :-)

Additional Model is undefined

I am having problems including an additional model into my view which is based on a collection. I have a list of comments which is created by a parent view. Its need that I have the current user name when rendering the comments to show delete button and to highlight if its his own comment. The problem is now that I cant access in CommentListView the model session, so this.session in initialize or a call from a method like addAllCommentTo list is undefinied. What I am doing wrong here? I thought its easily possible to add another object to an view appart from the model.
window.CommentListView = Backbone.View.extend({
el: $("#comments"),
initialize: function () {
this.model.bind('reset', this.addAllCommentToList, this);
this.model.bind('add', this.refresh, this);
this.model.bind('remove', this.refresh, this);
refresh: function(){
addCommentToList : function(comment) {
console.log("comment added to dom");
//need to check why el reference is not working
$("#comments").append(new CommentView({model:comment, sessionModel: this.session}).render().el);
addAllCommentToList: function() {
Call from parent list in initialize method:
window.UserDetailView = Backbone.View.extend({
events: {
"click #newComment" : "newComment"
initialize: function () {
this.commentText = $("#commentText", this.el);
new CommentListView({ model: this.model.comments, session: this.model.session });
new LikeView({ model: });
newComment : function() {
console.log("new comment");
new Comment({text: this.commentText.val()}), {wait: true}
window.UserDetail = Backbone.Model.extend({
initialize:function () {
this.comments = new Comments();
this.comments.url = "/api/details/" + + "/comments"; = new Like(); = "/api/details/" + + "/likes";
this.session = new Session();
I see one problem, but can there be others.
You are initializing the View like this:
new CommentListView({ model: this.model.comments, session: this.model.session });
And you are expecting into your View to have a reference like this this.session.
This is not gonna happen. All the hash you send to the View constructor will be stored into this.options, from Backbone View constructor docs:
When creating a new View, the options you pass are attached to the view as this.options, for future reference.
So you can start changing this line:
$("#comments").append(new CommentView({model:comment, sessionModel: this.session}).render().el);
by this other:
$("#comments").append(new CommentView({model:comment, sessionModel: this.options.session}).render().el);
Try and tell us.
Also change this line:
by this:
this.model.each(this.addCommentToList, this);
The second argument is the context, in other words: what you want to be this in the called handler.

backbone router and collection issue

I have a collection and I need to access a model in the collection when a route is fired:
App.Houses = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model: App.House,
url: API_URL,
App.houseCollection = new App.Houses()
App.HouseDetailRouter = Backbone.Router.extend({
routes: {
'': 'main',
'details/:id': 'details',
initialize: function() {
main: function() {
details: function(id) {
model = App.houseCollection.get(id);
App.Events.trigger('show_house', model);
The result of that console.log(model) is undefined. I think that this is the case because the collection has not finished the fetch() call?
I want to attach the model to the event that I am firing so that the views that respond to the event can utilize it. I might be taking a bad approach, I am not sure.
One of the views that responds to the event:
App.HouseDetailView = Backbone.View.extend({
el: '.house-details-area',
initialize: function() {
this.template = _.template($('#house-details-template').html());
App.Events.on('show_house', this.render, this);
App.Events.on('show_main_view', this.hide, this);
events: {
'click .btn-close': 'hide',
render: function(model) {
var html = this.template({model:model.toJSON()});
hide: function() {
App.detailsRouter.navigate('/', true);
EDIT: Somewhat hacky fix: See details()
App.HouseDetailRouter = Backbone.Router.extend({
routes: {
'': 'main',
'details/:id': 'details',
initialize: function() {
main: function() {
details: function(id) {
if (App.houseCollection.models.length === 0) {
// if we are browsing to
// directly, and the collection has not finished fetch(),
// we fetch the model.
model = new App.House(); = id;
success: function(data) {
App.Events.trigger('show_house', data);
} else {
// if we are getting to after browsing
// to, the collection is already populated.
model = App.houseCollection.get(id);
App.Events.trigger('show_house', model);
Since you are using neither the callbacks nor events to know when the collection's fetch call completes, perhaps fetching the collection is generating an error, or the model you want is not included in the server response, or you are routing to the view before fetch has completed.
As to your approach, here are some miscellaneous tips:
better to pass the model to the view in the view's constructor's options parameter. render() takes no arguments and I think it is unconventional to change that.
Always return this from render() in your views
You can move your this.template = _.template code to the object literal you pass to extend. This code only needs to be run once per app load, not for each individual view
For now the simplest thing may be to instantiate just a model and a view inside your details route function, call fetch on the specific model of interest, and use the success callback to know when to render the view.

How to trigger the fetch method and how to set the url

I'am redesigning my backbone application based on the answer of #20100 to this question The best way to fetch and render a collection for a given object_id.
Please read the comment on the code because I think is more clear, and my question looks better in smaller sizes.
// My View
], function (MyCollection, MyModel) {
var MyView = Backbone.View.extend({
tagName: 'ul',
initialize: function () {
this.collection = new MyCollection();
this.collection.on('add', this.onAddOne, this);
this.collection.on('reset', this.onAddAll, this);
// when I make myView = new MyView(_.extend( {el:this.$("#myView")} , this.options));
// myView.render is not called
// in order to trigger the render function I make the following… but probably there is a better way …
var that = this;
success: function () {
return MyView;
// MyCollection
], function (MyModel) {
var MyCollection = Backbone.MyCollection.extend({
model: MyModel, // add this
url: function () {
var url = "http://localhost/movies";
return url;
// if I look to the GET request the url is without idAttribute
// how can I attach the idAttribute to this url?
// should bb takes care of this?
return MyCollection;
], function () {
var MyModel = Backbone.MyModel.extend({
idAttribute: 'object_id'
return MyModel
There's two paths you want to explore
Pre-populate your collection with your model data
In your example you're already doing this, but you're fetching a collection, the collection URL is http://localhost/movies, if you want an individual model take a look at the next point
Fetch each individual model only when you need it
In the assumption that you're trying to get an ID on a collection that is not pre-populated and are loading 1 model at a time, you will have to approach this a bit in a custom way by adding a method to your collection somewhat similarly to this
getOrFetch: function(id, options)
var model;
if (this.get(id))
model = this.get(id);
model = new this.model({
id: id
return model;
or add the function as Backbone.Collection.prototype.getOrFetch so you can use it on every Backbone Collection if you need it.
