C Programming - ascii for windows "unknown" characters - c

I'm programming in windows, but in my C console some characters (like é, à, ã) are not recognizable. I would like to see how can I make widows interpret those chars as using unicode in the console or utf-8.
I would be glad for some enlightening.
Thank you very much

By console do you mean cmd.exe? It doesn't handle Unicode well, but you can get it to display "ANSI" characters by changing the display font to Lucida Console and changing the code page from "OEM" to "ANSI." By the choice of characters you seem to be Western European, so try giving this command before running your application:
chcp 1252
If you want to try your luck with UTF-8 output use chcp 65001 instead.

Although I completely agree with Joni's answer, I think it can be added a detail:
Since Telmo Vaz asked about how to solve this problem for C programs, we can consider the alternative of adding a system command inside the code:
#include <stdlib.h> // To use the function system();
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void) {
system("CHCP 1252");
printf("Now accents are right: áéíüñÇ \n");
return 0;
EDIT It is a good idea to do some experiments with codepages. Check the following table for information (under Windows):
Windows Codepages


Problem with encoding and terminals with Special Characters

I'm making a code and as im progressing the encoding changes to UTF-8, but that created a problem for me, im brazilian and i have some phrases in portuguese with special characters that are in ASCII table, but having to revise every printf and every phrase or word to see if have a special character is madness in a 700 line code, i have a short time so i tried changing the encoding to ISO-8859-1,UNICODE and WINDOWS-1252 but the moment when i build or save the file it returns to UTF-8, i tried changing the setlocale(LC_ALL,"pt_BR.utf8") or anything but nothing happens, i tought that was the Code::Blocks terminal that was broken then i made a new test file to see with WINDOWS-1252 encoding worked, anyone has any ideia to help or i'd have to make character by character?
Im using the default terminal of codeblocks cb_console_runner
Isn't the encoding UTF-8 enconding and bytes that is incompatible with special characters? Because the default in UNICODE is 16bytes or am i wrong?
#include <stdio.h>
#include <locale.h>
int main(){
printf("%s", setlocale(LC_ALL,"pt_BR.utf8"));
returned: (NULL)
#include <stdio.h>
#include <locale.h>
int main(){
printf("%s", setlocale(LC_ALL,""));
returned: Portuguese_Brazil.1252
as i looked in previewed questions in portuguese stackoverflow none has helped at all, some says is the encoding, others says is the terminal.
So, yesterday i talked to my professor and we both agreed that was the encoding, but he had an idea, i got my code and opened in Dev-C++ and as we noticed the file was "corrupted" with the special letters as i mentioned i think it was from when the file was been saved in UTF8 that changed.

Can I change the text color through sprintf in C?

I'm new to C and I came across this code and it was confusing me:
sprintf(banner1, "\e[37╔═╗\e[37┌─┐\e[37┌┐┌\e[37┌─┐\e[37┌─┐\e[37┌─┐\e[37┌─┐\e[37m\r\n");
sprintf(banner2, "\e[37╠═╝\e[37├─┤\e[37│││\e[37│ ┬\e[37├─┤\e[37├┤\e[37 ├─┤\e[37m\r\n");
sprintf(banner3, "\e[37╩ \e[37┴ ┴┘\e[37└┘\e[37└─┘\e[37┴ ┴\e[37└─┘\e[37┴ ┴\e[37m\r\n");
I was just confused as I don't know what do \e[37 and \r\n mean. And can I change the colors?
This looks like an attempt to use ANSI terminal color escapes and Unicode box drawing characters to write the word "PANGAEA" in a large, stylized, colorful manner. I'm guessing it's part of a retro-style BBS or MUD system, intended to be interacted with over telnet or ssh. It doesn't work, because whoever wrote it made a bunch of mistakes. Here's a corrected, self-contained program:
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
printf("\e[31m╔═╗\e[32m┌─┐ \e[33m┌┐┌\e[34m┌─┐\e[35m┌─┐\e[36m┌─┐\e[37m┌─┐\e[0m\n");
printf("\e[31m╠═╝\e[32m├─┤ \e[33m│││\e[34m│ ┬\e[35m├─┤\e[36m├┤ \e[37m├─┤\e[0m\n");
printf("\e[31m╩ \e[32m┴ ┴┘\e[33m┘└┘\e[34m└─┘\e[35m┴ ┴\e[36m└─┘\e[37m┴ ┴\e[0m\n");
return 0;
The mistakes were: using \r\n instead of plain \n, leaving out the m at the end of each and every escape sequence, and a number of typos in the actual letters (missing spaces and the like).
I deliberately changed sprintf(bannerN, ... to printf to make it a self-contained program instead of a fragment of a larger system, and changed the actual color codes used for each letter to make it a more interesting demo. When I run this program on my computer I get this output:
The program will only work on your computer if your terminal emulator supports both ANSI color escapes and printing UTF-8 with no special ceremony. Most Unix-style operating systems nowadays support both by default; I don't know about Windows.

Eclipse; Escape Sequences don't work?

I am doing a basic C tutorial. In an example this code was given to introduce escape sequences:
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
printf("This is a \"sample text\"\n");
printf("\tMore text\n");
printf("This is getting overwritten\r");
printf("By this, another sample text\n");
printf("The spa \bce is removed.\n");
return 0;
The console output is expected to look like this:
This is a "sample text"
More text
By this, another sample text
The space is removed.
Instead, I get this:
This is a "sample text"
More text
This is getting overwritten
By this, another sample text
The spa ce is removed.
I am using Eclipse Cpp Oxygen on Windows and the Cygwin toolchain to compile und run the code. I don't know what I'm doing wrong and I thought I'd ask here for help.
The console built in to Eclipse does not support the \r, \b (and \f) characters.
There is a long standing bug 76936 for this which has been open for 14 years. But doesn't look like being fixed.
In linux you example works exactly as you expect. Probably in windows the \r is considered like \n.
Instead on linux terminal the \r put (correctly) the cursor on the first char of the row.

Adding Colour To Text In C With Bloodshed

Is this possible?
I know it's possible in the command prompt using COLOR ##
but is it possible in C using bloodshed?
What operating system? What terminal do you have available? Note that this has nothing to do with C, let alone bloodshed. You output a string which the terminal may or may not choose to interpret as a color. You have to see how to do that with your terminal. The solution of course is not portable. One such example for a terminal supporting escape sequences is
printf("\\x1b[1;33mThis is yellow\\x1b[m(Back to default)\n");
You may be interested in ANSI terminal's color escape sequences
You may also want to look for libraries that do that for limited number of terminals. For example, ncurses could help you in Linux.
If you're on *nix, osx, or using cygwin msys on windows, your terminal should support the ANSI sequences Fred Larson mentions (not sure about osx). The normal windows terminal does not. But bloodshed can use cygwin, so you're in luck.
Here's an example:
#include <stdio.h>
#define BOLDMAGENTA "\033[1;35m"
#define BOLDGREEN "\033[1;32m"
int main(void) {
printf("%shello %sworld\n", BOLDMAGENTA, BOLDGREEN);
return 0;
Note that this leaves the terminal in bright green, but if your prompt sets colours, that will get reset.
Here's some explanation of ANSI escape codes:

wprintf with UNICODE (Hebrew) characters

I have a wchar_t array with English and Hebrew characters and when I print it with wprintf() it prints to console the English characters only. When I'm using _wsetlocale( LC_ALL, L"Hebrew" ) I get the Hebrew characters as "????".
The machine I'm working on supports Hebrew of course.
BTW - using c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe and 'dir' on a directory with Hebrew characters, also shows "???" instead of Hebrew.
Any idea?
Have you confirmed that your console font can handle unicode characters? Most don't. You might try the Consolas font.
When I've run into this before, I've found this article by Michael Kaplan to be extremely helpful.
Basically Microsoft's C runtime library isn't implemented very well to allow this.
You can do _setmode(_fileno(stdout), _O_U16TEXT); and then writing with wcout or wprintf will work. However trying to use cout or printf, or anything that doesn't write UTF-16 will then cause the program to crash.
