What is lua_pcall doing here? - c

I am trying to learn lua and I seem to be stuck here.
For some reason the following code doesn't actually run the lua file.
int main()
lua_State* L = luaL_newstate();
int width = 0;
int height = 0;
if(!luaL_loadfile(L, "./src/luaconf.lua") || !lua_pcall(L, 0, 0, 0))
lua_getglobal(L, "width");
lua_getglobal(L, "height");
if(!lua_isnumber(L, -2))
luaL_error(L, "width isn't a number");
width = lua_tointeger(L, -2);
if(!lua_isnumber(L, -1))
luaL_error(L, "height isn't a number");
height = lua_tointeger(L, -1);
printf("%i x %i", width, height);
return 0;
I know that if I change if(!luaL_loadfile(L, "./src/luaconf.lua") || !lua_pcall(L, 0, 0, 0) to if(luaL_dofile(L, "./src/luaconf.lua")) it would work but I want to know why the above code doesn't work.
Shouldn't lua_pcall run the lua code? If not why not?
width = 500
height = 40

Note that in the code:
if(!luaL_loadfile(L, "./src/luaconf.lua") || !lua_pcall(L, 0, 0, 0))
if luaL_loadfile succeeds, it returns LUA_OK which has the value of 0, so the left operand of || evaluates as 1, according to short circuit, lua_pcall won't be executed.
So what you want is probably:
if ((luaL_loadfile(L, "./src/luaconf.lua") || lua_pcall(L, 0, 0, 0))
//error handle
//normal handle


flickering in allegro with loops

The red bars a cross the top flickers. I can make them out of the loop but not in the loop.
#include <allegro.h>
void init();
void deinit();
int main() {
int length = 20;
int x= 900;
int y= 600;
int c;
//while (!key[KEY_ESC]) {
c = makecol(0, 0, 0);
rectfill (screen, 0, 0, 900, 400, c);
c = makecol(0, 200, 0);
rectfill (screen, 0, 0, 900, 400, c);// curb
for (int i =0; i=10; i++){
int bar=0;
c = makecol(200, 0, 0);
rectfill (screen, bar, 0, x+80, 40, c);
c = makecol(0, 0, 0);
rectfill (screen, bar+80, 0, x+100, 40, c);
return 0;
void init() {
int depth, res;
depth = desktop_color_depth();
if (depth == 0) depth = 32;
res = set_gfx_mode(GFX_AUTODETECT_WINDOWED, 900, 600, 0,0);
if (res != 0) {
/* add other initializations here */
void deinit() {
/* add other deinitializations here */
So what why does it flicker and how do I stop that. I have had
issue with for loops before do they just not work whit allegro?
or am I being dumb and just written something wrong?

why does a call of a function with set parameters does not generate the expected output?

In the following code, when I debugged it, the first call function (mazesentence(0, 0, 1, 0);) also went to the if(before == 1 ), but 'before' is clearly a zero. Why is it entering in that location? I would imagine, i have my braces incorrectly.
#include <stdio.h>
void mazesentence(int little, int twist, int twisting, int before)
if(little == 0 && twist == 0 && twisting == 1)
if(before == 0)
if(twisting == 0)
printf("twisty ");
else if(twisting == 1)
printf("twisting ");
printf("little ");
printf("maze of ");
if(before == 1)
printf("little ");
if(twisting == 0)
printf("twisty ");
else if(twisting == 1)
printf("twisting ");
printf("maze of");
int main( )
mazesentence(0, 0, 1, 0);
mazesentence(0, 0, 1, 1);
mazesentence(0, 0, 0, 0);
mazesentence(0, 0, 0, 1);
mazesentence(0, 1, 1, 0);
mazesentence(0, 1, 0, 0);
mazesentence(1, 0, 1, 0);
mazesentence(1, 0, 0, 0);
mazesentence(1, 1, 1, 0);
mazesentence(1, 1, 1, 1);
mazesentence(1, 1, 0, 0);
mazesentence(1, 1, 0, 1);
return 0;
Your braces are indeed incorrect. Looking at the problem conditional:
if(before == 1)
printf("little ");
The way this is, the if only guards the printf("little "). That is then is followed by a code block that executes unconditionally.
It should be this to guard the entire block:
if(before == 1)
printf("little ");

How to use OCIBindDynamic to INPUT/OUTPUT in one variable?

I have some code on OCI/C transport for my program. But I haven't any result after using struct with OCIBindDynamics, I think error where I need to remove cbf_no_data, and add BindByName for output variable after bind by dynamic. I use not a stack for memory, so problem not in data removing, after function
int conn_dynamic(uint16_t id,int pos,char *name,uint16_t type,uint32_t size,int16_t ind,void *data,uint16_t typein,uint32_t sizein,int16_t indin,void *datain,uint16_t mass_arr){
int state = 1;
cb_context_t* cbct = (cb_context_t*)malloc(sizeof(cb_context_t));
cbct->cht.ptr = (void*)malloc(sizeof(void*));
cbct->err = connection.errhp;
temp_arr_num = mass_arr;
CHECK_IN_ID(id, pos)
uint8_t bindbyname = 1;
char bindname[65536];
uint32_t bindpos;
if (name[0] >= '0' && name[0] <= '9') {
bindbyname = 0;
bindpos = atoi(name);
} else {
bindname[0] = ':';
strcpy(bindname + 1, name);
connection.statements[id].inbinds[pos].type = typein;
connection.statements[id].inbinds[pos].ind = indin;
memcpy(connection.statements[id].inbinds[pos].ptr, datain, sizein);
if (typein == SQLT_CLOB || typein == SQLT_BLOB) {
assert(connection.statements[id].inbinds[pos].lob == NULL);
OCI_CALL(OCIDescriptorAlloc(connection.envhp, (void **)&connection.statements[id].inbinds[pos].lob, OCI_DTYPE_LOB, 0, 0));
OCI_CALL(OCILobCreateTemporary(connection.svchp, connection.errhp, connection.statements[id].inbinds[pos].lob, (ub2)OCI_DEFAULT, OCI_DEFAULT,
OCI_CALL(OCILobOpen(connection.svchp, connection.errhp, connection.statements[id].inbinds[pos].lob, OCI_LOB_READWRITE));
uint32_t amtp = sizein;
OCI_CALL(OCILobWrite(connection.svchp, connection.errhp, connection.statements[id].inbinds[pos].lob, &amtp, 1, datain, sizein, OCI_ONE_PIECE, 0, 0, 0, SQLCS_IMPLICIT));
if (bindbyname) {
OCI_CALL(OCIBindByName(connection.statements[id].handle, &(connection.statements[id].inbinds[pos].handle), connection.errhp, (OraText *) name, strlen(name),
&(connection.statements[id].inbinds[pos].lob), 0, typein, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, OCI_DATA_AT_EXEC));
} else {
OCI_CALL(OCIBindByPos(connection.statements[id].handle, &(connection.statements[id].inbinds[pos].handle), connection.errhp, bindpos,
&(connection.statements[id].inbinds[pos].lob), 0, typein, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, OCI_DATA_AT_EXEC));
} else {
if (!(connection.statements[id].inbinds[pos].ptr = malloc(sizein))) { //create temporary storage for value
connection.error.code = 301;
strcpy(connection.error.msg, "Out of memory");
return -1;
// if (bindbyname) {
// OCI_CALL(OCIBindByName(connection.statements[id].handle, &(connection.statements[id].inbinds[pos].handle), connection.errhp, (OraText *) name, strlen(name),
// &(connection.statements[id].inbinds[pos].ptr), sizein, typein, &connection.statements[id].inbinds[pos].ind, 0, 0, 0, 0, OCI_DATA_AT_EXEC));
// } else {
// OCI_CALL(OCIBindByPos(connection.statements[id].handle, &(connection.statements[id].inbinds[pos].handle), connection.errhp, bindpos,
// &(connection.statements[id].inbinds[pos].ptr), sizein, typein, &connection.statements[id].inbinds[pos].ind, 0, 0, 0, 0, OCI_DATA_AT_EXEC));
// }
uint16_t oratype=0;
WRITELOG(params,LDEBUG1,"TYPE IN BIND %d \n", type);
switch (type) {
case 2:{
oratype = SQLT_INT;
case 3:{
oratype = SQLT_FLT;
case 1:
case 4:
case 5:
if (type == 1){
oratype = SQLT_STR;
WRITELOG(params,LDEBUG1,"call str\n");
if (type == 5){ oratype = SQLT_CLOB;
if (type == 4){
oratype = SQLT_BLOB;
case 6:{
oratype = SQLT_RSET;
return -1;
printf("error here??");
out_array[temp_arr_num]->type = oratype;
out_array[temp_arr_num]->pos = pos;
//it's not a magic numbers. See outputbind in commands.c
cursorid = id;
return 1;
So I don't have output bind, and program try to fetch variable. As example cbf_get_string
sb4 cbf_get_string(dvoid *ctxp, OCIBind *bindp, ub4 iter, ub4 index,
dvoid **bufpp, ub4 **alenp, ub1 *piecep,
dvoid **indpp, ub2 **rcodepp) {
cb_context_t* cbct = (cb_context_t*)ctxp;
ub4 pos = *((ub4 *)ctxp);
/* find out how many rows we are expecting */
if (index == 0) {
int rows = 0;
OCIAttrGet((dvoid*)bindp, OCI_HTYPE_BIND, (dvoid*)&rows, (ub4*)sizeof(int), OCI_ATTR_ROWS_RETURNED, cbct->err);
int sz = rows * sizeof(out_string_t);
void* rs = (void*)malloc(sz);
memcpy(cbct->cht.ptr, &rs, sizeof(void*)); /* ptr is now a pointer to a pointer */
#ifdef DEBUG
char dbuf[256]; snprintf(dbuf, 255, "cbf_get_string: rows=%d rs=%p cbct->cht.ptr=%p bytes=%d", rows, rs, *(void**)cbct->cht.ptr, sz); debug(dbuf);
out_string_t* offset = (out_string_t*) ((*(void**)cbct->cht.ptr) + (index * sizeof(out_string_t)));
*indpp = (dvoid*)&offset->indicator;
*rcodepp = (dvoid*)&offset->rc;
*bufpp = (dvoid*)&offset->bufpp;
int size = sizeof(bufpp);
offset->alenp = size;
*alenp = (dvoid*)&offset->alenp;
*piecep = OCI_ONE_PIECE;
out_array[temp_arr_num]->ptr = cbct->cht.ptr;
out_array[temp_arr_num]->index = index;
WRITELOG(params,LDEBUG1,"string in bind %s \n", *(offset->bufpp));
Can you show me, where I wrong? Cause I can't show some errors. I try only bind 'a' to input and 'a' to output. As example "Begin :a := :b End;
And I need view a

Hamiltonian Cycle with fork

hellow friends
i want to write Hamiltonian Cycle for 5 vertexes with fork. and i want to create a process for each vertex to check is it true vertex in (hamCycleUtil function )or no. so i write this code but it has false output.i cant solve the problem .pleas help.how can i write this code true ?i just want create 5 process to check the vertexes.
* C Program to Find Hamiltonian Cycle
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#define V 5
void printSolution(int path[]);
* check if the vertex v can be added at index 'pos' in the Hamiltonian Cycle
bool isSafe(int v, bool graph[V][V], int path[], int pos)
if (graph [path[pos-1]][v] == 0)
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < pos; i++)
if (path[i] == v)
return false;
return true;
/* solve hamiltonian cycle problem */
bool hamCycleUtil(bool graph[V][V], int path[], int pos)
int pid;
int s=-1;//counter
if (pos == V)
if (graph[ path[pos-1] ][ path[0] ] == 1)
return true;
return false;
for (int v = 1; v < V; v++)
if(s<V)// to control the number of fork
if(pid < 0) {
else if (pid == 0){
if (isSafe(v, graph, path, pos))
path[pos] = v;
if (hamCycleUtil (graph, path, pos+1) == true)
return true;
path[pos] = -1;
else {
if (isSafe(v, graph, path, pos))
path[pos] = v;
if (hamCycleUtil (graph, path, pos+1) == true)
return true;
path[pos] = -1;
return false;
/* solves the Hamiltonian Cycle problem using Backtracking.*/
bool hamCycle(bool graph[V][V])
int *path = malloc(V*sizeof(int));
for (int i = 0; i < V; i++)
path[i] = -1;
path[0] = 0;
if (hamCycleUtil(graph, path, 1) == false)
printf("\nSolution does not exist");
return false;
return true;
/* Main */
void printSolution(int path[])
printf("Solution Exists:");
printf(" Following is one Hamiltonian Cycle \n");
for (int i = 0; i < V; i++)
printf(" %d",path[i]);
printf(" %d",path[0]);
int main()
/* Let us create the following graph
| / \ |
| / \ |
| / \ |
(3)-------(4) */
bool graph1[V][V] = {{0, 1, 0, 1, 0},
{1, 0, 1, 1, 1},
{0, 1, 0, 0, 1},
{1, 1, 0, 0, 1},
{0, 1, 1, 1, 0},
{ hamCycle(graph1);
/* Let us create the following graph
| / \ |
| / \ |
| / \ |
(3) (4) */
bool graph2[V][V] = {{0, 1, 0, 1, 0},
{1, 0, 1, 1, 1},
{0, 1, 0, 0, 1},
{1, 1, 0, 0, 0},
{0, 1, 1, 0, 0},
return 0;

Dynamic List <malloc.h> free triggered a breakpoint - C Programming

Could someone help me with this one. I'm making BFS algorithm in C programming language, with help of dynamic lists.
This is my code.
// ConsoleApplication3.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <malloc.h>
#define n 6
typedef struct field
int x;
int y;
int dist;
struct field *next;
// Get row and column number of 4 neighbours
int rows[] = { -1, 0, 0, 1 };
int cols[] = { 0, -1, 1, 0 };
Field *addToEnd(Field *lst, Field field)
Field *newField = (Field*)malloc(sizeof Field);
newField = &field;
newField->next = NULL;
if (!lst)
return newField;
Field *current;
for (current = lst; current->next; current = current->next);
current->next = newField;
return lst;
// Check if field is/isn't out of range
bool isValid(int row, int col)
return (row >= 0) && (row < n) && (col >= 0) && (col < n);
int BFS(int mat[][n], Field source, Field destination)
bool visited[n][n];
memset(visited, false, sizeof visited);
// Mark the source field as visited
visited[source.x][source.y] = true;
// Create dynamic list
Field *lst = NULL;
source.dist = 0;
// Adding the source field to the list
lst = addToEnd(lst, source);
while (lst)
// Getting first element in the list
Field current = *lst;
// If destination is reached then end function
if (current.x == destination.x && current.y == destination.y)
return current.dist;
// Delete first element of the list
Field *toDelete;
toDelete = lst;
lst = lst->next;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
int row = current.x + rows[i];
int col = current.y + cols[i];
// If adjacent field is valid, has path and isn't visited add it to the list
if (isValid(row, col) && mat[row][col] == 0 && !visited[row][col])
visited[row][col] = true;
Field adjField = { row, col, current.dist + 1 };
lst = addToEnd(lst, adjField);
// Return -1 if destination can't be reached
return -1;
int main()
int mat[n][n] =
{ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{ 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0 },
{ 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{ 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0 },
{ 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{ 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0 }
Field start = { 1, 0 }, end = { 5, 5 };
int number = BFS(mat, start, end);
if (number != -1)
printf("%d\n", number);
printf("Destination can't be reached\n");
return 0;
Everything except part of code which need to delete first element of list is working. The problem is with free function.
Does anyone have an idea what could be possible wrong with this and how can I fix it?
