After upgrade fontawesome library icon not showing? - drupal-7

I use font awesome library 3.0.1 then use icon it show completely after that i upgrade library to 3.2 then refresh page icon not showing.

To upgrade the library copy all the content from new library and paste it in our old fontawesome library this will update fontawesome css, font and less file.
This work fine for me.
Hope it will work for you.


how can I use two different version of react cdn in a single page?

I want to use react library as cdn in wordpress. I have installed Divi theme but it loads older version of react in the window. I need the latest version of react to use my plugin in gutenberg. How can I acheive this as no conflict issue while two react script is loaded?

How to extend the icon library with custom icons

I am using icons from #material-ui/icons in my React projects and I need to extend it with a set of custom icons. I would like to provide this set as a shared package available via a private NPM repository, the same way material-ui icons are provided. What is the best approach to do this?
I found this blog post:
The author uses scripts similar to the material-ui/icons scripts to generate .js/.d.ts from .svg, and reproduce what their build is doing. Is that the correct way?
I saw that the builder script of material-ui/icons accepts an argument for the path where the .svg are located, and it makes me wonder if I shouldn't use this somehow.
If you are building packages of icons for react apps, can you comment on how you are building them?
Best regards

Unrecognized font family on ios react-native > 0.60

I've faced this error using react-native 0.61.3-0.61.5, maybe older or newer versions don't have this bug.
Here is recommended way that didn't work for me.
1) I've placed fonts in src/assets/fonts folder
2) specified path to fonts folder in react-native.config.js -> assets: ["./src/assets/fonts/"]
3) tried running both react-native link and npx react-native link
After spending about two hours I've found a workaround for iOS. It's not nice and I recommend it only after trying official way I described in question. If it didn't work, here is a workaround I used.
place fonts in your project if you haven't done it already
open info.plist with your editor and look for <key>UIAppFonts</key>, if not found add
place all your fonts and save
open Xcode -> your project -> Build phases -> Copy bundle Resources
Click on "+" and select Add other -> select your fonts and click Add
Re-run the project and it works. Final note, on iOS you must specify name of font not filename.
Have a nice day!
This is the docs from where ive integrated custom fonts in my react native app. Very tedious work but yes, in ios there are more steps. Please find link which explains beautifuly. rn- custom-fonts
This is the step what you did :

How to use a react js npm package with react native

I need a Wheel styled picker ( which is available for iOS as the default Picker ) on Android and iOS. I'm using expo and hence I cannot use any native packages available out there.
Is it possible to use pure javascript package with react native?
I tried this library but getting an error:
cannot find self
while importing.
Is it really possible to use a library like this or is there anything I'm missing??
Sorry, but no, you cannot use react components written for the web in react-native. Those libraries use HTML for their markup and CSS for the styling. React-Native uses none of those, so it will obviously not know how to display them.
So I guess that the only option is to search for some library written for react-native (Like the one already suggested) or build one yourself.
Have a look at this library: react-native-picker
This library is a Wheel styled picker alternative for your issue.
Install it with:
npm install react-native-picker --save
And use it like this:
import Picker from 'react-native-picker';
height: 300
No. becuase react-native ui work different than web

How do I get smart suggestions for React in VS Code?

It worked well a few days ago and suddenly stopped showing suggestions. Do I have to install any plugins?
Maybe you can install this extensions for your vscode just copy this code with press ctrl+p react native tools
ext install vscode-react-native
or you can try to search from extension page on vscode with React Native Tools as a keyword
I disabled Sublime Babel plugin (ext install sublime-babel-vscode) and VS Code started to show me suggestions again... I think there seems to be a conflict between the editor and the plugin.
