Defining another level of menu items within a MenuItem ItemTemplate - wpf

I have a list of objects on my WPF window, all having a context menu which allows the user to copy or move items into different panels (so the ItemsSource of the Context menu is this list of panels, and "Copy" and "Move" are sub-menuitems). However, I have a "CanCopy" property defined in the object that determines whether or not the object can actually be copied. How can I show/hide this MenuItem depending on the value of this property? My problem seems to be in defining this variable additional level of MenuItems.
At first I tried something like this, but obviously it's not quite what I'm looking for, since this doubles up the PanelName MenuItem in to two MenuItem containers:
<MenuItem Header="Panels..." ItemsSource="{Binding PanelsList}">
<MenuItem Header="{Binding PanelName}">
<MenuItem Header="Copy" Visibility="{Binding CanCopy,Converter={StaticResource BoolToHiddenConverter}}"/>
<MenuItem Header="Move"/>

Add as Content not ItemTemplate
<MenuItem Header="Panels..." ItemsSource="{Binding PanelsList}">
<MenuItem Header="{Binding PanelName}">
<MenuItem Header="Copy" Visibility="{Binding CanCopy,Converter={StaticResource BoolToHiddenConverter}}"/>
<MenuItem Header="Move"/>


MenuItem within MenuItem not using all available space

I have a menuitem that contains a datatemplate of a menuitem. Problem is the menuitem within that is not taking up all the available space on the right. Is there any way I can fix this?
<MenuItem Header="Test" ItemsSource="{Binding DataContext.Test, Source={x:Reference TestControl}}"
Command="{Binding DataContext.Test_Click, Source={x:Reference TestControl}}">
<MenuItem Header="{Binding TestName}"
Command="{Binding DataContext.Test_Click, Source={x:Reference TestControl}}"
CommandParameter="{Binding TestId}">
<Ellipse Fill="{Binding TestId, Converter={StaticResource TestConverter}}"/>
What you are observing is the built-in column spacing of the default MenuItem's ControlTemplate.
Highlighting the culprit below:
These column definitions are used to show any keyboard shortcuts that you may have for the menu item, as well as some hardcoded column padding of 13 (why? I have no idea).
So to answer your question, if you want to take up the available space on the right, you will need to override the MenuItem's Template with a ControlTemplate of your own that does not include these last two column definitions.

How to apply a custom style context menu for TextBox (default context menu copy/cut/paste)?

I create style for the MenuItem.
When I create my own menu, everything is good.
But how can I apply a style to the context menu of TextBox?
I mean, the menu (Copy, Cut, Paste, etc.) - I do not want to create new lines, and just change the style.
//My Custom Menu Example
<ContextMenu Style="{StaticResource ContextMenuStyle}" HasDropShadow="True">
<MenuItem x:Name="MenuItem1" Header="Open"
Style="{StaticResource ContextMenuItem}">
<MenuItem x:Name="MenuItem2" Header="Save"
Style="{StaticResource ContextMenuItem}">
<MenuItem x:Name="MenuItem3" Header="Delete"
Style="{StaticResource ContextMenuItem}">
You will technically have to to do the same thing you did to your UserControl.ContextMenu to the TextBox.ContextMenu.
Look the below link which has exactly the scenario you are asking about with xaml.

XAML and Binding Submenu items in a ContextMenu?

I have a ContextMenu defined on a Datagrid but want to bind submenu items to a collection on my viewmodel. Can anybody suggest how this should be done?
The following is a simple example of what I'm trying to achieve, BUT I want "Test1", "Test2" to come from a collection on my viewmodel, not hardcoded. I know how to bind my collection to the whole ContextMenu, but not how to bind it to just the one submenu...
<MenuItem Header="Add to">
<MenuItem Header="Test1" />
<MenuItem Header="Test2" />
<MenuItem Header="Remove from All" />
I'm using 3.5 SP1 and the WPF Toolkit.
Guess I should have experimented more. Turns out this was relatively simple:
<MenuItem Header="Add to" ItemsSource="{Binding MyItems}">
<MenuItem CommandTarget="{Binding}" Click="AddClick">
<TextBlock.Text><Binding StringFormat="Add to {0}" /></TextBlock.Text>
<MenuItem Header="Remove from All" />
There is a bug when using MenuItem.ItemTemplate. The color when do mouse over on the sub menu make user misunderstand that they can click to select the menu but it doesn't work for all area even if it's highlighted. See the picture
Then I used this code instead and it worked fine for me.
<MenuItem Header="Add to" ItemsSource="{Binding MyItems}"
DisplayMemberPath="{Binding ItemName}">
<EventSetter Event="MenuItem.Click" Handler="Menu_Click"/>
<MenuItem Header="Remove from All" />

Dynamically binding to ViewModel commands on Window's MenuItem

Working on a WPF application using the MVVM structure.
My Window displays a menu and the current ViewModel. On one of the Menu's MenuItems, I want to list some Commands found in the current ViewModel. The commands listed in the Menu will change depending on the ViewModel.
I got this to work just fine, but the style is messed up - the Command MenuItems are inside another menu box or something. I'll attach a screenshot.
I wrapped the ViewModel's ICommand objects (RelayCommands, in this instance) in CommandViewModel, which expose the Command and the Display string I want on the menu. These CommandViewModels are in a list: CurrentWorkspace.AdditionalOptionsCommands.
Here is the XAML for the Menu. Like I said, it works, it shows the right items and the commands are executed. The display is just incorrect - can anybody tell me why and how to fix it? See the screenshot.
<MenuItem Header="_Additional Options..." ItemsSource="{Binding Path=CurrentWorkspace.AdditionalOptionsCommands}">
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type vm:CommandViewModel}">
<MenuItem Header="{Binding Path=DisplayText}" Command="{Binding Path=Command}"/>
<MenuItem Header="_Testing">
<MenuItem Header="This looks right" />
<MenuItem Header="This looks right" />
Current Appearance:
Desired Appearance:
This is because when you specify menu items via ItemsSource each item gets automatically wrapped into a MenuItem object. This way the content defined in the DataTemplate (MenuItem element) gets wrapped into one more MenuItem.
What you need to do instead of defining a DataTemplate is to define a style for the MenuItem where you setup bindings to the view model's properties and use this style as ItemContainerStyle on the parent MenuItem:
<Style x:Key="CommandMenuItemStyle"
TargetType="{x:Type MenuItem}">
<Setter Property="Header"
Value="{Binding Path=DisplayText}"/>
<Setter Property="Command"
Value="{Binding Path=Command}"/>
<MenuItem Header="_Additional Options..."
ItemsSource="{Binding Path=CurrentWorkspace.AdditionalOptionsCommands}"
ItemContainerStyle="{StaticResource CommandMenuItemStyle}"/>
<MenuItem Header="_Testing">
<MenuItem Header="This looks right" />
<MenuItem Header="This looks right" />
See for an in-depth explanation on how item containers work with ItemsControl controls.

Why can't I use the same Icon for more than 1 item in Menu?

I have a MenuItem like below
<MenuItem Header="Edit">
<MenuItem Header="Copy Direct Link" Icon="{StaticResource CopyIcon}" Command="{Binding CopyImageCommand}" />
<MenuItem Header="Copy Image Data" Icon="{StaticResource CopyIcon}" Command="{Binding CopyImageDataCommand}" />
<MenuItem Header="Paste" Icon="{StaticResource PasteIcon}" Command="{Binding PasteImageCommand}" />
Notice the 1st 2 items use the same icon, I get something like below
I tried removing the 2nd item,
<MenuItem Header="Edit">
<MenuItem Header="Copy Direct Link" InputGestureText="Ctrl+C" Icon="{StaticResource CopyIcon}" Command="{Binding CopyImageCommand}" />
<!--<MenuItem Header="Copy Image Data" InputGestureText="Ctrl+Alt+C" Icon="{StaticResource CopyIcon}" Command="{Binding CopyImageDataCommand}" />-->
<MenuItem Header="Paste" InputGestureText="Ctrl+P" Icon="{StaticResource PasteIcon}" Command="{Binding PasteImageCommand}" />
then I got something like
How can I reuse Icons?
See this question
An Image can only have one parent so it will be moved from the first MenuItem to the second. You can add the x:Shared attribute like this
<Image x:Key="CopyIcon" x:Shared="False" Source="..." />
From msdn
x:Shared Attribute
When set to false, modifies WPF
resource-retrieval behavior so that
requests for the attributed resource
create a new instance for each request
instead of sharing the same instance
for all requests.
You're most likely declaring CopyIcon as Image type in your resource, something like this:
<Image x:Key="CopyIcon" Source="yourcopyicon.ico"/>
So, the root cause of the problem is, Image is a visual element, since it derives from FrameworkElement (which is a visual element), and a visual element cannot have more than one parent at the same time. That is why the first MenuItem is not showing the icon, since the second MenuItem reset the parent of CopyIcon, making itself parent of the CopyIcon.
Hope this explanation is helpful to you. Now follow what Meleak has said in his response. :-)
Try the following:
<MenuItem Header=“Paste“ >
<MenuItem.Icon><Image Height=“16“ Width=“16“ Source=“paste.jpg“ /></MenuItem.Icon>
