comparing and interpreting two time counters - c

I have two counters that denote time.One of them is a 64-bit counter which should be interpreted as follows.
1) Most significant 32 bits indicate the number of seconds since a fixed point in time
2) Lower 32 bits indicate a fraction of a second.
I don't know how to interpret the other 48 bit counter.?
What I do know is this.
What COUNTER 1 increased by 508032,COUNTER 2 increased by 5914.
Meaning COUNTER1 (time 2 - time 1) = 508032
during that time
COUNTER2 (time 2 - time 1) = 5914.
I need a formula to figure out how to interpret the resolution of COUNTER2.

Counter 2 increments 50 million times per second.
5914/(508032/2^32) ~= 50 million
To put it in words: Counter 1 increments 2^32 times per second. So if it increments 508,032 times, that's 1/8454 of a second. In that time, counter 2 incremented 5,914 times. So it would increment 5,914*8,454 times in a full second. That's so close to 50 million (49.997 million) that it's almost certain counter 2's resolution is intended to be 50 million counts per second.


Can I sum integer input from terminal without saving the input as a variable?

I'm trying to write a code for digital root of an extremely big number and can't save it as a variable. Is it possible to do without it?
What you're looking to do is to repeatedly add the digits of a number until you're left with a single digit number, i.e. given 123456, you want 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 = 21 ==> 2 + 1 = 3
For a number with up to 50 million digits, the sum of those digits will be no more than 500 million which is well within the range of a 32-bit int.
Start by reading the large number as a string. Then iterate over each character in the string. For each character, verify that it's a character digit, i.e. between '0' and '9'. Convert that character to the appropriate number, then add that number to the sum.
Once you've done that, you've got the first-level sum stored in an int. Now you can loop through the digits of that number using x % 10 to get the lowest digit and x / 10 to shift over the remaining digits. Once you've exhausted the digits, repeat the process until you're left with a value less than 10.

Change the minimum number of entries in an array so that the sum of any k consecutive items is even

We are given an array of integers. We have to change the minimum number of those integers however we'd like so that, for some fixed parameter k, the sum of any k consecutive items in the array is even.
N = 8; K = 3;
A = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8}
We can change 3 elements (4th,5th,6th)
so the array can be {1,2,3,5,6,7,7,8}
1+2+3=6 is even
2+3+5=10 is even
3+5+6=14 is even
5+6+7=18 is even
6+7+7=20 is even
7+7+8=22 is even
There's a very nice O(n)-time solution to this problem that, at a high level, works like this:
Recognize that determining which items to flip boils down to determining a pattern that repeats across the array of which items to flip.
Use dynamic programming to determine what that pattern is.
Here's how to arrive at this solution.
First, some observations. Since all we care about here is whether the sums are even or odd, we actually don't care about the numbers' exact values. We just care about whether they're even or odd. So let's begin by replacing each number with either 0 (if the number is even) or 1 (if it's odd). Now, our task is to make each window of k elements have an even number of 1s.
Second, the pattern of 0s and 1s that results after you've transformed the array has a surprising shape: it's simply a repeated copy of the first k elements of the array. For example, suppose k = 5 and we decide that the array should start off as 1 0 1 1 1. What must the sixth array element be? Well, in moving from the first window to the second, we dropped a 1 off the front of the window, changing the parity to odd. We therefore have to have the next array element be a 1, which means that the sixth array element must be a 1, equal to the first array element. The seventh array element then has to be a 0, since in moving from the second window to the third we drop off a zero. This process means that whatever we decide on for the first k elements turns out to determine the entire final sequence of values.
This means that we can reframe the problem in the following way: break the original input array of n items into n/k blocks of size k. We're now asked to pick a sequence of 0s and 1s such that
this sequence differs in as few places as possible from the n/k blocks of k items each, and
the sequence has an even number of 1s.
For example, given the input sequence
0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1
and k = 3, we would form the blocks
0 1 1, 0 1 1, 1 0 0, 1 0 1, 1 1 0, 1 1 1
and then try to find a pattern of length three with an even number of 1s in it such that replacing each block with that pattern requires the fewest number of edits.
Let's see how to take that problem on. Let's work one bit at a time. For example, we can ask: what's the cost of making the first bit a 0? What's the cost of making the first bit a 1? The cost of making the first bit a 0 is equal to the number of blocks that have a 1 at the front, and the cost of making the first bit a 1 is equal to the number of blocks that have a 0 at the front. We can work out the cost of setting each bit, individually, to either to zero or to one. That gives us a matrix like this one:
Bit #0 Bit #1 Bit #2 Bit #3 ... Bit #k-1
Cost of setting to 0 | | | | | | |
Cost of setting to 1 | | | | | | |
We now need to choose a value for each column with the goal of minimizing the total cost picked, subject to the constraint that we pick an even number of bits to be equal to 1. And this is a nice dynamic programming exercise. We consider subproblems of the form
What is the lowest cost you can make out of the first m columns from the table, provided your choice has parity p of items chosen from the bottom row?
We can store this in an (k + 1) × 2 table T[m][p], where, for example, T[3][even] is the lowest cost you can achieve using the first three columns with an even number of items set to 1, and T[6][odd] is the lowest cost you can achieve using the first six columns with an odd number of items set to 1. This gives the following recurrence:
T[0][even] = 0 (using zero columns costs nothing)
T[0][odd] = ∞ (you cannot have an odd number of bits set to 1 if you use no colums)
T[m+1][p] = min(T[m][p] + cost of setting this bit to 0, T[m][!p] + cost of setting this bit to 1) (either use a zero and keep the same parity, or use a 1 and flip the parity).
This can be evaluated in time O(k), and the resulting minimum cost is given by T[n][even]. You can use a standard DP table walk to reconstruct the optimal solution from this point.
Overall, here's the final algorithm:
create a table costs[k+1][2], all initially zero.
/* Populate the costs table. costs[m][0] is the cost of setting bit m
* to 0; costs[m][1] is the cost of setting bit m to 1. We work this
* out by breaking the input into blocks of size k, then seeing, for
* each item within each block, what its parity is. The cost of setting
* that bit to the other parity then increases by one.
for i = 0 to n - 1:
parity = array[i] % 2
costs[i % k][!parity]++ // Cost of changing this entry
/* Do the DP algorithm to find the minimum cost. */
create array T[k + 1][2]
T[0][0] = 0
T[0][1] = infinity
for m from 1 to k:
for p from 0 to 1:
T[m][p] = min(T[m - 1][p] + costs[m - 1][0],
T[m - 1][!p] + costs[m - 1][1])
return T[m][0]
Overall, we do O(n) work with our initial pass to work out the costs of setting each bit, independently, to 0. We then do O(k) work with the DP step at the end. The overall work is therefore O(n + k), and assuming k ≤ n (otherwise the problem is trivial) the cost is O(n).

How do I count on picaxe?

I am trying to count the number of times a button is pressed at input pin C.4 on a picaxe 14M2. I would then like to have a 'mode' that sets b.4 high for 5 seconds then low. This 'mode' needs to repeat the number of times you press the button before hand.
If this makes any sense, how would I do this?
Here is what I have so far...
let b0 = 0
low B.1
low B.2
low B.3
low B.4
low B.5
if pinC.4 = 1
let b0 = b0 +1
goto mode
goto main
high B.4
wait 5
low B.4
goto main
If I understand your question you want to first count a number of button presses, then output that number of 5 second pulses. But how will your program decide that you've finished your series of button presses, and want it to carry on and generate the sequence of pulses?
Here's a possible solution, but you'll have to decide if it's suitable and adapt it if not:
b0 = 0 ' initialise counting variable
w1 = 0 ' initialise timing variable (a 2-byte word)
pause 10 ' wait for 10 ms
w1 = w1 + 1 ' increment the timing variable
if pinC.4 = 0 then countpresses ' loop until button pressed
pause 10
w1 = w1 + 1 ' increment the timing variable
if pinC.4 = 1 then wait_release ' loop until button released
b0 = b0 + 1 ' increment the counter
if w1 < 200 then countpresses ' keep counting until 4 seconds have elapsed
if b0 > 0 then
for b1 = 1 to b0
high B.4
pause 5000 ' take B.4 high for 5 seconds
low B.4
pause 1000 ' and low for 1 second between pulses
next b1
This will count how many times you press the button in a 4 second period (200 x 20 ms), then output that number of pulses. The pause statements make sure that you don't count 'bounces' of the switch contacts that might occur in the few milliseconds after the button is pressed or released, and the second loop makes sure that you only count once for each press rather than incrementing as fast as the PICAXE can go for as long as you hold the button down! You didn't say how long B.4 should go low for in between the 5 second high pulses - in the code above I've made that 1 second.
If that's not exactly what you want then it shouldn't be hard to figure out how to modify it, for example to wait for a number of seconds after the last time you release the button.
I've used a word variable for the timing counter so that the maximum time to wait isn't limited to 255 counts - you could change the 200 in the code to any value up to 65535 if you wanted (but you should have a think about what might happen if it got near that value). If you're a PICAXE beginner then do read the section of the manual about how byte and word variables relate to each other, which might not be obvious.

apending for loop/recursion / strange error

I have a matlab/octave for loop which gives me an inf error messages along with the incorrect data
I'm trying to get 240,120,60,30,15... every number is divided by two then that number is also divided by two
but the code below gives me the wrong value when the number hits 30 and 5 and a couple of others it doesn't divide by two.
for aa=2:2:10
PS: I will be accessing these values from different arrays, that's why I used a for loop so I can access the values using their indexes
In addition to the divide-by-zero error you were starting with (fixed in the edit), the approach you're taking isn't actually doing what you think it is. if you print out each step, you'll see why.
Instead of that approach, I suggest taking more of a "matlab way": avoid the loop by making use of vectorized operations.
orig = 240;
divisor = 2.^(0:5); #% vector of 2 to the power of [0 1 2 3 4 5]
ans = orig./divisor;
ans = [240 120 60 30 15 7.5]
Try the following:
for aa=1:5
% sz=size(ang,1);
% ang=[ang;ang(sz)/2];
You should be getting warning: division by zero if you're running it in Octave. That says pretty much everything.
When you divide by zero, you get Inf. Because of your recursion... you see the problem.
You can simultaneously generalise and vectorise by using logic:
ang=240; %Replace 240 with any positive integer you like
This will work for any positive integer (to make it work for negatives as well, replace log2(ang) with log2(abs(ang))), and will produce the vector down to the point at which it goes odd, at which point the vector ends. It's also faster than jitendra's solution:
octave:26> tic; for i=1:100000 ang=240; ang=ang*2.^-(0:log2(ang)); ang=ang(1:sum(ang==floor(ang))); end; toc;
Elapsed time is 3.308 seconds.
octave:27> tic; for i=1:100000 ang=240; for aa=1:5 ang=[ang;ang(end)/2]; end; end; toc;
Elapsed time is 5.818 seconds.

Compact data structure for sorted array

I have a table with sorted numbers like:
1 320102
2 5200100
3 92010023
4 112010202
5 332020201
6 332020411
5000000000 3833240522044511
5000000001 3833240522089999
5000000002 4000000000213312
Given the record number I need the value in O(log n) time. The record number is 64-bit long and there are no missing record numbers. The values are 64-bit long, they are sorted and value(n) < value(n+1).
The obvious solution is simply doing an array and use the records number as index. This will cost 64-bit per value.
But I would like a more space efficient way of doing that. Since we know the values are always increasing that should be doable, but I do not remember a data structure that lets me do that.
A solution would be to use deflate on the array, but that will not give me O(log n) for accessing an element - thus unacceptable.
Do you know of a data structure that will give me:
O(log n) for access
space requirement < 64-bit/value
= Edit =
Since we know all numbers in advance we could find the difference between each number. By taking the 99th percentile of these differences we will get a relatively modest number. Taking the log2 will give us the number of bits needed to represent modest number - let us call that modest-bits.
Then create this:
64-bit value of record 0
64-bit value of record 1024
64-bit value of record 2048
64-bit value of record 3072
64-bit value of record 4096
Then a delta table for all records:
modest-bits difference to record 0
modest-bits difference to previous record
1022 * modest-bits difference to previous record
modest-bits difference to record 1024
modest-bits difference to record k*1024 will always be 0, so we can use that for signaling. If it is non-zero, then the following 64-bit will be a pointer to a simple array for the next 1024 records as 64-bit values.
As the modest value is chosen as the 99th percentile number, that will at most happen 1% of the time, thus wasting at most 1% * n * modest-bits + 1% * n * 64-bit * 1024.
space: O(modest-bits * n + 64-bit * n / 1024 + 1% * n * modest-bits + 1% * n * 64-bit * 1024)
lookup: O(1 + 1024)
(99% and 1024 may have to be adjusted)
= Edit2 =
Based on the idea above, but wasting less space. Create this:
64-bit value of record 0
64-bit value of record 1024
64-bit value of record 2048
64-bit value of record 3072
64-bit value of record 4096
And for all value that cannot be represented by modest-bits create big-value table as a tree:
64-bit position, 64-bit value
64-bit position, 64-bit value
64-bit position, 64-bit value
Then a delta table for all records, that is reset for every 1024 records:
modest-bits difference to record 0
modest-bits difference to previous record
1022 * modest-bits difference to previous record
modest-bits difference to record 1024
but also reset for every value that is in the big-value table.
space: O(modest-bits * n + 64-bit * n / 1024 + 1% * n * 2 * 64-bit).
Lookup requires searching big-value table, then looking up the 1024'th value and finally summing up the modest-bits values.
lookup: O(log(big-value table) + 1 + 1024) = O(log n)
Can you improve this? Or do better in a different way?
OP proposes splitting numbers into blocks (only once). But this process may be continued. Split every block once more. And again... Finally we might get a binary trie.
Root node contains value of the number with least index. Its right descendant stores difference between the middle number in the table and the number with least index: d = A[N/2] - A[0] - N/2. This is continued for other right descendants (red nodes on diagram). Leaf nodes contain deltas from preceding numbers: d = A[i+1] - A[i] - 1.
So most of the values, stored in trie, are delta values. Each of them occupies less than 64 bits. And for compactness they may be stored as variable-bit-length numbers in a bit stream. To get length of each number and to navigate in this structure in O(log N) time, bit stream should also contain lengths of (some) numbers and (some) subtrees:
Each node contains length (in bits) of its left sub-tree (if it has one).
Each right descendant (red nodes on diagram), except leaf nodes, contains length (in bits) of its value. Leaf node's length may be calculated from other lengths on the path from root to this node.
Each right descendant (red nodes on diagram) contains difference of correspondent value and the value of nearest "red" node up the path.
All nodes are packed in bit stream, starting from root node, in-order: left descendant always follows its ancestor; right descendant follows sub-tree, rooted by left descendant.
To access element given its index, use index's binary representation to follow path in the trie. While traversing this path, add together all values of "red" nodes. Stop when no more non-zero bits are left in the index.
There are several options to store N/2 value lengths:
Allocate as many bits for each length as needed to represent all values from the largest length to somewhere below mean length (excluding some very short outliers).
Also exclude some long outliers (keep them in a separate map).
Since lengths may be not evenly distributed, it's reasonable to use Huffman encoding for value lengths.
Either fixed length or Huffman encodings should be different for each trie depth.
N/4 subtree lengths are, in fact, value lengths, because N/4 smallest subtrees contain a single value.
Other N/4 subtree lengths may be stored in words of fixed (predefined) length, so that for large subtrees we know only approximate (rounded up) lengths.
For 230 full-range 64-bit numbers we have to pack approximately 34-bit values, for 3/4 nodes, approx. 4-bit value lengths, and for every fourth node, 10-bit subtree lengths. Which saves 34% space.
Example values:
0 320102
1 5200100
2 92010023
3 112010202
4 332020201
5 332020411
6 3833240522044511
7 3833240522089999
8 4000000000213312
Trie for these values:
root d=320102 vl=19 tl=84+8+105+4+5=206
+-l tl=75+4+5=84
| +-l tl=23
| | +-l
| | | +-r d=4879997 (vl=23)
| | +-r d=91689919 vl=27
| | +-r d=20000178 (vl=25)
| +-r d=331700095 vl=29 tl=8
| +-l
| | +-r d=209 (vl=8)
| +-r d=3833240190024308 vl=52
| +-r d=45487 (vl=16)
+-r d=3999999999893202 vl=52
Value length encoding:
bits start end
Root 0 19 19
depth 1 0 52 52
depth 2 0 29 29
depth 3 5 27 52
depth 4 4 8 23
Sub-tree lengths need 8 bits each.
Here is encoded stream (binary values still shown in decimal for readability):
bits value comment
19 320102 root value
8 206 left subtree length of the root
8 84 left subtree length
4 15 smallest left subtree length (with base value 8)
23 4879997 value for index 1
5 0 value length for index 2 (with base value 27)
27 91689919 value for index 2
25 20000178 value for index 3
29 331700095 value for index 4
4 0 smallest left subtree length (with base value 8)
8 209 value for index 5
5 25 value length for index 6 (with base value 27)
52 3833240190024308 value for index 6
16 45487 value for index 7
52 3999999999893202 value for index 8
Altogether 285 bits or 5 64-bit words. We also need to store bits/start values from value length encoding table (350 bits). To store 635 bits we need 10 64-bit words, which means such a small number table cannot be compressed. For larger number tables, size of value length encoding table is negligible.
To search a value for index 7, read root value (320102), skip 206 bits, add value for index 4 (331700095), skip 8 bits, add value for index 6 (3833240190024308), add value for index 7 (45487), and add index (7). The result is 3 833 240 522 089 999, as expected.
I would do it in blocks, as you outline in your question. Pick a block size k, where you can accept having to decode on average k/2 values before getting to the one you're after. For the n total values, you will have n/k blocks. A table with n/k entries would point into the data stream to find the starting point of each block. Finding where to go in that table would be O(log(n/k)) for a binary search, or if the table is small enough and if it matters, you could make it about O(1) with an auxiliary hash table.
Each block would start with a starting 64-bit value. All values after that would be stored as deltas from the preceding value. My suggestion is to store those deltas as a Huffman code that says how many bits are in the next value, followed by that many bits. The Huffman code would be optimized for each block, and a description of that code would be stored at the beginning of the block.
You could simplify that by just preceding each value with six bits having the number of bits following, in the range of 1..64, effectively a flat Huffman code. Depending on the histogram of the bit lengths, an optimized Huffman code could knock off a good number of bits compared to the flat code.
Once you have this set up, you can experiment with k and see how small you can make it and still have limited impact on the compression.
I do not know of a data structure that does that.
The obvious solution to gain space and not loose too much speed would be to create your own structure with different array size based on the different int size you store.
class memoryAwareArray {
array16 = Int16[] //2 bytes
array32 = Int32[] //4 bytes
array64 = Int64[] //8 bytes
max16Index = 0;
max32Index = 0;
addObjectAtIndex(index, value) {
if (value < 65535) {
array16[max16Index] = value;
if (value < 2147483647) {
array32[max32Index] = value;
array64[max64Index] = value;
getObject(index) {
if (index < max16Index) return(array16[index]);
if (index < max32Index) return(array32[index-max16Index]);
Something along those lines shouldn't alter to much the speed and you'd save around 7 gigas if you filled up the entire structure. You won't save as much since you have gaps beetween your values of course.
