Using SAVE TRANSACTION with a linked server - sql-server

Inside a transaction that have a savepoint I have to make a join with a table that is in a linked server. When I try to do it, I get the error message:
“Cannot use SAVE TRANSACTION within a distributed transaction”
The remote table data rarely changes. It is almost fixed. Is is possible to tell SqlServer to exclude this table from the transaction? I've tried a (NOLOCK) hint, but it isn't possible to use this hint for a table in a linked server.
Does anyone knows about a workaround? I'm using the ole SqlServer 2000.

One thing that you could do is to make a local copy of the remote table before you start the transaction. I know that this may sound like a lot of overhead, but remote joins are frequently a performance problem anyway and the SOP fix for that is also to make a local copy.

According to this link, the ability to use SAVEPOINTs in a Distributed transaction was dropped in SQL 7.
To allow application migration from Microsoft SQL Server 6.5 when
savepoints inside distributed transactions are in use, Microsoft SQL
Server 2000 Service Pack 1 introduces a trace flag that allows a
savepoint within a distributed transaction. The trace flag is 8599 and
can be turned on during the SQL Server startup or within an individual
session (that is, prior to enabling a distributed transaction with a
command. When trace flag 8599 is set to ON, SQL Server allows you to
use a savepoint within a distributed transaction.
So unfortunately, you may either have to drop the bounding ACID transaction, or change the SPROC on the remote server so that it doesn't use SAVEPOINTs.
On a side note (Although I have seen that you have tagged it SQL SERVER 2000) but to make a point that SQL SERVER 2008 has remote proc trans Option for this.

In this case if the distributed table is not too large I would copy it to a temp table. If possible, include any filtering to get the number of rows to a minimum. Then you can proceed normally. Another option since the data changes rarely is copy the data to a permanant table and checking if anything has changed to prevent sending to much data over the network every time you run the transaction. You could only pull over the recent changes.

If you wish to handle transaction from UI level and you have Visual Studio 2008/.net fx 3.5 or + framework then you can wrap your logic with TransactionScope Class. If you dont have any frontends and you are working only on Sql Servers kindly ignore my answer...


Detect Table Changes In A Database Without Modifications

I have a database ("DatabaseA") that I cannot modify in any way, but I need to detect the addition of rows to a table in it and then add a log record to a table in a separate database ("DatabaseB") along with some info about the user who added the row to DatabaseA. (So it needs to be event-driven, not merely a periodic scan of the DatabaseA table.)
I know that normally, I could add a trigger to DatabaseA and run, say, a stored procedure to add log records to the DatabaseB table. But how can I do this without modifying DatabaseA?
I have free-reign to do whatever I like in DatabaseB.
EDIT in response to questions/comments ...
Databases A and B are MS SQL 2008/R2 databases (as tagged), users are interacting with the DB via a proprietary Windows desktop application (not my own) and each user has a SQL login associated with their application session.
Any ideas?
Ok, so I have not put together a proof of concept, but this might work.
You can configure an extended events session on databaseB that watches for all the procedures on databaseA that can insert into the table or any sql statements that run against the table on databaseA (using a LIKE '%your table name here%').
This is a custom solution that writes the XE session to a table:
You could probably mimic functionality by writing the XE events table to a custom user table every 1 minute or so using the SQL job agent.
Your session would monitor databaseA, write the XE output to databaseB, you write a trigger that upon each XE output write, it would compare the two tables and if there are differences, write the differences to your log table. This would be a nonstop running process, but it is still kind of a period scan in a way. The XE only writes when the event happens, but it is still running a check every couple of seconds.
I recommend you look at a data integration tool that can mine the transaction log for Change Data Capture events. We are recently using StreamSets Data Collector for Oracle CDC but it also has SQL Server CDC. There are many other competing technologies including Oracle GoldenGate and Informatica PowerExchange (not PowerCenter). We like StreamSets because it is open source and is designed to build realtime data pipelines between DB at the schema level. Till now we have used batch ETL tools like Informatica PowerCenter and Pentaho Data Integration. I can near real-time copy all the tables in a schema in one StreamSets pipeline provided I already deployed DDL in the target. I use this approach between Oracle and Vertica. You can add additional columns to the target and populate them as part of the pipeline.
The only catch might be identifying which user made the change. I don't know whether that is in the SQL Server transaction log. Seems probable but I am not a SQL Server DBA.
I looked at both solutions provided by the time of writing this answer (refer Dan Flippo and dfundaka) but found that the first - using Change Data Capture - required modification to the database and the second - using Extended Events - wasn't really a complete answer, though it got me thinking of other options.
And the option that seems cleanest, and doesn't require any database modification - is to use SQL Server Dynamic Management Views. Within this library residing, in the System database, are various procedures to view server process history - in this case INSERTs and UPDATEs - such as sys.dm_exec_sql_text and sys.dm_exec_query_stats which contain records of database transactions (and are, in fact, what Extended Events seems to be based on).
Though it's quite an involved process initially to extract the required information, the queries can be tuned and generalized to a degree.
There are restrictions on transaction history retention, etc but for the purposes of this particular exercise, this wasn't an issue.
I'm not going to select this answer as the correct one yet partly because it's a matter of preference as to how you approach the problem and also because I'm yet to provide a complete solution. Hopefully, I'll post back with that later. But if anyone cares to comment on this approach - good or bad - I'd be interested in your views.

cdc when source system is sql server azure/standard 2008+

Let us say my target staging db/data warehouse is sql server 2008+ enterprise. However, my source systems are sql server azure/standard 2008+. Can I still exploit CDC? As far as I understand, I cannot as I have to turn CDC on in the source systems and it is only available for eneterprise editions. Is this correct? I am also curious what happens if the transaction log is truncated. Thanks.
I just googled it and... if you need this for replicating into a data warehouse you probably only need change tracking This says change tracking is available in Azure.
I don't see any specific info anywhere about whether change tracking uses the transaction log, but this info is in one of the links:
The tracking mechanism in change data capture involves an asynchronous
capture of changes from the transaction log so that changes are
available after the DML operation. In change tracking, the tracking
mechanism involves synchronous tracking of changes in line with DML
operations so that change information is available immediately.

avoid "Cannot use SAVE TRANSACTION within a distributed transaction" error between SQL 2005 and 2008

in our production environment we have a stored procedure (in sql 2005 server) that import data into a local table from a remote stored procedure (stored in a remote sql 2008).
The code is like this:
insert <<local table name>> (fund, strat, clr, [id], position, unsettledPosition)
exec <<remote stored proc name>> 'aapl us' , '2013-05-13'
I receive this error:
Cannot use SAVE TRANSACTION within a distributed transaction.
The current transaction cannot be committed and cannot support operations that write to the log file. Roll back the transaction.
I have configured both local and remote DTC allowing DTC Access over Network, Allowing Remote Clients option, also allowing Inbound & Outbound Communication, and finally enabling XA Transactions, but without any success.
Until yesterday the remote server was an old SQL 2005 and my code worked well, then I guess I miss some config settings in the new server 2008.
Please could someone help me?
This error is easily reproduced, with MSDTC turned on:
According to this link, the ability to use SAVEPOINTs in a Distributed transaction was dropped in SQL 7,
i.e. not a breaking change in SQL 2008 (R2).
It is likely that you previously were NOT running under a Distributed Transaction, but now are, e.g. previously, the remote proc may have been on a different database on the same server, hence no need for a DTC transaction.
So unfortunately, it seems you need to either drop the bounding ACID transaction, or change the SPROC on the remote server so it doesn't use SAVEPOINTs.
As per the comments below, it appears that the REMOTE_PROC_TRANSACTIONS option had been set on the OP's newer SQL 2008 server, which automatically begins a distributed transaction across remote stored proc calls.

Cross-database transactions from one SP

I need to update multiple databases with a few simple SQL statement. The databases are configurared in SQL using 'Linked Servers', and the SQL versions are mixed (SQL 2008, SQL 2005, and SQL 2000). I intend to write a stored procedure in one of the databases, but I would like to do so using a transaction to make sure that each database gets updated consistently.
Which of the following is the most accurate:
Will a single BEGIN/COMMIT TRANSACTION work to guarantee that all statements across all databases are successful?
Will I need multiple BEGIN TRANSACTIONS for each individual set of commands on a database?
Are transactions even supported when updating remote databases? I would need to execute a remote SP with embedded transaction support.
Note that I don't care about any kind of cross-database referential integrity; I'm just trying to update multiple databases at the same time from a single stored procedure if possible.
Any other suggestions are welcome as well. Thanks!
It is possible. You can use explicit BEGIN DISTRIBUTED TRANSACTION in your controlling procedure, or simply start a normal transaction and rely on DTC to elevate your transaction to a distributed one the moment you go across a linked server, this happens automatically. See Transact-SQL Distributed Transactions in MSDN.
However I must warn you that it's a slippery slope. The number of failures and the downtime dramatically increase as soon as you bring DQ (distributed queries) into picture. If you have 99.5% up time servers (ie. 43 hours of downtime a year) and your query touches 5 servers your availability becomes 97.5% (216 hours of downtime a year). With 10 servers it becomes 95% up time (428 hours of down time year). Things like managing an OS patch deployment, a engine SP upgrade or application maintenance (think index rebuilds and such) become a nightmare to orchestrate and coordinate.
The way to go is to decouple the servers, use something like Service Broker instead of DQ.
You should be able to accomplish #1 using a distributed transaction. You will need DTC active and you'll need to use BEGIN DISTRIBUTED TRANSACTION along with ROLLBACK TRANSACTION and COMMIT TRANSACTION within your stored procedure.
Dealing with the DTC can being up a lot of gotchas, so good luck :)

Client-side Replication for SQL Server?

I'd like to have some degree of fault tolerance / redundancy with my SQL Server Express database. I know that if I upgrade to a pricier version of SQL Server, I can get "Replication" built in. But I'm wondering if anyone has experience in managing replication on the client side. As in, from my application:
Every time I need to create, update or delete records from the database -- issue the statement to all n servers directly from the client side
Every time I need to read, I can do so from one representative server (other schemes seem possible here, too).
It seems like this logic could potentially be added directly to my Linq-To-SQL Data Context.
Any thoughts?
Every time I need to create, update or
delete records from the database --
issue the statement to all n servers
directly from the client side
Recipe for disaster.
Are you going to have a distributed transaction or just let some of the servers fail? If you have a distributed transaction, what do you do if a server goes offline for a while.
This type of thing can only work if you do it at a server-side data-portal layer where application servers take in your requests and are aware of your database farm. At that point, you're better off just using a higher grade of SQL Server.
I have managed replication from an in-house client. My database model worked on an insert-only mode for all transactions, and insert-update for lookup data. Deletes were not allowed.
I had a central table that everything was related to. I added a field to this table for a date-time stamp which defaulted to NULL. I took data from this table and all related tables into a staging area, did BCP out, cleaned up staging tables on the receiver side, did a BCP IN to staging tables, performed data validation and then inserted the data.
For some basic Fault Tolerance, you can scheduling a regular backup.
