NatTable - need checkbox only when editable - checkbox

I am new to NatTable. I have gone thorough the NatTable examples and its source code but am not getting a solution to one of my problems.
In the NatTable I have a column that should provide a checkbox for selection depending on the value of another column.
I have used Checkboxpainter, checkboxcelleditor, the defaultbooleanconverter and IEditableRule. This renders a checkbox irrespective of whether the cell is editable or not though it allows me to mark the checkbox only if it is enabled.
However as per our requirement user should not see the checkbox if the row is not selectable. or in worst case a disabledcheckbox should be rendered for rows that are not selectable.
Can someone please help me out?
Thanks and regards,

Got a solution for this.
I had to write a custom checkboxpainter (inheriting from the one that is available OOTB) and override its getImage method to return null for appropriate cells

There is a better solution which I have just applied to a similar case in my work.
I did it by adding the following configuration to the table:
// make checkbox cells editable
configRegistry.registerConfigAttribute(EditConfigAttributes.CELL_EDITABLE_RULE, IEditableRule.ALWAYS_EDITABLE, DisplayMode.EDIT, CONFIG_LABEL_CHECKBOX);
// register the checkbox editor for DisplayMode.EDIT
configRegistry.registerConfigAttribute(EditConfigAttributes.CELL_EDITOR, new CheckBoxCellEditor(), DisplayMode.EDIT, CONFIG_LABEL_CHECKBOX);
// register the checkbox painter for DisplayMode.NORMAL
configRegistry.registerConfigAttribute(CellConfigAttributes.CELL_PAINTER, new CheckBoxPainter(), DisplayMode.NORMAL, CONFIG_LABEL_CHECKBOX);
// register the painter for empty cells in DisplayMode.NORMAL
configRegistry.registerConfigAttribute(CellConfigAttributes.CELL_PAINTER, new BackgroundPainter(), DisplayMode.NORMAL, CONFIG_LABEL_EMPTY);
Basically, this introduces the configuration labels CONFIG_LABEL_CHECKBOX for an editable checkbox, and CONFIG_LABEL_EMPTY for an empty cell.
Now all you have to do is to attach an IConfigLabelAccumulator to your bodyDataLayer:
bodyDataLayer.setConfigLabelAccumulator(new IConfigLabelAccumulator()
public void accumulateConfigLabels(LabelStack configLabels, int columnPosition, int rowPosition)
if(columnPosition == CHECKBOX_COLUMN_INDEX)


grid flickering with checkbox and edit method

My purpose is to translate interactively a checkbox action into a couple of values "0001" or "".
I placed this method on a table whose name is Notification.
// BP Deviation Documented
edit NoYesId provenWarranty (boolean _set = false, NoYesId _provenWarranty = NoYes::No)
NoYesId provenWarr;
// set value
if (_set)
if (_provenWarranty)
this.Func_Status = '0001';
this.Func_Status = '';
return _provenWarranty;
// read value
if (this.Func_Status == '0001')
return NoYes::Yes;
return NoYes::No;
This method is used by a Checkbox in a Form with this Table as a Datasource.
This method has been cached in the Notification datasource init() method.
Notification_ds.cacheAddMethod(tablemethodstr(Notification, provenWarranty));
My problem is that the Checkbox is constantly flickering, is there a way to avoid that ?
The flickering appears inside the Checkbox design, but without
toggling it between checked or not.
This problem appears even if the Checkbox is connected to a basic
datasource field, not only if connected to an edit method.
It seems that the more fields there are in the datasource, the more
flickering I get.

Filtering my DataGridView in Master-Detail type form with entity framework

My Problem:
This is my form
I would like to just filter out same ID rows
Barely any code to show pretty much dragged and dropped entity-es and did some customizing.
Toolstrip and datagrid are binded to same source
My Goal:
I would like my form to filter out only the rows with same ID as ID in textbox when I navigate with toolbox buttons
My thoughts so far: Perhaps I can make a query where ID in textbox matches ID in first column and weed out those rows and just display them. But how would that keep the format I have? Comboboxes etc.. some columns have different binding sources, for example column #2, column#3 are have different binding sources as opposed to column#1(to which i'm trying to filter rows) and column#4,5
Edit: I have tried following
nastavniPlanProgramDataGridView.CurrentCell = null;
foreach (DataGridViewRow row in nastavniPlanProgramDataGridView.Rows)
row.Selected = false;
row.Visible = false;
row.Selected = true;
row.Visible = true;
However i keep encountering an error when executing row.Visible=false;
Solved by simply adding the following before executing the above code-snippet in the question.
AllowUserToAddRows = false;

How to keep "empty" selection on my combobox list in JavaFx?

In my application I hava combobox which is holding some values from databse ( some real time updated list ). This ComboBox list is updated every 1 minute.
List dosen't have null values. When I'm setting this list to ComboBox..
ComboBox box = new ComboBox(items);
.. there is one extra "empty" row, which is perfectly fine because non value is selected.
Right after I'm selecting some value my "empty" value disappears from the list.
My main question is How to keep this value on the list?
Why this is a problem..
Scenerio values is selected in database, first application start
List is loaded ( wiht selected empty value ).
Value is selected.
During first background refresh, empty values disappears, and combobox value is selected to n+1, next value is selected.
If I want to select empty values I have to all clearSelection from selection model / by some extra control.
While it is an old question, I spent quite bit of time trying to solve the same issue in my application and thought i might as well add my solution here.
One possible workaround is to create an extra list that contains null and the items you wish to be selectable.
ObservableList<String> selectableActivities = FXCollections.observableArrayList("a", "b", "c");
ObservableList<String> selectableActivitiesWithNull = FXCollections.observableArrayList();;
In order to support updates of the original list you would need a ListChangeListener that updates the extra list according to changes in the original list.
selectableActivities.addListener((ListChangeListener<String>)(change -> {
while ( {
if (change.wasPermutated()) {
selectableActivitiesWithNull.sort((a, b) -> {
return, selectableActivities.indexOf(b));
} else if (change.wasRemoved()) {
selectableActivitiesWithNull.remove(change.getFrom()+1, change.getTo()+2);
} else if (change.wasAdded()) {
selectableActivitiesWithNull.addAll(change.getFrom()+1, selectableActivities.subList(change.getFrom(), change.getTo()));
} else if (change.wasUpdated()) {
for (int i = change.getFrom(); i < change.getTo(); ++i) {
selectableActivitiesWithNull.set(i+1, selectableActivities.get(i));
And finally you use the extra list for the ComboBox items.
ComboBox<String> combobox = new ComboBox<String>();
Now you can modify the original list as usual and the ComboBox will update accordingly while also having an empty selection as the first item. And most importantly your original list will not be polluted by placeholder objects that could cause issues in other parts of the application.
This will also work with other objects, assuming that you add an apropriate StringConverter to the ComboBox. Note that the converter must also be able to handle null values if using the above approach.
StringConverter<Object> activityConverter = new StringConverter<Object>() {
public String toString(Object object) {
return object != null ? object.toString() : "";
public ActivityDataRow fromString(String string) {
return null;
While this approach is not exactly what you desired, I believe this is a close you can get without implementing a custom combobox.

ExtJS: Added grid rows wont de-highlight

When adding a rows to a grid, and then clicking on it, it gets selected (and highlighted). Then, clicking elsewhere but the new row remains highlighted (so now there are to highlighted rows).
Please, does anyone know what the problem could be? How to make it behave normally, i.e. clicking a row deselects (de-highlights) the other one?
After I reload the page (so the new row is not new anymore), everything works as expected.
Edit: Here's the code for adding rows:
var rec = new store.recordType({
test: 'test'
Edit 2: The problem seems to be listful: true. If false, it works! But I need it to be true so I'm looking at this further... It looks like as if the IDs went somehow wrong... If the ID would change (I first create the record and then the server returns proper ID, that would also confuse the row selector, no?)
(Note, correct as ExtJS 3.3.1)
First of all, this is my quick and dirty hack. Coincidentally I have my CheckboxSelectionModel extended in my system:-
Kore.ux.grid.CheckboxSelectionModel = Ext.extend(Ext.grid.CheckboxSelectionModel, {
clearSelections : function(fast){
if(fast !== true){
var ds =,
s = this.selections;
//Hack, ds.indexOfId( is not correct.
//Inherited problem from Store.reader.realize function
}, this);
this.last = false;
And this is the place where the clearSelections fails. They try to deselect rows by using ds.indexOfId( and it will returns -1 because we do not have the index defined remapped.
And this is why we can't find the id:-
Note that the first item in the image is not properly "remapped". This is because we have a problem in the "reMap" function in our, read as follow:-
// remap record ids in MixedCollection after records have been realized. #see Store#onCreateRecords, #see DataReader#realize
reMap : function(record) {
if (Ext.isArray(record)) {
for (var i = 0, len = record.length; i < len; i++) {
} else {
delete[record._phid];[] = record;
var index =;, 1,;
delete record._phid;
Apparently, this method fails to get fired (or buggy). Traced further up, this method is called by
this.reader.realize(rs, data);
It does look fine on the first look, but when I trace rs and data, these data magically set to undefined after this.reader.realize function, and hence reMap could not map the phantom record back to the normal record.
I don't know what is wrong with this function, and I don't know how should I overwrite this function in my JsonReader. If any of you happen to be free, do help us trace up further for the culprit that causes this problem
Looks like to have multi select enabled for you grid. You can configure the selection model of the grid by using the Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel.
Set your selection model to single select by configuring the sm (selection model) in grid panel as show below:
sm: new Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel({singleSelect:true})
Try reloading the grid using the load method or loadData method of the grid's store. Are you updating the grid on the client side? then maybe you can use loadData method. If you are using to get data from remote.. you can use load method. I use load method to update my grid with new records (after some user actions like add,refresh etc). Or you could simply reload as follows:

Custom Edit control inside a ExtJS Editor grid

Got an issue, and need your advices
I just started writing an editor grid. (I will actually use this grid as a search filter editor, i.e. columns with criteria name, operators and values).
Now, for the value field, I want to have different edit controls for different rows. For instance, when a criteria type is string I want to display a text box, when it's date time, I want a datetime editor.
So the fact is, I need to control the "edit control creation/display" just before editing starts. and it should be different among rows. Unlike the examples I found which are fixed for the columns.
In order to implement this, can you guys please suggest the steps I need to do? I can probably figure out it if one of you can direct me a way.
Thanks and best regards
Actually you can easily accomplish this by dynamically returning different editors and renders depending on the column you're in. In your ColumnModel object you can define something like this below. Note that i'm getting a type property of each record to determine its type. I have an object containing all my different types of editors, and the same for renderers, and then based on the the type i dish out a different editor or renderer for that cell.
editors: { 'default': {xtype:'textfield'},
texttype: {xtype:'textfield'},
numbertype: {xtype:'numberfield'},
combotype: {xtype:'combo'}....... etc. }
getCellEditor: function(colIndex, rowIndex) {
var store = Ext.getCmp('mygrid').getStore();
var field = this.getDataIndex(colIndex);
var rec = store.getAt(rowIndex);
var type = rec.get('type');
if (type in this.editors) {
return this.editors[type];
} else {
return this.editors['default'];
In the configuration section of your editorgrid, you will need to define your custom editors:
xtype: 'editorgrid',
id : 'mygridID',
stripeRows: true,
,customEditors : {
//configs go here or pre-define the configs prior to this
'columnName1' : new Ext.grid.GridEditor(new Ext.form.Combobox(configObject)),
//configs go here or pre-define the configs prior to this
'columnName7' : new Ext.grid.GridEditor(new Ext.form.CheckBox(configObject))
use this grid config - in order to select whole rows:
selType: 'rowmodel'
