Copy only records that do not exist in the target table - arrays

Having two tables (the source and target) intend to copy only the records from the source table that do not exist in the target table (making the comparison with the value of a specific cell in each record). I thought to do it using arrays, but as I am new in this area, needed help.
Source Table
ID Date Description
115 01-Ago Description1
120 05-Ago Description2
130 03-Ago Description5
110 08-Ago Description4
105 06-Ago Description6
Destination Table
ID Date Description
130 03-Ago Description5
110 08-Ago Description4
I want to add in the target table records from the source table that do not exist in the target table (ID's 115,120,105 in this example). Thank you!
I'm almost there. After consulting some other questions, I need something like this:
Sub Tests()
Dim MyArray() As String
Dim tgtLastRow, srcLastRow As Integer
Dim rngTarget, rngSource, cel As Range
Dim Delim As String
Delim = "#"
tgtLastRow = Range("H1").End(xlDown).Row
srcLastRow = Range("A1").End(xlDown).Row
Set rngTarget = Range("H2:H" & tgtLastRow)
Set rngSource = Range("A2:A" & srcLastRow)
MyArray = rngTarget.Value
strg = Join(MyArray, Delim)
strg = Delim & strg
For Each cel In rngSource
If InStr(1, strg, Delim & cel.Value & Delim, vbTextCompare) Then
'Copy the row or range here
End If
Next cel
End Sub
But now, I have one of two problems:
If I declare MyArray as string type I have problems loading values to array
If I declare MyArray as variant type I have problems in the Join
Can anyone help-me please??

All you need is to use Either Collection object, or Dictionary Object. These objects help a lot when you try to find the unique records.
Let us take an example, We have two sheets: Source and Target.
You need to loop through Column A in both sheets and move the data from Source Worksheet to target Worksheet. Following is the code, not tested, but it should do the trick. I have added comments so you can easily understand and fit this in your situation easily
Dim ids As Collection
Sub MoveData()
On Error GoTo MoveData_Error
Set ids = New Collection
Dim sourceRange As Range
Dim idRange As Range
Dim cell As Range
Set sourceRange = Range("A1:A100") 'assign your source range here. Code will try to pick ID in this range, and check in ID Range
Set idRange = Range("A1:A100") ' assign your target range here. Code will find the ID in this range
'load all ids from target range in the collection.
On Error Resume Next ' suppressing the error if any duplicate value is found
For Each cell In idRange.Cells
ids.Add cell.Value, cell.Value ' adding in collection to maintain a unique collection
Next cell
On Error GoTo MoveData_Error
'now I have information about all the availabe IDs in id collection. Now I will loop through to check
For Each cell In sourceRange
If ShouldCopy(cell) Then
'write your code to copy
End If
Next cell
On Error GoTo 0
Exit Sub
MsgBox "Error " & Err.Number & " (" & Err.Description & ") in procedure MoveData of VBA Document Sheet1"
End Sub
Public Function ShouldCopy(cell As Range) As Boolean
On Error GoTo ShouldCopy_Error
If cell.Value = "" Or IsEmpty(cell.Value) Then Exit Function
ids.Add cell.Value, cell.Value ' if error occurs here, then it means the id has been already moved or found in the ID worksheet range
ShouldCopy = True
On Error GoTo 0
Exit Function
ShouldCopy = False
End Function
If you face any issues in understanding and need any help, please let me know.

Add a lookup to your source data flagging each record as either present or absent and then bounce your macro off of that column (i.e only move it into target if the lookup = absent).


Array loses value when a vba opened workbook it was read from closes

I want to use some data stored in a VBA defined array which I read in from another workbook. I process the data in it's original workbook to remove all spaces, read the data in, and close the original workbook without saving. Then when I call another sub I find the array, and range variables I extracted from that workbook are no longer defined. Is it possible to make the values stick without keeping the workbook open? The problem is near the end of the routine, and noted in caps.
All subroutines that are called work properly except the last one, which is still being defined.
I will share the other routines if needed or someone thinks it will solve a problem for them --DONE. There is no error checking in any of them as of yet!
Sub UpdateEmployeewithholding()
'This sub will clean employee withholding as it is exported from QuickBooks and then read the file into this workbook
'The path is already stored in the names manager
'This routine needs to integrate the existing subs "changevalueofname" and "getpath". They should update before executing the balance of this routine
Dim MyWorkBook As Workbook
Dim MyPath As Variant 'Contains path to employee withholding spreadsheet as exported from quickbooks. This sheet is to be modified for reading, but not saved
Dim MyRange As Range 'Contains a defined range after setting it so
Dim whichrow As Variant 'Marks the starting point for routines that find and delete blanks as well as those that define range values and scan them into an array
Dim Direction As Variant 'Defines whether we are progressing over "Rows" or "Columns"
Dim ArrayWidth As Range 'Holds the top row addresses of the array
Dim ArrayHeight As Range 'Holds the left column addresses of the array
Dim MyArray As Variant 'Holds the array to transfer to this spreadsheet
whichrow = 1 'We are starting in cell A1 or R1C1
Direction = "Rows"
'***INSERT Code that will read the string value stored in the name manager Name "PathToEmployeeWithholding" into the variable "MyPath"
' and eliminate the hard coded path from the routine
'Setting MyPath to the fixed path to employee withholding until we can get the routine to open the workbook from a varialbe
'stored in the name manager
MyPath = "D:\redacted\Employee Withholding .xlsx"
'ActiveWorkbook.Names (PathToEmployeeWithholding)
Debug.Print MyPath
Set MyWorkBook = Workbooks.Open(MyPath)
Debug.Print ActiveWorkbook.Name
With MyWorkBook
Call FindDataRange(MyRange, whichrow, Direction)
Debug.Print MyRange.Address
Call DeleteBlanks(MyRange, Direction)
'Use ArrayWidth and ArrayHeight with the routine FindDataRange
'to get the width and height of the final arrray that will be read into the spreadsheet
'close without saving the data, so it will be preserved as it came from quickbooks
Call FindDataRange(ArrayWidth, whichrow, Direction)
Direction = "Columns)"
Call FindDataRange(ArrayHeight, whichrow, Direction)
Debug.Print "Array Width " & ArrayWidth.Address
Debug.Print "array height " & ArrayHeight.Address
'Insert a call to a routine that will copy an array consisting of myrange as the top plus all the rows under it, which include employee info
Call ReadArray(MyArray, ArrayWidth, ArrayHeight)
'Insert code to test employee sheets and recap sheet, as well as sheet containing lookup data.
'As that code determines what the current structure is, it should update the structure to conform to the imported array
'If no data exists in the spreadsheet, then we create pages for each new employee, and write the Recap and the Lookup Table
'If data already exists in the spreadsheet, then we maintain the existing employees. and append their sheets,
'and add new Data to the lookup table, (Questionable whether we should totally rewrite the lookup table or just append
'the new data and sort by employee name to maintain old employee data)
'and rewrite the Recap so the user only has to enter time for current employees
'NOTE the employee sheets will be labeled by their name, just as listed in the lookup table
.Close (False)
End With
ResetMessage = MsgBox("You are about to reset the spreadsheet to match the data that was just loaded. Continue?", vbOKCancel)
If ResetMessage = 2 Then
Exit Sub
End If
Call ResetWorksheets(MyArray, ArrayWidth, ArrayHeight) '**ALL OF THESE VARIBALES LOSE VALUE WHEN MY WORKBOOK CLOSES**
End Sub
Sub FindDataRange(MyRange As Range, whichrow As Variant, Direction As Variant)
'This routine will return a single row or Column range of data
'that includes the first cell in whichrow to the last cell with data in whichrow
Dim StartRange As Range
Dim FullRange As Range
If Direction = "Rows" Then
'Startrange will be first cell in whichrow
Set StartRange = Cells(whichrow, 1)
'Fullrange will be the entire row of whichrow
Set FullRange = Range(StartRange, StartRange.Offset(0, Columns.Count - 1)) 'this produced the entire whichrow row as the range.
Set MyRange = Range(StartRange, FullRange.Find("*", StartRange, xlValues, xlPart, xlByRows, xlPrevious, True)) 'startrange,xlvalues,xlpart,xlbyrows,xlPrevious,true)
'this should return the range which has the data
Debug.Print MyRange.Address
'Startrange will be first cell in whichrow
Set StartRange = Cells(1, whichrow)
'Fullrange will be the entire column of whichrow
Set FullRange = Range(StartRange, StartRange.Offset(Rows.Count - 1, 0)) 'this produced the entire whichrow column as the range.
Set MyRange = Range(StartRange, FullRange.Find("*", StartRange, xlValues, xlPart, xlByColumns, xlPrevious, True)) 'startrange,xlvalues,xlpart,xlbyrows,xlPrevious,true)
'this should return the range which has the data
Debug.Print MyRange.Address
End If
End Sub
Sub DeleteBlanks(WorkingRange As Range, Direction As Variant)
'This will delete the entire row/column of blanks according to the cell in a single row/column contents
'To use it we need to input a working range that is to be considered to delete blanks from, and a direction which is either "Rows" or "Columns"
Dim Message As String
For i = WorkingRange.Cells.Count To 1 Step -1
Debug.Print Direction
Select Case Direction
Case Is = "Rows"
If WorkingRange.Cells(i) = "" Then
Debug.Print WorkingRange.Cells(i).Address
End If
Case Is = "Columns"
If WorkingRange.Cells(i) = "" Then
Debug.Print WorkingRange.Cells(i).Address
End If
Case Else
Message = "You must declare a direction either Rows or Columns to search before calling this routine"
MsgBox Message, vbOKOnly, "Routine Requires a Direction"
End Select
End Sub
Sub ReadArray(MyArray As Variant, ArrayWidth As Range, ArrayHeight As Range)
'This routine should read an array with a width contained in the ArrayWidth range, and a height
'contained in the ArrayHeight range. We retreive the actual size to read by using range.cells.count
Dim WidthStep As Long 'Contains the width of the array
Dim HeightStep As Long 'Contains the height of the array
Dim i As Long 'step counter for height becaue it has to be the outside loop to read in rows
Dim j As Long 'step counter for width because it has to be the inside loop to read in rows
WidthStep = ArrayWidth.Cells.Count
HeightStep = ArrayHeight.Cells.Count
ReDim MyArray(HeightStep, WidthStep)
' Let's read the array in in rows, but remember the employee names are in the left column
For i = 1 To HeightStep
For j = 1 To WidthStep
MyArray(i, j) = ArrayWidth.Cells(i, j).Value
Debug.Print MyArray(i, j)
Next j
'Writing must consider how it is reading to get things in the correct place
Next i
End Sub
Sub ResetWorksheets(MyArray As Variant, ArrayWidth As Range, ArrayHeight As Range)
'Currently a blank subroutine with a test to verify data transfered
For i = 1 To ArrayHeight.Cells.Count
Debug.Print MyArray(1, i).Value
Next i
End Sub
It begs further testing, but I think I figured out the problem. The data is still in the array after closing, but I have a reference to two ranges in the closed spreadsheet, which loose their cells.count value when the spreadsheet closes. If it tests out, then transferring the width and height to long variables should preserve the data.
I also had a problem with the reset worksheet subroutine, which was trying to call a .value from the array I was stepping through. (MyArray(i,j).value which was throwing an error as well.
Verified that solved the problem.
Now on to get it to open the file it reads from using a name programmatically stored in the name manager. I have code in there and blocked off that did not work, which was temporarily replaced with a static statement to get the file open so I could continue.
'lines so marked below were Added
Dim Width As Long 'Added Holds the array width to prevent loosing it when the original spreadsheet closes
Dim Height As Long 'Added Holds the array height to prevent loosing it when the original spreadsheet closes
Call FindDataRange(ArrayWidth, whichrow, Direction)
Width = ArrayWidth.Cells.Count 'Added
Direction = "Columns)"
Call FindDataRange(ArrayHeight, whichrow, Direction)
Debug.Print "Array Width " & ArrayWidth.Address
Debug.Print "array height " & ArrayHeight.Address
Height = ArrayHeight.Cells.Count 'Added
'Lines below were modifid to incorperate the two added variables
Sub ResetWorksheets(MyArray As Variant, Width As Long, Height As Long) 'modified
Dim CurrentWorkBook As Workbook
''Set CurrentWorkBook = ActiveWorkbook 'Save the current workbook which is the one exported from Quick Books
''ThisWorkbook.Activate 'This workbook is the one the code is in. It is also the one we need to update or create pages for
'We need to first test and see what exists in the workbook according to ranges
For j = 1 To Width 'modified
For i = 1 To Height 'modified
Debug.Print MyArray(i, j)
Next i
Next j
'CurrentWorkBook.Activate 'Restore the CurrentWorkBook to active status before returning and closing the book This should be the very 'last operation in the routine
End Sub

Issue with vlookup and absolute reference and lastrow VBA

I have a macro which performs a vlookup by taking the vendor name in column J and looks for the vendor number in my table array of my vlookup in column C and D. However when I run the macro, something goes visibly wrong with my vlookup. Please see the formula inside the picture attached. Apparently, the part of my table array in my vlookup does not work properly. Actually, I would like that my vlookup returns me a fixed table array (I mean with absolute reference and dollar) from point of origin C5 and as limit point the last row in column D (I mean the limit of my table array should be the last row of column D).
Please see my VBA code below, it seems that this part of my VBA code inside my vlookup is wrong
: C4" & LastRow & "
Thanks a lot for your help.
Sub insertvlookuptogetmyvendornumber()
Dim LastRow As Integer
LastRow = Range("D" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
PenultimateLastRow = Range("J" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Offset(-1, 0).Row
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "Vendor number"
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=VLOOKUP(RC[1],R5C3:C4" & LastRow & ",2,0)"
Selection.AutoFill Destination:=Range("I5:I" & PenultimateLastRow), Type:=xlFillDefault
End Sub
As per my comment I would maintain a historic table of names and numbers. I would initially read this into a dictionary and then loop the appropriate columns of the pivottable updating the dictionary value if the name exists. If the name doesn't exist then add the name and number to the dictionary. At the end write it all back out the historic table.
The historic table is your current table where you are trying to do VLookup. In this case, that table would only contain matched pairs which have new values added to it from pivottable, or existing values updated.
To re-iterate, your table on the right, columns I & J should only have matched pairs in it to start with. Hardcoded.
This assumes no subtotal/total rows within pivottable body, though these can be excluded, if present, with an update to the code.
Option Explicit
Public Sub UpdateReferenceTable()
Dim lastRow As Long, dict As Object, ws As Worksheet, pvt As PivotTable, i As Long
Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1")
Set pvt = ws.PivotTables("PivotTable1")
Set dict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
With ws
lastRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "I").End(xlUp).Row
End With
Dim initialDictData(), pivotTableUpdates()
initialDictData = ws.Range("I9:J" & lastRow).Value
For i = LBound(initialDictData, 1) To UBound(initialDictData, 1)
dict(initialDictData(i, 2)) = initialDictData(i, 1)
Dim names(), vendorNumbers()
names = Application.Transpose(pvt.PivotFields("Name 1").DataRange.Value)
vendorNumbers = Application.Transpose(pvt.PivotFields("Vendor Number").DataRange.Value)
For i = LBound(names) To UBound(names)
If names(i) <> vbNullString Then
If dict.exists(names(i)) Then
dict(names(i)) = vendorNumbers(i)
dict.Add names(i), vendorNumbers(i)
End If
End If
ws.Range("I9").Resize(dict.Count, 1) = Application.Transpose(dict.items)
ws.Range("J9").Resize(dict.Count, 1) = Application.Transpose(dict.Keys)
End Sub

Filter column based on array from another sheet

I have three sheets called: "Dane magazyn", "Sheet3" and "Dostawcy".
What I want my Excel to do is:
1) filter out #N/A values in col. J on sheet "Dane magazyn". All values that should stay after filtering are stored in Col. E on sheet "Dostawcy" - 21 entries, but it will be more in the future.
2) select data that remained after filtering and copy to "Sheet3"
Here's my code so far:
Sub filtruj()
Dim i As Long, arr As Variant, LastRow As Long
With ActiveSheet
LastRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "E").End(xlUp).Row
End With
arr = Sheets("Dostawcy").Range("E2:E" & LastRow).Value
Sheets("Dane magazyn").Select
With ActiveSheet
**.Columns("J").AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:=arr, Operator:=xlFilterValues** <---- here I get error
End With
Rest of code...
Error message I get is:
"Run-time error '1004':
AutoFilter method of Range class failed"
websites I've checked (not all listed)
Using string array as criteria in VBA autofilter
VBA assign a range to an Array from different sheet
Fastest way to read a column of numbers into an array
Thanks in advance
Here is working code:
Dim rng, rngToFilter As Range
Dim i As Integer: i = 1
'set you range to area with values to compare against
'if you can, specify here exact range instead of whole column, it can increase efficiency
Set rng = Sheets("Dostawcy").Range("E:E")
'set range to be filtered out, don't specify here whole column,
'in following loop it can result in overflow error
Set rngToFilter = Sheets("Dane magazyn").Range("J1:J100")
'here we will iterate through all cells within the searched range,
'for every cell we will try to find it's value within the other range,
'if it succeeds, so it's not Nothing, then we copy it to Sheet3
For Each cell In rngToFilter
'if any cell causes the error, we will skip one iteration
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler:
If Not rng.Find(cell.Value) Is Nothing Then
Sheets("Sheet3").Cells(i, 1).Value = cell.Value
i = i + 1
End If
Next cell
Don't use Select unless you must, it reduces efficiency of a program.

Update table cells based on criteria using an array

I have a dynamic master table on Worksheets("Jobs") that has fixed number of columns (A:M). Columns I and J are formulas.
On a different worksheet I have a textbox that will have a job # specified. I need values in columns L & M to change to "No" for the matching job #. My previous code was working too slow. I'm trying to rewrite the code using an array, but I have a hard time doing so.
The idea is to transfer the entire table to a memory-based array and make your changes to the array, then transfer the updated table data back to the worksheet.
Question is if I do that, wouldn't that clear the content that have formulas. Can I use two arrays from two header based named ranges for column B, then another for columns L:M? Working in that array, just update and transfer the values that just need to be changed.
Thank you for any help anyone can provide.
Here is my code so far:
Sub CloseJobarr()
Dim cell As Range
Dim Txt As String
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim Arr1 As Variant, Arr2 As Variant
Arr1 = Range("JobCol_Master").Value '<--Column B of Master Data Table that is on ws
Arr2 = Range("OpenSCCols").Value '<--Columns L:M of Master Data Table that is on ws
Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Jobs")
With ThisWorkbook
Txt = .Worksheets("ID").TextBoxID.Text
If Txt <> "" Then
With ws
For Each cell In Arr1
'If job# matches textbox and if job# is to correct region then...
If cell.Text = Txt And .Cells(cell.row, 4).Value = "ID" Then
End If
Next cell
End With
End If
End With
MsgBox "Job not found."
End Sub
Updated Code below using Auto Filter (I'm still experiencing screen flicking). When a job # doesn't match I get a run time error message " no cells were found" and the debug line is: .Range("OpenSCCols").SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).Value = "No"
Option Explicit
Sub CloseJobarraytesting()
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Jobs").Unprotect Password:="Andersen"
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
Application.EnableEvents = False
On Error GoTo errHndl
Dim cell As Range
Dim Txt As String
Dim ws As Worksheet
With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Jobs") '<--| reference relevant worksheet
.Range("JobCol_Master").AutoFilter Field:=2, Criteria1:=Worksheets("ID").TextBoxID.Text '<--| filter its "JobCol_Master" named range on textbox ID
If Application.WorksheetFunction.Subtotal(103, .Cells) > 1 Then '<--| if any cell filtered other than header
.Range("OpenSCCols").SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).Value = "No" '<-- write "OpenSCCols" named range filter cells, corresponding to the filtered ID
MsgBox "Job not found."
End If
.AutoFilterMode = False
End With
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
Application.EnableEvents = True
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Jobs").Protect Password:="Andersen"
Exit Sub
MsgBox "Error happened while working on: " + vbCrLf + _
vbCrLf + vbCrLf + "Error " + _
Str(Err.Number) + ": " + Err.Description, vbCritical + vbOKOnly, "Error"
GoTo CleanUp
End Sub
edited to have the code check filtered cells on Range("JobCol_Master")
your aim is to actual filter data, then I believe that an AutoFilter() approach should be considerable fast
assuming you defined both JobCol_Master and OpenSCCols named ranges enclosing their corresponding headers cells, you can simply go like follows
Option Explicit
Sub CloseJobarr()
With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Jobs") '<--| reference relevant worksheet
With .Range("JobCol_Master")
.AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:=Worksheets("ID").TextBoxID.Text '<--| filter its "JobCol_Master" named range on textbox ID
If Application.WorksheetFunction.Subtotal(103, .Cells) > 1 Then '<--| if any cell filtered other than header
.Parent.Range("OpenSCCols").SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).Value = "No" '<-- write "OpenSCCols" named range filter cells, corresponding to the filtered ID
MsgBox "Job not found."
End If
End With
.AutoFilterMode = False
End With
End Sub
should your named ranges not contain their headers the code can be easily adapted by means of some Offset() and Resize() method applied on them, but its much easier (and logic) to resize the named ranges and have them enclose their headers

Select rows that match each item from array

In Excel file1, I have very big table, with numbers in each row in same column (let's say col F).
In Excel file2, I have numbers also in one column (let's say col A).
Q: How I can select all rows in file2 that contain numbers from file1 col A.
I found how to select rows in file2 that contain one string from file1... but array of strings is a little bit tricky for me and the array in file1 is very big.
Sub SelectManyRows()
Dim CatchPhrase As String
Dim WholeRange As String
Dim AnyCell As Object
Dim RowsToSelect As String
CatchPhrase = "10044" // <- here should be array from file1 col A
'first undo any current highlighting
WholeRange = "A1:" & ActiveCell.Address
On Error Resume Next ' ignore errors
For Each AnyCell In Selection
If InStr(UCase$(AnyCell.Text), UCase$(CatchPhrase)) Then
If RowsToSelect <> "" Then
RowsToSelect = RowsToSelect & "," ' add group separator
End If
RowsToSelect = RowsToSelect & Trim$(Str$(AnyCell.Row)) & ":" & Trim$(Str$(AnyCell.Row))
End If
On Error GoTo 0 ' clear error 'trap'
End Sub
The following idea is trying to avoid looping which is usually inefficient. Instead, I used AdvancedFilter assuming its possible with the set of data you have.
The code works fine for the following set of data located in different sheets (File1 and File2). You would need to change it to work with workbooks as you need.
Sub qTest()
Dim sRNG As Range
Dim aRNG As Range
Set sRNG = Sheets("File2").Range("S1", Sheets("File2").Range("S1").End(xlDown))
Set aRNG = Sheets("File1").Range("A1", Sheets("File1").Range("a1").End(xlDown))
aRNG.AdvancedFilter Action:=xlFilterInPlace, CriteriaRange:=sRNG, Unique:=False
Dim aADD As String
aADD = aRNG.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).Address
End Sub
Something akin to this could be used. Select is avoided, except to actually select the rows you're looking for. Also this dynamically adds the same numbers to a range to be selected at the end.
Dim cl As Variant
Dim first_range As Boolean: first_range = True
Dim colF_range As Range, selected_range As Range
'colF_range is the list in File 2
Set colF_range = Workbooks("File2").Worksheets("Your_Worksheet") _
'Go through each cell in the File 2 list
For Each cl In colF_range
'Look if that cell's value matches something
'in File 1 column A
If Not Workbooks("File1").Worksheets("Your_Worksheet") _
.Range("A:A").Find(cl.Value) Is Nothing Then
'If so, select that row in File 2
If first_range Then
Set selected_range = cl.EntireRow
first_range = False
Set selected_range = Application.Union _
(cl.EntireRow, selected_range)
End If
End If
