Screenshot of entire webpage (localhost) - webpage-screenshot

I'm having a HTML file on my localhost and I want a screenshot of the entire page. Does anyone know some software that screenshots the entire page (localhost)? I found some plugins but they don't support localhost files.

Press “PrtSc” on Windows or “Command+Shift+3/4” on Mac will just take screenshots of visible parts on the screen. To take a screenshot of an entire page, you can make use of some screenshot extensions. For Safari, Awesome Screenshot is a good choice. For Chrome, there are multiple snapshot extensions, such as Nimbus, Webpage Screenshot, Diigo and so on. Hope this helps.

If your on a Mac just hit Command shift 4 and take as many screenshots as you want

For Windows:
Press the 'Print Screen' key on the upper right of your keyboard.
For Mac
For a drag screenshot
command + Shift + 4
For just a window's contents
command + Shift + 4 then spacebar
For Linux
Check accessories if your distro supports it

If you are using plugins or extensions such as Awesome Screenshot (Chrome), you need to access the local website from a local environment (Recommended: WAMP for Windows, MAMP for Mac and Xamp for Linux).
If you access the local website directly, you won't be able to take a whole screenshot. This is probably because the plugins or extensions do a request that cannot be answered without an environment.

I guess it's too late to reply, yet for those who are looking up,
Firefox browser has inbuilt screenshot option, Rightclick on the webpage, there is option for taking a section or full webpage.
For chrome or safari you can check out extensions like FullPageCapture etc.

Install "Screen Capture (by Google)" - extension. It works fine for live websites. But when it comes to localhost, for some reason it doesn't work.
So, I found that if you install the same extension on Microsoft edge based on chromium engine, it works fine for localhost HTML5 files.


CN1 project not showing build hints and mobile properties on Windows10

I have copied the project from my old amchine to windows 10 machine. Application works without any problem on simulator. If I right click to see the properties, I don't see IOS, Android and build hints. Please advise if there is something I'm missing here.
This was removed ages ago in Codename One 5.0 but was deprecated before that. See
You should use Codename One Settings in the right click menu.

Run WPF application in browser

I have my application wrote in WPF. Now, i want it to run in browser so I've read about it and I know that XBAP is my solution.
What is my problem? It won't run on my PC. I checked every popular browser (chrome, FF, IE, opera) and nothing. Browsers can't handle .xbap files and just downloads it.
I try and try and nothing but above happened. Can anyone guess why it don't work? Is it deprecated technology, i have too-new browsers or what? Every entries I found about it are 2-4 years old.
Firstly for Internet Explorer (IE9 onwards) you need to ensure that you have enabled XBAP/XAML support:
For Firefox and Chrome you have to do something a bit different:
How can I get my XBAP to run in my browser instead of downloading it on Windows 7?
But in addition to the above you need to be aware that when you run an XBAP application it runs in the Internet your biggest problem is that normally you don't have full-trust...therefore your application can't call privileged code...if it tries to then you get security exceptions.
One way to get your XBAP to be "trusted" is to get it signed with a certificate (you should purchase a proper one from Verisign rather than use a test certificate) and deployed with ClickOnce.
Or you can keep your application as a regular WPF .EXE and use ClickOnce to deploy it from a website but run it locally with full trust.
not straight forward way, you can find you answer Microsoft MSDN Forum

Debugging silverlight application problem

My VS2010 doesn't stop at breakpoints inside of silverlight application. It appears that no symbols for it have been loaded during debugging. When I hover over the break point it says "The braekpoint will not currently be hit, no symbols have been loaded".
I have tried all of possible solutions offered by google and have no success. The problem occurs even when I create brand new silverlight app hosted by an ASP .NET web project. All of my project configuration looks fine - silverlight debugging is enabled in the Web project.
I am using silverlight 4.
here a link to the sample project created out from the tepmlate.
Any thoughts ?
P.S I just tried to reinstall VS2010 and the problem still exists.
EDIT: I just tested the same project on another machine and it stops at the break point it seams that the problem is somewhere in the configuration of VS or silverlight.
with Matt Dotson's help I managed to attach the debugger manually. However this solution is not good enough for daily use.
Depending on my experience in Silverlight following these steps keep your project debug-gable.
Condition 1>
Firstly we need to be ensure that in Web Project's properties there is a Web section, as you see below Silverlight checkbox must be checked.
Condition 2>
Follow In Menu Debug => Attach Debugger>
Visual Studio sometimes can't attach debugging platform you need to lead the way :) . By this way you may debug other platforms,(also you may debug your product platform but pdb files must be sync and don't forget you may suspend your product platform using this).
Condition 3> Your default web browser may be Firefox,Chrome or other than IE.By Visual Studio default try to attach to IE. But when you run VS calls default browser,so you need to have a manual attachment in Condition 2 or set your default browser by right clicking on default page > Browse with .
Condition 4> There is xap file generally located in web project\ClientBin directory. Sometimes after build operations this file can't be replaced and your ProjectDll and your Project PDB files not be sync. This cause wrong line match while debugging or can't find a debugging file attached caution. I strongly suggest delete all generated files in Bus project and delete Clientbin\ProjectName.xap file. After rebuild all it must be ok!
Hope helps.
What broswer are you using? You need to be using Internet Explorer to debug silverlight projects.
I have had a similar frustrating experience with this but in my case the solution was very simple. It seems that somehow, and I really have no idea how, the debugger option for Silverlight had become unchecked in the properties on the hosting ASP.NET project.
I just assumed that as I had been previously debugging, this option was set and I didn't bother to make sure that this was this case. Just goes to show that one should always check the basics first; if I had done that it would have saved me some time.
To check this in VS2010, right-click on the project and select properties, change to the Web tab and check the Silverlight option at the bottom of the page, in the debuggers section.
Also see the debugger to a silverlight process
If that doesn't work, then
reset iis (if you are debugging in that)
delete temporary files (%SystemRoot%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\versionNumber\Temporary ASP.NET Files)
clean and rebuild your solution
The resolution came after 2 days of headbanging. It appears that the link which Malcolm gave covers exactly my problem but my I was narrow-minded enough not to pay it enough attention because when I run the debugger as long with the app my default browser was FF. So I thought that after the FF starts I can load the page from IE or Chrome.
Actually the problem is that the debugger cannot be attached to the silverlight project because of the FF. And when I load the app from IE or Chrome the debugger dis still not attached.
Thanks to everyone that tried to help.
if you have multiple project, Rebuild the project separately that you want break point. Its work for me
Try also picking internet explorer from browser list menu as your browser

How to debug Silverlight against Google Chrome

Does anyone know how to debug a Silverlight 2 app running in Google Chrome from Visual Studio? Even after making sure that Chrome is the debugging browser, breakpoints are still not being hit.
Have you tried attaching to Chrome manually? Tools > Attach to process?
Chrome isn't officially supported but there are hacks.
Here for example. Halo's comment may give you some help too.
You can have more than one browser running on your localhost.
1) Hit F5 to run debug. Probably opens IE or whatever your default is. F5 your way through the breakpoints until it's loaded. Leave this IE open.
2) Open your other browser, coping the localhost Url into the new browser and run it. New browser should hit the breakpoints.
This works with all browsers, and even emulators like BlackBerry emulators.
Attach to the process manually (Tools > Attach to process), but make sure to attach to the chrome process that lists its type as "Silverlight, ...". Its title should be blank.
If you see your application name in the title, it's because chrome has a separate process for the HTML form that your Silverlight app is in, and the html's title probably matches. Attaching to this process does not load the Silverlight assemblies.
I usually will start debugging the app in IE to make sure that the most recent changes are compiled and running, then launch chrome, clear its cache ('cause it likes to hang onto Silverlight data), paste in the url from IE, and then stop IE and attach to chrome. Extra steps, but worth not spending 3 hours to figure out you are looking at cached assemblies.
This is an issue with Visual Studio interacting with Chrome: My guess is you need to wait for a Visual Studio patch, but I honestly wouldn't hold your breath. The majority of Silverlight developers just use IE or FF for debugging. (Apparently even FF has some issues now that they've sandboxed their plugins: As much as I hate IE, it's really your best bet for debugging Silverlight apps.
Simply set SL app as startup prtoject instead of and press F5

Does silverlight work on chrome?

Does anyone know if silverlight plugs into chrome, or when they plan to support it?
This guy have had partial success with silverlight in chrome, but it does not seem to be supported:
From The Microsoft Silverlight Team in the silverlight forum:
Hello, currently we don't have plans
to support Chrome. We will support it
in the future if it gains enough
market share. Please understand, each
browser implements the plug-in model
differently, so it'll be a lot of
effort to officially support a browser
100%... By the way, IE 8 also runs
each tab in its own process. If a tab
crashes, other tabs will still work
Jon Galloway has just posted instructions on how to get silverlight successfully running on Chrome here:
The official word on what is supported looks like this:
alt text
The reality is that we do run on a lot of browsers, but things change might quickly in these here parts.
For what it is worth, the Dev Branch of Google Chrome was recently updated to support Silverlight 2. I tried it and it works for me. Of course, you have to use the Dev release of Google Chrome. You can get more information about switching to Chrome Dev here.
Silverlight already works with web-kit, and since Google's Chrome is based on web-kit, it shouldn't be too much effort to get it working.
Indeed, this gentleman seems to have had some success.
Based on this, I would suspect that Silverlight will be fully supported by Chrome by the time it goes gold.
