I am reading rows from the GAE Datastore and I want to sort them alphanumerically.
Suppose I have something like this:
key name description sequence
ASD.. maths1 it is maths chap21.1
ASD.. maths2 it is maths chap21.10
ASD.. maths3 it is maths chap21.2
I want the result sorted alphanumerically on the sequence field, like this:
key name description sequence
ASD.. maths1 it is maths chap21.1
ASD.. maths3 it is maths chap21.2
ASD.. maths2 it is maths chap21.10
Use ISO/IEC 14651:2011 to construct the sequence sort key. For example,
package main
import (
const maxByte = 1<<8 - 1
func isDigit(d byte) bool {
return '0' <= d && d <= '9'
func SequenceKey(key string) string {
sKey := make([]byte, 0, len(key)+8)
j := -1
for i := 0; i < len(key); i++ {
b := key[i]
if !isDigit(b) {
sKey = append(sKey, b)
j = -1
if j == -1 {
sKey = append(sKey, 0x00)
j = len(sKey) - 1
if sKey[j] == 1 && sKey[j+1] == '0' {
sKey[j+1] = b
if sKey[j]+1 > maxByte {
panic("SequenceKey: invalid key")
sKey = append(sKey, b)
return string(sKey)
type Chapter struct {
Key string
Name string
Description string
Sequence string
SequenceKey string `datastore:"-"`
type Chapters []*Chapter
var chapters = Chapters{
{Key: "ASD..", Name: "maths1", Description: "it is maths", Sequence: "chap21.1"},
{Key: "ASD..", Name: "maths2", Description: "it is maths", Sequence: "chap21.10"},
{Key: "ASD..", Name: "maths3", Description: "it is maths", Sequence: "chap21.2"},
func (s Chapters) Len() int {
return len(s)
func (s Chapters) Swap(i, j int) {
s[i], s[j] = s[j], s[i]
type BySequenceKey struct{ Chapters }
func (s BySequenceKey) Less(i, j int) bool {
return s.Chapters[i].SequenceKey < s.Chapters[j].SequenceKey
func main() {
for _, chapter := range chapters {
chapter.SequenceKey = SequenceKey(chapter.Sequence)
for _, chapter := range chapters {
fmt.Printf(" sequence: %#v\n", chapter.Sequence)
fmt.Printf(" sort key: %#v\n", chapter.SequenceKey)
fmt.Printf(" name: %#v\n", chapter.Name)
for _, chapter := range chapters {
fmt.Printf(" sequence: %#v\n", chapter.Sequence)
fmt.Printf(" sort key: %#v\n", chapter.SequenceKey)
fmt.Printf(" name: %#v\n", chapter.Name)
sequence: "chap21.1"
sort key: "chap\x0221.\x011"
name: "maths1"
sequence: "chap21.10"
sort key: "chap\x0221.\x0210"
name: "maths2"
sequence: "chap21.2"
sort key: "chap\x0221.\x012"
name: "maths3"
sequence: "chap21.1"
sort key: "chap\x0221.\x011"
name: "maths1"
sequence: "chap21.2"
sort key: "chap\x0221.\x012"
name: "maths3"
sequence: "chap21.10"
sort key: "chap\x0221.\x0210"
name: "maths2"
Peter's answer reminded me of the collate package of the go.text repository, a subrepo of the official Go repository that contains some packages that are currently under development. This package offers everything you need and is fully locale and unicode aware.
You could use the CompareString method to sort a slice of rows in-memory, but the better approach would be to store a sort key (a seqence of bytes that can be compared as usual) as an additional column and let GAE do the rest for you.
package main
import (
func main() {
locId := locale.Make("en-US")
col := collate.New(locId)
col.SetOptions(collate.Numeric | collate.IgnoreCase)
keys := []string{"chap21.1", "chap21.10", "chap21.2", "chap21.03.3",
"chap21.3.03", "chap21.03.03"}
buf := new(collate.Buffer)
for i := 0; i < len(keys); i++ {
fmt.Println(keys[i], col.KeyFromString(buf, keys[i]))
Edit: I have just taken a closer look at the implementation and most of the methods (including SetOptions and the handling of numeric sorting) are not implemented yet. So this answer was probably a bit too early, but at least you got the picture of how you might sort your rows in the future ;)
According to the reference, you can simply sort on the property you require:
From the doc:
// Order alphabetically by last name:
q := datastore.NewQuery("Person").Order("LastName")
So in your example, you could have something along the lines of:
func queryAll(r *http.Request) ([]string, error) {
c := appengine.NewContext(r)
res := make([]string, 0, 0)
t := datastore.NewQuery("YourStructure").Order("Sequence").Run(c)
for {
var s YourStructure
if _, err := t.Next(&s); err == datastore.Done {
// Done iterating
return res, nil
} else if err != nil {
// An error happened
return nil, err
res = append(res, s.Name)
If you do not have too many numbers of rows, you can probably retrieve all rows and store them in a slice. Then you can sort those entries in RAM by implementing the sort.Interface and calling the sort.Sort function. Take a look at the source of sort.IntSlice if you need an example for that.
The tricky part is probably defining the alphanumeric sort order. I don't know the exact definition of it (and I wasn't able to look it up in this short amount of time), but I have tried to implement it anyway. Here is the code that you might use for the less method:
package main
import "log"
func less(a, b string) bool {
i, j := 0, 0
for i < len(a) && j < len(b) {
numeric, numA, numB := false, 0, 0
for i < len(a) && a[i] >= '0' && a[i] <= '9' {
numA = numA*10 + int(a[i]) - '0'
numeric = true
for j < len(b) && b[j] >= '0' && b[j] <= '9' {
numB = numB*10 + int(b[j]) - '0'
numeric = true
if numeric {
if numA != numB {
return numA < numB
if a[i] != b[j] {
return a[i] < b[j]
return i == len(a) && j != len(b)
var tests = []struct {
a, b string
r1, r2 bool
{"bar", "foo", true, false},
{"foo100", "foo10", false, true},
{"foo100a", "foo100b", true, false},
{"foo", "foo", false, false},
{"100", "100", false, false},
{"foo5", "foo12", true, false},
{"foo5", "fo3", true, false},
{"foo", "foo8", true, false},
func main() {
for i := range tests {
if less(tests[i].a, tests[i].b) != tests[i].r1 {
log.Fatalf("test %d failed", i)
if less(tests[i].b, tests[i].a) != tests[i].r2 {
log.Fatalf("reverse test %d failed", i)
I'm not sure if the code is sufficient for you or if you need to handle more complex cases, but it might provide at least a good starting point for your own modifications.
Let's say I have a list of student cities and the size of it could be 100 or 1000, and I want to filter out all duplicates cities.
I want a generic solution that I can use to remove all duplicate strings from any slice.
I am new to Go Language, So I tried to do it by looping and checking if the element exists using another loop function.
Students' Cities List (Data):
studentsCities := []string{"Mumbai", "Delhi", "Ahmedabad", "Mumbai", "Bangalore", "Delhi", "Kolkata", "Pune"}
Functions that I created, and it's doing the job:
func contains(s []string, e string) bool {
for _, a := range s {
if a == e {
return true
return false
func removeDuplicates(strList []string) []string {
list := []string{}
for _, item := range strList {
if contains(list, item) == false {
list = append(list, item)
return list
My solution test
func main() {
studentsCities := []string{"Mumbai", "Delhi", "Ahmedabad", "Mumbai", "Bangalore", "Delhi", "Kolkata", "Pune"}
uniqueStudentsCities := removeDuplicates(studentsCities)
fmt.Println(uniqueStudentsCities) // Expected output [Mumbai Delhi Ahmedabad Bangalore Kolkata Pune]
I believe that the above solution that I tried is not an optimum solution. Therefore, I need help from you guys to suggest the fastest way to remove duplicates from the slice?
I checked StackOverflow, this question is not being asked yet, so I didn't get any solution.
I found Burak's and Fazlan's solution helpful. Based on that, I implemented the simple functions that help to remove or filter duplicate data from slices of strings, integers, or any other types with generic approach.
Here are my three functions, first is generic, second one for strings and last one for integers of slices. You have to pass your data and return all the unique values as a result.
Generic solution: => Go v1.18
func removeDuplicate[T string | int](sliceList []T) []T {
allKeys := make(map[T]bool)
list := []T{}
for _, item := range sliceList {
if _, value := allKeys[item]; !value {
allKeys[item] = true
list = append(list, item)
return list
To remove duplicate strings from slice:
func removeDuplicateStr(strSlice []string) []string {
allKeys := make(map[string]bool)
list := []string{}
for _, item := range strSlice {
if _, value := allKeys[item]; !value {
allKeys[item] = true
list = append(list, item)
return list
To remove duplicate integers from slice:
func removeDuplicateInt(intSlice []int) []int {
allKeys := make(map[int]bool)
list := []int{}
for _, item := range intSlice {
if _, value := allKeys[item]; !value {
allKeys[item] = true
list = append(list, item)
return list
You can update the slice type, and it will filter out all duplicates data for all types of slices.
Here is the GoPlayground link: https://go.dev/play/p/iyb97KcftMa
Adding this answer which worked for me, does require/include sorting, however.
func removeDuplicateStrings(s []string) []string {
if len(s) < 1 {
return s
prev := 1
for curr := 1; curr < len(s); curr++ {
if s[curr-1] != s[curr] {
s[prev] = s[curr]
return s[:prev]
For fun, I tried using generics! (Go 1.18+ only)
type SliceType interface {
~string | ~int | ~float64 // add more *comparable* types as needed
func removeDuplicates[T SliceType](s []T) []T {
if len(s) < 1 {
return s
// sort
sort.SliceStable(s, func(i, j int) bool {
return s[i] < s[j]
prev := 1
for curr := 1; curr < len(s); curr++ {
if s[curr-1] != s[curr] {
s[prev] = s[curr]
return s[:prev]
Go Playground Link with tests: https://go.dev/play/p/bw1PP1osJJQ
You can do in-place replacement guided with a map:
processed := map[string]struct{}{}
w := 0
for _, s := range cities {
if _, exists := processed[s]; !exists {
// If this city has not been seen yet, add it to the list
processed[s] = struct{}{}
cities[w] = s
cities = cities[:w]
reduce memory usage:
package main
import (
type void struct{}
func main() {
digits := [6]string{"one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "five"}
set := make(map[string]void)
for _, element := range digits {
set[element] = void{}
p.s. playground
Simple to understand.
func RemoveDuplicate(array []string) []string {
m := make(map[string]string)
for _, x := range array {
m[x] = x
var ClearedArr []string
for x, _ := range m {
ClearedArr = append(ClearedArr, x)
return ClearedArr
If you want to don't waste memory allocating another array for copy the values, you can remove in place the value, as following:
package main
import "fmt"
var studentsCities = []string{"Mumbai", "Delhi", "Ahmedabad", "Mumbai", "Bangalore", "Delhi", "Kolkata", "Pune"}
func contains(s []string, e string) bool {
for _, a := range s {
if a == e {
return true
return false
func main() {
fmt.Printf("Cities before remove: %+v\n", studentsCities)
for i := 0; i < len(studentsCities); i++ {
if contains(studentsCities[i+1:], studentsCities[i]) {
studentsCities = remove(studentsCities, i)
fmt.Printf("Cities after remove: %+v\n", studentsCities)
func remove(slice []string, s int) []string {
return append(slice[:s], slice[s+1:]...)
Cities before remove: [Mumbai Delhi Ahmedabad Mumbai Bangalore Delhi Kolkata Pune]
Cities after remove: [Ahmedabad Mumbai Bangalore Delhi Kolkata Pune]
It can also be done with a set-like map:
ddpStrings := []string{}
m := map[string]struct{}{}
for _, s := range strings {
if _, ok := m[scopeStr]; ok {
ddpStrings = append(ddpStrings, s)
m[s] = struct{}{}
func UniqueNonEmptyElementsOf(s []string) []string {
unique := make(map[string]bool, len(s))
var us []string
for _, elem := range s {
if len(elem) != 0 {
if !unique[elem] {
us = append(us, elem)
unique[elem] = true
return us
send the duplicated splice to the above function, this will return the splice with unique elements.
func main() {
studentsCities := []string{"Mumbai", "Delhi", "Ahmedabad", "Mumbai", "Bangalore", "Delhi", "Kolkata", "Pune"}
uniqueStudentsCities := UniqueNonEmptyElementsOf(studentsCities)
Here's a mapless index based slice's duplicate "remover"/trimmer. It use a sort method.
The n value is always 1 value lower than the total of non duplicate elements that's because this methods compare the current (consecutive/single) elements with the next (consecutive/single) elements and there is no matches after the lasts so you have to pad it to include the last.
Note that this snippet doesn't empty the duplicate elements into a nil value. However since the n+1 integer start at the duplicated item's indexes, you can loop from said integer and nil the rest of the elements.
for n, i := 0, 0; ; {
if strs[n] != strs[i] {
if i-n > 1 {
strs[n+1] = strs[i]
if i == len(strs) {
if n != i {
strs = strs[:n+1]
Based on Riyaz's solution, you can use generics since Go 1.18
func removeDuplicate[T string | int](tSlice []T) []T {
allKeys := make(map[T]bool)
list := []T{}
for _, item := range tSlice {
if _, value := allKeys[item]; !value {
allKeys[item] = true
list = append(list, item)
return list
Generics minimizes code duplication.
Go Playground link : https://go.dev/play/p/Y3fEtHJpP7Q
So far #snassr has given the best answer as it is the most optimized way in terms of memory (no extra memory) and runtime (nlogn). But one thing I want to emphasis here is if we want to delete any index/element of an array we should loop from end to start as it reduces complexity. If we loop from start to end then if we delete nth index then we will accidentally miss the nth element (which was n+1th before deleting nth element) as in the next iteration we will get the n+1th element.
Example Code
func Dedup(strs []string) {
for i := len(strs) - 1; i > 0; i-- {
if strs[i] == strs[i-1] {
strs = append(strs[:i], strs[i+1:]...)
try: https://github.com/samber/lo#uniq
names := lo.Uniq[string]([]string{"Samuel", "John", "Samuel"})
// []string{"Samuel", "John"}
I have an array:
const assets = [{
type: 'X',
value: 322.12
}, {
type: 'X',
value: 413.21
I want the sum of values (735,33)
In node.js I can use: const sum = assets.reduce((s, val) => ( s = s + val.value), 0)
How can I do the same in Go?
Here is an incomplete implementation, but it gives you an idea of why this is a bad idea and non-idiomatic Go:
package main
import "fmt"
type Array []int
type ReducerFn func(prev int, next int) int
func (arr Array) Reduce(fn ReducerFn, i int) int {
prev := i
for _, v := range arr {
prev = fn(prev, v)
return prev
func main() {
i := Array([]int{1,2,4})
fmt.Println(i.Reduce(func(prev int, next int) int {
return prev + next
}, 10))
Since there are no generics in Go, you'll have to create a different reducer method for every return type, which might be quite impractical.
See also Francesc Campoy's talk at dotGo2015, "Functional Go?".
I would go with Modf()
i = 0
f = 0
for _, asset := range assets {
integer, frac := Modf(asset.value)
i += integer
f += math.Round(frac*100)/100))
fmt.Println(i, f)
I have an outer and inner loop, each iterating over a range. I want to exit the outer loop when a condition is satisfied inside the inner loop.
I have a solution which works using two 'break's, one inside the inner loop and one inside the outerloop, just outside the inner loop (a very simplified case for demonstration):
package main
import (
func main() {
word := ""
for _, i := range("ABCDE") {
for _,j := range("ABCDE") {
word = string(i) + string(j)
if word == "DC" {
if word == "DC" {
// More logic here that needs to be executed
Go Playground
There is no problem with this solution, but it just looks patched and ugly to me. Is there a better way to do this?
I can try and have another for conditional loop outside the outer loop in the previous solution and have a label and use continue with the label. But as you can see, this approach isn't any more elegant than the solution with break.
package main
import (
func main() {
word := ""
for word != "DC" {
for _, i := range "ABCDE" {
for _, j := range "ABCDE" {
word = string(i) + string(j)
if word == "DC" {
continue Exit
// More logic here that needs to be executed
Go Playground
I have seen similar questions here pertaining to other languages (C, C#, Python etc). But what I am really interested to see is whether there is any trick with Go constructs such as 'for select'.
Use break {label} to break out of any loop as nested as you want. Just put the label before the for loop you want to break out of. This is fairly similar to the code that does a goto {label} but I think a tad more elegant, but matter of opinion I guess.
package main
func main() {
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
for j := 0; j < 10; j++ {
if i + j == 20 {
break out
More details: https://www.ardanlabs.com/blog/2013/11/label-breaks-in-go.html
use function
package main
import (
func getWord() string {
word := ""
for word != "DC" {
for _, i := range "ABCDE" {
for _, j := range "ABCDE" {
word = string(i) + string(j)
if word == "DC" {
return word
return word
func main(){
word := getWord()
Edit: thanks to #peterSO who points on some mistakes in the details and provides this playground https://play.golang.org/p/udcJptBW9pQ
How about goto?
package main
import (
func main() {
word := ""
for _, i := range "ABCDE" {
for _, j := range "ABCDE" {
word = string(i) + string(j)
if word == "DC" {
goto Exit
Exit: // More logic here that needs to be executed
The most straightforward seems to be something like:
func main() {
word := ""
isDone := false
for _, i := range("ABCDE") {
for _,j := range("ABCDE") {
word = string(i) + string(j)
isDone = word == "DC"
if isDone {
if isDone {
// other stuff
An Alternative using a Generator
However you could also do a generator to create the sequence of words as in:
func makegen () chan string {
c:= make(chan string)
go func () {
for _, i := range ("ABCDE") {
for _, j := range ("ABCDE") {
c <- string(i) + string(j)
close (c)
return c
func main() {
word := ""
for word = range makegen() {
fmt.Println (word)
if word == "DC" {
// other code
An improved version of the generator function that will clean up the resource leak identified by a comment below.
func makegen () chan string {
c:= make(chan string)
go func () {
word := ""
for _, i := range ("ABCDE") {
for _, j := range ("ABCDE") {
word = string(i) + string(j)
c <- word
if word == "DC" {
close (c)
close (c)
return c
func main() {
word := ""
for word = range makegen() {
fmt.Println (word)
// other code
Wrap your for loops in an anonymous self-invoked function, then just return whenever you want to break out
package main
func main() {
func() {
for i:= 0; i < 100; i++ {
for j:= 0; j < 100; j++ {
if (i == 5 && j == 5) {
Just defer anything you need to do and return as normal.
package main
import (
func main() {
defer func() {
// More logic here that needs to be executed
word := ""
for _, i := range "ABCDE" {
for _, j := range "ABCDE" {
word = string(i) + string(j)
if word == "DC" {
I'd like to apply some kind of special pattern find algorithm using Swift.
Some explanations:
I'm getting a simple 1-dimensional array that could look like this:
var array = [
And I'd like to extract the connected areas of "1"-characters (connected components).
Have a look at this:
11 11
111 11
I'd like to get as result a multidimensional array that includes all x/y-positions of the single components.
var result = [
[ [6,1], [7,1], [8,1], [5,2], [6,2], [7,2], [8,2], [9,2], [6,3], [7,3], [8,2] ] // positions of the first area (the biggest one on top)
[ [3,5], [4,5], [3,6], [4,6], [2,7], [3,7], [4,7] ] // area bottom left
[ [14,6], [15,6], [14,7], [15,7] ] // area bottom right (smallest area)
I've coded the function for javascript. You can find the code right here:
var matrix = [
Array.prototype.extract_components_positions = function(offset) {
var array = this.map(item => item.split('')).map(str => Array.from(str, Number)),
default_value = 0,
result_object = {}
function test_connection(array, i, j) {
if (array[i] && array[i][j] === -1) {
if (!result_object[default_value]) result_object[default_value] = [];
result_object[default_value].push([j, i]);
array[i][j] = 1;
for (var k = offset; k > 0; k--) {
test_connection(array, i + k, j); // left - right
test_connection(array, i, j + k); // top - bottom
test_connection(array, i - k, j); // right - left
test_connection(array, i, j - k); // bottom - top
return true
array.forEach(function(a) {
a.forEach(function(b, i, bb) {
bb[i] = -b
array.forEach(function(a, i, aa) {
a.forEach(function(b, j, bb) {
test_connection(aa, i, j) && default_value++
return [result_object];
var result = matrix.extract_components_positions(1);
but I have a big problems translating this Javascript code into Swift!
func extract_components_positions(matrix: [[String]],offset: Int) {
var array = [[]] // no idea how to use map to split the array from ["0011100"],... to ["0","0","1","1",...], ...
var default_value = 0,
result_object = [[Int]()]
func testconnection(matrix: [[String]], i: Int, j: Int) -> [[Int]] {
if (Int(array[i][j] as! Int) == -1) {
array[i][j] = 1
for var k in offset...0 {
testconnection(matrix: array, i: i+k, j: j) // error: "Cannot convert value of type '[[Any]]' to expected argument type '[[String]]'"
testconnection(matrix: array, i: i, j: j+k)
testconnection(matrix: array, i: i-k, j: j)
testconnection(matrix: array, i: i, j: j-k)
array.forEach { (a) in
a.forEach({ (b, i, bb) in // error: "Contextual closure type '(Any) -> Void' expects 1 argument, but 3 were used in closure body"
bb[i] = -b
array.forEach { (a, i, aa) in // error: "Contextual closure type '([Any]) -> Void' expects 1 argument, but 3 were used in closure body"
a.forEach({ (b, j, bb) in
testconnection(aa, i, j) && default_value++
return result_object
Any help how to fix my code would be very appreciated.
Look like you are playing Minesweeper! Here's my solution (in swift 4.0, Xcode 9.2). See inline comments for explanation.
let array = [
// A structure to hold the cell's coordinate as Int array
// can become confusing very quickly
struct Cell: Equatable {
var row: Int
var column: Int
var clusterIndex: Int?
static func == (lhs: Cell, rhs: Cell) -> Bool {
return lhs.row == rhs.row && lhs.column == rhs.column
// Get all the "1" cells
var cells = array.enumerated().flatMap { arg -> [Cell] in
let (rowIndex, str) = arg
// The flatMap below will become compactMap in Swift 4.1
return str.enumerated().flatMap { colIndex, char in
if char == "1" {
return Cell(row: rowIndex, column: colIndex, clusterIndex: nil)
} else {
return nil
// Assign each cell a clusterIndex
for (i, currentCell) in cells.enumerated() {
// A cell may not have all four neighbors, or not all its
// neighbors are "1" cells, hence the "potential"
let potentialNeighbors = [
Cell(row: currentCell.row - 1, column: currentCell.column, clusterIndex: nil), // above
Cell(row: currentCell.row + 1, column: currentCell.column, clusterIndex: nil), // below
Cell(row: currentCell.row, column: currentCell.column - 1, clusterIndex: nil), // left
Cell(row: currentCell.row, column: currentCell.column + 1, clusterIndex: nil) // right
// Get the actual neighboring cells and their indexes
let neighborsAndIndexes = cells.enumerated().filter { arg in
let (_, c) = arg
return potentialNeighbors.contains(c)
let neighborIndexes = neighborsAndIndexes.map { $0.0 }
let neighbors = neighborsAndIndexes.map { $0.1 }
// Determine what clusterIndex we should give the current cell and its neighbors
var clusterIndex = 0
if currentCell.clusterIndex != nil {
// If the current cell already has a clusteredIndex, reuse it
clusterIndex = currentCell.clusterIndex!
} else if let neighborClusterIndex = neighbors.first(where: { $0.clusterIndex != nil })?.clusterIndex {
// If the current cell has a neighbor whose clusterIndex is not nil, use that
clusterIndex = neighborClusterIndex
} else {
// Else increment from the max existing clusterIndex
clusterIndex = (cells.map({ $0.clusterIndex ?? 0 }).max() ?? 0) + 1
// Assign the same clusterIndex to the current cell and its neighbors
([i] + neighborIndexes).forEach {
cells[$0].clusterIndex = clusterIndex
// Group the cells by their clusterIndex
let clusters = Dictionary(grouping: cells, by: { $0.clusterIndex! })
.sorted(by: { $0.key < $1.key })
.map { $0.value }
// Print the result
// Visualize which cell belong to which cluster and how it appears on the board
for i in 0..<array.count {
for j in 0..<array[0].count {
if let clusterIndex = cells.first(where: { $0.row == i && $0.column == j })?.clusterIndex {
print(clusterIndex, terminator: "")
} else {
print("-", terminator: "")
print() // print a newline
Note that in Swift 4.1 (currently in beta), the flatMap we use here has been renamed to compactMap. This is not to say that flatMap is going away completely. flatMap has 3 versions, only 1 of them has been renamed to compactMap. For more info, see SE-0187.
I am attempting to sort an array which includes variables which are nil.
class TestArray {
var a: String? = nil
var b: String? = nil
init(a: String?, b: String?) {
self.a = a
self.b = b
let first = TestArray(a: "xxx", b: "yyy")
let second = TestArray(a: "zzz", b: "zzz")
let third = TestArray(a: "aaa", b: nil)
var array = [first, second, third]
array.sort(by: {($0.a as String!) > ($1.a as String!)})
array.sort(by: {($0.b as String!) > ($1.b as String!)}) // Throws an error
How can I sort by b and leave the third TestArray with b = nil at the end of the array?
Also I would like to sort through all b and then for the arrays in which b = nil sort the remaining by a.
I believe this should cover the situations you want without having to iterate more than once (which is expensive)
array.sort { (lessThan, item) -> Bool in
switch (lessThan.a, lessThan.b, item.a, item.b) {
// if bs exist, use that comparison
case (_, .some(let lessThanB), _, .some(let itemB)):
return lessThanB < itemB
// if bs don't exist by as do, use that comparison
case (.some(let lessThanA), .none, .some(let itemA), .none):
return lessThanA < itemA
// if one item has a value but the other doesn't, the item with the value should be first
case (_, .some(_), _, .none), (.some(_), _, .none, _ ):
return true
return false
Here's (in my opinion) the best way:
First, I define a < operator for String? instances.
It operates for the specification that nil compares as less than any other string, so it'll appear first in sorting order.
fileprivate func <(a: String?, b: String?) -> Bool {
switch (a, b) {
case (nil, nil): return false
case (nil, _?): return true
case (_?, nil): return false
case (let a?, let b?): return a < b
Next, I wrote a sorting predicate that uses that operator. It works for the specification that instances are to be sorted first by their a. If those are equal, ties are broken by sorting by their b.
struct TestStruct {
var a: String?
var b: String?
let input = [
TestStruct(a: "xxx", b: "yyy"),
TestStruct(a: "zzz", b: "zzz"),
TestStruct(a: "aaa", b: nil)
let output = input.sorted { lhs, rhs in
if lhs.a != rhs.a { return lhs.a < rhs.a } // first sort by a
if lhs.b != rhs.b { return lhs.b < rhs.b } // then sort by b
return true
// TempCode.TestStruct(a: Optional("aaa"), b: nil),
// TempCode.TestStruct(a: Optional("xxx"), b: Optional("yyy")),
// TempCode.TestStruct(a: Optional("zzz"), b: Optional("zzz"))
*I made TestStruct a struct just so I can use the synthesized initializer and automatic print behaviour. It'll work just the same if it's a class.
If you'll be comparing TestStruct a lot, and it makes sense for there to be a standard order to comparing it, then it's best you add conformance to Comparable. Doing so also requires conformance to Equatable:
extension TestStruct: Equatable {
public static func ==(lhs: TestStruct, rhs: TestStruct) -> Bool {
lhs.a == rhs.a &&
lhs.b == rhs.b
extension TestStruct: Comparable {
public static func <(lhs: TestStruct, rhs: TestStruct) -> Bool {
if lhs.a != rhs.a { return lhs.a < rhs.a } // first sort by a
if lhs.b != rhs.b { return lhs.b < rhs.b } // then sort by b
return true
Now you can sort your array easily with the sorting behaviour specified by TestStruct:
let output = input.sorted()
You can see it in action here.
In case you needn't necessarily sort in place, you could simply apply the "algorithm" you describe in a brute-force fashion to sort array using several filter followed sorted for the subset arrays.
Primarily sort by b property, given that it is not nil.
For elements where the b property is nil, sort by a property.
Leave elements where both a and b are nil at the end of the sorted array.
// lets set up a more interesting example
let first = TestArray(a: "xxx", b: "yyy")
let second = TestArray(a: "ccc", b: nil)
let third = TestArray(a: "aaa", b: nil)
let fourth = TestArray(a: "zzz", b: "zzz")
let fifth = TestArray(a: "bbb", b: nil)
var array = [first, second, third, fourth, fifth]
let sorted = array.filter { $0.b != nil }.sorted { $0.b! < $1.b! } +
array.filter { $0.b == nil && $0.a != nil }.sorted { $0.a! < $1.a! } +
array.filter { $0.b == nil && $0.a == nil }
sorted.enumerated().forEach { print("\($0): b: \($1.b), a: \($1.a)") }
/* 0: b: Optional("yyy"), a: Optional("xxx")
1: b: Optional("zzz"), a: Optional("zzz")
2: b: nil, a: Optional("aaa")
3: b: nil, a: Optional("bbb")
4: b: nil, a: Optional("ccc") */