Not getting values to LOV after Execution - oracle-adf

I am Facing problem with Lov, I am having three lov fields in the page which are defined on other viewObjects than current page viewObject. iam successfully able to bind them to the page i.e getting values by clicking the icon.
but the problem is while executing i am not getting any values for these fields, i tried to override createInstanceFromResultSet() method in viewImpl class where iam getting ids and setting values, for example by using appid in current row of Vo, iam setting appName, with out success. iam very new to ADF, any solutions. my jdevelper version is oracle 11g release2
Actually my functionality is similar to POST-QUERY trigger in oracle forms, where you set the values based on id.
Anybody has any guesses please share.

The Best way i found out is From "Oracle® Fusion Middleware Fusion Developer's Guide for Oracle Application Development Framework Release1 is To have your View object based on multiple Entity Objects, joining in all the information you need in the query from the main table, as well as any auxiliary/lookup-value tables. so in one trip you can bring all the values from the database.

I believe the way that you did bind these LOVs are wrong, follow this blog post it'll give you a heads up about the proper way to make LOVs

If you can't get LOV value after execution in ADF, then please check both data types you defined on ViewObject and to those fields, apply Lov. If the data type of both the fields is different, then the submitted value is refresh and Lov field is showing blank.


ADF Copy Activity - Additional Columns Cannot Enter Function

I have an Azure Data Factory Pipeline with a For Each Activity. This contains a Copy Data Activity which should insert into Azure Sql. I need to make use of the Additional columns feature but it refuses to let me select any value other than $$FILEPATH. It also will not let me type anything into the VALUE combo box.
Has anyone else hit this problem?
A workaround is to add a column as you did and change its value by editing the code of the pipeline.
The problem is a display issue with the scrolling menu hidden by a layer (I have it too). It is maybe specific to some web browsers.

Accessing CustomFieldDefinition metadata via tooling api

So, I've been attempting to gather picklist dependencies per Opportunity record type for my lightning components. I have been able to retrieve Standard Field dependencies by RecordType, but it the Tooling API will not return the custom field dependencies. Standard calls and queries will not work either, as they state that the field has no controlling value or dependency.
Given this information I suspected that there was a table that is hidden somewhere that contains the keys for the RecordType and FieldDefinition, hopefully with a nested Metadata object.
I found an Id in one of the parameters in the setup menu for a Record Type and Id.getSObjectType() on it. The table name is CustomFieldDefinition. However, it is not accessible via SOQL or the Tooling API.
Has anyone accessed this table? Or has anyone been able to retrieve the field-record type picklist dependencies on custom fields AND standard fields?Tooling API ResponseDebug Log with SObject Name
I think you're doing it wrong.
"Controlling field" would be another picklist or a checkbox for example, something you change during same edit action. If you have dependency to record type - in that sense it's not a controlling field. Sure, you change record type and picklist changes - but really everything would change, it should be a different page layout (different fields shown, marked readonly/required etc). There's a reason that record type change is not done on normal edit screen, you do it by clicking special link on detail view and then everything "explodes".
Have a look at "User Interface API" - set of tools meant to help your custom app (mobile? desktop?) steal recreate a normal page layout. This one might be especially useful:
There's even a Trailhead: (skim through whole set but especially read last module)
And since you mentioned Lightning Components - are you aware of these ready tools:
or maybe you don't have to code it all and stuff like <lightning-record-edit-form> with recordtypeid passed to it will solve all your problems
Have a look, if I didn't give you a working solution then at least you have some keywords to Google around. If you're still stuck - try to post a code sample as new question?


I am trying to make a batch update to Salesforce as part of a data masking project and am getting the error INVALID_FIELD_FOR_INSERT_UPDATE when I try updating fields of a particular custom object via API.
Our custom object has a few standard fields and a few custom fields. The custom fields are what I'm trying to update but I keep getting denied.
Each field that I'm trying to update is either Long Text Area(32768) or Text(255). There are no lookups, controlling fields, validation rules, nor are there field dependencies.
I am able to make modifications to other objects (Account for example) via the masking process. I am also able to make modifications to the values through the web UI on the values for this custom object.
I've tried as members of the API group as well as System Administrator.
Can anyone please point me in the right direction? I don't have access to the source code of the masking tool, but I do have elevated rights in SF.
Thanks in advance for your advice.
The exact error:
INVALID_FIELD_FOR_INSERT_UPDATE Error message: Unable to create/update fields: Name. Please check the security settings of this field and verify that it is read/write for your profile or permission set.
The funny thing is that I'm not trying to update the field "Name". Name seems to be an auto-number field on the object, but I'm not sure why this field would change value on an update to a different column.
If some one facing the same issue of not able to update the Name column because it has data type as Name.
There are 2 solutions:
If you want to push the name of human then try pushing FirstName and LastName instead. "Name" will get populated automatically.
If you want to push the name of a product then try changing the type of Name field to Text. If that doesn't work then you can push the name to either FirstName or LastName, whichever is mandatory(Just A work around).

Talend - tSalesforceInput component only returns null results on Custom Objects

I am using Talend to extract data from Salesforce, but no matter what i try, when i try to pull data from a custom object, all i ever get is a null value.
I am using Talend 6.1, and the version of salesforce is 33.
I have created a simple tsalesForceInput to tlogrow routine, but it isn't working.
In the tSalesforceInput I have the following options selected:
Module: Custom Object
Custom Object Name: LLC_BI__Loan__c
Manual input of SOQL query: True
FROM LLC_BI__Loan__c
Please can anyone help me? I have checked, and there is data populated in this field for each record returned, but it will only ever display null.
Turns out the issue was regarding the schema not matching exactly on the tLogrow. Once this was amended to have column as LLC_BI__Account__c it worked (I think i had missed the double underscore).

Show Opportunity related Contacts in Custom Object Field

I have the next issue.
I have a custom object called 'Application', and I have this requirement:
"Show all Contacts related to an Application. Create a field on Application object, must be read only".
I solve it with apex code. 'Application' has a lookup to Opportunity, Opportunity to Account, and all my contacts have AccountId, so this way, I get all the contacts using apex code in a trigger.
But, I've been ask to change this to a Formula field in Application object.
So, my issue is next. I'm not able to get all contacts with advance formula editor, because they're not part of any object. I have no master-detail relationship.
Does any one know how can I achieve this using configuration? I should not use apex code for this req.
Thank in advance guys.
I don't think you can do it.
In formulas / merge fields syntax there's no way to go "up, up then down" (Application -> Opportunity -> Account -> down to Contacts related list). There's also nothing that would let you loop through Contacts (and display what? Ids? Names? Emails?). Roughly speaking you can only go up through dots.
You might want to explore path of "cross object workflow" rules but I imagine that when I add a new Contact to Account it should somehow "spread itself" to all related Applications? There's no straight way to fire a workflow on delete too - so you'd eventually end up with inaccurate list.
I'd say trigger was a good solution. Maybe it ws unoptimized but if it has to be in a field - tough.
There might be a fairly simple way of achieving that by embedding a visualforce page within Application page layout.
This should be doable with pure Visualforce (so technically there will be no Apex code ;))
Something as simple as
<apex:relatedList list="Contacts" subject="Application__c.Opportunity__r.AccountId" />
would be a good start (if you want your own layout and not a rel. list - you should be still able to pull it off with <apex:repeat> or <apex:pageBlockTable>.
There's one BUT here: it's not a field, just a display trick. Forget about using it in reports, mobile applications etc.
Another way - would it be acceptable to be 1 click away from these contacts? You could make a report "Account with Contacts", filter it by Id of one Account and later use "URL hacking" to change the filter depending on from which Application you'll click it. This link could be either a formula field or a real custom button/link. Technically - it's pure config, no apex & VF.
You can read more about URL hacking at Ray Dehler's excellent post and specifically about dynamic Reports here or here.
