Agilitookit - Loading data from the database in a form (Simple Edit Form) - atk4

In the next code I want to load data from the data base in to the from. (Edit Form)
$model = $this->add('Model_Partner');
$form = $this->add('Form');
The form comes empty,
What is the probem?

In Agile Toolkit model can "load" one record at a time. By using Conditions you tighten the number of records it can potentially load. It will actually not produce any query.
this should be the correct approach. You do not need to set condition as load() takes care of that.


Solr - When Save and Update an Index In Form Data Entry scenarios

I have a web form from which I want to save the data from the very first page to an index by using this sample code below.
var solr = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<ISolrOperations<Quote>>();
solr.Add(new SomeModel() {Id=1001; Content="Some Content"});
On the very last page, the user is given a chance to change/update his entries on the form. Should I also use this line of code?
solr.Add(new SomeModel() {Id=1001; Content="New Content"});
Also, is this a good practice - having indexes updated in this fashion?
You can consider the below things.
Is there any chance that user does something in the first page and drops off in before reaching the last page?
If this is valid scenario and data loss is not acceptable, you should
save the data.
If you only want to save the data when use reaches at the last page, then you should do the below.
You should save the data which you want to be saved between pages. At the last page, you save it too SOLR.
Hope you are also using some backend data source to save the data and solr for search use cases. In this case, it is advisable to update one doc once per operation.
In case of Cassandra as backend. there are chances for tombstone when you update a document multiple times.

CakePHP Form validation using other models to validate and/or save?

So my question is pretty much like the title. I have a form object called StudentApplicationForm. This uses some elements called grade_element_form.ctp, schools_element_form.ctp, student_element_form.ctp and guardian_element_form.ctp. All have their respective inputs built and sent to my StudentApplicationForm Model when the form is submitted. I want to use the Grade, School, Student and Guardian objects to validate the data before saving their respective information in their respective tables in the database.
I am able to build the appropriate arrays to be sent to the models of each of the objects of the form and save them to the database. Now I want to make sure they are validated before saving though. Is the best way to approach this by using the:
As shown here: cakephp form validation
If the models are related, you can use $this->Model->saveAll() or $this->Model->saveAssociated() to save them all at once, by putting all the data in a single array, properly formatted, and saving that.
If they are not related, then you need to be using transactions, With transactions, there's no need to call $this->ModelName->validate() before saving. Start the transaction, try to save each one, and if one of them fails, rollBack, and all the changes you attempted after you started the transaction will not be in the database. If everything succeeds, commit it.
$dataSource = $this->Model1->getDataSource();
$this->Session->setFlash('There was an error saving model 1');
//Continue the pattern for the other models...
//If all the saves succeeded then...

CakePHP pre-filling form data doesn't seem to work

Here's what I am trying to accomplish:
A user fills out a form, saves a record. At some later date they wish to "clone" this record, but may want to make a few tweaks. This "clone" functionality should direct them to a form that is pre-filled with the previous record's data so that they can review it, edit as needed, and submit it as a new record.
What I'm trying:
I've modified my add() function to accept a parameters:
function add($cloneid = NULL)
Then created a Clone link that sends them to siteurl/model/add/id_to_clone
Then, I get the data from that model:
$clone_source = $this->Model->findById($cloneid);
$this->data['Model']['field1'] = $clone_source['Model']['field1'];
and so on. Based on Google searching and other posts, this should work. But what actually happens is that upon clicking the 'Clone' link, the user is directed and the form submits itself immediately (failing to save the record, since it fails validation) and the user never actually sees the form.
What am I doing wrong? (Also I should note, there are relational models present, but I don't think this should be the cause of any problems...I hope).
Forms are pre-populated using the $this->request->data array.
In order for your form to be populated you will need to set some data to the request.
So you'll be better off with the following.
$this->request->data = $this->Model->findById($id);

Problem with checking an original database record with an edited one

I am having problems saving database records using Linq in visual studio 2010 and sql server 2008.
My problem is that when I am editing some records I sometimes check the original database record for validation purposes, only the original entry seems to be updated in real time - I.e. it is already exactly the same as the edited record, before I have submitted the changes!
Could anyone suggest an effective method of coping with this? I have tried using a 2nd database connection or a 2nd data repository to call the original record from the db but it appears to be already changed when I debug it.
public void SaveobjectEdit(object objectToEdit)
object originalObject = GetobjectById(objectToEdit.Id);
if (originalObject.objectStatus != objectToEdit.objectStatus)
originalObject.objectStatus = objectToEdit.objectStatus;
The save changes just calls _db.SubmitChanges(); by the way
Has no one got any ideas for the above question?
I hope I was clear - for validation purposes I would like to compare an original database record with one that I am editing. The problem is that when I edit a record and then attempt to retrieve the original record before saving - the original record is exactly the same as the edited record.
If you're trying to retrieve the original record in code, from the same 'context' using the same access method, then it will contain the updated object. Rather than ask why you're doing this or what you're trying to achieve, I'll instead explain how I understand the data context / object context to work (in a very loose and vague fashion).
The context is something like an in-memory representation of your database, where everything is lazy-loaded. When you instantiate the context you're given an object which represents your data model (of course it may not be a 1-1 representation, and can contain various abstractions). Nothing is loaded into the context until necessary; any queries you write stay as queries until you peer in their results. When you access an item (e.g. GetobjectById(objectToEdit.Id)) the item is loaded into the context from the database and you can get and set its properties at your leisure.
Now, the important part: When you access an item, if it has already been loaded into the context then that in-memory object is returned. The context doesn't care about checking changes made; the changes won't be persisted to the database until you submit, but they remain in memory.
The way to refresh the in-memory objects is to call the Refresh method on the context. Try this test:
using (var db = new MyObjectContext())
var item = db.Items.First();
item.Name = "testing this thing";
db.Refresh(System.Data.Objects.RefreshMode.StoreWins, db.Items);
I believe this pattern makes a lot of sense and I'm not sure it could work any other way. Consider this:
foreach (var item in db.Items)
item.Name = "test";
Assert(db.Items.All(item => item.Name == "test"));
Would you want the Assert to fail? Should those items be reloaded? I don't believe so. I'm looking at the items in my context, not in the database. I'm not checking whether items in the database have been updated, but instead that I've updated all the items in the context of my code.
This is a good reason why I don't use MyObjectContext db - it is not a 'db' or a database connection. It's a context within which I can change whatever I want, so I name it such: MyObjectContext context.

asp mvc, best solution to store user input data before it will be saved to database

for example i've got a form with some input fields(every form and it's inputs with validation rules are stored in database).
Every input got it's own OnChange() which posts json (i.e. new value, input element name, ...) to controller for validation, if validation passes the new value must be saved somewhere until user clicks submit button, which will save all data to database table.
And here i'd like to ask, what this special place between ui and database can be ?
also if user closes browser/form the next time he'll come back i need to ask him if he would like to start from an empty form or fill form with values he previously entered there.
Thank You !
Cookies or intermediary database table would work for this case.
for an intermediary database like that, you could use something like MongoDB, it is really easy to get it started, you just work with the classes you have, don't need to setup any schema, you just save the objects
If you are submitting the entire form at the end, why can't you just store the values at that time? Is this a multi-page form(s)? Why not allow the database records to be partially filled? You could always add a bit column to mark the record as complete or incomplete. This would be much simpler than duplicating your table structure.
