How does recursion works in a binary search tree? - c

Binary search tree algorithms usually use recursion, and I'm having a hard time with it.
This is a code which converts the tree into its mirror image .
void mirror_image(struct tree* node1)
if (node1==NULL)
struct tree *temp;
How does this work?

Basically you are creating new tree with changing its right and left node. pointers because you are making changes in adresses. first you are assigning value of left node to temp pointer variable. Then value of right node into left node. And at last the value in temp is shifting to right node. its like swapping.

So, it scans the left childs trees using
and right childs tress using
on reaching the end when
if (node1==NULL)
it interchanges them using the swap procedure:
I'd suggest try with a small binary tree, see it yourself on paper.


Binary search tree Sorting

i want to sort some data with the help of a binary search tree, that i have already created.
I have the following example code that works.. But can't understand how this works..
It starts and if there is no record in the database then b=0 and returns. This is clear.
If b exists, then it goes to the left node and calls the function again and again until b->left ==NULL.. Do i get it correctly?
But when does it print the data, since from what i get when it runs the function it doesnt print, but starts again from the top of the function..
void display_ordered_email(struct BST_node *b)
if (b==0)
printf("Name : %s\n", b->data->name);
printf("Address : %s\n", b->data->address);
printf("Email : %s\n", b->data->email);
Is this inorder traversal or other method?
Consider this simple tree.
/ \
a c
Given that display_ordered_email is supposed to recursively print the nodes in order, you can ask yourself when b should be printed. The answer is that b should be printed after it has visited and printed a (the left side), but before it will visit and print c (the right side).
void display_ordered_email(struct BST_node *b)
if (b==0)
/* ... print the node */
which is exactly how your routine is structured.
This is your pre-order traversal using recursion. Once you are done with the left subtree, it prints the root of that subtree followed by right subtree. You may want to try it out with a tree of about 8 nodes.
It will traverse all the way to the bottom left and hit 0. then it moves back one node and continues the code for that node after the return statement. This means it will print that code and then try it for the right node. If there is no right node it just returns otherwise it prints the right node. Then if both are done it will back up one level and print everything there then check that right branch for any branches it may have.
It is quite confusing at first but if you draw it out it becomes a lot easier to understand.

C: Finding Huffman-coded path of specific leaf in tree

I'm trying to write a recursive function that locates a specific leaf within a Huffman tree, then prints its shortest path with zeros and ones (zero being a traversal to the left, and one being a traversal to the right). I understand the logic of what I need to do, but I'm not having success at actually implementing it. I believe that I have a good skeleton here, but the part I'm missing is some more complicated logic to tell when I should actually run printf and when I should not (since this currently just prints every zero and one). Also, I know that the rest of the logic outside of this is working properly because if you do a normal traversal where you do not have to plot the shortest paths, each of the elements I am searching for is found.
I've tried looking at quite a few resources online and I cannot find a solution, or at least, I cannot recognize the solution properly. I've probably rewritten this 50 or more times. Let me know what you think!
void traverse(struct tree *curr, struct tree *cmp)
if (curr == NULL)
if (getLeft(curr) == NULL && getRight(curr) == NULL)
if (curr == cmp)
if (getLeft(curr) != NULL)
traverse(getLeft(curr), cmp);
if (getRight(curr) != NULL)
traverse(getRight(curr), cmp);
For context: cmp is the node we want to find, getLeft() and getRight() return the left and right children of a node respectively, and curr starts as the root of the Huffman tree itself. Also, the reason this printf thing works is because I loop through all of the known leaves, print other information about the leaf, and then call this traversal method, followed by a newline.
There are several solutions.
First, you could traverse the entire tree as you are doing and build a table of codes. Then use the table, not the tree. Then you're not wasting your time searching the whole tree for every code. As you traverse the tree you build up a string of 0's and 1's, and when you get to a leaf, you save the built up string and the symbol in the leaf in the table. Then throw away the tree. This is the recommended approach.
Second, your links could be bidirectional. Since you have a pointer to the leaf, you could simply start at the leaf and work your way back to the root, constructing the string of 0's and 1's in reverse.
Third, you could persist in doing your painful tree search for every leaf by having your traverse function return true or false. It would return true if either it got to the desired leaf, or if one of the traverse calls returned true. Then depending on which traverse call returned true, you would print or save a zero or a one. This would print the path in reverse. If you save them in a string in reverse order instead of printing, then you can print the string when the first traverse call returns.
A viable solution is to give each node a parent pointer. This way, once you find the leaf, you can traverse up the tree recursively starting at that leaf, and print the appropriate bits as you return from the recursive calls.
In this function, first check if the node has a parent or not (in other words, if we're at the root or not), and if so, call the function recursively with the node's parent; if not, return.
In the case that we called the function recursively, after the recursive call, check to see if the current node is the right child of its parent. If so, print a 1; if not, print a 0.
No need to worry about reversing a string in this implementation.
Another possible solution would be to build up the string and pass it along to the recursive calls. For this solution, you'd need to know the height of the tree, or at least the number of symbols your tree can encode so that you pass in a char array of at least that size, plus one for null termination.
In pseudocode, this would look like:
func traverse (cur, cmp, str)
if cur == null, return
if cur == cmp
print str
if cur.left != null
traverse(cur.left, cmp, str + "0")
if cur.right != null
traverse(cur.right, cmp, str + "1")
This way, you're building up the string, and only print it once you find the leaf in question. Note that I moved the cur == cmp check outside of that if statement, because it should never be true for an internal node in a Huffman code tree. This method is wildly inefficient for finding the code for one character, though, since it performs a DFS on the entire tree.

Need some explanation about trees in C

Leaf *findLeaf(Leaf *R,int data)
if(R->data >= data )
if(R->left == NULL) return R;
else return findLeaf(R->left,data);
if(R->right == NULL) return R;
else return findLeaf(R->right,data);
void traverse(Leaf *R)
if(R==root){printf("ROOT is %d\n",R->data);}
if(R->left != NULL)
printf("Left data %d\n",R->left->data);
if(R->right != NULL)
printf("Right data %d\n",R->right->data);
These code snippets works fine but i wonder how they works?
I need a brief explanation about recursion.I am thankful for your helps.
A Leaf struct will look something like this:
typedef struct struct_t {
int data;
Leaf * left; //These allow structs to be chained together where each node
Leaf * right; //has two pointers to two more nodes, causing exponential
} Leaf; //growth.
The function takes a pointer to a Leaf we call R and some data to search against, it returns a pointer to a Leaf
Leaf *findLeaf(Leaf *R,int data){
This piece of code decides whether we should go left or right, the tree is known to be ordered because the insert function follows this same rule for going left and right.
if(R->data >= data ){
This is an edge case of the recursive nature of the function, if we have reached the last node in a tree, called the Leaf, return that Leaf.
An edge case of a recursive function has the task of ending the recursion and returning a result. Without this, the function would not finish.
if(R->left == NULL) return R;
This is how we walk through the tree, Here, we are traversing down the left side because the data was larger. (Larger data is always inserted on at the left to stay ordered.)
What is happening is that now we call findLeaf() with R->left, but imagine if we get to this point again in this next call.
It will become R->left->left in reference to the first call. If the data is smaller than the current node we are operating on we would go right instead.
else return findLeaf(R->left,data);
Now we are at the case where the data was smaller than the current Node, so we are going right.
} else {
This is exactly the same as with the left.
if(R->right == NULL) return R;
else return findLeaf(R->right,data);
In the end, the return of the function can be conceptualized as something like R->right->right->left->NULL.
Lets take this tree and operate on it with findLeaf();
findLeaf(Leaf * root, 4) //In this example, root is already pointing to (8)
We start at the root, at the top of the tree, which contains 8.
First we check R->data >= data where we know R->data is (8) and data is (4). Since we know data is smaller than R->data(Current node), we enter the if statement.
Here we operate on the left Leaf, checking if it is NULL. It isn't and so we skip to the else.
Now we return findLeaf(R->left, data);, but to return it, we must solve it first. This causes us to enter a second iteration where we compare (3) to (4) and try again.
Going through the entire process again, we will compare (6) to (4) and then finally find our node when we comepare (4) to (4). Now we will backtrack through the function and return a chain like this:
Edit: Also, coincidentally, I wrote a blog post about traversing a linked list to explain the nature of a Binary Search Tree here.
Each Leaf contains three values:
data - an integer
left and right, both pointers to another leaf.
left, right or both, might be NULL, meaning there isn't another leaf in that direction.
So that's a tree. There's one Leaf at the root, and you can follow the trail of left or right pointers until you reach a NULL.
The key to recursion is that if you follow the path by one Leaf, the remaining problem is exactly the same (but "one smaller") as the problem you had when you were at the root. So you can call the same function to solve the problem. Eventually the routine will be at a Leaf with NULL as its pointer, and you've solved the problem.
It's probably easiest to understand a list before you understand a tree. So instead of a Leaf with two pointers, left and right, you have a Node with just one pointer, next. To follow the list to its end, recursively:
Node findEnd(Node node) {
if(node->next == NULL) {
return node; // Solved!!
} else {
return findEnd(node->next);
What's different about your findLeaf? Well, it uses the data parameter to decide whether to follow the left or right pointer, but otherwise it's exactly the same.
You should be able to make sense of traverse() with this knowledge. It uses the same principle of recursion to visit every Leaf in the structure.
Recursion is a function that breaks a problem down into 2 variants:
one step of solving the problem, and calling itself with the remainder of the problem
the last step of solving the problem
Recursion is simply a different way of looping through code.
Recursive algorithms generally work hand in hand with some form of data structure - in your case the tree. You need to imagine the recursion - very high level - as "reapply the same logic on a subset of the problem".
In your case the subset of the problem is either the branch of the three on the right or the branch of the three on the left.
So, let's look at the traverse algorithm:
It takes the leaf you pass to the method and - if it's the ROOT leaf states it
Then, if there is a "left" sub-leaf it displays the data attached to it and restarts the algorithm (the recursion) which means... on the left node
If the left node is the ROOT, state it (no chance after the first recursion since the ROOT is at the top)
Then , if there is a "left" sub-leaf to our left node, display it and restart the algorithm on this left, left
When reaching the bottom left, i.e. when there is no left leaf left (following? :) ) then it does the same on the first right leaf. If there is neither a left leaf nor a right leaf, which means we are at the real leaf that does not have sub-leafs, the recursive call ends, which means that the algorithm starts again from the place it was before recursing and with all the variables at the state they were in then.
After first recursion termination, you will move from the bottom left leaf up one leaf, and go down on the right leaf if there is one and start again printing and moving on the left.
All in all - the ending result is that you walk through your whole tree in a left first way.
Tell me if it's not crystal clear and try to apply the same pattern on the findLeaf recursive algorithm.
A little comment about recursion and then a little comment about searching on a tree:
let's suppose you want to calculate n!. You can do (pseudocode)
fac 0 = 1
fac (n+1) = (n+1) * fac n
So recursion is solving a problem by manipulating the result of solving the same problem with a smaller data. See
So now, let's suppose we have a data structure tree
T = (L, e, R)
with L the left subtree, e is the root and R is the right subtree... So let's say you want to find the value v in that tree, you would do
find v LEAF = false // you cant find any value in an empty tree, base case
find v (L, e, R) =
if v == e
then something(e)
if v < e
find v L (here we have recursion, we say 'go and search for v in the left subtree)
find v R (here we have recursion, we say 'go and search for v in the right subtree)

Printing in ascending order (sorting) from AVL trees

I need to define a main function that reads integers and prints them back in ascending order.
For example, if the input contains
the program should output
I need to use trees to do this however. I'm given the use of two functions insertavl, and deleteavlat my disposal. Their defintions are like so... basically when deleteavl is called it deletes the node, and rebalances the tree accordingly
... If interested thier structures are in:
I've gotten this so far:
int main (void) {
int number;
struct node *t = NULL;
while (1 == scanf("%d",&number)) {
t = insertavl(t, number);
while (t != NULL){
t = deleteavl(t, t->data);
But this doesn't print them in ascending order. Any suggestions would be helpful? thanks in advance!
Hint: in-order traversal on a BST is iterating the elements in ascending order.
Since an AVL Tree is a specific implementation of a BST, it also applies here.
EDIT: Explanation - why is this property of in-order traversal on a BST correct?
In in-order trvaersal, you access [print] each node after you accessed all the nodes in the left subtree. Since in a BST the root is bigger then all the nodes in the left subtree, it is what we wanted.
Also, in in-order traversal, you access each node before accessing all elements in the right sub-tree, and again, since it is a BST - this is exactly what we want.
(*)Note: This is not a formal proof, just an intuitive explanation why it is true.

convert Binary tree to Binary Search Tree inplace using C

Without using any extra space convert Binary Tree to Binary Search tree.I came up with the following algo but It doesn't work.
BTtoBST(node *root)
1.if the root is NULL return
2.else current=root
3.if (current->left > current) swap(current->left , current)
4.if (current->right < current) swap(current->right , current)
6 go to 3 if current!=NULL else go to 4
Thanks in advance
PS:I saw this link but was not of much help!!
Convert Binary Tree -> BST (maintaining original tree shape)
You can swap the nodes including subtrees (not only the node content) like in an AVL Tree
Just keep swapping as long as BST constraints are violated, restarting deep first search from root after each swap.
Perform a post-order (bottom up) traversal of the tree, taking the nodes that are visited and inserting them into a BST.
Does "without any extra space" preclude recursion?
If not, then something like:
# top level call passes null for bst
bt_to_bst (root, bst)
# nothing to add to bst; just return it
if null(root) -> return bst
# if this is a leaf node, stick it into the BST
if null(root->left) && null(root->right)
return bst_insert(bst, root)
# otherwise add all of left subtree into the bst and then the right tree
bst = bt_to_bst (root->left, bst);
return bt_to_bst (root->right, bst);
bt_to_bst is a filtering operation; it takes an existing bst and returns a new one with the given node added to it.
Adding a leaf node to the bst is safe because we will never visit it again, so we can overwrite its left and right pointers.
