Compiled Vala app won't run - Elementary OS - c

I have just installed Elementary OS and am learning what looks to be a pretty cool language. It's very similar to C#. I am following the tutorials step-by-step, though there are a few problems.
I'm not sure if these issues are due to my noobiness on Linux, or if I was supposed to install some things before writing Vala code - but I have installed everything the tutorial said to install.
The problem is that the Tutorial teaches us about It then later on tells us to ah push our little hello world app to Now I have created my account on and I used Terminal (as per the tutorial) and when I "push" code to - I don't get any feedback in the terminal - what I mean by that is, I don't know if the push was OK or if there was a problem.
Now, with the compilation of the Tutorial's sample program. WHen I compile it - again - there's no feedback like "Successfully compiled" or "Not compiled". Which I don't mind, but it turns out it did compile. It created a program, but here's the problem. I can't run it.
When I click/double-click, it won't open.
I've gone through this tutorial many times, I've done everything 100% as it says in the Tutorial but it just won't work.
Code pushed to Launchpad does not appear in, and
After compiling my app from the tutorial, I cannot run the app.
Can someone please help? I'm not sure what to do, or what I've done wrong.
The tutorial

You did a chmod +x ./programname on the file didn't you? You won't be able to run it unless uou set it as executable. You can also do this with a file manager, right clicking and choosing properties.


Mongo DB - bash: mongo: command not found

So I have been learning about databases and I'm new to it. In my udemy course the video was outdated for the installation of MngoDB version 6.0.1. The video instructor showed a way to install it using the vim editor. However it didn't work for me. Then I discovered that many people are going through the same problem and a guy told a solution to delete the file created with vim and instead use "system environment variable". I edited the path by adding a new one in which I did exactly as the guy mentioned to specify the 'bin' folder inside mongoDB in the Program files. And when I tried to run the 'mongod' command inside hyper I got this at the last line.
{"t":{"$date":"2022-09-09T10:05:27.885+05:30"},"s":"I", "c":"NETWORK", "id":23016,
"ctx":"listener","msg":"Waiting for connections","attr":{"port":27017,"ssl":"off"}}
The instructor did mention that I should see something like "Waiting for connections at port 27017". However the last line in hyper doesn't explicitly mention it in one line, but I think that's fine. Because the instructor was using a mac and I am using a Windows device. Now here comes the main error. When I open a new tab in Hyper and type 'mongo', I get this error
$ mongo
bash: mongo: command not found
I've researched a lot on stackoverflow but nothing helped me in the end. However I can provide with something that might help in figuring out the solution. Here's something unusual that I noticed. The 'bin' folder in C:/ProgramFiles/MongoDB/Server/6.0 seems to contain very few files. It has only 2 .exe applications namely - 'mongod.exe' & 'mongos.exe'. There is no 'mongo.exe' that my instructor has on her computer. I think this might be the root of the problem, however I'm not sure. also there are other files that seem to be missing. But I would like to mention that I've not tampered the files even once since I've installed them from the setup. I hope this is enough for you guys to solve this. Please help me.

Beginner: How do I actually use gperf? It just hangs every time I run it

I am very new to coding, currently taking Harvard's CS50x class online. The extent of my familiarity with code, languages, and environments is what they've taught me so far in C. With vague guidance from other questions on this site, I've taken about 4 days to install gperf, from discovering what Cygwin is to installing all of its libraries and error-checking the installation all the way up to finding out where it finally put the installed program. I was so happy when I actually found the application 'gperf.exe' just now. I thought I was finally just about to get the hash function I've been trying to make for almost a week.
And now, the program does nothing but hang every time I try to run it, no error messages. Offering no input file causes it to hang. Doing any amount of and selection of options specified in the manual, it just hangs. Even debugging says it's entering debugging, then just hangs. The only way I've been able to get the program to respond at all is offering it an invalid input file, which it says is invalid. Nothing else does anything; no output file, no command-line response, nothing. I am frustrated to the point of tears, and the documentation provided with gperf assumes you're a professional coder, talking endlessly about the hundreds of high-level customization options to modify the program, but not a word about how to make it just run on a basic level. I've searched Google and this site extensively, and very little pops up as soon as I search for gperf related issues specifically.
Can anyone please just walk me through how to make this program work? I'm sure it's some stupid little thing that I'm missing, but all I want it to do is take my input file of strings and give me a hash function in C. Any and all help is appreciated, I have absolutely no clue what I'm doing and even installing gperf was a multi-day process that is far beyond the scope of what I've done so far.
Thank you.
Executions I've tried passing:
Arguments I've tried passing:
--output-file 'FILE'
I have tried all of these with and without the inclusion of my input file, named 'keys' and 'keys.txt'. The only thing that has generated any response from the program has been giving it an incorrect input-file name, giving the result 'could not load input file 'keys''.
gperf can be slow if the input file you give it is large, that is, contains many keys. You can get an impression of what are "small" files vs. "large" files by looking at the documentation: Known bugs and limitations.

Starting a graphical application using sfml on Raspberry Pi boot

I would like to make a Graphical interface for a home-made program using SFML on Raspberry Pi2. I am using Raspbian. I recompiled the graphical lib
It works fine unsing startx first, then using my application, which wors perfectly fine.
But I can't figure if it is possible or how to launch my application directly after boot without launching startx (just to optimise the cpu of the Raspberry).
Starting my program direcly after boot, I get the following error:
Failed to open X11 display: make sure the DISPLAY environnement variable is set correctly.
I already tested the classic export DISPLAY=:0.0 but without sucess.
I interested myself in x and xinit, but I am not sure that would even do it.
Where should I start looking? I don't need a complete solution, even a hint or an idea would be nice!
I checked to see if it was possible to open a graphical app without the X desktop environment and as that answer states, with Firefox at least, you need the X server which SFML also probably needs in order to create a window.
The answer states:
Basically something like:
$ X
Then you just start Firefox in this X server:
$ DISPLAY=:0 firefox
You can switch from the X server and the framebuffer by using
You could try that and see if it helps.
Also, still searching, I found a forum post on the sfml website about what you're trying to accomplish stating somewhere:
SFML requires OpenGL, so as far as I know you need at least X running,
but you probably don't need gnome, KDE or a similar Desktop
Environment on top.
The forum guy asking for help seems to have managed to get X11 and a SFML basic render window to work on Ubuntu server after someone posted a link to xinitrc. I guess, that's the route to go from here.

Xcode close the project when i tried to compile it

I have this problems with Xcode
when i try to compile a program the Xcode just close (randomly) the project where i'am working, this happen with any type of code, like "printf("%d",1+1) or any other more complex code. And don't happen every time, just some times.
And that it's, i don't know why this start to happen. Anyone know how to fix this issue?
I'm working with Command Line Tool, and the language is C.
Did you recently upgrade to Yosemite? One of the reasons might be the upgrade.
Un-install and re-install Xcode and try.
For other internal problems you will need to send the code or a log of the error report.

"stack.cpp not found" prevents debug in VS 2013 express

I'm a rookie at C in general and VS 2013 also. I am trying to use some C code provided by a vendor in VS 2013 express. It compiles and runs without problem using the command line compiler but I would like to use the IDE.
I started a new project, C++ for console app, and I have pasted the code into the IDE and saved it as xyy.c so that it builds successfully. I thought it would be nice to have it in a GUI, so I duplicated the effort with a Win32 app project. It also builds.
The program's job is to connect to a PCI card that has Plx chip as an interface and program an FPGA. The Win32 program succeeds, even though I can't see any of the info printed by the program. The console program fails and I think it is because it fails to find the driver for the Plx chip. I thought I would get a clue by single stepping through the Win32 program to see which driver was supposed to be found.
However, after the first pass through a while loop, I get a pop up that says "Source Not Found" and "stack.cpp not found". Google wasn't any help to me.
I be grateful for any suggestions.
You might have "Enable .NET Framework source stepping" enabled (see So when you are at Stack... and trying to step into, it will actually try, but you don't have the sources for that. There is also a new experience for using the .NET framework reference source that was announced recently:
I faced the same problem. I advise at the moment of receiving the information "stack.cpp not found" to look at the stack trace and check if there is something like this: "RTC".
If there is, you need to change the flag along the path (for example, set the Default or a more convenient configuration for you):
Project Properties -> C/C++ -> Code Generation -> Basic Runtime Checks
More details:
