Object #<Resource> has no method 'save' - angularjs

I have a fairly simple AngularJS app that is consuming a Spring MVC Rest API.
I am able to query the API. But I am having trouble Creating objects. I get the following error and have not been able to figure out why. I have looked at similar questions but my API is returning the created object and from what I can tell my injections are correct.
Here is the stack from the javascript console:
TypeError: Object #<Resource> has no method 'save'
at Object.TeamListCtrl.$scope.addPlayer(http://localhost:8000/app/js/controllers.js:17:13)
at elementFns (http://localhost:8000/app/lib/angular/angular.js:6365:19)
at Object.$get.Scope.$eval (http://localhost:8000/app/lib/angular/angular.js:8057:28)
at Object.$get.Scope.$apply (http://localhost:8000/app/lib/angular/angular.js:8137:23)
at Object.ng.config.$provide.decorator.$delegate.__proto__.$apply (http://localhost:8000/app/index.html:855:30)
at HTMLFormElement.ngIncludeDirective.restrict (http://localhost:8000/app/lib/angular/angular.js:13159:11)
at event.preventDefault (http://localhost:8000/app/lib/angular/angular.js:1992:10)
at Array.forEach (native)
at forEach (http://localhost:8000/app/lib/angular/angular.js:130:11)
at HTMLFormElement.eventHandler (http://localhost:8000/app/lib/angular/angular.js:1991:5)
Here is my controller:
function TeamListCtrl($scope, Shared, Teams, Players) {
$scope.teams = Teams.query();
$scope.addPlayer = function() {
var newPlayer = new Players({
position: $scope.newPlayer.position,
lastName: $scope.newPlayer.lastName,
firstName: $scope.newPlayer.firstName
newPlayer.save({teamId: $scope.newPlayer.teamId});
TeamListCtrl.$inject = ['$scope', 'Shared', 'Teams', 'Players'];
Here is my service:
var teamsService = angular.module('teamsService', ['ngResource']);
teamsService.factory('Players', function($resource){
return $resource('http://localhost\\:8080/api/teams/players/:teamId', {teamId:'#teamId'}, {
save: {method:'POST'}
Thank you for any help you can provide.

Can you try to post the resource, like this
var newPlayer = {
teamId: $scope.newPlayer.teamId,
position: $scope.newPlayer.position,
lastName: $scope.newPlayer.lastName,
firstName: $scope.newPlayer.firstName


Issue with backbonejs model objects json representation

I have a question related to contained backbonejs model objects.
Using yeoman backbone generator described at https://github.com/yeoman/generator-backbone, I created a backbone application to test how a model object that contains another model object is being sent as json to the backend server.
I added two models contact and address to this test application.
yo backbone:model contact
yo backbone:model address
Contact object contains one address object. Contact and address backbone model objects are shown below. The init function in the generated main.js is also shown below. The console log is shown below. Ignore the POST error since there is no endpoint contacts.
My question is: in the Chrome browser Developer Tools window, network tab the request payload is:
{"name":"John Doe"}
What changes are needed to the backbone model objects so that the request payload will have the contained address object also? Thanks. I want the payload to look like this:
"name": "John Doe",
"address": {
"addressLine1": "Somewhere"
From console in the Developer Tools window, I can confirm addressLine1 is 'Somewhere' in the contained address object :
Inside Contact.initialize
address.js:14 Inside Address.initialize
contact.js:24 Inside Contact.getAddress
main.js:12 Hello from Backbone! name = John Doe addressLine1 = Somewhere
contact.js:21 Inside Contact.validate
main.js:22 return value from save [object Object]
jquery.js:8630 POST http://localhost:9001/contacts 404 (Not Found)
main.js:19 Error [object Object]
From main.js
init: function () {
'use strict';
var myContact = new Test.Models.Contact();
console.log('Hello from Backbone! name = ' + myContact.get('name') + ' addressLine1 = ' + myContact.getAddress().get('addressLine1'));
var rv = myContact.save(null,{
success: function(response) {
console.log('Success ' + response);
error: function(response) {
console.log('Error ' + response);
console.log ('return value from save ' + rv);
From contact.js
/*global Test, Backbone*/
Test.Models = Test.Models || {};
(function () {
'use strict';
Test.Models.Contact = Backbone.Model.extend({
url: '/contacts',
initialize: function() {
console.log ('Inside Contact.initialize');
this.address=new Test.Models.Address();
defaults: {
name: 'John Doe'
validate: function(attrs, options) {
console.log ('Inside Contact.validate');
getAddress: function() {
console.log ('Inside Contact.getAddress');
return this.address;
parse: function(response, options) {
console.log ('Inside Contact.parse');
return response;
From address.js
/*global Test, Backbone*/
Test = {}; // a global object
Test.Models = Test.Models || {};
(function () {
'use strict';
Test.Models.Address = Backbone.Model.extend({
url: '',
initialize: function() {
console.log ('Inside Address.initialize');
defaults: {
addressLine1: 'Somewhere'
validate: function(attrs, options) {
console.log ('Inside Address.validate');
parse: function(response, options) {
console.log ('Inside Address.parse');
return response;
Call stack when I set a breakpoint at contact validate function:
validate (contact.js:21)
_validate (backbone.js:568)
save (backbone.js:465)
init (main.js:14)
(anonymous) (main.js:29)
fire (jquery.js:3099)
fireWith (jquery.js:3211)
ready (jquery.js:3417)
completed (jquery.js:3433)
When the above break point is triggered, I can verify this object has address information:
child {cid: "c1", attributes: {…}, _changing: false, _previousAttributes: {…}, changed: {…}, …}
attributes:{addressLine1: "Somewhere"}
attributes:{name: "John Doe"}
Thanks a lot.
I saw Nesting collection or models within another model
I added the following line of code just before I save the model in main.js:
myContact.set('address', myContact.getAddress().toJSON());
then I can verify the request payload is what I was expecting:
{"name":"John Doe","address":{"addressLine1":"Somewhere"}}
Thanks to Emile Bergeron for pointing out toJSON() method must be called.
The take away for me is backbone is bare bones. It is not smart enough to figure out an object may contain other objects and do the needful. The javascript programmer must call toJSON() at appropriate time.

Testing Angular-Resource: Expected an Object, got a Resource

When trying to test some simple angular code using $resource, I end up with a Resource object which contains a $promise key and hence a failure of the form: Failure/Error: Expected Resource(...) to equal Object(...)
I was expecting to get back the object I passed to the respond method as part of httpBackend.expectGET('/books/5.json').respond(my_book). Am I using $resource wrong or is something wrong in my test?
var bookApp = angular.module('bookApp',
function BookController(scope, $resource) {
var ctrl = this;
var Book = $resource('/books/:selected.json', {selected:'#id'});
ctrl.fetch_book = function(id){
console.log('Selecting options ' + id);
Book.get({selected:id}, function(data){
console.log('Received: ' + JSON.stringify(data));
ctrl.current_book = data;
BookController.$inject = ['$scope', '$resource'];
bookApp.component('book', {
controller: BookController
describe('component: tree', function() {
var component_controller, $componentController, httpBackend, my_book;
beforeEach(inject(function($httpBackend, _$componentController_) {
httpBackend = $httpBackend;
$componentController = _$componentController_;
describe('$ctrl.fetch_book(book_id)', function(){
beforeEach(function() {
component_controller = $componentController('book');
my_book = {title: 'Sanctuary', id: '5'};
it('fetches the book with id=book_id', function(){
console.log('Options: ' + JSON.stringify(component_controller.current_book));
console.log('constructor: ' + JSON.stringify(component_controller.current_book.constructor.name));
$ bundle exec teaspoon -f documentation
component: tree
fetches the book with id=book_id (FAILED - 1)
# Selecting options 5
# Received: {"title":"Sanctuary","id":"5"}
# Options: {"title":"Sanctuary","id":"5"}
# constructor: "Resource"
1) component: tree $ctrl.fetch_book(book_id) fetches the book with id=book_id
Failure/Error: Expected Resource({ title: 'Sanctuary', id: '5',
$promise: Promise({ $$state: Object({ status: 1, value:
<circular reference: Object> }) }), $resolved: true }) to equal
Object({ title: 'Sanctuary', id: '5' }).
Finished in 0.02600 seconds
1 example, 1 failure
Try this in your tester:
It'll strip the object's properties and you'll have a match.
You can also try angular.equals but I haven't tested that.
Try adding the following to your spec file and see if it works. I saw it in the PhoneCat example and it worked for me.
beforeEach(function() {
You can try doing something like this:
I had the same issue where I got an error of
Expected object to be a kind of Object, but was Resource(
This is what I had before:
And after I added .toJSON() it was all good:
Hope this helps!

Mongoose and Angular Populate Issue

I am new to mongoose and Angular and I am having an issue with mongoose's populate method. I have the following two mongoose schemas
var JobSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
jobName: String,
jobType: String,
status: String,
examples: [{type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Example'}]
mongoose.model('Job', JobSchema);
var ExampleSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
content: String,
job: {type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Job'}
mongoose.model('Example', ExampleSchema);
So basically the Job schema contains Example's. I also have the following Express route for getting the examples from a particular Job. I used this tutorial to figure out how to do this.
var Job = mongoose.model('Job');
var Example = mongoose.model('Example');
router.get('/jobs/:job', function (req, res) {
req.job.populate('examples', function (err, job) {
if (err) {return next(err);}
Also, I am using the following to automatically retrieve the job from mongo and attach it to req.
router.param('job', function (req, res, next, id) {
var query = Job.findById(id);
query.exec(function (err, job) {
if (err) {
return next(err);
if (!job) {
return next(new Error('can\'t find job'));
req.job = job;
return next();
I also have the following Angular factory that uses this route
app.factory('jobs', ['$http', function ($http) {
var o = {
jobs: []
o.get = function (id) {
return $http.get('/jobs/' + id).then(function (res) {
return res.data;
return o;
I also created the following state which is supposed to immediately populate the examples for a given Job id using the above factory.
.state('jobs', {
url: '/jobs/{id}',
templateUrl: '/jobs.html',
controller: 'NerCtrl',
resolve: {
post: ['$stateParams', 'jobs', function ($stateParams, jobs) {
return jobs.get($stateParams.id);
The problem comes when I actually try to show the examples using a controller.
app.controller('NerCtrl', [
function ($scope, job) {
$scope.examples = job.examples;
The view that tries to use $scope.examples just displays {{examples}} rather than the actual content of the scope variable. In fact, nothing in the controller seems to work with the `job` injection (not even simple 'alerts').
It looks the problem comes from the `job` injection in the controller. This is supposed to refer to the job that is retrieved in the resolve given the id but it doesn't look like this is working.
In addition, I have curled an example record's url (eg. curl http://localhost:3000/jobs/56920a1329cda48f16fc0815) and it does return the desired Job record, so it does look like the route part is working correctly. I suspect the problem is somewhere in the 'resolve' or the way in which I am injecting the result of the resolve into the controller.
Ok this was a silly mistake. The post inside the Job state should have been job. i.e.
.state('jobs', {
url: '/jobs/{id}',
templateUrl: '/jobs.html',
controller: 'NerCtrl',
resolve: {
job: ['$stateParams', 'jobs', function ($stateParams, jobs) {
return jobs.get($stateParams.id);
In my inexperience, I did not know what post was referring to, but I suppose it refers to the job that is returned from jobs.get($stateParams.id) which is then the name that gets injected in the controller. So obviously the name in resolve must be consistent with what is injected in the controller.

TypeError: undefined is not a function while submitting & deleting post using AngularFire and AngularJS (ThinksterIO Tutorial Chapter 7)

I've run into multiple TypeErrors with the Thinkster.io AngularJS Tutorial: Learn to build Modern Webapps Chapter 7. Creating your own user data using firebase since the tutorial is now outdated after AngularFire was upgraded to v0.8.0. Specifically the .$child() and .$on() methods have been taken out. Here is the change log
After getting help solving my initial TypeError issues during registering a new user, I began to see 2 new TypeErrors show up when I submit a post and when I try to delete a post. Once again the culprits are the outdated .$child() and .$on() methods.
Submitting a Post > TypeError: undefined is not a function
After submitting a post I see the following TypeError show up in the console
This TypeError points to the post.js service
TypeError: undefined is not a function
at http://localhost:9000/scripts/services/post.js:16:11
which is line 16, column 11 at the beginning of the $child method call. Also, note the second .&child() following the first. That will result in another TypeError.
return posts.$add(post).then(function(ref) {
var postId = ref.name();
return postId;
I will mention that even though I get this TypeError, I'm still able to successfully create a post and I see it in the Forge and in the app's post list.
Deleting a Post > TypeError: undefined is not a function
When I try to delete a post that I just created I get another TypeError related to the now deprecated .$on() method.
TypeError: undefined is not a function
at Object.Post [as delete] (http://localhost:9000/scripts/services/post.js:27:10)
at Scope.$scope.deletePost (http://localhost:9000/scripts/controllers/posts.js:10:14)
which points to the .$on() in this code in the post.js service
delete: function(postId) {
if(User.signedIn()) {
var post = Post.find(postId);
post.$on('loaded', function(){
var user = User.findByUsername(post.owner);
I realize that I will have to do something like
post.$loaded(function(result) {Chapter 7. Creating your own user data using firebase
// something related to finding user of post
// remove post from posts collection
// but of course we can't use .$child()
but the problem is that when a JS beginner like me comes along faced with the AngularFire change logs and API, I just get lost and overwhelmed to the point of shut down. Any guidance is greatly appreciated as always.
post.js service
'use strict';
app.factory('Post', function($firebase, FIREBASE_URL, User){
var ref = new Firebase(FIREBASE_URL + 'posts');
var posts = $firebase(ref).$asArray();
var Post = {
all: posts,
create: function(post) {
if(User.signedIn()) {
var user = User.getCurrent();
post.owner = user.username;
return posts.$add(post).then(function(ref) {
var postId = ref.name();
return postId;
find: function(postId) {
return $firebase(ref.child(postId)).$asObject();
delete: function(postId) {
if(User.signedIn()) {
var post = Post.find(postId);
post.$on('loaded', function(){
var user = User.findByUsername(post.owner);
return Post;
post.js controller
'use strict';
app.controller('PostsCtrl', function($scope, $location, Post) {
$scope.posts = Post.all;
$scope.post = {url: 'http://', title: ''};
$scope.deletePost = function(post) {
I was fed up, so I took a easy approach (just to get trough the tutorial). I created userRef (this should come from the User object imo):
modulename.factory("Post", function ($firebase, FIREBASE_URL, User) {
//rest code
var userRef = new Firebase(FIREBASE_URL + "users");
var Post = {
create: function(){
//rest of the code
return posts.$add(post).then(function (ref) {
var postId = ref.name();
return postId;
This is just one approach, when I was searching for a good solution, I saw some more example codes. I hope it helps a little bit.

Proper place for data-saving logic in AngularJS

App design question. I have a project which has a very large number of highly customized inputs. Each input is implemented as a directive (and Angular has made this an absolute joy to develop).
The inputs save their data upon blur, so there's no form to submit. That's been working great.
Each input has an attribute called "saveable" which drives another directive which is shared by all these input types. the Saveable directive uses a $resource to post data back to the API.
My question is, should this logic be in a directive at all? I initially put it there because I thought I would need the saving logic in multiple controllers, but it turns out they're really happening in the same one. Also, I read somewhere (lost the reference) that the directive is a bad place to put API logic.
Additionally, I need to introduce unit testing for this saving logic soon, and testing controllers seems much more straightforward than testing directives.
Thanks in advance; Angular's documentation may be… iffy… but the folks in the community are mega-rad.
[edit] a non-functional, simplified look at what I'm doing:
<input ng-model="question.value" some-input-type-directive saveable ng-blur="saveModel(question)">
.directive('saveable', ['savingService', function(savingService) {
return {
restrict: 'A',
link: function(scope) {
scope.saveModel = function(question) {
{id: question.id, answer: question.value},
function(response, getResponseHeaders) {
// a bunch of post-processing
No, I don't think the directive should be calling $http. I would create a service (using the factory in Angular) OR (preferably) a model. When it is in a model, I prefer to use the $resource service to define my model "classes". Then, I abstract the $http/REST code into a nice, active model.
The typical answer for this is that you should use a service for this purpose. Here's some general information about this: http://docs.angularjs.org/guide/dev_guide.services.understanding_services
Here is a plunk with code modeled after your own starting example:
Example code:
var app = angular.module('savingServiceDemo', []);
app.service('savingService', function() {
return {
somethingOrOther: {
save: function(obj, callback) {
callback(obj, {});
app.directive('saveable', ['savingService', function(savingService) {
return {
restrict: 'A',
link: function(scope) {
scope.saveModel = function(question) {
id: question.id,
answer: question.value
function(response, getResponseHeaders) {
// a bunch of post-processing
app.controller('questionController', ['$scope', function($scope) {
$scope.question = {
question: 'What kind of AngularJS object should you create to contain data access or network communication logic?',
id: 1,
value: ''
The relevant HTML markup:
<body ng-controller="questionController">
Your answer: <input ng-model="question.value" saveable ng-blur="saveModel(question)" />
An alternative using only factory and the existing ngResource service:
However, you could also utilize factory and ngResource in a way that would let you reuse some of the common "saving logic", while still giving you the ability to provide variation for distinct types of objects / data that you wish to save or query. And, this way still results in just a single instantiation of the saver for your specific object type.
Example using MongoLab collections
I've done something like this to make it easier to use MongoLab collections.
Here's a plunk.
The gist of the idea is this snippet:
var dbUrl = "https://api.mongolab.com/api/1/databases/YOURDB/collections";
var apiKey = "YOUR API KEY";
var collections = [
for(var i = 0; i < collections.length; i++) {
var collectionName = collections[i];
app.factory(collectionName, ['$resource', function($resource) {
var resourceConstructor = createResource($resource, dbUrl, collectionName, apiKey);
var svc = new resourceConstructor();
// modify behavior if you want to override defaults
return svc;
dbUrl and apiKey would be, of course, specific to your own MongoLab info
The array in this case is a group of distinct collections that you want individual ngResource-derived instances of
There is a createResource function defined (which you can see in the plunk and in the code below) that actually handles creating a constructor with an ngResource prototype.
If you wanted, you could modify the svc instance to vary its behavior by collection type
When you blur the input field, this will invoke the dummy consoleLog function and just write some debug info to the console for illustration purposes.
This also prints the number of times the createResource function itself was called, as a way to demonstrate that, even though there are actually two controllers, questionController and questionController2 asking for the same injections, the factories get called only 3 times in total.
Note: updateSafe is a function I like to use with MongoLab that allows you to apply a partial update, basically a PATCH. Otherwise, if you only send a few properties, the entire document will get overwritten with ONLY those properties! No good!
Full code:
<div ng-controller="questionController">
Your answer: <input ng-model="question.value" saveable ng-blur="save(question)" />
<div ng-controller="questionController2">
Your answer: <input ng-model="question.value" saveable ng-blur="save(question)" />
(function() {
var app = angular.module('savingServiceDemo', ['ngResource']);
var numberOfTimesCreateResourceGetsInvokedShouldStopAt3 = 0;
function createResource(resourceService, resourcePath, resourceName, apiKey) {
var resource = resourceService(resourcePath + '/' + resourceName + '/:id',
apiKey: apiKey
method: 'PUT'
resource.prototype.consoleLog = function (val, cb) {
console.log("The numberOfTimesCreateResourceGetsInvokedShouldStopAt3 counter is at: " + numberOfTimesCreateResourceGetsInvokedShouldStopAt3);
console.log('this =');
if (cb) {
resource.prototype.update = function (cb) {
return resource.update({
id: this._id.$oid
angular.extend({}, this, {
_id: undefined
}), cb);
resource.prototype.updateSafe = function (patch, cb) {
resource.get({id:this._id.$oid}, function(obj) {
for(var prop in patch) {
obj[prop] = patch[prop];
resource.prototype.destroy = function (cb) {
return resource.remove({
id: this._id.$oid
}, cb);
return resource;
var dbUrl = "https://api.mongolab.com/api/1/databases/YOURDB/collections";
var apiKey = "YOUR API KEY";
var collections = [
for(var i = 0; i < collections.length; i++) {
var collectionName = collections[i];
app.factory(collectionName, ['$resource', function($resource) {
var resourceConstructor = createResource($resource, dbUrl, collectionName, apiKey);
var svc = new resourceConstructor();
// modify behavior if you want to override defaults
return svc;
app.controller('questionController', ['$scope', 'user', 'question', 'like',
function($scope, user, question, like) {
$scope.question = {
question: 'What kind of AngularJS object should you create to contain data access or network communication logic?',
id: 1,
value: ''
$scope.save = function(obj) {
question.consoleLog(obj, function() {
console.log('And, I got called back');
app.controller('questionController2', ['$scope', 'user', 'question', 'like',
function($scope, user, question, like) {
$scope.question = {
question: 'What is the coolest JS framework of them all?',
id: 1,
value: ''
$scope.save = function(obj) {
question.consoleLog(obj, function() {
console.log('You better have said AngularJS');
In general, things related to the UI belong in a directive, things related to the binding of input and output (either from the user or from the server) belong in a controller, and things related to the business/application logic belong in a service (of some variety). I've found this separation leads to very clean code for my part.
