Absolute positioning not working in Internet Explorer 7 - internet-explorer-7

This is my website: https://www.tkeventreg.com/ehome/index.php?eventid=71868&
It looks completely fine in all browsers except for Internet Explorer 7, where it sends the sidebar buttons to the top of the page.
The website is set up as mostly images, with a absolute positioning layout.
Please let me know any ideas you have to fix this problem.

Not very sure but this may be due to the z-index value. You can set the parent z-index to a higher value


Why is my React swiper working properly on localhost but not present on production site?

I am using react swiper from 'swiper/react' for multiple components on my website and it works fine for every component it is used for except for one page. I have a top nav bar that is used as a promotional text banner and it swipes using autoplay every 5 seconds. This navbar exists on every page of my website, it works fine on every page except for one. The problem I'm having trouble shooting is because the swiper works fine on localhost, but once pushed to production, the swiper on this page is barely shown. You can see in the image below, that 2 characters in the swiper are present, and you can see in this image that the swiper is working as expected on every other page.
NOTE: On refresh, the full text is present for about a second before it is skewed and hidden.
The wrapper component styles are positioned to sticky, has a set height, a larger z-index than its background, display is flex. The swiper modules include Navigation and autoplay, loop is set to true, slidesPerView = 1.
What could be causing it to work locally but not work when deployed to a server? Any ideas as to why this functionality is present?
If you need more information please don't hesitate to let me know. Thanks for any advice in advance.
This looks like a CSS issue to me. What do you use for styling? Also, what's different between your localhost styles and the production styles? Note the differences and try to figure out what's missing, if you're not willing to share your code. I've seen cases (especially when using Tailwind) of missing styles in production because a certain plugin removes part of the styles that it thinks that are not used. Those cases are solved by whitelisting certain classes, but I can't tell for sure because I don't know your tech stack.

How do I stop my ReactJS webite from twitching when I move my cursor?

A simple, one page view website, which I built on ReactJS started twitching anytime I moved my cursor. It seems like the browser width is changing, with a few pixels of margin added to the right, every time that happens. This doesn't seem to happen when viewing with the Chrome browser in mobile screen mode, under the developer tools. Which probably means it's as a result of the cursur interacting with the page. Has anyone encountered something similar?
It usually happens when you have an element that changes its width, padding, margin or border on hover or a Javascript event. This is not caused by React.
Please, share some css or JS you think may be involved to help more.
I found the bug, an animating component that kept touching the edge of the browser was the issue. I added some margin to the right of the component and the twitching stopped. Thanks to everyone for your help.

Drupal 7 Admin Overlay positioned to high

This is a problem that seems to have occurred for no reason. Everything was working fine, and now all of a sudden the overlay iframe for the admin interface renders too high so that any tabs are rendered underneath the toolbar. I hadn't edited any css or html so I don't see how I could have done this. Has anyone seen this happen, and how did they fix it? I'm attaching two images. One shows the site as it is (incorrectly). The other shows another similar site that is functioning correctly. Also, notice on the incorrect display, somehow the toolbar is showing OVER the browser scrollbar.
The problem is that I was swapping in JQuery 1.8.3 with hook_js_alter. This has a known problem causing this exact issue. I didn't need a later version of JQuery after all so I removed that, and it fixed the problem.

My page content is not centered in IE7. Why?

I coded and integrated a website into Wordpress, but for some reason it looks awful in Internet Explorer 7.
The content is not centered. Is there any hack for this?
All the other browsers seem to be working fine...
This is my website:
If you are using the auto margin method to center the content, try to set the text alingment of the parent element to centered. This should fix the problem.

My Google Maps custom overlays are not "active" anymore in Chrome and Firefox, but work fine in IE

Since a couple of months, my custom overlays appear to be disabled.
They are still visible and displayed correctly, but the link does not work anymore, nor does the CSS that changes z-index. They just seem to be drawn, and that's it.
The link is there, but I can't click it.
This happened in Chrome and Firefox, not in IE.
Has anyone had similar issues? I've searched and searched the web again and again, nothing. However I'm sure I must've missed something.
Ok, I finally figured it out: wrong overlay layer. One is specifically dedicated to mouse events: overlayMouseTarget
