AngularJS appending path after url? - angularjs

I'm new to AngularJS. So far I have been working with a page in root (/), and I haven't seen any issues with the navigation.
Now I added a path - "entries". I see AngularJS is appending the path again, so
And also a request with parameters, like:
I read: $location doc
But still I don't quite understand what's going on here. Is this correct behaviour? If not, how do I turn it off?

This is the correct behavior. Changing paths in angular does not actual correspond to a change in the URL itself, just the fragment (what comes after the #). This is how angular (and JS frameworks in general) keep track of your location and changes it without refreshing.


Pretty url with Angularjs/.htaccess

I've been struggling with this for a week now. I use Anguarjs and I set the html5mode(true) to get rid of the hash sign "#" that you needed in the url before.
Everything works fine amd my URL logic works with Query Parameters.
And it changes and refresh the page when I click on something else and then it displays the right content.
I just want to be able to have a link like:
And come to the same page.
That actually will point you to the first one with query params.
I feels like I've tried everything in the .htaccess file with rewrite rules and everything with angular routing. I just don't get it.
you want to use the : syntax in your routing.
In your routing add a route like this:
Then you can use:
To get the value "banana"
This might help ... AngularJS: Read route param from within controller

angular automatically removes parameters form url

In my application i am passing parameters for controller and read it using javascript as below.
now problem is if i open my conroller in url and than append #parameter=value than only it works.
but i want to put whole link in anchor tag.
and when i click outside application than it automatically reroute localhost:8080/app/conroller and don't accept parameters.Although when opening that url if i apped #parameter=value* part than it works perfect.
i am using html5mode = true.
i search lots of document but didnt find right solution for this.
Not exactly sure if I get what you are asking but I think this is what you are getting at:
href="/app/conroller#parameter=value" target="_self"
Try adding the target self.
If that doesn't work you could try setting a base url <base href="/"></base>
You could try using ? for the query parameter instead of the #

$location.path() vs $location.hash() in angularjs

if my present URL is :
$location.hash() gives home/new and $location.path also gives home/new
What is the difference in the two?
If inside the controller of home/new I write $location.hash("#/home/new") or $location.path("/home/new") both do not reload the partial but if I do location.href="#/home/new", it reloads the partial. Why is this?
Also, if inside the partial there is a <a href="#/home/new"> that will also reload the partial.
Why doesn't setting the path/hash reload the partial?
There are two parts to the route.
The first "hash" is really there just for browser compatibility and won't show if you are in HTML5 mode.
For example, given this URL:
If you set:
you will get:
In this case, the "hash" is just for the browser to hold the URL, the method is path. Note also when you call path without a preceding / it is added, i.e. 'myPath' becomes '/myPath'.
If you subsequently set:
You will get:
Finally, let's assume you did not set the path first, then you'll get:
If you are using HTML5 mode, the path is appended without the initial hash.
The first hash is used to append the route, the second is a reference to content on the page. For example, if you use the $anchorScroll service it will respond to what is placed in $location.hash() and not in $location.path().
To summarize:
I had a similar question this morning then Google led me here.
Inspired by other answers and some Googlings I've done, here is my result:
for example, given a browser url:
in AngularJS ,
url is
path is
in another word , from left to right ,path starts at the first character in url and ends at the # or ? or the end of url.
path always start with '/' .so ,if no path is specified ,the path is set as "/" rather than ""
hash is
in another word ,hash starts at the next character of # in url and ends at the end of url
location.href is not implemented in AngularJS. when you say: location.href="#",it behaves like clicking an anchor tag :
when invoke the method $location.path,$location.hash as setters, they do change the browser url to match your demands.
And ,why you want AngularJS to RELOAD a page at all? :)
The reason for the second part of your question, why it is not redirecting might be:
You might need to update the binding, with $scope.$apply , this is required when you are using the code other than angular like native javascript, jquery code
for example:

How to make Angular router (or ui-router) accept routes like `#foo` instead of redirecting to `#/foo`?

#foo: slashless scheme
#/foo: slashy scheme
There are certain legacy parts of the application which use (and rely on) the slashless scheme. I would like to introduce Angular routing (probably with ui-router) in a non-destructive way, such that doesn't interfere with the legacy routing so that part of the application could be gracefully phased out over time. Once that happens the all-angular app could switch to the slashy scheme all at once.
So far
I tried setting $locationProvider.hashPrefix('') to an empty string, but it seems you can only set the string between # and /, so that didn't work.
It seems I can either
rewrite legacy parts of the app, or
rewrite Angular's $locationProvider.hashPrefix to include '/' by default. Therefore setting it to '' would become meaningful.
Both of these options seem very time-consuming.
Do you know about a better way to make Angular recognize the slashless scheme?
You can try using redirects!
With ui-router:
app.config(function ($urlRouterProvider) {
// when there is an 'old' route, redirect to new one
$urlRouterProvider.when('foo', '/foo');
// You can also use regex for the match parameter
$urlRouterProvider.when(/(\w+)/i, '/$1'); // UNTESTED!!!!!!
Reference about ui-router wiki
I'm sorry but hashtags are quite hard to test in plunkers/fiddles, so i'm not providing one for now...

possible to disable $locationProvider and $routeProvider?

Can I disable these fellas? I am using angular.js in mvc app, and I don't need angular to control anything related to address bar or the links...
Right now in html5 mode disabled ($locationProvider.html5Mode(false)) it adds hash and action method's name to the address-bar, for example: you go to \Home\index, it navigates and then address bar text changes into Home\index#\index. ain't that's annoying?
if I enable html5 mode it stops loading pages at all (except the initial). I try going from initialy loaded page to another - it changes the address-bar's text (without adding hashtag thing this time) but won't load the page itself. ain't that frustrating?
A makeshift solution exists here AngularJS 1.1.5 - automatically adding hash tag to URLs
The answer explains the first step (as explained above, with the addition of the new hash-prefix)
yourApp.config(['$locationProvider', function($locationProvider){
The first bit handles Angular interfering with your address-bar visually, but now clicking on any links doesn't function properly as (read: history.pushState)
So, the workaround, as pointed out by user #Kevin Beal is some variation of setting the target of the <a> to _self
or on a case-by-case basis:
Although, for the sake of convenience and sanity, I think it's combination of these.
Markup sans target
// If `http` protocol present, assume external link
// Otherwise, assume internal link
Worth noting that the above selectors do required jQuery proper.
