Glass Mirror API service - How to get Mirror server object? - google-mirror-api

How do we get reference to service object in the java example?

From the quickstart sample code at (and, in particular you can get a Mirror object through the builder using code like
public static Mirror getMirror(Credential credential) {
return new Mirror.Builder(new NetHttpTransport(), new JacksonFactory(), credential)
.setApplicationName("PG Java Starter").build();
See also the JavaDoc at


Connect Java Google AppEngine Local Standard Server to Cloud DB | appengine-api-1.0-sdk-1.9.84.jar | IntelliJ & Cloud Code

EDIT2: I have managed to get past the GlobalDatastoreConfig has already been set error. I managed to pinpoint all the locations that were getting called before the init function. They were in static space in some weird files.
I have now pointed ALL DatastoreServiceFactory.getDatastoreService() to a new static function I've created in a file called
private static boolean hasInit = false;
public static DatastoreService getDatastoreService() {
if(!hasInit) {
try {
CloudDatastoreRemoteServiceConfig config = CloudDatastoreRemoteServiceConfig
.appId(CloudDatastoreRemoteServiceConfig.AppId.create(CloudDatastoreRemoteServiceConfig.AppId.Location.US_CENTRAL, "gcp-project-id"))
hasInit = true;
} catch (Exception ignore) {}
return DatastoreServiceFactory.getDatastoreService();
This returns no errors on the first initialisation. However, I am getting a new error now!
Dec 08, 2022 6:49:56 PM init
INFO: Local Datastore initialized:
Type: High Replication
Storage: C:\Users\user\dev\repo\Celbux\core\Funksi179_NSFAS_modules\classes\artifacts\Funksi179_NSFAS_modules_war_exploded\WEB-INF\appengine-generated\local_db.bin
Dec 08, 2022 6:49:56 PM load
INFO: Time to load datastore: 20 ms
2022-12-08 18:49:56.757:WARN:oejs.HttpChannel:qtp1681595665-26: handleException /$CallNotFoundException: Can't make API call urlfetch.Fetch in a thread that is neither the original request thread nor a thread created by ThreadManager
2022-12-08 18:49:56.762:WARN:oejsh.ErrorHandler:qtp1681595665-26: Error page too large: 500 org.apache.jasper.JasperException:$RPCFailedException: I/O error
Full stacktrace:
Pretty sure the first of the errors is invoked from this line:
DatastoreService ds = Const.getDatastoreService();
Key ConstantKey = KeyFactory.createKey("Constants", 1);
Entity Constants1 = ds.get(ConstantKey) // <-- This line.
EDIT1: I am not using Maven. Here are the .jars I have in WEB-INF/lib
Original Question:
The company that I'm working at have a legacy GCP codebase written in Java. This codebase uses the appengine-api-1.0-sdk.jar libary. Upon running this CloudDatastoreRemoteServiceConfig code in the very first place that our DatastoreService gets initialised, it says that the config has already been set.
If someone can shed light on how to get this outdated tech connected to the Cloud via localhost, I'll be most grateful!
public class Filterns implements javax.servlet.Filter {
public void init(FilterConfig filterConfig) {
try {
CloudDatastoreRemoteServiceConfig config = CloudDatastoreRemoteServiceConfig
.appId(CloudDatastoreRemoteServiceConfig.AppId.create(CloudDatastoreRemoteServiceConfig.AppId.Location.US_CENTRAL, "gcp-project-id"))
DatastoreService ds = DatastoreServiceFactory.getDatastoreService();
} catch (Exception e) {
this.filterConfig = filterConfig;
I got this code snippet from here.
Was thinking a few ideas:
Perhaps there's GCP code that's called before our Java code which initialises the Local DB
Perhaps I need to set a global environment variable to point this old emulator to a Cloud Configuration instead
Only problem is I have no idea what to do from here, hoping someone has experience on the legacy Java library here.
To clarify; I am trying to get this outdated GCP Java codebase (appengine-api-1.0-sdk.jar) to connect to Cloud Datastore, NOT use the Local Datastore Emulator. This is so I can debug multiple applications that all access the same Cloud DB
It is very difficult to say especially with that amount of code and we can only guess but, as you indicated, probably some code is initializing your DataStore configuration, probably the SDK itself. You could try setting a breakpoint in the setConfig method of CloudDatastoreRemoteServiceConfig and analyze the call stack.
In any way, one think you could also try is not performing such as initialization in your code, delegating to Application Default Credentials the authentication of your client libraries.
For local development you have two options to configure such as Application Default Credentials.
On one hand, you can use user credentials, i.e., you can use the gcloud CLI to authenticate against GCP with an user with the required permissions to interact with the service, issuing the following command:
gcloud auth application-default login
Please, don't forget to revoke those credentials when you no longer need them:
gcloud auth application-default revoke
On the other, you can create a service account with the necessary permissions and a corresponding service account key, and download that key, a JSON file, to your local filesystem. See this for instructions specific to DataStore. Then, set the environment variable GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS to the path of the downloaded file with your service account key.
Again, a word of caution: take care of the downloaded service account key file and never put it under version control because anyone with that file could assume the permissions granted to the service account.
You code should work without further problem when running in GCP because probably you will be using a service that supports attaching a service account which means that Application Default Credentials are provided by the GCP services per se.

Dapper: Cannot read/map Geometry type field in local SQL Server

I am running ASP.NET Core 2 application.
I have a local instance of SQL Server where I have a table with a column of type Geometry.
When I go to read this table I get the following errors:
Type Udt is not supported on this platform.
Error parsing column 4 (MyLocation)
However this issue only seems to occur in my API project which calls to a custom made Nuget package that handles the CRUD operations.
If I test the same code in the project that does the CRUD it reads and maps my object.
It is not a connection issue in the API for I can successfully read/write other tables that do not have a Geometry field in it.
What could I possible be missing?
public async Task<IActionResult> Get(Guid Id)
var rec = await myRepo.Get<MyData>(id);
// then do stuff
*myRepo is injected into my controller.
public class MyData
public Guid Id {get;set;}
public IGeometry MyLocation {get;set;}
public async Task<TEntity> Get<TEntity>(object id)
where TEntity : class
return await _conn.GetAsync<TEntity>(id);
If this is .NET Core, then I suspect you could have significant issues using sqlgeography etc; UDTs essentially aren't yet implemented in .NET Core:
Additionally, the underlying types that you would want to load use native code; the geo/etc types are not, AFAIK, available in .NET Core.
If I'm wrong, I'm more than happy to try to make whatever changes we need to help make this work, but at the time of writing: I don't think this is going to work through any API (it is not specific to Dapper).
You might want to consider using ASP.NET Core on .NET Framework for today? reference .Net framework 4.5.2 from .Net Core 2.0 project
If this data does actually load from ADO.NET in .NET Core, then I'd be happy to fix whatever I've missed.

Google App Engine Cloud endpoints, no API

I came to know GAE cloud endpoints yesterday. From that time I am trying to generate APIs for my current web application. I am using JPA2.0, I chose one of my entity classes right clicked on it and then "generate Google endpoint class" . So now I have another class for this entity with #API annotations, etc.
But the problem is after deploying the app when I go to :
the services tab is empty. Same thing when I check it locally(Image below)
You need to Generate Cloud Endpoints Library (in Eclipse, right click on the Project, it's under Google) as well.
I had similar issue and it was caused by missing public attribute in methods.
public class MyApi {
void myMethod() { }
caused that I saw no methods. While added
public class MyApi {
public void myMethod() { }
methods started to be visible.
1.Login appengine
2.Click the [Version] link in a Main category
3.Select your version and [Make Default] button
4.You can access the api explorer
Best Regard.
I actually managed to resolve the above issue. So I had a web application existing and I thought I could just add annotations to it and have the APIs represented for it after deployment. But I realized that I had to start from scratch by creating an android app and then generate the back-end for that app and add my classes there. It now works. Thank you.
Points to remember before working on endpoints :
Need to create an endpoint client library before running your project.(In Eclipse : Project -> Right click -> Google -> Generate cloud endpoints library)
Check whether you are using latest Google Plugin or not. Because files required by endpoints will be executed from the plugin. If you are not able to generate the endpoint library. problem is with the plugin .Try updating it.
Endpoints will work only on default versions. Make sure that you made your version default.
finally try loading Everything should be fine now.

Consume SOAP Web Service in Silverlight

I'm attempting to consume a SOAP service in a Silverlight 5 application and I'm completely lost. This is my first Silverlight app and only my second time using web services in a .NET application.
In a separate .NET application, the only way I was able to get it to work was by adding the WSDL as a Web Reference; the application would not build when I added it as a Service Reference. In talking to the WSDL provider, I discovered that the WSDL was compiled using the .NET 2.0 framework...hence the need to add it as a Web Reference.
From the research I've done thus far, I see that Silverlight doesn't support adding a Web Reference. So I tried adding it to the hosting ASP.NET application as a Web Reference then started the server.
Back in my Silverlight app, I selected the option to add a Service Reference and pointed to the WSDL file now at http://localhost:55265/Web%20References/THINKWebService/SLWebSvc_734_Upgrade.wsdl. Visual Studio seemed to pick it up just fine and generate the proxies.
Here's where I start to get stuck. If my research is correct, a WCF reference was created and should be used in that manner. I've never used WCF so I did some reading on how to send/receive requests and this is the best code I've come up with, based on examples in the MSDN library (I inserted it into a button click event so I would know exactly when the code was executing):
private void Button1Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
var client = new ThinkSoapClient();
var userLoginData = new user_login_data {login = "foo", password = "bar"};
var customerIdentifier = new customer_identifier {customer_id = 6677070};
// the debugger halts on this next line and
// references the "dsn"'s the 4th argument
client.CustomerLoginInfoSelectAsync(userLoginData, customerIdentifier, "", "myDSN");
// I'm not sure if this next line is even needed
client.CustomerLoginInfoSelectCompleted += CustomerLoginInfoSelectCallback;
MessageBox.Show(string.Format("CustomerLoginInfoSelectAsync({0},{1})", userLoginData, customerIdentifier));
// here's the callback method
static void CustomerLoginInfoSelectCallback(object sender, CustomerLoginInfoSelectCompletedEventArgs e)
MessageBox.Show(string.Format("CustomerLoginInfoSelect Result: {0}", e.Result));
As I mentioned in the code above, the debugger halts when executing the client.CustomerLoginInfoSelectAsync method. Here's the error message: XmlSerializer attribute System.Xml.Serialization.XmlAttributeAttribute is not valid in dsn. Only XmlElement, XmlArray, XmlArrayItem and XmlAnyElement attributes are supported when IsWrapped is true.
From the research I've done, I think this error is being caused because the the SOAP action element contains an attribute dsn (not sure, though, if I would be getting this error if the sub-elements also had attributes).
I did a find/replace for IsWrapped=true to IsWrapped=false in Reference.cs but I got the same error but the last word was false instead of true.
I'm not sure if I'm making any sense as to what I'm after, so here's what the generated XML should look like in case it helps:
<customer_login_info_select_request dsn="myDSN">
<login/> <!--corresponds to the empty string in the call to CustomerLoginInfoSelectAsync-->
So at this point, I'm completely lost. Any insights would be greatly appreciated. If there's any other info I can provide, please let me know.
While possible the normal solution would be to assume it is "just another data source" and use the Web reference on your Server side instead to provide data (and to provide insulation against future changes).
Silverlight App <=> Silverlight Web Services <= External/Legacy Web Service
Keep your Silverlight app slim and let the server do any heavy lifting for you.

Task-Based data service in Silverlight

I'm trying to write a silverlight app using the await/async 'pattern' (using SL5 and VS11), but I cannot select the 'Generate Task-Based operations' in the service config, is this supposed to be possible (yet)? Can't find much detail on the web (specific to SL)...
I have been able to create manually Task based asynchronous service proxy in Silverlight 5 and Visual Studio 2010.
Works like charm.
I personally prefer to code my contracts and service proxies manually, but if you like to use Generate Service reference you can take a look at this post - WCF + Tasks.
I think it is not supported in Silverlight but you can do that yourself, Maybe a portable class library would be another workaround for this.
public class MyCServiceProxy
public static Task<ObservableCollection<MyC>> GetMyCs()
var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<ObservableCollection<MyC>>();
var client = new MyCServiceClient();
client.GetMyCsCompleted += (s,e) => {};
return tcs.Task;
