mirror-api java quick start project deploy to app engine - google-app-engine

can anyone help me as to how to deploy the mirror-api java quick start project to google app engine? I have imported the project into Eclipse via the maven import and made the war file: mvn war:war
I am able to run it locally without any problems
dont know how to deploy to app engine, I have created an appspot project inside google app engine as well

check it out https://github.com/googleglass/mirror-quickstart-java/tree/app-engine
there's a tag on official repo!


can't run or deploy Google App Engine from IntelliJ

I'd like to deploy an app on GAE, but I think I must be missing something.
I've downloaded the google cloud code plugin for IntelliJ.
I've installed the gcloud SDK
I've authenticated with my google account
I've created a new project of type GAE project, which in the project structure window shows the GAE facet, and has an appengine-web.xml file.
Yet when I try and run my new project the log shows an error:
21:51 Error running 'Google App Engine Deployment': Deployment is not selected
I presume it's referring to this window:
As you can see there are no deployments. When I try to edit the Run configuration, there's not much there:
What am I doing wrong?
what happens if you try adding AppEngine support explicitly, i.e. using Tools -> Cloud Code -> App Engine -> Add App Engine Support -> App Engine Standard menu? Will the deployment target appear or anything changes?

How to deploy create-react-app to Google Cloud

I have a frontend create-react-app and a backend API using Expressjs.
I deployed the backend API to Google App Engine successfully.
But now I need to deploy the create-react-app to Google Cloud and it becomes very confusing, I tried to google for a while and there is no true/recommended way for this.
At least I saw that other people suggested doing it in 2 ways:
Using Google Cloud Storage:
Run "npm run build" to create the "build" folder
Upload this whole folder onto a bucket
=> I see that there is one drawback using this way: When I tried to reload page 'url/aboutUs', it's not found. So I have to go back to 'url' then click the About Us link
=> I guess that the React Router that I'm using is not working with Google Cloud Storage
Using Google App Engine
=> People just talked about using it, but I can't find any guide/tutorial for this.
So what is the recommended way to deploy create-react-app to Google Cloud?
And can you please provide a tutorial for that?
You just need to configure the Cloud Storage bucket to serve index.html as the 404 page.
For Google App Engine, you can use serve or set up nginx to serve index.html in the build folder.

Deploy Google App Engine backend from Android Studio

Is it possible to deploy a Google App Engine backend module in Android Studio as a Google App Engine project (on Google's servers)? In eclipse this was possible with the plugin, but now I don't see how to do this or found someone else doing this.
If you want to see what's under the hood of gradle:
gradlew tasks
If you want only the .war file
gradlew war
Will do the job:
gradlew appengineUpdate
You can do this from UI itself. Go to
Build -> Deploy Module to App Engine
If you are deploying this for the 1st time then you will have to sign in to your google account by using add account button.

Trying to find sample (eclipse project) for GWT / App Engine datastore

Someone must know of a working eclipse project for GWT / App Engine datastore ?
I tried to find a completed sample for the stockwatcher with JDO tutorial, but
no luck.
I found 2 Objectify samples: listwidget (checkout failed)
and gwt-objectify-appengine (Maven build failed, complained
about missing appengine-api-1.0-sdk-1.5.1.jar, which was actually present).
Ideally I'm looking for something minimal, an RPC app that will deploy to App Engine & save/reload a few values.
Thanks for your help
In the GWT downloads page on google-code, you can find the code for the tutorial application StockWatcher. This zip is the StockWatcher app configured for Google App Engine. It does not use Maven. Please have a look at the README.txt file in the zip file for detailed instructions on how to import the project in Eclipse.
It is the code that lets you start this tutorial from step 3.
GWT's own MobileWebApp is one such sample project. It's mavenized so to make it an Eclipse project simply check it out as a Maven project in Eclipse (assuming you have m2e installed).

google app engine(java): gwt gernetated .js file not found

I am using GWT and google app engine in eclipse. and when i compile and run locally it is working perfectly. However, after i deployed myapp to app engine, and the gwt generated .nocache.js files are missing. is there any settings i need to turn on?
anyone knows why?
Are you only running in development mode locally?
Are you GWT compiling before you deploy? You will have to run a GWT compile before deploying.
