Sencha: remove dynamically created components using CSS class - extjs

In my sencha mobile web app I have dynamically created elements/containers in my view.
Each has a uniquie id but all same the same css class.
I am trying to find a way to remove them using the css class. The reason I need to use the css class and not the id is that the number created cannot be determined at runtime.
I have tried'.myContainer').remove(); but that give error "has no method 'remove' "
I also tried
var main = Ext.getCmp('mainpage');
but that did nothing at all.
I'm still new to Sencha. Any advice would be very much appreciated.
I was hoping for something similar to jquery's $('.classname').remove() which will work on multiple elements at the same time.

Did you try with removeNode or with destroy ?

I solved it by using jquery to get the ID of each component with the same class, then used senchas destroy() on the acquired ID.
$( $('.siteContainer') ).each(function( index ) {
var thiscont = $(this).attr('id');


Dojo Tooltip Attach to Multiple Nodes: Element Selector Works, but not Class Selector

I'm trying to use dojo Tooltips on a series of SVG elements that are tool buttons in my header. I'm using the method in the docs of attaching tooltips to multiple nodes like this:
new Tooltip({
connectId: query('.header'),
selector: 'svg',
position: ['below'],
getContent: function (e) {
return e.getAttribute('data-tooltiptext');
And that works, but if I use a selector of '.tool' (every SVG has a class of tool on it) my getContent function never gets called. 'svg.tool' doesn't work as a selector either. The docs an several examples around the net claim class selectors will work, but I've only been able to get element selectors to work.
I'm requiring 'dojo/query' and I've tried using 'dojo/query!css3' but that doesn't seem to make a difference. I don't know if it makes a difference, but I'm using dojo included with ESRI's ArcGIS JS API library, which reports a dojo version of 1.14.2.
I've experienced the same issue when using the selector attribute while creating a Menu. Within an SVG element, element selectors (even comma-concatenated ones) work, but class selectors do not. Outside of the SVG element, they worked just fine. You can play around with this by using dojo.query in your browser's console to see which elements get selected.
I was able to solve the issue by changing the selectorEngine in my dojo config. Using any of css3, css2.1, and css2 worked, so I think the issue may be in the acme engine. If you don't already have a dojo config, you can add it via a script tag:
var dojoConfig = {
selectorEngine: 'css3',

Is it possible to use Qooxdoo Native App on Stanalone App?

I have my code that has been created on StandAlone application.
I want to use some class that generated from Native application.
but I don't know how to do it next.
Assume that i have my standalone class like this:
myWin = new qx.ui.window.Window();
and i have this class:
extend : application.Native,
How can I use this class on myWin instance?
Or it may be:
mywin.add(new myapp.MyNative());
Please be suggested me.
Hmmm you want to use a qooxdoo app inside a qooxdoo app ... that seems odd, I don't think it will work. if you want to use native javascript, css, html code, you can do this directly:
var myWidget = new qx.ui.core.Widget();
var el = myWidget.getContentElement().getDomElement();
/// do stuff to the element
to get native access to the dom element inside a qooxdoo widget.
Note that you can only grab the dom element once the widget has been rendered, so you have to use an appear event handler for this.

ChartistJS : Converting jQuery solution to AngularJS

I am using Chartist JS for my charts in my Angular JS app. The issue is I am seeing this here. There is a JS bin that highlights the issue. The author gives a solution for it. The solution is doing DOM manipulations in Jquery which is easy to do. However with AngularJS the way you manipulate the DOM is via Directives. I have created a plunker here which highlights the same issue in Angular JS but I am confused as to how to put the solution provided by author into my Angular code.
Here is the solution
$('[data-tab]').on('toggled', function (event, tab) {
tab.find('.ct-chart').each(function(i, e) {
Edit: As requested the JSFiddle is updated, so what I am trying to do is. I have three different tabs and three different graphs, whenever I click on them I should see the respective graph. To make the tab behavior possible I have written a basic code using scope and model. which facilitates the changing of tabs. The issue is that the chart is getting created for first or default tab but not for the second and third tab. There is a solution given by the author but I don't know how to implement that in AngualrJS
the jQuery solution that you post is basically finding all the chart references and then doing DOM manipulation and call the update() function.
The key is how to find the chart to update in Angular.
In this case, you can assign a variable when you create a chart. For example:
var chart4 = new Chartist.Bar('#chart4', data1);
var chart5 = new Chartist.Bar('#chart5', data2);
Now you have the reference of the chart. All you have to do is to call update() function to render the chart again.
if (value === "allDrivers") {
$ = "All";
Here is the working plunker
One thing I like to point out is: right now you need to double click the tab in order to see the chart is being rendered or you resize the browser window. I am still trying to find a way to fix this. But at least this approach gives you an idea how to convert the jQuery solution to Angular solution.
I was able to solve this using angular.element() method. So if you wish you use jquery in your angular code. You have to do this via angular.element method. But make sure to include jquery before angular in your index.html
If jQuery is available, angular.element is an alias for the jQuery
function. If jQuery is not available, angular.element delegates to
Angular's built-in subset of jQuery, called "jQuery lite" or jqLite.
I did not know this. From here it was learning for me. Following advice of #pieterjandesmedt from this post. I was able to do this. For other people who want to learn how this works. I have created a GitHub repo which gives a solution to this issue. The link for problem is given in the question. Hope that helps

CakePHP - Render a view that is actually plugin's view from Component

Morning guys,
So this is my first time developing a plugin for CakePHP. Here's what I am doing in startUp of the component.
function startUp(&$controller){
$controller->render("return", "ajax");
By default render will look at app/views/<controllers>/return.ctp and app/views/layouts/ajax for this render call.
Is there anyway that I can give a directive to render from app/my_plugin/views/awesome_stuffs/return.ctp and app/my_plugin/views/layout/ajax.ctp instead?
I believe the third param of Controller::render($file, $layout, $file) could do the job, but is there any better Cake way of doing things?
Plus, is that considered a good practice to take over controller's rendering function like that?
One way is to call the PLUGIN controller/action URL in your AJAX call, instead of the main app controller/action URL.
instead of:
you call:
When you do it this way, the plugin views & layouts are called automagically. See:
Otherwise, the only way I know of is manually setting paths as you mentioned or controller-wide via:
var $viewPath = 'path/to/plugin/views/';
var $layoutPath = 'path/to/plugin/layouts/';
You might want to try setting $this->view to the plugin dotted view file you want to render.
add to your source
$controller->plugin = "pluginname";

How to load custom plugins in CakePHP?

I'm writing a poll plugin for a website based on CakePHP. The plugin works good if I access it from its own URL (eg. but I need to call it from different pages. I would like to include it as a widget in every page.
I'm looking for a method like $myplugin->renderPoll($pollId); but I really didn't find any information about how to instantiate the Polls class. I tried with App::import and ClassRegistry::init with no luck.
Any suggestion ?
Thank you
Looks like you are trying to create some sort of Helper to create poll cross views? I would suggest creating a Helper for that particular class. Simply create a helper in plugins/plugin_name/views/helpers/foo.php, and in each controller (or in app_controller.php) that you need it, include the helpers as $helpers = array("PluginName.Foo"); and inside your view, you should be able to use the methods defined in foo.php by calling $foo->renderPoll($pollId).
class FooHelper extends AppHelper {
var $name = "Foo";
function renderPoll($id=0) {
Use Elements! They're small blocks of presentation code that need to be repeated from page to page, sometimes in different places in the layout.
Check this link out:
I guess this link explains everything you need.
