custom 404 page for Rails 4 - http-status-code-404

I want to make custom 404 page for Rails 4 app, but I can't find a working solution...
Many people write solutions for Rails 3, but it's not working for Rails 4. Help me please.
I've created a controller "ErrorPages" with action "page_404".

Templates for the error pages are in the public directory.
To customize the page for 404, you can simply edit the file called 404.html.


How to Stop Redirecting to 404 page When page Not found in Next.js

I want to stop redirecting to 404 page when page not found in my next.js app. I just want to show my 404 component without redirecting or changing URL.
Currently, next.js redirecting to 404/ URL.
Is there any ways?
The Next.js framework has built-in ways for handling 404, 500, and other errors that may occur on your website. But to add custom layout and styling to those pages, you'll need to create both a /pages/404.js and /pages/_error.js file.
When one of those errors occur, Next.js will render that page instead of the default page it would otherwise automatically generate.
The /pages/404.js file will handle all 404 related errors. And the /pages/_error.js file will handle 500 type errors.
here's official documentation customizing 404
You can create custom 404 page in NextJS with creating file in
You can create page for 404 error.
For more Details click here

How do you make a 404 page?

I thought of making a 404 Page. but it seems hard.. how do i do it?
Here's what I did:
Made .htaccess File
Put: ErrorDocument 404 /page-not-found.html inside of the .htaccess file..
Added css design
Why doesn't it work?
I use glitch as my coding website. Is that the problem?
Is there an alternative way to do this.?
If you want a custom 404 page for an app on Glitch, you'll need to be building a Node/full-stack app and configuring the page in your server-side code.
For example, I've got this simple Express app that sends any non-index route request to a 404 page:!/tranquil-hurricane-friction?path=server.js%3A25%3A0

404 error when reloading reactjs site deployed on github pages

I recently deployed a reactjs website on github pages using the custom domain -
The website works as expected but returns a 404 error when you reload a page. Usually, a user would expect the current page to be displayed on refresh.
Any insight on this would be great.
This may answer your question link Reference, Also see this
Super easy solution for Github pages reload 404 error.
in the src/public/ index.js file add this script below to the bottom body:
Create a 404.html file in the root directory:
Read more:

How do i create a custom 404 page in Laravel 5.7?

Can anyone help me to create a custom 404 page in laravel 5.7, i am new to laravel so it'd great if you tell me the flow for this.
Create 404.blade.php file in errors folder inside your views and make customizations that you want.
You can also use vendor:publish command to publish all the errors blade defined in core.
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=laravel-errors
This will create an errors folder in your views directory and in it there will be all error blade files. You can customize 404.blade.php in it.
#Kamal's solution is good if you want to use a static 404 file. For more customization you can create a proper 404 controller.
To do so first create a controller and method for handling the 404 page (or add a method to an existing controller). Then, tell Laravel to redirect to that controller if no other route was found by adding this at the end of your routes\web.php file. Here's an example:
Route::get('404', 'PageController#render_404_page');
Route::fallback(function () {
return redirect('404');
This gives you the freedom to add more logic to 404 pages.

What is the permalink or URL for a 404 page in WordPress?

I am trying to validate the HTML on my 404 page for a WordPress theme, but obviously, the validator cannot find the page, because it doesn't exist.
Or any false link will generate the 404 page, but what's the actual url for this page?
Most systems don't expose a 404 error page with a 200 status code. Tick the Validate error pages option at instead.
There isn't one, really. Your best bet is:
find the bit in Wordpress which sets the 404 header and comment it out. (I gave it a quick go, but failed)
If you're using firefox, install this addon: which will validate the page inside the browser. (This seems to be the same kind of thing for Chrome, but I haven't tried it: )
download the pure HTML for the page and upload it.
