Can't import library into Google App Engine project - google-app-engine

I use the Google App Engine SDK 1.8.5 with Eclipse 3.8 on Ubuntu.
I want to add the Cloud Storage service to my app, so I downloaded guava-gwt-15.0.jar and appengine-gcs-client-0.3.jar, and put them in my apps /war/WEB-INF/lib/ folder. I also added these jars to the build path in Eclipse.
When I fire up my app in dev mode, it runs fine, at least until I try to access a page relevant to the GCS library. When I do that, I get the following error:
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/google/common/base/Preconditions
... etc
I cleaned my project and restarted Eclipse multiple times, and still the problem persists. What to do?

In addition to Guava for GWT, you also need the core Guava library (guava-15.0.jar). Download the .jar to war/WEB-INF/lib and add it to you build path as well.


GAE: No longer able to update my Gaelyk project due to appcfg losing support

Recently tried to update my Gaelyk project (yes, it's old, but it works well and I still use it), but Google App Engine will no longer accept the update. The error message returned is "Deployments using appcfg are no longer supported. See". The thing is, I never used appcfg to deploy my application; I used Gaelyk and Gradle. But obviously Gaelyk must have used appcfg under the covers.
I did download the replacement Google Cloud SDK, but this new tool is not similar at all to how Gaelyk and Gradle worked. Is there anything I can do to get Gaelyk to work anymore? Or is Gaelyk just dead and I need to rewrite my application (like in Node.js or something instead of Groovy).
This will be hard, however I will try to help you as possible. I think you may try to migrate it somehow to app.yaml configuration of GAE.
I am not sure what plugins are used in the project. From Gaelyk temple project I can see that it's using appengine-geb which, according to the documentation, behind the scenes, is using gradle-appengine-plugin (there is wrong link on this doc, but proper is bellow).
On the github of gradle-appengine-plugin I have found following.
There is a note:
NOTE: All App Engine users are encouraged to transition to the new
gradle plugin for their projects.
And in FAQ part there is following information:
How do I deploy with gcloud?
If you're using gcloud to deploy your application, the newest version of app deploy > doesn't support war
directories, you will need to provide it with an app.yaml OR you can
use the appengineStage task to create a directory that is deployable
in /build/staged-app
$ ./gradlew appengineStage
$ gcloud app deploy build/staged-app/app.yaml --project [app id]
--version [some version]
You must explicitly define all config files your want to upload
(cron.yaml, etc)
This does not work with EAR formatted projects.
I think the best option will be to migrate to new appenine plugin or if not possible try to implement is with gcloud app deploy command crating the config files manually (at least app.yaml). And for this migration I can provide you this document.
I hope you will manage somehow...
I can confirm that Serge's answer on the Gaelyk Groups site works; the same procedure that he figured out also worked for me. To summarize:
Run gradlew appengineRun as run previously with Gaelyk.
Copy all jar files inside the build\exploded-app\WEB-INF\lib folder into a \src\main\webapp\web-inf\lib folder (for me the new lib folder did not exist previously).
To deploy, use the new required gcloud tool, and instead of running gradlew appengineUpdate (which fails now), instead run
gcloud app deploy appengine-web.xml where that XML file can be found in your webapp/WEB-INF directory. I navigated to that directory to run the gcloud command, but you can use a relative path there if your working directory is elsewhere. (There are a number of optional flags associated with the gcloud app deploy command, but I didn't need any of them.)
Serge needed to use these instructions to convert datastore-indexes.xml to index.yaml and run gcloud app deploy index.yaml, however, I didn't need to do this because I had no datastores.

Google Endpoints V2 and Maven plugin version?

We have a multi-module (war-packaged) project that uses - appengine-maven-plugin target being ear file.
We have migrated succesfully to Java8 and EndpointsV2. It builds and runs fine in Cloud. However the following requirement is still a bit questionmark in the migration instructions. What is the reason behind this incompatibility and requirement? Or is it just related to for example "discovery docs" that we are not using anyway?
The old App Engine Maven plugin, with group, is incompatible with the Endpoints Framework plugin. You must use the new version shown above
If you aren't using discovery docs or generated client libraries and are only using Endpoints as a library dependency, you can remove the Endpoints plugin and the error should go away.

How to add Scandit barcode plugin to custom build of Phonegap developer ios app?

I use Phonegap Desktop and Phonegap Developer app for a while now. This is really interesting for quickly testing my development.
But I'm facing a limitation with the embedded barcode scanner which is displaying the camera display in full screen.
I need to embed the camera display into a container so I have space for displaying information in the same time.
After searching for a while, I've discovered the Scandit SDK for PhoneGap was the only plugin which allows cropping the camera display.
I spent a lot of time trying to implement Scandit, but no success. At least I can build the app, but when using it, scanner is not working...
Here are the steps I've followed:
clone the PhoneGap Developer project from Git
Install using npm
add ios platform
open the xcode project file
build the application and run it on device
=> At this time the PG Dev is running well and my application is working fine
Then, i continued:
remove all reference to the default barcode scanner plugin
build the application and run it on device
==> PG Dev still working fine and my application is working fine
Next steps:
clone the Scandit phonegap plugin from Git
download the Scandit SDK from my scandit account
put the SDK into the cloned scandit phonegap plugin
modify the plugin.xml to change the path to the bundle and framework (mismatch of version name in the path)
<resource-file src="src/ios/scanditsdk-community-ios_4.16.1/ScanditBarcodeScanner.bundle"/>
<framework src="src/ios/scanditsdk-community-ios_4.16.1/ScanditBarcodeScanner.framework" custom="true"/>
copy bundle and framework into the correct folder of scandit
modify the config.xml to include reference to Scandit and set the spec attribut to the version of the SDK
build the application and run it on device
==> PG Dev still working fine and my application is working fine (it doesn't use scandit for the moment)
Next steps:
Remove my project from PhoneGap desktop
add Scandit Sample project to PG Desktop
I used the "Continuous Scaled/Cropped" example from there:
add my App Key for the license
launch my PG Dev app on my device and download the project files
==> PG Dev is running fine and download the Scandit Sample App.
But the app doesn't work. When clicking on the scan button, nothing happends..
After some investigation, I found that I ran through an exception on Scandit class.
Adding a try on the command 'Scandit.License.setAppKey' allowed me to report in the PG Desktop log the following error:
ReferenceError: Can't find variable: Scandit
Adding this try/catch made the app raising an exception at the next line:
var settings = new Scandit.ScanSettings();
After searching the web about my error, and some posts were suggesting to manually add the framework and bundle into xcode.
So I did it by drag&droping the framework and bundle into the framework folder of the xcode project.
But when I try building my project, it is failing with many errors...
To solve it, I had to had manually all the scandit plugin files (*.h and *.m) into my xcode project.
All previous errors have been solved, but new ones appeared.
This was due to some other missing native ios frameworks...
Once these framework added, all errors were solved and I managed to successfully build the application.
But when running it, I'm still having the error: "ReferenceError: Can't find variable: Scandit"
I'm now running out of idea..
What did I do wrong?
Is there anyone having managed to build a PG Desktop with Scandit embedded?
Sorry for this long post, just tried to be the more precise I could be.
The issue here is two fold. First you need to be aware that the Scandit Barcode Scanner plugin makes use of native code and can therefore not be used in the Phonegap Developer app, as the only thing transmitted to it is your html/css/javascript and the javascript part of the plugin. To also include the native parts of the plugin you have to build and deploy the project yourself. As you are trying to build the XCode project it seems like you are now doing this.
The second part is that you are way overcomplicating the adding of the plugin. There is no need for you to manually clone the git repo, add our libraries, adjust paths in the plugin.xml etc. You can directly download the entire plugin as a zip from your account at where the library is contained and the plugin.xml is correct. After that you can simply add the plugin to your project through the CLI (also see our documentation for this at and there is no need to do anything manually unless you are using a very outdated Phonegap version that fails to properly handle the plugin.xml. Doing it the automated way with our properly prepared plugin zip will remove most error sources, please try it that way.
Thanks #moritzha. It helped me finding the solution.
I followed this doc at the beginning but it was not working.
After adding the plugin and building the application, I never managed to see it in my xcode project.
I took the opportunity of changing my mac to restart everything from scratch, and after many tries I found where I was wrong.
In fact, the documentation provided by scandit is missing one step.
The command ' phonegap plugin add < path to downloaded and unzipped plugin > ' is doing half of the job.
The command is correctly copying the plugin files to my project but it is not updating the config.xml.
So before building your application, you have to edit the config.xml located at the root of your project folder.
You need to manually reference the plugin with the following:
and replace the x by the version of the sdk you will use.
Once the config.xml updated, you will be able to build the app for your targeted platform.
I now have my own version of the Phonegap Developer App with the Scandit plugin in place of the default barcode scanner plugin. And it works perfectly.
This plugin is awesome!
PhoneGap Developer App version: 1.7.2 (taken on Github)

NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize OauthRawGcsServiceFactory on production environment

I'm using appengine-sdk 1.9.3.
In devserver, works in Eclipse and Ant normally.
When I deploy (update) to appengine (production environment), I get this error:
event.getResults(): [<pre>Error for /p7/formPanelServlet
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class
at com.bitvisio.p7.server.FormPanelServlet.<init>(
At, the code is:
private final GcsService gcsService = GcsServiceFactory
.createGcsService(new RetryParams.Builder()
I put the lib appengine-gcs-client-0.3.9.jar in war/WEB-INF/lib. I think there is a problem with this lib.
Thanks for help.
Always use tools like Maven or Ivy to resolve dependencies for you. Copying JARs to war/WEB-INF/lib/ directory and editing .classpath file manually will be painful and may not help you always. If you use Eclipse & Google App Engine plugin, use Add Google APIs... as mentioned here - Google Plugin for Eclipse. In my case, adding Cloud Storage API via Google Plugin for Eclipse helped resolve this NoClassDefFoundError.
I had the same problem. I use Ivy to resolve dependencies and always get the latest.integration (with Maven use RELEASE) for revisions.
However I usually ignore transitive libraries. It looks like Google is expanding the API family - at least splitting out discrete functionality.
There are now quite a few transitive dependencies and it seems they released a new version of the GCS client around the same time as 1.9.3.
Getting all dependencies and packaging them in my deployment fixed my issue. I did not have the issue in development which made it more confusing.
You are facing this issue because you are not adding the some of the jar like
google-api-services-storage-v1-rev78-1.22.0.jar download link
joda-time-2.94.jar download link
guava-19.0.jar link to download
you can use the different version of jar according to your appengine-gcs-client jar file.
Note : Add all these jar and build path with the project and problem will get solve.

Eclipse new Web Application Project, can't find my GAE SDK

I've installed the Google Plugin for Eclipse 3.4 and it seems to work fine.
But when I start a new Web Application Project, it wants me to configure the Google App Engine SDK. I click on Add App Engine SDK, but it doesn't recognize my (valid) GAE SDK. It comes back with "Failed to initialize App Engine SDK at %path", no matter what path I give it.
Are you trying to use the Java or Python SDKs, and are you sure you downloaded the right one?
If Python, remember that the Google Eclipse plugin is currently Java-only.
Does your SDK run if you start dev_appserver from the command line? I had a similar problem once and it was because the script wanted to ask me about automatically checking for updates - once I'd answered the question and exited the appserver I was then able to add it to Eclipse.
Have you checked your "path" environment variable to include
;C:\Program Files\Google\google_appengine\
I had this issue. I downloaded the java zip package and extracted it manually but it turned out that the zip file was either corrupted or messed up during the extraction. Regardless, downloading the package again and re-extracting it fixed the problem for me.
Also, if you are on Python use the PyDev plugin for eclipse and start a Google AE project that way. Use the Google Eclipse plugin for GWT, Java->Js stuff.
