How can I handle errors I get from the liquibase updateDatabase ant task - database

I'm currently working on some ant for applying liquibase changes to databases.
I'd like to be able to handle errors that I get in ant from the liquibase updateDatabase task. Here is what I have right now in my build file (bear in mind what I have now works fine I just need to be able to handle errors I might get from running the liquibase).
<target name="update_db" depends="prepare">
<taskdef resource="">
<classpath refid="classpath"/>
promptOnNonLocalDatabase="not local database"
Currently when I get an error I get something similar to this (from a situation I created to demonstrate):
MYPATH\build.xml:15: The following error occurred while executing this line:
MYPATH\\build.xml:117: liquibase.exception.MigrationFailedException: Migration failed
for change set PATH/2.20.9/tables.xml::FFP-1384::AUSER:
Reason: liquibase.exception.DatabaseException: Error executing SQL ALTER TABLE
test.widget ADD full_screen BIT(1) DEFAULT 0: Duplicate column name 'full_screen'
.............. and a the wall of text continues
Ideally I would like to be able to get the return code (rather than this block of text) from liquibase into ant and then based on that do something such as :
<echo message="this failed because ${reason}"/>
but not limited to that.
Is there some way for me to obtain the return code from liquibase? My best guess is that similar to the ant exec task, by default the return code is ignored and I'm hoping there is some way for me to get at it. Any suggestions welcome.
edit: Vaguely similar question

The ant contrib trycatch task has enabled me to handle the error, which turned out to be a suitable fix since the stack trace is actually useful to see anyway.
<trycatch property="foo" reference="bar">
<echo>In <catch>.</echo>
<echo>In <finally>.</echo>
You need to download the ant contrib jar and if you don't want to place it in your ANT_HOME then you can use
<taskdef resource="net/sf/antcontrib/">
<pathelement location="PATH TO JAR"/>


Unable to push vespa metrics to cloudwatch

Basically I need to monitor vespa metrics and for that I am trying to implement method to push metrics to cloudwatch.
This is the document that I am referring to
I have added the credentials file and putMetricData permission in the IAM role attached. The service.xml file that I am using in my code looks like this:
<admin version="2.0">
<adminserver hostalias="admin0"/>
<configserver hostalias="admin0"/>
<consumer id="my-cloudwatch">
<metric-set id="vespa" />
<cloudwatch region="ap-south-1" namespace="vespa">
<shared-credentials file="~/.aws/credentials" profile="default" />
I have deployed the code using vespa-deploy prepare && vespa-deploy activatebut I am still not seeing any metrics updated on my cloudwatch.
Also, I have tried to add:
But getting this error when deploying:
Request failed. HTTP status code: 400
Invalid application package: default.default: Error loading model: XML error in services.xml: element "interval" not allowed here; expected the element end-tag [9:16], input:
How can I fix this issue. Or atleast debug the issue that I am facing.
I suggest to use absolute path to the credentials file, as the ~ may not resolve to the directory you intended at runtime.
A couple more things:
I recommend using the default metric set, as vespa contains a lot of metrics, which will drive your CloudWatch cost higher. If you need additional metrics, you can add them with the metric tag inside consumer.
The monitoring element doesn't do anything useful in this context, so you should just drop it.
If you still don't see any metrics, please check for warnings or errors in the vespa log file (use vespa-logfmt) and the Telegraf log file: /opt/vespa/logs/telegraf/telegraf.log. (Vespa uses Telegraf internally to emit metrics to CloudWatch.)

Android Manifest merger error in Codename One

In a bare bones project, I added these build hints:
android.gradleDep=compile 'com.erikagtierrez.multiple_media_picker:multiple-media-picker:1.0.5'
I would like to import the following Android library to make a CN1Lib (that requires at least Android SDK 23):
To be short: I spent one day trying to import that, I also experimented with Android Studio and with suggestions found on Stack Overflow (trying to make a custom .aar), without success.
Could you help me to import that library? There is manifest merger error.
In fact, the issue reported by the build server is:
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':processReleaseManifest'.
> Manifest merger failed : Attribute application#label value=(BareBones) from AndroidManifest.xml:15:17-42
is also present at [com.erikagtierrez.multiple_media_picker:multiple-media-picker:1.0.5] AndroidManifest.xml:23:9-41 value=(#string/app_name).
Suggestion: add 'tools:replace="android:label"' to <application> element at AndroidManifest.xml:15:3-43:103 to override.
I also tried to add the build hint:
as suggested by the previous error, without success.
In the last case, I get:
Merging result: ERROR
/tmp/build1659178556337293135xxx/Test/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml:15:3-43:103 Error:
tools:replace specified at line:15 for attribute android:label, but no new value specified
/tmp/build1659178556337293135xxx/Test/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml Error:
Validation failed, exiting
-- Merging decision tree log ---
The last full log is here:
Thank you
This is happening because our code things you injected android:label on your own and doesn't inject it to avoid collision...
Change the code to this:
android.xapplication_attr=tools:replace="android:label" android:label="App Name"

How to retry failed scenario in Behave using python

Can someone please tell me how I can run a failed test again in Behave using Python?
I want to re-run the failed test case automatically if it fails.
The behave library actually has a RerunFormatter which can help you rerun the failing scenarios of your previous test-run. It creates a text file of all your failing scenarios like:
# -- file:rerun.features
# RERUN: Failing scenarios during last test run.
To use the RerunFormatter all you need to do is put it in your behave configuration file (behave.ini):
# -- file:behave.ini
format = rerun
outfiles = rerun_failing.features
To rerun the failing scenarios, use this command:
behave #rerun_failing.features
I know that's a later answer but it could help others.
There is another approach that also could help, it's implementing it under the file, you could do the retry by a specific tag.
Provides support functionality to retry scenarios a number of times
before their failure is accepted. This functionality can be helpful
when you use behave tests in an unreliable server/network
For example, I am running tag "#smoke_test" on CI, so I choose this tag to patch with retry condition.
First, on your import the following:
# -- file:
from behave.contrib.scenario_autoretry import patch_scenario_with_autoretry
Then add the method:
# --
def before_feature(context, feature):
for scenario in feature.scenarios:
if "smoke_test" in scenario.effective_tags:
patch_scenario_with_autoretry(scenario, max_attempts=3)
*max_attempts are by default set as 3. I just described there to make it explicit that you can actually set how many retries you want.

Getting StringIndexOutOfBoundsException when attempting to create a new Form in Codenameone

I am using Netbeans and updated to use the latest codenameone plugin. I am trying to follow the walkthrough tutorial at, but I keep on getting a StringIndexOutOfBoundsException when attempting to generate a new Form using the NewGuiBuilderWizardIterator. The following is the stacktrace that I'm seeing. Any and all help would be greatly appreciated!
SEVERE [com.codename1.actions.OpenGuiBuilderAction]: Relative path com\mycompany\myapp\
SEVERE [com.codename1.actions.OpenGuiBuilderAction]: Gui file C:\Users\joshua\Documents\NetBeansProjects\TestGui1\res\guibuilder\com\mycompany\myapp\MyApp.gui
SEVERE [com.codename1.actions.OpenGuiBuilderAction]: Props C:\Users\joshua\Documents\NetBeansProjects\TestGui1\
SEVERE [com.codename1.actions.OpenGuiBuilderAction]: The GUI file doesn't exist!
WARNING [org.openide.filesystems.Ordering]: Found same position 100 for both Loaders/application/res/Actions/org-openide-actions-OpenAction.shadow and Loaders/application/res/Actions/sep-1.instance
WARNING []: No classpath was found for folder: C:\Users\joshua\Documents\NetBeansProjects\TestGui1#b78894d2:1aed2d64
WARNING [org.openide.WizardDescriptor]
java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: String index out of range: -4
at java.lang.String.substring(
at com.codename1.NewGuiBuilderWizardIterator.instantiate(
at org.openide.loaders.TemplateWizard$InstantiatingIteratorBridge.instantiate(
at org.openide.loaders.TemplateWizard.handleInstantiate(
at org.openide.loaders.TemplateWizard.instantiateNewObjects(
at org.openide.loaders.TemplateWizardIterImpl.instantiate(
at org.openide.loaders.TemplateWizardIteratorWrapper.instantiate(
at org.openide.WizardDescriptor.callInstantiateOpen(
at org.openide.WizardDescriptor.callInstantiate(
at org.openide.WizardDescriptor.access$2300(
[catch] at org.openide.WizardDescriptor$Listener$2$
at org.openide.util.RequestProcessor$
at org.openide.util.RequestProcessor$
You need to select a package when you do this and not the top level project since the code won't recognize that situation and won't know where to place the GUI file.
Notice that since an XML GUI file is created in the background, refactoring after the fact won't work well so this isn't something we should generally fix.

msbuild copy files

I am having trouble copying files with MSbuild and the error messages I'm getting seem to contradict each other (using TFS 2008 to do the build).
I currently having the following in my build script
<Copy SourceFiles="$(WebConfig);$(DatabaseUpdate)" DestinationFolder="$(TempHoldingDir)" ContinueOnError="false" />
When I run the build I get
error MSB3023: No destination
specified for Copy. Please supply
either "DestinationFiles" or
I then change the DestinationFolder to DestinationDirectory and I got
error MSB4064: The
"DestinationDirectory" parameter is
not supported by the "Copy" task.
Verify the parameter exists on the
task, and it is a settable public
instance property. error MSB4063: The
"Copy" task could not be initialized
with its input parameters.
THese errors seem to contradict each other, what exactly am I missing here?
Restarting Visual Studio resolved this for me, so adding this as a potential solution for anyone else experiencing the same issue.
It's DestinationFolder according to Copy Task, looks like MSB3023 error text is wrong?
Its because you called your property TempHolingDir when your referred to it as TempHoldingDir.
Its all about the d.
