Programmatically create an ng-show value in ng-repeat - angularjs

I have the following:
<div class="row" ng-repeat="item in items " ng-cloak>
<div ng-show="unique{{$index}}" class="ng-hide">
<button ng-click="remove('{{$index}})">Remove</button>
I want to create a unique value for every div item repeated,like so:
<div ng-show="unique1" class="ng-hide">
<button ng-click="remove('unique1')">Remove</button>
<div ng-show="unique2" class="ng-hide">
<button ng-click="remove('unique2')">Remove</button>
so that in my controller I can have an action, in this case remove(), that will toggle that attribute.
scope.remove = function(uniqueAttribute) {
$scope[uniqueAttribute] = false;
I was able to generate the html using $index but that code does not work and I am sure not sure how to go about accomplishing this.

You can add a new field called show to each object and then you can eliminate all logic relating to the $index.
<div ng-app ng-controller="Ctrl">
<div class="row" ng-repeat="item in items" ng-cloak>
<div ng-show="">
<button ng-click="remove(item)">Remove</button>
function Ctrl($scope) {
$scope.items = [{
item1: 1,
show: true
}, {
item1: 2,
show: true
}, {
item1: 3,
show: false
$scope.remove = function (item) { = false;

Most attributes in Angular are either evaluated or interpolated. Evaluation is like a restricted form of eval(), interpolation is when the double curly braces get filled in. It looks like you're expecting the ng-show to be interpolated then evaluated, but none of the built-in directives do this. They do one or the other but not both. For ng-show specifically it just does evaluation, so your curly braces pass through literally. This would be an invalid expression.
My suggestion is this: Since ng-repeat creates a new scope for each repeated item, you can just do this:
<div class="row" ng-repeat="item in items" ng-cloak>
<div ng-show="!hide" class="ng-hide">
<button ng-click="hide = true">Remove</button>
Of course, why keep a bunch of hidden items around. Why not have ng-click="remove(item)" and a remove function that removes from items? Then the ng-repeat updates naturally.
$scope.remove = function(item) {
var index = this.items.indexOf(item);
if (index != -1) {
Or something like that.

You don't need to use {{ }} in angular's attributes. It will automatically evaluate your scopes.
<div class="row" ng-repeat="item in items" ng-cloak>
<div ng-show="'unique' + $index" class="ng-hide">
<button ng-click="remove('unique' + $index)">Remove</button>


How do you change all ng-show dependent variables in an ng-repeat?

I have an ng-repeat that has an ng-if attached to it, with a child element that I am changing with an ng-click. The code looks something like the following:
<div ng-repeat="object in objects" ng-if="show">
<div ng-click="show = !show">Show</div>
Lets say I had 2 objects, it would load two repeated divs, and there would be two 'show' elements. When I click show, it will only remove one of the repeated elements from the page. I need it to remove both. Thoughts?
If you want to hide all I would wrap all of it in an outer div and place the "ng-if" there.
<div ng-if="show">
<div ng-repeat="object in object">
<div ng-click="show = !show">Show</div>
I would however advise to place any logic that modifies data in the TS file instead of in the html view.
Your template is almost correct, the only thing that is worth mentioning is that:
The scope created within ngIf inherits from its parent scope
using prototypal inheritance.
The main caveat of prototypal inheritance is that setting a primitive value on the child scope shadows the value on the parent scope. There are different approaches of how to avoid this, see the code snippet below:
angular.module('app', [])
.controller('mainController', function mainController($scope) {
var ctrl = this;
$ = true;
$scope.showList = {value: true};
$scope.objects = [{}, {}, {}];
$scope.toggleShowVar = function(){
$ = !$;
}; = true;
<!-- JS -->
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<body ng-app="app">
<div class="container" ng-controller="mainController as $mainCtrl">
<p>This will not work due to scope prototypal inheritance:</p>
<div ng-if="show">
<div ng-repeat="object in objects">
<div ng-click="show = !show">Show {{show}}</div>
<p>Using "controller as" will help us:</p>
<div ng-repeat="object in objects" ng-if="$">
<div ng-click="$ = !$">Show {{$}}</div>
<p>Or simply using "dot in the model":</p>
<div ng-repeat="object in objects" ng-if="showList.value">
<div ng-click="showList.value = !showList.value">Show {{showList.value}}</div>
<p>Or using controller method for toggle:</p>
<div ng-repeat="object in objects" ng-if="show">
<div ng-click="toggleShowVar()">Show {{show}}</div>
<p>Or using $parent to change it in the controller's scope:</p>
<div ng-repeat="object in objects" ng-if="$">
<div ng-click="$parent.$ = !$parent.$ ">Show {{$}}</div>

how to bind $index from ng-repeat to controller

In Angular I wanted to bind $index to controller. How can I send $index value in to my controller. Here is my html code.
<div class="container">
<div class="row row-content" ng-controller="demoController as demoCtrl">
<li ng-repeat="val in demoCtrl.list" >Hello {{$index}}</li>
Here is my controller code
var app = angular.module('confusionApp',[])
app.controller('demoController', function(){
var list = [1,2,3,4,5];
this.list = list;
var array = ['abc','def','ghi','jkl','mno']
this.array = array
I need to use ng-modal in HTML and bind that value to some variable in my controller.
Based on the selection of index, it should check in array and respective array should have to print.
Can any of you please help
To get your current iteration position in your controller you have define a function.
So your html code like this.
<div class="container">
<div class="row row-content" ng-controller="demoController as demoCtrl">
<li ng-repeat="val in demoCtrl.list" ng-click="dispArray($index)">Hello {{$index}}</li>
And your controller code
var app = angular.module('confusionApp',[])
app.controller('demoController', function($scope){
$scope.dispArray = function(index){
// console.log(index);
// your code
Depending on what you're trying to accomplish you might be better served creating a custom iterator.
function makeIterator(array){
var nextIndex = 0;
return {
next: function(){
return nextIndex < array.length ?
{value: array[nextIndex++], done: false} :
{done: true};
Angular is going to iterate over everything in the list when you use ngRepeat. If you're trying to track which list item a user clicks then you'll just add that in there using $index.
<li ng-repeat="val in demoCtrl.list" >
<span ng-click="demoCtrl.userClicked($index)"> Hello {{$index}}</span>
If you're just trying to print the data in each item, ng-repeat is already iterating everything for you.
<li ng-repeat="val in demoCtrl.list" >
<span ng-click="demoCtrl.userClicked($index)"> Hello {{val}}</span>
It all depends on what you're trying to do.
i dont konw what u want to do. if u want to use event. you can pass $index to your controller function like:
<li ng-repeat="val in demoCtrl.list" ng-click="getIndex($index)">Hello {{$index}}
$scope.getIndex = function($index) {
hope to help u.

Looping though an object in Angular and using the key inside a ng-show

i am creating a simple Angular.js tabbing box which changes the box that is active accoring to a value 'tab' that is used inside ng-show on the elements.
This is working fine, however, at the moment I am writing all the HTML statically and I would rather cut down my code into a simple ng-repeat loop to loop through all the divs.
This is easy enough in PHP as I would use a foreach loop and use the key to generate the tab number, I just can't seem to do this in Angular. Here is my code at the moment:
<div id="services-box-nav">
<div id="services-content-boxes">
<div ng-show="tab == 1">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-12">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-5">
<div class="col-md-7">
<div ng-show="tab == 2">dwd</div>
<div ng-show="tab == 3">d</div>
<div ng-show="tab == 4">df</div>
<div ng-show="tab == 5">gr</div>
<div ng-show="tab == 6">r</div>
<div ng-show="tab == 7">rg</div>
controller('servicesController', function($scope, $location, joomlaService) {
$scope.serviceBoxes = {};
joomlaService.getArticleDetails(21).then(function(articleReturnData) {
$scope.serviceBoxes.rewards = articleReturnData;
joomlaService.getArticleDetails(22).then(function(articleReturnData) {
$ = articleReturnData;
joomlaService.getArticleDetails(23).then(function(articleReturnData) {
$ = articleReturnData;
joomlaService.getArticleDetails(24).then(function(articleReturnData) {
$ = articleReturnData;
joomlaService.getArticleDetails(25).then(function(articleReturnData) {
$scope.serviceBoxes.volunteering = articleReturnData;
joomlaService.getArticleDetails(26).then(function(articleReturnData) {
$ = articleReturnData;
joomlaService.getArticleDetails(27).then(function(articleReturnData) {
$ = articleReturnData;
What I want to do is loop through the serviceBoxes object and dynamically create the ng-show condition (tab == i) using the key, which should increment each time (1, 2, 3, 4, etc). I don't know how I go about this using Angular. It would cut down my code considerably so feel it is necessary.
Can anyone point out how this is done?
You can use angular-ui bootstrap Tabset directive.
<tab ng-repeat="serviceBox in serviceBoxes" heading="{{serviceBox.title}}" active="">
Thus your view is clean and tidy.
And your controller will look like:
controller('servicesController', function($scope, $location, joomlaService) {
$scope.serviceBoxes = [];
joomlaService.getArticleDetails(21).then(function(articleReturnData) {
joomlaService.getArticleDetails(22).then(function(articleReturnData) {
joomlaService.getArticleDetails(23).then(function(articleReturnData) {
joomlaService.getArticleDetails(24).then(function(articleReturnData) {
joomlaService.getArticleDetails(25).then(function(articleReturnData) {
joomlaService.getArticleDetails(26).then(function(articleReturnData) {
joomlaService.getArticleDetails(27).then(function(articleReturnData) {
<li ng-repeat="serviceBox in serviceBoxes">{{serviceBox.title}}</li>
<div ng-repeat="serviceBox in serviceBoxes" ng-show="tab == {{selectedIndex}}">{{serviceBox.contents}}</div>
In your controller:
$scope.selectedIndex = 0; // Default selected index, use -1 for no selection
$scope.itemClicked = function ($index) {
$scope.selectedIndex = $index;
The ng-repeat directive loops through every element and makes a copy of the html element it's placed inside of. If there at 10 items to look through, you will have 10 html elements. It also you references to the index of the current element via $index.
ng-click will call the function on itemClicked(), passing in the current index through the $index reference that ng-repeat supplied. In our function we're using that parameter to set our $scope.selected to it.
I have tried creating something similar. Try below code
I have hardcoded mapTab array.You can populate myTab using the corresponding values from $scope
In controller-
$scope.mapTab=[{},{"1": "dwd"},{"2":"d"},{"3":"dwd"},{"4":"df"},{"5":"gr"},{"6":"r"},{"7":"rg"}];
In html--
<div ng-repeat="(key,val) in mapTab">
<div ng-repeat="prop in val">
<div ng-show="tab==key">{{prop}}</div>

AngularJS: Access models using dynamic names in template

I have a template with a lot of what is essentially duplicate code. I'd like to use a directive to include a partial template which I can manipulate for each "block" of duplicate code.
The template currently looks something like this:
<div class="column book">
<div class="header">
<input type="text" id="book_query" ng-model="" />
<div class="content">
<div class="row" ng-repeat="book in books | filter:book_query">
<div class="column game">
<div class="header">
<input type="text" id="game_query" ng-model="" />
<div class="content">
<div class="row" ng-repeat="game in games | filter:game_query">
And the controller just gets the data and adds it to the scope e.g.
$scope.books = data.books;
$ =;
What I started doing was using a directive which takes in an argument (e.g. book, game etc) so I then knew which model(s) to use. The problem I have is how to use the argument to access the model in the template? The directive itself is, currently, very simple:
<div item-column item="book"></div>
<div item-column item="game"></div>
app.directive('itemColumn', function() {
return {
scope: {
item: '#'
replace: true,
templateUrl: 'item_column.html'
In item_column.html, I was hoping I could just substitute the item argument, which works fine for displaying the value of the arg but not for replacing where 'book' or 'game' is used for the models e.g.
<div class="column {{item}}">
<div class="header">
<input type="text" id="{{item}}_query" ng-model="{{item}}" />
<div class="content">
<div class="row" ng-repeat="item in ??? | filter:{{item}}_query">
Can someone show me the best way of doing this? I don't doubt I'm going the complete wrong way about it!
EDIT: The original issue above is now pretty much fully solved using JoseM's answer below. The one outstanding issue is the on-click functions on each element no longer firing the parent scope from within the isolated scope.
My controller is laid out like so:
app.controller('ItemsCtrl', ['$scope', '$http', 'CONFIG', function($scope, $http, CONFIG) {
var items = ['books', 'games'];
items.forEach(function(item) {
$scope[item] = [];
$scope['selected_'+item] = null;
$scope.getItem = function(item) {
.success(function(data) {
// update model
.error(function(data, status) {
// do something
$scope.getItem is no longer accessible when clicking on the item in the view, which looks similar to the following after implementing JoseM's answer:
<div class="row" ng-repeat="item in array | filter:query">
<div class="text" ng-click="getItem(item)">
Is there a simple way of making the parent scope functions available from within the isolated scope? Or is there a better place for these functions? Apologies for (what I feel are) the very basic questions - I'm still trying to get my head around Angular!
One way to accomplish what you want is by using a child scope in your directive and then doing your own "linking" of the parent scope variables using a watch on the parent scope value.
in your directive:
app.directive('itemColumn', function() {
return {
scope: true,
templateUrl: 'item_column.html',
link: function(scope,elem,attrs) {
var varName = scope.varName = attrs.item;
var parScope = scope.$parent;
parScope.$watch(varName + 's', function(newVal){
scope.theArray = newVal;
parScope.$watch(varName + '_query', function(newVal){
scope.theQuery = newVal;
in your template:
<div class="column {{varName}}">
<div class="header">
<input type="text" ng-attr-id="{{varName}}_query" ng-model="" />
<div class="content">
<div class="row" ng-repeat="item in theArray | filter:theQuery">
If you want to use an isolated scope, you could it, but then you would have to supply at least 3 attributes if you are using the same properties as above. I personally believe that using an isolated scope is a better way of doing it. See below how the isolated version is simpler:
isolated version of directive
app.directive('itemColumn2', function() {
return {
scope: {
label: '#',
array: '=',
query: '='
templateUrl: 'item_column2.html'
isolated version of template
<div class="column {{label}}">
<div class="header">
<input type="text" ng-attr-id="{{label}}_query" ng-model="" />
<div class="content">
<div class="row" ng-repeat="item in array | filter:query">
<div item-column2 label="book" array="books" query="book_query"></div>
<div item-column2 label="game" array="games" query="game_query"></div>
And finally here is a sample plunker:

AngularJS (jsFiddle included): Scope variable not updated before sent to filter

Here's the jsFiddle:
I'm trying to make a filter with checkboxes.
When the user clicks the checkbox, it adds the id to an array called color_ids. I know that's working because I print the array in the console.
However, when I try to combine that with a filter, it doesn't work. I try to pass the $scope.color_ids array, but it is always passing an empty array and not passing the array with values in them.
app.controller('IndexCtrl', ['$scope', "Product", "Color", function($scope, Product, Color) {
// this method is triggered by a checkbox
$scope.toggleColorFilter = function(color_id) {
var index = $scope.color_ids.indexOf(color_id);
if (index > -1) {
$scope.color_ids.splice(index, 1);
} else {
console.log($scope.color_ids); //<-- prints the array properly with the new values.
and a filter that isn't working:
app.filter('productFilter', function(){
return function(input, color_ids) {
console.log(color_ids); //<-- prints an empty array all the time [ ]
return input;
This is my HTML
<div class="filters col-two" ng-controller="IndexCtrl">
<div ng-repeat="color in colors">
{{}} <input type="checkbox" ng-model="color_ids" ng-change="toggleColorFilter(">
<div class="products col-ten" ng-controller="IndexCtrl">
<div class="product" ng-repeat="product in products | productFilter:color_ids">
{{ }}
<div class="product-thumbs">
<div class="image-wrapper" ng-repeat="product_color in product.products_colors">
<img src="{{ product_color.color.image.url }}" width="75" height="40">
I want the filter to eventually only show products with a color_id that exist in the color_ids array.
You have three divs with ng-controller="IndexCtrl" in your JSFiddle example. This is the problem. Each time the Angular compiler finds ng-controller in the HTML, a new scope is created.
<div class="filters col-two" ng-controller="IndexCtrl">
<div ng-repeat="color in colors">{{}}
<input type="checkbox" ng-model="color_ids" ng-change="toggleColorFilter(">
<div class="products col-ten" ng-controller="IndexCtrl">
<div class="product" ng-repeat="product in products | productFilter:color_ids">
{{ }}
Simpliest way is to place this code in one controller and it will print 2 similiar arrays in your console:
<div ng-controller="IndexCtrl">
<div class="filters col-two">
<div ng-repeat="color in colors">{{}}
<input type="checkbox" ng-model="color_ids" ng-change="toggleColorFilter(">
<div class="products col-ten">
<div class="product" ng-repeat="product in products | productFilter:color_ids">
{{ }}
The filter is applied before the color_ids is updated, you should apply the filter in the controller inside the toggle function:
$filter('productFilter')($scope.products, $scope.color_ids);
Here is the working findle (at least I think):
Don't forget to inject the $filter in your controller.
