16bit Float Multiplication in C - c

I'm working on a small project, where I need float multiplication with 16bit floats (half precision). Unhappily, I'm facing some problems with the algorithm:
Example Output
1 * 5 = 5
2 * 5 = 10
3 * 5 = 14.5
4 * 5 = 20
5 * 5 = 24.5
100 * 4 = 100
100 * 5 = 482
The Source Code
const int bits = 16;
const int exponent_length = 5;
const int fraction_length = 10;
const int bias = pow(2, exponent_length - 1) - 1;
const int exponent_mask = ((1 << 5) - 1) << fraction_length;
const int fraction_mask = (1 << fraction_length) - 1;
const int hidden_bit = (1 << 10); // Was 1 << 11 before update 1
int float_mul(int f1, int f2) {
int res_exp = 0;
int res_frac = 0;
int result = 0;
int exp1 = (f1 & exponent_mask) >> fraction_length;
int exp2 = (f2 & exponent_mask) >> fraction_length;
int frac1 = (f1 & fraction_mask) | hidden_bit;
int frac2 = (f2 & fraction_mask) | hidden_bit;
// Add exponents
res_exp = exp1 + exp2 - bias; // Remove double bias
// Multiply significants
res_frac = frac1 * frac2; // 11 bit * 11 bit → 22 bit!
// Shift 22bit int right to fit into 10 bit
if (highest_bit_pos(res_mant) == 21) {
res_mant >>= 11;
res_exp += 1;
} else {
res_mant >>= 10;
res_frac &= ~hidden_bit; // Remove hidden bit
// Construct float
return (res_exp << bits - exponent_length - 1) | res_frac;
By the way: I'm storing the floats in ints, because I'll try to port this code to some kind of Assembler w/o float point operations later.
The Question
Why does the code work for some values only? Did I forget some normalization or similar? Or does it work only by accident?
Disclaimer: I'm not a CompSci student, it's a leisure project ;)
Update #1
Thanks to the comment by Eric Postpischil I noticed one problem with the code: the hidden_bit flag was off by one (should be 1 << 10). With that change, I don't get decimal places any more, but still some calculations are off (e.g. 3•3=20). I assume, it's the res_frac shift as descibred in the answers.
Update #2
The second problem with the code was indeed the res_frac shifting. After update #1 I got wrong results when having 22 bit results of frac1 * frac2. I've updated the code above with a the corrected shift statement. Thanks to all for every comment and answer! :)

From a cursory look:
No attempt is made to determine the location of the high bit in the product. Two 11-bit numbers, each their high bit set, may produce a 21- or 22-bit number. (Example with two-bit numbers: 102•102 is 1002, three bits, but 112•112 is 10012, four bits.)
The result is truncated instead of rounded.
Signs are ignored.
Subnormal numbers are not handled, on input or output.
11 is hardcoded as a shift amount in one place. This is likely incorrect; the correct amount will depend on how the significand is handled for normalization and rounding.
In decoding, the exponent field is shifted right by fraction_length. In encoding, it is shifted left by bits - exponent_length - 1. To avoid bugs, the same expression should be used in both places.
From a more detailed look by chux:
res_frac = frac1 * frac2 fails if int is less than 23 bits (22 for the product and one for the sign).

This is more a suggestion for how to make it easier to get your code right, rather than analysis of what is wrong with the existing code.
There are a number of steps that are common to some or all of the floating point arithmetic operations. I suggest extracting each into a function that can be written with focus on one issue, and tested separately. Then when you come to write e.g. multiplication, you only have to deal with the specifics of that operation.
All the operations will be easier working with a structure that has the actual signed exponent, and the full significand in a wider unsigned integer field. If you were dealing with signed numbers, it would also have a boolean for the sign bit.
Here are some sample operations that could be separate functions, at least until you get it working:
unpack: Take a 16 bit float and extract the exponent and significand into a struct.
pack: Undo unpack - deal with dropping the hidden bit, applying the bias the expoent, and combining them into a float.
normalize: Shift the significand and adjust the exponent to bring the most significant 1-bit to a specified bit position.
round: Apply your rounding rules to drop low significance bits. If you want to do IEEE 754 style round-to-nearest, you need a guard digit that is the most significant bit that will be dropped, and an additional bit indicating if there are any one bits of lower significance than the guard bit.

One problem is that you are truncating instead of rounding:
res_frac >>= 11; // Shift 22bit int right to fit into 10 bit
You should compute res_frac & 0x7ff first, the part of the 22-bit result that your algorithm is about to discard, and compare it to 0x400. If it is below, truncate. If it is above, round away from zero. If it is equal to 0x400, round to the even alternative.


How is float to int type conversion done in C? [duplicate]

I was wondering if you could help explain the process on converting an integer to float, or a float to an integer. For my class, we are to do this using only bitwise operators, but I think a firm understanding on the casting from type to type will help me more in this stage.
From what I know so far, for int to float, you will have to convert the integer into binary, normalize the value of the integer by finding the significand, exponent, and fraction, and then output the value in float from there?
As for float to int, you will have to separate the value into the significand, exponent, and fraction, and then reverse the instructions above to get an int value?
I tried to follow the instructions from this question: Casting float to int (bitwise) in C.
But I was not really able to understand it.
Also, could someone explain why rounding will be necessary for values greater than 23 bits when converting int to float?
First, a paper you should consider reading, if you want to understand floating point foibles better: "What Every Computer Scientist Should Know About Floating Point Arithmetic," http://www.validlab.com/goldberg/paper.pdf
And now to some meat.
The following code is bare bones, and attempts to produce an IEEE-754 single precision float from an unsigned int in the range 0 < value < 224. That's the format you're most likely to encounter on modern hardware, and it's the format you seem to reference in your original question.
IEEE-754 single-precision floats are divided into three fields: A single sign bit, 8 bits of exponent, and 23 bits of significand (sometimes called a mantissa). IEEE-754 uses a hidden 1 significand, meaning that the significand is actually 24 bits total. The bits are packed left to right, with the sign bit in bit 31, exponent in bits 30 .. 23, and the significand in bits 22 .. 0. The following diagram from Wikipedia illustrates:
The exponent has a bias of 127, meaning that the actual exponent associated with the floating point number is 127 less than the value stored in the exponent field. An exponent of 0 therefore would be encoded as 127.
(Note: The full Wikipedia article may be interesting to you. Ref: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Single_precision_floating-point_format )
Therefore, the IEEE-754 number 0x40000000 is interpreted as follows:
Bit 31 = 0: Positive value
Bits 30 .. 23 = 0x80: Exponent = 128 - 127 = 1 (aka. 21)
Bits 22 .. 0 are all 0: Significand = 1.00000000_00000000_0000000. (Note I restored the hidden 1).
So the value is 1.0 x 21 = 2.0.
To convert an unsigned int in the limited range given above, then, to something in IEEE-754 format, you might use a function like the one below. It takes the following steps:
Aligns the leading 1 of the integer to the position of the hidden 1 in the floating point representation.
While aligning the integer, records the total number of shifts made.
Masks away the hidden 1.
Using the number of shifts made, computes the exponent and appends it to the number.
Using reinterpret_cast, converts the resulting bit-pattern to a float. This part is an ugly hack, because it uses a type-punned pointer. You could also do this by abusing a union. Some platforms provide an intrinsic operation (such as _itof) to make this reinterpretation less ugly.
There are much faster ways to do this; this one is meant to be pedagogically useful, if not super efficient:
float uint_to_float(unsigned int significand)
// Only support 0 < significand < 1 << 24.
if (significand == 0 || significand >= 1 << 24)
return -1.0; // or abort(); or whatever you'd like here.
int shifts = 0;
// Align the leading 1 of the significand to the hidden-1
// position. Count the number of shifts required.
while ((significand & (1 << 23)) == 0)
significand <<= 1;
// The number 1.0 has an exponent of 0, and would need to be
// shifted left 23 times. The number 2.0, however, has an
// exponent of 1 and needs to be shifted left only 22 times.
// Therefore, the exponent should be (23 - shifts). IEEE-754
// format requires a bias of 127, though, so the exponent field
// is given by the following expression:
unsigned int exponent = 127 + 23 - shifts;
// Now merge significand and exponent. Be sure to strip away
// the hidden 1 in the significand.
unsigned int merged = (exponent << 23) | (significand & 0x7FFFFF);
// Reinterpret as a float and return. This is an evil hack.
return *reinterpret_cast< float* >( &merged );
You can make this process more efficient using functions that detect the leading 1 in a number. (These sometimes go by names like clz for "count leading zeros", or norm for "normalize".)
You can also extend this to signed numbers by recording the sign, taking the absolute value of the integer, performing the steps above, and then putting the sign into bit 31 of the number.
For integers >= 224, the entire integer does not fit into the significand field of the 32-bit float format. This is why you need to "round": You lose LSBs in order to make the value fit. Thus, multiple integers will end up mapping to the same floating point pattern. The exact mapping depends on the rounding mode (round toward -Inf, round toward +Inf, round toward zero, round toward nearest even). But the fact of the matter is you can't shove 24 bits into fewer than 24 bits without some loss.
You can see this in terms of the code above. It works by aligning the leading 1 to the hidden 1 position. If a value was >= 224, the code would need to shift right, not left, and that necessarily shifts LSBs away. Rounding modes just tell you how to handle the bits shifted away.
Have you checked the IEEE 754 floating-point representation?
In 32-bit normalized form, it has (mantissa's) sign bit, 8-bit exponent (excess-127, I think) and 23-bit mantissa in "decimal" except that the "0." is dropped (always in that form) and the radix is 2, not 10. That is: the MSB value is 1/2, the next bit 1/4 and so on.
Joe Z's answer is elegant but range of input values is highly limited. 32 bit float can store all integer values from the following range:
[-224...+224] = [-16777216...+16777216]
and some other values outside this range.
The whole range would be covered by this:
float int2float(int value)
// handles all values from [-2^24...2^24]
// outside this range only some integers may be represented exactly
// this method will use truncation 'rounding mode' during conversion
// we can safely reinterpret it as 0.0
if (value == 0) return 0.0;
if (value == (1U<<31)) // ie -2^31
// -(-2^31) = -2^31 so we'll not be able to handle it below - use const
// value = 0xCF000000;
return (float)INT_MIN; // *((float*)&value); is undefined behaviour
int sign = 0;
// handle negative values
if (value < 0)
sign = 1U << 31;
value = -value;
// although right shift of signed is undefined - all compilers (that I know) do
// arithmetic shift (copies sign into MSB) is what I prefer here
// hence using unsigned abs_value_copy for shift
unsigned int abs_value_copy = value;
// find leading one
int bit_num = 31;
int shift_count = 0;
for(; bit_num > 0; bit_num--)
if (abs_value_copy & (1U<<bit_num))
if (bit_num >= 23)
// need to shift right
shift_count = bit_num - 23;
abs_value_copy >>= shift_count;
// need to shift left
shift_count = 23 - bit_num;
abs_value_copy <<= shift_count;
// exponent is biased by 127
int exp = bit_num + 127;
// clear leading 1 (bit #23) (it will implicitly be there but not stored)
int coeff = abs_value_copy & ~(1<<23);
// move exp to the right place
exp <<= 23;
int rint;
float rfloat;
}ret = { sign | exp | coeff };
return ret.rfloat;
Of course there are other means to find abs value of int (branchless). Similarly couting leading zeros can also be done without a branch so treat this example as example ;-).

Divide a signed integer by a power of 2

I'm working on a way to divide a signed integer by a power of 2 using only binary operators (<< >> + ^ ~ & | !), and the result has to be round toward 0. I came across this question also on Stackoverflow on the problem, however, I cannot understand why it works. Here's the solution:
int divideByPowerOf2(int x, int n)
return (x + ((x >> 31) & ((1 << n) + ~0))) >> n;
I understand the x >> 31 part (only add the next part if x is negative, because if it's positive x will be automatically round toward 0). But what's bothering me is the (1 << n) + ~0 part. How can it work?
Assuming 2-complement, just bit-shifting the dividend is equivalent to a certain kind of division: not the conventional division where we round the dividend to next multiple of divisor toward zero. But another kind where we round the dividend toward negative infinity. I rediscovered that in Smalltalk, see http://smallissimo.blogspot.fr/2015/03/is-bitshift-equivalent-to-division-in.html.
For example, let's divide -126 by 8. traditionally, we would write
-126 = -15 * 8 - 6
But if we round toward infinity, we get a positive remainder and write it:
-126 = -16 * 8 + 2
The bit-shifting is performing the second operation, in term of bit patterns (assuming 8 bits long int for the sake of being short):
1000|0010 >> 3 = 1111|0000
1000|0010 = 1111|0000 * 0000|1000 + 0000|0010
So what if we want the traditional division with quotient rounded toward zero and remainder of same sign as dividend? Simple, we just have to add 1 to the quotient - if and only if the dividend is negative and the division is inexact.
You saw that x>>31 corresponds to first condition, dividend is negative, assuming int has 32 bits.
The second term corresponds to the second condition, if division is inexact.
See how are encoded -1, -2, -4, ... in two complement: 1111|1111 , 1111|1110 , 1111|1100. So the negation of nth power of two has n trailing zeros.
When the dividend has n trailing zeros and we divide by 2^n, then no need to add 1 to final quotient. In any other case, we need to add 1.
What ((1 << n) + ~0) is doing is creating a mask with n trailing ones.
The n last bits don't really matter, because we are going to shift to the right and just throw them away. So, if the division is exact, the n trailing bits of dividend are zero, and we just add n 1s that will be skipped. On the contrary, if the division is inexact, then one or more of the n trailing bits of the dividend is 1, and we are sure to cause a carry to the n+1 bit position: that's how we add 1 to the quotient (we add 2^n to the dividend). Does that explain it a bit more?
This is "write-only code": instead of trying to understand the code, try to create it by yourself.
For example, let's divide a number by 8 (shift right by 3).
If the number is negative, the normal right-shift rounds in the wrong direction. Let's "fix" it by adding a number:
int divideBy8(int x)
if (x >= 0)
return x >> 3;
return (x + whatever) >> 3;
Here you can come up with a mathematical formula for whatever, or do some trial and error. Anyway, here whatever = 7:
int divideBy8(int x)
if (x >= 0)
return x >> 3;
return (x + 7) >> 3;
How to unify the two cases? You need to make an expression that looks like this:
(x + stuff) >> 3
where stuff is 7 for negative x, and 0 for positive x. The trick here is using x >> 31, which is a 32-bit number whose bits are equal to the sign-bit of x: all 0 or all 1. So stuff is
(x >> 31) & 7
Combining all these, and replacing 8 and 7 by the more general power of 2, you get the code you asked about.
Note: in the description above, I assume that int represents a 32-bit hardware register, and hardware uses two's complement representation to do right shift.
OP's reference is of a C# code and so many subtle differences that cause it to be bad code with C, as this post is tagged.
int is not necessarily 32-bits so using a magic number of 32 does not make for a robust solution.
In particular (1 << n) + ~0 results in implementation defined behavior when n causes a bit to be shifted into the sign place. Not good coding.
Restricting code to only using "binary" operators << >> + ^ ~ & | ! encourages a coder to assume things about int which is not portable nor compliant with the C spec. So OP's posted code does not "work" in general, although may work in many common implementations.
OP code fails when int is not 2's complement, not uses the range [-2147483648 .. 2147483647] or when 1 << n uses implementation behavior that is not as expected.
// weak code
int divideByPowerOf2(int x, int n) {
return (x + ((x >> 31) & ((1 << n) + ~0))) >> n;
A simple alternative, assuming long long exceeds the range of int follows. I doubt this meets some corner of OP's goals, but OP's given goals encourages non-robust coding.
int divideByPowerOf2(int x, int n) {
long long ill = x;
if (x < 0) ill = -ill;
while (n--) ill >>= 1;
if (x < 0) ill = -ill;
return (int) ill;

How to generate an IEEE 754 Single-precision float using only integer arithmetic?

Assuming a low end microprocessor with no floating point arithmetic, I need to generate an IEE754 single precision floating point format number to push out to a file.
I need to write a function that takes three integers being the sign, whole and the fraction and returns a byte array with 4 bytes being the IEEE 754 single precision representation.
Something like:
// Convert 75.65 to 4 byte IEEE 754 single precision representation
char* float = convert(0, 75, 65);
Does anybody have any pointers or example C code please? I'm particularly struggling to understand how to convert the mantissa.
You will need to generate the sign (1 bit), the exponent (8 bits, a biased power of 2), and the fraction/mantissa (23 bits).
Bear in mind that the fraction has an implicit leading '1' bit, which means that the most significant leading '1' bit (2^22) is not stored in the IEEE format. For example, given a fraction of 0x755555 (24 bits), the actual bits stored would be 0x355555 (23 bits).
Also bear in mind that the fraction is shifted so that the binary point is immediately to the right of the implicit leading '1' bit. So an IEEE 23-bit fraction of 11 0101 0101... represents the 24-bit binary fraction 1.11 0101 0101...
This means that the exponent has to be adjusted accordingly.
Does the value have to be written big endian or little endian? Reversed bit ordering?
If you are free, you should think about writing the value as string literal. That way you can easily convert the integer: just write the int part and write "e0" as exponent (or omit the exponent and write ".0").
For the binary representation, you should have a look at Wikipedia. Best is to first assemble the bitfields to an uint32_t - the structure is given in the linked article. Note that you might have to round if the integer has more than 23 bits value. Remember to normalize the generated value.
Second step will be to serialize the uint32_t to an uint8_t-array. Mind the endianess of the result!
Also note to use uint8_t for the result if you really want 8 bit values; you should use an unsigned type. For the intermediate representation, using uint32_t is recommended as that will guarantee you operate on 32 bit values.
You haven't had a go yet so no give aways.
Remember you can regard two 32-bit integers a & b to be interpreted as a decimal a.b as being a single 64-bit integer with an exponent of 2^-32 (where ^ is exponent).
So without doing anything you've got it in the form:
s * m * 2^e
The only problem is your mantissa is too long and your number isn't normalized.
A bit of shifting and adding/subtracting with a possible rounding step and you're done.
You can use a software floating point compiler/library.
See https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gccint/Soft-float-library-routines.html
The basic premise is to:
Given binary32 float.
Form a binary fixed-point representation of the combined whole and factional parts hundredths. This code uses a structure encoding both whole and hundredths fields separately. Important that the whole field is at least 32 bits.
Shift left/right (*2 and /2) until MSbit is in the implied bit position whilst counting the shifts. A robust solution would also note non-zero bits shifted out.
Form a biased exponent.
Round mantissa and drop implied bit.
Form sign (not done here).
Combine the above 3 steps to form the answer.
As Sub-normals, infinites & Not-A-Number will not result with whole, hundredths input, generating those float special cases are not addressed here.
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#define IMPLIED_BIT 0x00800000L
typedef struct {
int_least32_t whole;
int hundreth;
} x_xx;
int_least32_t covert(int whole, int hundreth) {
assert(whole >= 0 && hundreth >= 0 && hundreth < 100);
if (whole == 0 && hundreth == 0) return 0;
x_xx x = { whole, hundreth };
int_least32_t expo = 0;
int sticky_bit = 0; // Note any 1 bits shifted out
while (x.whole >= IMPLIED_BIT * 2) {
sticky_bit |= x.hundreth % 2;
x.hundreth /= 2;
x.hundreth += (x.whole % 2)*(100/2);
x.whole /= 2;
while (x.whole < IMPLIED_BIT) {
x.hundreth *= 2;
x.whole *= 2;
x.whole += x.hundreth / 100;
x.hundreth %= 100;
int32_t mantissa = x.whole;
// Round to nearest - ties to even
if (x.hundreth >= 100/2 && (x.hundreth > 100/2 || x.whole%2 || sticky_bit)) {
if (mantissa >= (IMPLIED_BIT * 2)) {
mantissa /= 2;
mantissa &= ~IMPLIED_BIT; // Toss MSbit as it is implied in final
expo += 24 + 126; // Bias: 24 bits + binary32 bias
expo <<= 23; // Offset
return expo | mantissa;
void test_covert(int whole, int hundreths) {
union {
uint32_t u32;
float f;
} u;
u.u32 = covert(whole, hundreths);
volatile float best = whole + hundreths / 100.0;
printf("%10d.%02d --> %15.6e %15.6e Same:%d\n", whole, hundreths, u.f, best,
best == u.f);
#include <limits.h>
int main(void) {
test_covert(75, 65);
test_covert(0, 1);
test_covert(INT_MAX, 99);
return 0;
75.65 --> 7.565000e+01 7.565000e+01 Same:1
0.01 --> 1.000000e-02 1.000000e-02 Same:1
2147483647.99 --> 2.147484e+09 2.147484e+09 Same:1
Known issues: sign not applied.

Most efficient way of splitting a number into whole and decimal parts

I am trying to split a double into its whole and fraction parts. My code works, but it is much too slow given that the microcontroller I am using does not have a dedicated multiply instruction in assembly. For instance,
temp = ((int)(tacc - temp); // This line takes about 500us
However, if I do this,
temp = (int)(100*(tacc-temp)); // This takes about 4ms
I could speed up the microcontroller, but since I'm trying to stay low power, I am curious if it is possible to do this faster. This is the little piece I'm actually interested in optimizing:
txBuffer[5] = ((int)tacc_y); // Whole part
txBuffer[6] = (int)(100*(tacc_y-txBuffer[5])); // 2 digits of fraction
I remember there is a fast way of multiplying by 10 using shifts, such that:
a * 10 = (a << 2 + a) << 1
I could probably nest this and get multiplication by 100. Is there any other way?
I believe the correct answer, which may not be the fastest, is this:
double whole = trunc(tacc_y);
double fract = tacc_y - whole;
// first, extract (some of) the data into an int
fract = fract * (1<<11); // should be just an exponent change
int ifract = (int)trunc(fract);
// next, decimalize it (I think)
ifract = ifract * 1000; // Assuming integer multiply available
ifract = ifract >> 11;
txBuffer[5] = (int)whole;
txBuffer[6] = ifract
If integer multiplication is not OK, then your shift trick should now work.
If the floating-point multiply is too stupid to just edit the exponent quickly, then you can do it manually by bit twiddling, but I wouldn't recommend it as a first option. In any case, once you've got as far as bit-twiddling FP numbers you might as well just extract the mantissa, or even do the whole operation manually.
I assume you are working with doubles. You could try to take a double apart bitwise:
double input = 10.64;
int sign = *(int64_t *)&input >> 63;
int exponent = (*(int64_t *)&input >> 52) & 0x7FF;
int64_t fraction = (*(int64_t *)&input) & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFF;
fraction |= 0x10000000000000;
int64_t whole = fraction >> (52 + 1023 - exponent);
int64_t digits = ((fraction - (whole << (52 + 1023 - exponent))) * 100) >> (52 + 1023 - exponent);
printf("%lf, %ld.%ld\n", input, whole, digits);

Homework - C bit puzzle - Perform % using C bit operations (no looping, conditionals, function calls, etc)

I'm completely stuck on how to do this homework problem and looking for a hint or two to keep me going. I'm limited to 20 operations (= doesn't count in this 20).
I'm supposed to fill in a function that looks like this:
/* Supposed to do x%(2^n).
For example: for x = 15 and n = 2, the result would be 3.
Additionally, if positive overflow occurs, the result should be the
maximum positive number, and if negative overflow occurs, the result
should be the most negative number.
int remainder_power_of_2(int x, int n){
int twoToN = 1 << n;
/* Magic...? How can I do this without looping? We are assuming it is a
32 bit machine, and we can't use constants bigger than 8 bits
(0xFF is valid for example).
However, I can make a 32 bit number by ORing together a bunch of stuff.
Valid operations are: << >> + ~ ! | & ^
return theAnswer;
I was thinking maybe I could shift the twoToN over left... until I somehow check (without if/else) that it is bigger than x, and then shift back to the right once... then xor it with x... and repeat? But I only have 20 operations!
Hint: In decadic system to do a modulo by power of 10, you just leave the last few digits and null the other. E.g. 12345 % 100 = 00045 = 45. Well, in computer numbers are binary. So you have to null the binary digits (bits). So look at various bit manipulation operators (&, |, ^) to do so.
Since binary is base 2, remainders mod 2^N are exactly represented by the rightmost bits of a value. For example, consider the following 32 bit integer:
This has the two's compliment value of 3461525. The remainder mod 2 is exactly the last bit (1). The remainder mod 4 (2^2) is exactly the last 2 bits (01). The remainder mod 8 (2^3) is exactly the last 3 bits (101). Generally, the remainder mod 2^N is exactly the last N bits.
In short, you need to be able to take your input number, and mask it somehow to get only the last few bits.
A tip: say you're using mod 64. The value of 64 in binary is:
The modulus you're interested in is the last 6 bits. I'll provide you a sequence of operations that can transform that number into a mask (but I'm not going to tell you what they are, you can figure them out yourself :D)
00000000000000000000000001000000 // starting value
11111111111111111111111110111111 // ???
11111111111111111111111111000000 // ???
00000000000000000000000000111111 // the mask you need
Each of those steps equates to exactly one operation that can be performed on an int type. Can you figure them out? Can you see how to simplify my steps? :D
Another hint:
00000000000000000000000001000000 // 64
11111111111111111111111111000000 // -64
Since your divisor is always power of two, it's easy.
uint32_t remainder(uint32_t number, uint32_t power)
power = 1 << power;
return (number & (power - 1));
Suppose you input number as 5 and divisor as 2
`00000000000000000000000000000101` number
`00000000000000000000000000000001` divisor - 1
`00000000000000000000000000000001` remainder (what we expected)
Suppose you input number as 7 and divisor as 4
`00000000000000000000000000000111` number
`00000000000000000000000000000011` divisor - 1
`00000000000000000000000000000011` remainder (what we expected)
This only works as long as divisor is a power of two (Except for divisor = 1), so use it carefully.
